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Everything I Want (The Everything Series Book 3) by A.K. Evans (27)




Life had returned to normal.  Or, the normal that I had grown accustomed to in the last few months. 

My family returned to California, but they continued to call and check in with me weekly. 

The studio was busier than ever.  Following the exhibition routines my dancers, Jenna, and I did a few weeks ago, business had increased tremendously.  I was actively searching for another instructor because Jenna and I wouldn’t last long teaching at the levels that we were.  Lexi was constantly on the phone fielding calls from new students or their parents.  When she wasn’t doing that, she was putting the word out about our need to hire an instructor. 

Stone and I were very much in love and living in the moment. We saw each other nearly every day.  Since snowboarding season had ended for him, he insisted on making dinner for me all the time. 

It was now June first and three days before Stone’s birthday.  I managed to come up with what I thought was going to be a great birthday gift for Stone.  After talking to Charley and Emme, I learned that Wes and Zane both immensely enjoyed the photos they received from the girls’ boudoir photo sessions.  Stone, I thought, would be just as appreciative.

Today was the day.  I told Stone that I wasn’t going to be able to see him today because after a full day at the studio I had plans with the girls.  He was bummed, but ended up planning a night out with the guys.  When I learned that he and the guys were going to be hanging at Zane and Emme’s house, I asked him if he’d mind if the girls and I stayed in at his place.  He had no problem with that.  In fact, he preferred it because he knew that once he got back home I’d be there.

I just finished my day at the studio, sent text messages to the girls letting them know I was heading to Stone’s, locked up the studio, and made my way over to see my man.  I was hopeful I’d get a few minutes alone with him before the girls arrived and he needed to leave.

I got lucky.

I arrived at Stone’s and had several minutes of hugging, kissing, and touching with him before Wes arrived with Charley and Emme.  He was dropping them off and then Stone was riding with him to Zane and Emme’s place.  Just as Stone and Wes were leaving, Nikki arrived.

The girls wasted no time with me.  Nikki immediately ushered me off to the bathroom where she started on my hair and makeup.  Emme got her camera equipment ready and Charley cranked up some tunes for me.  She knew the way to my heart.  Of course, then she went a step further and brought everyone a glass of wine thinking it’d help me get loose for the shoot.  The fact is, I was a determined girl and I had no issues with doing whatever I needed to do just to be certain that Stone would love this part of his birthday gift.

Yes, I had other parts to his gift.

I hated, more than anything, that Stone felt like he didn’t have anyone but me to take his back.  I knew that this wasn’t the case.  Wes, Zane, and Luke would have been there for him in a heartbeat if he ever needed them.  To that end, I knew my girls would also always be there to help him in any way that they could.  On those thoughts, I decided to have a birthday party for him.  I assumed after his parents died that birthdays were no longer a big deal.  I managed to chat with Nikki about it one day while she was at the salon and she ended up doing some research by talking to Luke about it.  He confirmed what I already knew.  Stone never celebrated special occasions because he felt like he had nobody there with whom to celebrate.  It broke my heart to hear this so I knew that all of that was changing now. 

He was getting a birthday party. 

A goofy, cheesy birthday party. 

The kind you have when you’re a little kid. 

One with cake and ice cream.

One with balloons and streamers.

One with lots of presents.

One with family and friends.

Those friends, the ones who had become his family, were going to help me pull it off.

One other part to his gift was going to be the redecorating I was going to do for him.  It wasn’t going to be anything too crazy, but I managed to have Emme send me all of the photos she had ever taken of Stone while he was snowboarding.  I also had her send me the ones she snapped of Stone and me at the event he won at Parks Ridge.  I ended up getting several of the shots blown up and framed.  My plan was to hang them for him all over his house while he slept so that he’d wake up to the surprise.

For now, though, the focus was on preparing the gift he was going to receive from me the moment he woke up on his birthday.  Nikki gave me great hair.  It was super sexy and matched the ultra-sexy makeup that she gave me.

“Pretty soon you’ll be the one sitting here while we fuss over getting you prepared to have your picture taken,” I informed her.

“Not happening, babe.”

“Why not, Nikki?” Emme asked.  “Luke is so totally into you.  You really don’t think you’d ever settle down with him.”

“Things are good between us just the way they are.  We get along great and, behind closed doors, we can fulfill each other’s physical needs.  There’s no need to complicate that.  Look at us now.  We can be in the presence of our friends together and there’s never any tension or drama.  We don’t have to worry about anyone’s heart getting broken.”

“Honey, I have a feeling that one day your heart is going to get broken if you keep this up,” Charley admitted.

“I’m the one who wants it like this; I’m not going to end up heartbroken.  A broken heart is precisely the reason I’m not even considering the possibility of a romantic relationship.”

Charley, Emme, and I all gave each other worried looks.  We knew she was setting herself up for disaster and heartbreak.  It was only a matter of time.

“I see the looks you’re giving each other,” she announced.  “Stop.  I’m fine.  Today is about our little mama getting sexy for her man.  Hair and makeup are finished.  Let’s get you dressed or, more accurately, undressed for your photos.”

I got undressed and put on some sexy lingerie.  I made several changes to my attire throughout the process and even suggested a little creativity.  I wanted Stone to have good thoughts or, more precisely, naughty thoughts of me no matter what room he was in in the house.  So, we started in the bedroom and Emme took tons of shots of me in his bed.  I moved from the bed to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the bedroom with the amazing mountain view.  Emme got a bunch of silhouette shots there.  Then, we left the bedroom and I took shots in the kitchen, the family room, the dining room, and every other extra room in the house.  We ended in the bathroom.  We decided on that last because I planned on using the water and didn’t want to ruin my hair and makeup before I knew we were done with all the other shots.  Emme showed us a few of the pictures she got and I knew that this was going to be it.  Sexy and seductive images would now be present in Stone’s mind regardless of where he was in his house.  I couldn’t wait for him to see them.

With the boudoir photo session out of the way, the girls and I spent the rest of the night having one of our girls’ nights like we used to have back when we were in California.  We ordered pizza for dinner.  Then, we spent the rest of the night drinking wine, eating chocolate, and talking about hot guys.  Of course, this time was so much better for me because I was able to participate on a level that I never used to be able.  To top it off, the hot guys in this conversation were far better than the hot guys in any of our previous conversations.

It was getting late and I was feeling good.  All four of us were.  We drank a lot of wine.  Copious amounts of wine. 

I decided to get frisky.

I grabbed my phone and called Stone.  It rang twice before he answered.

“Hey, angel.  Everything okay?”

“Helllooooo, handsome.”

“Oh, that’s the perfect name for him,” Charley said. “He’s so handsome.”

“I think I should change your name,” I told him.  Then, I looked to the girls and said, “I should change his name, don’t you think?”

They nodded their heads at me.

“Monroe?  Are you drunk?”

“Lucky.  I’m changing your name to Lucky.  Do you know why?”

“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me,” he laughed.

“Because tonight you’re going to get very lucky.”

“Creative, baby.  You girls at the end of your rope now?”

“Can you put me on speakerphone?” I asked. 

“I’m not sure I want to do that,” he admitted.

I tapped the speakerphone button on my phone.

“Ladies, say hello to Stone.”

In unison, they all sung, “Hello, Stone.”

“Jesus Christ, you’re all drunk,” he concluded before we heard him speak to the guys.  “The girls are hammered.”

“Stone?” Emme called.

“Yeah, Em?”

“Would you mind telling Zane that I’m very much looking forward to him picking me up tonight so that we can go back home and have fun on the chaise in our bedroom?”

“I’m not telling him that.”

“I told you to put the phone on speaker, Stone.  Emme could have told him herself.”

Silence for a moment.

“You all have two minutes.  Better talk quick.”

“Wes, honey?” Charley called.

“Yeah, gorgeous?” Wes returned.

“I know you dropped Emme and I off together tonight, but I’m thinking it’s a wise idea for you to come alone to pick me up.  I’ve got a hankering to put my mouth all over your body and I don’t want to have to wait.”

“Fucking hell,” Wes bit out.

“Zane, baby, I told Stone I wanted to you to pick me up so that we could go back home and have some fun on the chaise.  Do you remember that time we…” she got out before Zane cut her off.

“Sweetheart, I remember.  You don’t have to announce it.”

“The girls already know about it,” she confessed.

“I know, Em.  Wes, Stone, and Luke don’t, though.  I’d prefer to keep it that way.”

“Oh,” she said softly.

“Hey, handsome?” I called.

“Yeah, Monroe?” Stone answered.

“Can we work on my list tonight?”

“What list, angel?”

“The best sex positions list.  I want to see where drunk sex fits in.”


“Stone?” I eventually called.

“Getting my shit together and coming home.  Be there in ten minutes.”

“Wait,” Charley yelled out.

“What’s wrong, Charley?” Wes worried.

“Honey, can we work on a list tonight, too?”

We heard laughter from the guys.

“Okay, gorgeous.  Whatever you want.”

“Hey Luke,” I called.

“What’s up, Monroe?”

“Nikki drove here on her own and while I’m beyond inebriated, I’m still sober enough to be certain she’s not in any position to drive herself home.  Do you think you could come over here and take care of my girl?”

His voice was soft when he answered, “Yeah, babe.  I’ll come and take her home.”

“Maybe he could take me home and then come,” Nikki suggested.

Charley, Emme, and I all burst out laughing.

When we settled down, I went on, “Thanks, Luke.  By the way, I never would have thought about this on my own, but you’ve lucked out with Nikki.  She’s got great hair.  Tonight, when I heard about some of your rendezvous with her, I realized you hit the jackpot.  I’d imagine nobody else could deliver as well as Nikki can with sex that involves hair pulling.  I feel like I might need to add that to my list at some point.  Stone, my love, can we try that out some time?”

“Monroe, baby?  I’ll give you anything you want if you stop talking to Luke about his sex life with Nikki and if you stop announcing to the rest of the guys what you’d like me to do with you.”

“Okay, handsome.  You better hurry up and get back here.  Emme just opened a new bottle of wine and has filled up my glass.  I’m a lightweight, so I’m guessing you’re going to be extra lucky tonight.”

“Christ, Monroe.  I’m hanging up now.”

“I love you,” I practically shouted into the phone.

“Love you, too, angel.”

Stone disconnected the call and I set my phone down.  The girls and I burst into fits of laughter.  Ten minutes later, the door opened and the guys walked in to find us all still having an incredibly good time.

We were all still on the couches in the family room while the guys were standing there watching us.

Nikki spoke first.

“Hey, blondie,” she called to Stone.  “You just wait.  You have no idea what we did with your girl tonight.  She’s going to give you the best birthday present anyone has ever received.”

“Oh yeah?  And she worked on this gift tonight?”

Nikki nodded.

“Hopefully it’s not a train wreck considering how smashed she is right now.”

“We took care of it before we got to this point,” Charley admitted.  “You’re going to love it.”

Stone nodded like he wasn’t sure if he should agree.

“Don’t take our word for it, Stone.  Just ask Wes and Zane.  They received similar gifts a couple months ago.”

Stone’s eyebrow shot up and he looked toward Wes and Zane.

Zane nodded and confirmed, “Yep.  I’ve got to agree with the girls on this one.”

“You’ll be very appreciative of it,” Wes added with a grin. Then, he turned to Charley and asked, “You ready to go, gorgeous?”

She scanned him from head to toe, bit her lip, and nodded.

“We have to go, too,” Emme announced.  “Monroe really needs to experience drunk sex, Zane, so the sooner we leave, the sooner that happens for her.”

“It doesn’t end,” Zane mumbled as he dropped his head to the floor and chuckled.

Luke walked over to Nikki and helped her up off the couch.  I watched and saw the adoration in his face when he looked at her.  She seemed to be oblivious to it.  In that moment, I said a little prayer that Nikki would soon realize the goodness that Luke could give her and that she’d grab hold of him in a way that wasn’t just physical.

Everyone moved to the door.  We said good-bye and Stone closed the door.  I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.  I hugged him a moment before I slipped my fingers underneath the hem of his shirt.  My fingertips traced over the skin of his chest and abdomen briefly before I bunched the shirt up in my hands and began moving it up to take it off of him.

When I got my hands to just under his arms, Stone helped and pulled the shirt the rest of the way off of him body.  I pressed my lips to the warm skin of his back, right between his shoulder blades.  My hands, which had been resting on his front at his chest and abdomen were now both traveling down toward the waistband of his jeans.  I continued to kiss along his back while my hands found and roamed over the length of him, the material of his jeans separating us.

He groaned.

One of his hands was resting against the door to support his weight while the other reached back to grab my ass.

“I missed you,” I whispered in between kisses.

I undid the button and zipper of his jeans and slid my hand underneath, the fabric of his boxer briefs the only thing separating us now.

When I placed my hand over the hardened length of him I continued, “I missed this.”

“Baby,” he growled.

“I really want you to have your way with me tonight, Stone.  Will you give me this?  I need to feel you now.”

He slowly turned, brought a hand up to cup the side of my neck while the other wrapped around me and pulled me tight against his beautiful body. He took my mouth with his and lifted me.  My legs immediately bound together behind his back.  Stone walked back into the family room.

“The bedroom is too far away right now,” he declared.

As he continued walking, he moved his hands to my ass, and demanded, “Take off your top, angel.”

I did as I was told.  I threw my shirt on to the floor and, seconds later, tossed my bra not far from it.  I was wearing a pair of loose fitting shorts, so the moment Stone sat on the couch one of his hands immediately went to my thigh and traveled up underneath my shorts.  With my hands at his shoulders, Stone’s head dipped toward my breasts.  He covered my nipple with his mouth and his tongue teased the hardened peak while his fingers simultaneously went under my panties and straight to my soaked core.

I moaned.

He growled before he rasped, “You’re so fucking wet, baby.”

“I want you, handsome.  Please don’t make me wait any longer,” I begged.

Stone didn’t make me wait.  He shifted me off of his lap and onto the couch.  I was on my side when he ordered, “Shorts and panties off, Monroe.”

While he removed the rest of his clothing I squirmed out of my shorts and panties.  I just barely got them off when his hands came to my hips.

“Turn,” he urged.

I turned so Stone was now behind me.  He kept one hand planted firmly on my hip while the other ran along the cheek of my ass toward my special spot.  Once there, he applied a bit of pressure and I was instantly moving my hips against his hand trying to create a bit more friction.

One minute he was helping me out giving me what I wanted and the next his hand was gone.  I whimpered.

I heard a small chuckle escape past his lips before I felt the tip of him at my entrance.  I looked back at Stone over my shoulder and as soon as he caught my eyes, I pushed myself back onto him.  His fingers dug into the skin at my hips.

“Love you, Monroe,” he said, his voice hoarse.  “I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you, Stone,” I panted as I rocked forward and pushed back against him.  “I will always love you.”

I continued to rock back and forth, moving myself slowly over his shaft.  The sensations were building and I wanted more.

“I want more,” I pleaded.  “Can you give it to me faster?”

Stone held me in place and gave it to me faster. 

My fingers dug into the arm of the couch. 

My desire was evidenced by the sounds coming from me.

My body was being assaulted by the unimaginable pleasure Stone was giving to me.

I never wanted it to end.

Apparently, Stone wasn’t through giving me satisfaction because one hand came around to find my clit while the other grabbed my breast and lifted me so I was upright in front of him, my back still to his front.  His hands played with my body as he continued to give it to me from behind.

“I want to feel you come, baby.  I want this pussy to clutch my cock so hard that I can’t help but give you every last drop.”

“I want it, Stone.  I want all of it.  I can’t wait anymore,” I warned.

“Take it,” he encouraged.  “I want you to take it.”

I took it.  I came hard.  If it weren’t for Stone’s hand being wrapped across my chest I would have collapsed forward.  As he drove into me, I felt myself clenching tightly around him.

“Oh, God, you feel so good,” I cried.

I needed something to hold onto because my orgasm was ripping through me.  One hand went behind me and gripped Stone’s thigh while the other went between my legs and massaged his balls.

“Oh, fuck,” he roared.  “Don’t fucking stop that, baby.”

His hips thrust only a few more times before he slammed hard into me one last time and groaned through his pleasure.  I could still feel my insides quivering and squeezing his shaft.

We stayed there, sweating, silent, and struggling to catch our breath. Neither of us dared to move.  Stone’s forehead was resting on my shoulder, while mine dropped back to rest on his.  His hands were still at my clit and on my breasts.  My hand was still cupping him between his legs.

I finally spoke.

“You are a magnificent lover, Stone.  I think we should change my name to Lucky instead of yours.”

His body shook with laughter.

“Christ, Monroe.  I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of hearing the things you say after you’ve been treated to a round of good lovin’ and I’m still inside of you.  That sweet innocence is adorable and it makes me hard just hearing it.”

“Okay, handsome.  I’m up for another round, but I think I need a minute.  If you weren’t still holding me I’d not be upright.  As it is, I think I’m going to have to sleep on the couch tonight.”

“You aren’t sleeping on the couch.  I’ll carry you upstairs, angel, but first, I’m going to need you to let go of my balls.”

“Sorry,” I answered, timidly, as I let go of him.

“Don’t fucking apologize for that.  Fuck, Monroe, that felt incredible.”

“Duly noted.”

Stone pressed a kiss to my shoulder, slid out of me, and carried me upstairs where we commenced with round two of drunk sex.  Needless to say, before I fell asleep that night I was rearranging my list in my head once again, but I really didn’t mind.




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