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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance by Tia Siren, Candy Stone (3)

Chapter 3


My muscles glimmered in the mirror under the layer of sweat I had worked up from lifting. Ben was next to me doing chest reps, focusing on the pile of weights he was working with. We were both really into working out and eating healthy, which was how we’d met in the first place. I had come here my first year of teaching, not wanting to use the campus gym anymore. Ben and I had recognized each other from staff meetings in the business building and the rest was history. We had become best friends instantly, realizing we had similar interests, personalities that worked well together, and eventually finding out we both were into girls who liked to be submissive. It gave us a lot to talk about, that was for sure.

We had decided to come to the gym before we started to get ready for the party, knowing we would probably be drinking quite a bit that night. I leaned against the bench waiting for him to finish so we could start our cardio for the day. I was pretty stoked for the party because I hadn’t been to one in a couple of years. Ben, on the other hand, went out on a regular basis, still not quite rid of his college party bone just yet. I had to say, it was hard to move from student to teacher, especially when you stayed at your alma mater like we both had done. For me, it was a bit easier because I was pretty put off by women by that point. I had broken up with my girlfriend who I’d dated for the first couple years at school and then had a series of failed dates ever since. I wanted a submissive, a real, true submissive, but I hadn’t even come close since Jessica, and it was almost annoying.

I would go out to the bar, meet a girl, get drunk with her, talk about those kinds of things, or at least skirt the issue, and then be disappointed when she wasn’t truly interested when we got back to my place. It sounded hot for a girl, but when they got into place, unless they were actually really into it, they backed out. I never pushed it, of course. I would never disrespect a woman like that, but it was always disappointing in the end. I’d been craving a hot release, one that I didn’t have to be disappointed with afterward.

“You ready for the treadmill?”

“Yeah,” I said stretching my arms and walking over to the two open machines on the end. “What are you going as tonight?”

“I am going to be a musketeer,” he said laughing. “I got the cape, the sexy shirt and pants, and the boots that come up to my knees. I even borrowed my neighbor’s sword to wear.”

“Who do you live next to?”

“He’s a historian,” he said, chuckling. “But that was my first question. How about you? What are you going as?”

“I’m the Phantom from the Phantom of the Opera,” I said. “I’ve had the costume for like ten years and never wore it. I rented the tux and picked it up this morning. I look like a million bucks.”

“That’s a good one. The chicks will fall all over you,” he said, shaking his head. “You know what I really like about being a professor?”

“All the graduate students want to party with us?”

“Exactly,” he said. “Unlike Jeffery and Arthur, the old fuckers.”

“I’m sure they had their heyday too,” I said with a chuckle.

“Out of all the students you’ve taught over the last two and a half years, what chicks do you want to fuck?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I mean, I haven’t fucked any of my students so far.”

“Neither have I,” he said. “Just curious.”

“The one that came up on my radar was—”

“Kylie,” Ben said, interrupting me.

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “You too?”

“Hell, yes,” he said laughing. “Did you see those hips? She has the perfect body.”

“And she blushes as soon as she’s around us,” I said. “I think she’d make an amazing submissive.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” he said, wagging his eyebrows.

“We could get fired, dude.” I shook my head.

“I know.” He sighed. “Just a thought. I can tell she wants us both, just the look in her eyes.”

“I noticed, and I’d love to dominate the fuck out of her, but it’s dangerous,” I said, turning off my treadmill.

“There will be a hell of a lot of women there tonight,” Ben said. “You gonna check them all against the school database before you take one home?”

“No, but I am going to protect myself and my career if I can,” I said, wiping off my face with my towel.

Ben got down from the treadmill and followed me back to the locker rooms. I opened my locker and pulled out my clothes. Kylie was more than a passing thought on my mind at that point, and I was hoping she would be at the party that night. I packed my bag and turned to Ben.

“I gotta get my stuff ready,” I said. “Meet me at my place before we go, and we’ll have a drink.”

“Sounds good,” he said.

I left the gym and headed back to my place, my mind on Kylie and the party that evening. When I got back to my house, I jumped in the shower and then laid out my costume for that night. I wanted to make sure I looked perfect, suave, and ready for whatever happened to come my way. A part of me, a big part, hoped Kylie was what was going to come my way.

I had a few beers and got ready, standing in front of the long mirror on my closet door when I was done. I looked damn good with my perfectly-cut tux, my slicked back hair, and my half-mask. Just then, I heard a knock at the door, so I went out and opened it, laughing at Ben who stood there with his sword drawn.

“You look ridiculous,” I laughed.

“Yes, and a half-mask and tux are very every day,” he said sheathing his sword. “I think I look heroic and dashing.”

“I think we need some shots before we head over,” I said.

“Sounds good to me,” he laughed. “What’s up? You sound nervous.”

“No. I just haven’t been out in a while,” I replied, pouring us some shots.

“You, sir, are in for a treat,” he replied, clinking his glass with mine.

We took several shots, and I called a cab to take us over to the party. When the car pulled up out front, I paid, and we got out, looking at everyone walking in. As usual, the girls were all wearing slutty renditions of traditional Halloween costumes including a sexy witch, sexy cat, sexy bunny, and about fifteen sexy nurses. I chuckled to myself, shaking my head as we checked in with the doorman and headed inside. The place was dimly lit, and the music was loud and thumping. There were Halloween decorations up everywhere, and the cocktail waitresses were all dressed as sexy zombies, whatever that was supposed to be. We headed over to the bar and ordered a couple of beers, sitting back and looking over the crowd.

“Well this is definitely a good place to be tonight,” Ben said, staring at one of the girl’s asses.

“I think I can make do with this.” I clinked his drink with mine. “Especially since all that whiskey we shot at the apartment is starting to set in.”

I scanned the room nonchalantly for any sign of Kylie, but she wasn’t there yet. Ben took his time pointing out all his different prospects for the evening, winking at girls as they passed. I looked up at the door as it opened, and my mouth nearly dropped to the floor. Walking through the entryway was Kylie, and she looked fucking hot. Her dark hair was pulled up high in a curled ponytail, her make-up was dark and glittery, and her thick luscious lips were painted bright red. She was wearing a black leotard with fishnet stockings, thigh-high boots and black feathered wings on her back. She had a black sash tied around her waist, and when she turned, you could see a bustle made of black feathers. Around her neck was a thick, red, satin ribbon, accentuating her perfect olive skin.

“Holy shit,” Ben said swallowing hard. “Kylie looks fucking amazing. I never really liked birds, but she could make me change my mind.”

“Tell me about it,” I said, feeling my cock throb in my pants.

“I have a crazy idea,” Ben said, turning toward me. “Just hear me out. Let’s jump on it, not give any other guy the chance. Let’s take her in the back room and tell her how much we want her, right here and right now. The rooms back there are made for that, everyone knows it, but no one really talks about it. I hear they are stocked full of shit like condoms, lube, whatever you need. I used to come here with my boy when we were in graduate school.”

“I don’t know,” I said, feeling like I was jumping on a bone.

“Come on, man, let’s take the chance,” he said, nodding at the bartender.

I stood there staring at Kylie and that sexy as hell outfit. Ben tapped me on the arm and handed me a shot. I looked down at the golden liquid, knowing I wouldn’t have another shot like that one. Ben was right to reel her in before any other guy had the chance. I was into threesomes, and I’d had several in the past.

“Fuck it,” I said taking the shot. “Let’s do this.”

“Yes,” he said with excitement. “Let’s get her over here alone.”

I watched as Ben went over to Kylie and her friend and said hello. When her friend looked away, he whispered something in her ear, and she looked up at me. I took a drink of my beer as the two of them made their way over to me.

“You look hot as hell,” I said when she walked up.

“Thank you, Phantom.” she smiled. “You two look suave.”

“I told you,” Ben said, elbowing me in the side. “Come on, let’s go in one of the private rooms. I told her we wanted to talk to her.”

“Right,” I said, nodding my head and following behind them.

I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone noticed, but no one was paying attention. I looked back at Kylie, watching her perfect, curvy body sashay through the doorway into the private room. The place was made of velvet, and there were a large, sectional couch and a wooden cabinet with drawers. The place was really taken care of and the dim lights set the mood.

“So,” she said, leaning against the wall, her tits busting from her top. “What’s this all about?”

“We have a proposition,” Ben said, smiling.

“Is that right?”

Kylie started walking toward me, her boots clicking against the floor. She looked so hot, and I could tell that she wanted the both of us. The confidence she exuded was sensual and lusting, but I could tell by the way she pouted her lips that she didn’t want to be in control of this. I really wanted to feel those lips wrapped around my already hard cock, and from the looks of it, she was thinking the same exact thing. She ran her finger down the front of my jacket and looked me in the eyes and then over at Ben.

“Tell me all about your little proposition,” she said seductively.