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Everything I Want (The Everything Series Book 3) by A.K. Evans (28)

Chapter 28







I had accomplished what I thought was going to be an impossible feat.  It was early Sunday morning and it was Stone’s birthday.  I managed to wake up while he was still sleeping and went through his entire house hanging pictures that Emme had captured from all the events she shot and, most importantly, the event he won a few weeks ago.

Emme was a superstar and delivered some of the most incredible pictures I had ever seen.  I’m sure the fact that Stone was the subject of said pictures is a big part of the reason that I was in love with them all.

It was still pretty early in the morning, but I was too excited to get his birthday celebration started.  I snuck back into the bedroom, stood on the bed, and started jumping.  Stone’s eyes immediately shot open.  He took in his surroundings, likely came to the conclusion that I was crazy, and then asked, “What the hell are you doing, Monroe?”

I continued to jump and shouted, “It’s your birthday!  We have so much celebrating to do.  I don’t want you sleeping the entire day away.”

His eyes shifted to the nightstand, where he lifted his phone, lit up the display, and set it back down.

“Seven in the morning is hardly sleeping the day away.”

I stopped jumping and looked down at him. 

“Aren’t you excited?” I exclaimed.        

“It means I’ve lived another year, Monroe.  What is exciting about this?” he retorted.

My shoulders dropped.

“This is the day you were born, my love.  It’s a big freaking deal and we are celebrating it in a very big way today.  You can try to act mopey all you want, but I’m not allowing it.  The love of my life was born today.  Do you understand how important that is?”

His face softened. 

“Okay, no moping today.  What do I have to do today?”

“You have to get up.”

“Considering you’re standing there in a pair of purple panties showing off your fantastic fucking legs and a white, mostly see-through tank top that’s not an issue.  Let’s not forget that rising to the task was heightened by the fact that while you are wearing that outfit you were jumping on my bed making all sorts of good parts bounce.”

I gave him a disbelieving look.

“That’s not what I meant when I said you need to get up, handsome.”

“I thought it was my birthday.  Shouldn’t I get a say in what happens?  I want to give you some good lovin’ right now.”

I crossed my arms in frustration.  This only intensified Stone’s gaze on my chest.

“Ugh, Stone,” I cried out, annoyed. I put my hands over each of my breasts and continued, “Focus and stop looking at my boobs!”

He laughed.

“Kind of difficult to not look at them when you’ve got each of your hands holding one.  It’s fucking sexy, angel.”

I gave up and collapsed on the bed.  I shoved my face in the pillow and tried to breathe deep to calm myself down.  I wanted this day to be perfect for him and it was not going as planned.  I could feel the tears threatening to fall, so I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as I could.  It didn’t help that my emotions were running wild.  I felt Stone roll toward me.  He pressed a kiss to my shoulder, which only made my belly clench further.  I let out a sound.  Stone heard it.

“Baby, you aren’t crying, are you?  I was just teasing you,” he lamented, his voice full of concern.

I shook my head, but didn’t answer otherwise.

“Look at me,” his gentle voice requested.

I shook my head again.

“Angel, please.”

I turned my head to the side so he could only see half of my face.

“Monroe, why are you crying?”

“I want this day to be perfect for you.  It’s important that you know just how special you are to me.”

“Baby, I already know,” Stone stated.  “You’ve been making sure of that for weeks now.  I’m getting older, but I’m not losing my mind yet.  You show me every single day what I mean to you.  I didn’t mean to upset you, angel.  It’s hard not to tease you when you’re so fucking adorable. I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry.  It’s your birthday and if you want to stay in bed this morning and have sex, we can do that instead.”

“I want to do whatever you had planned.”

I lifted my head and stated, “You’re just saying that now.  You can’t tell me you’re giving up sex for whatever I have planned.  That could be a bad decision.”

“First, I’m not giving up sex.  Second, I’m pretty sure even if we delay having sex that if your goal was to show me how special I am to you, there’s going to be sex mixed in the day somewhere.  Lastly, I said I was teasing you before.  Not that I’d mind having a piece of you this morning, but I was mostly just giving you a hard time.  You’re cute when you’re frustrated.”

“That’s not nice.”

“If I kiss you will that make it better?” he asked.

“It won’t make it worse,” I confessed.

With that, Stone kissed me.

It totally made everything better.

“Alright,” he started, smacking my ass.  “What’s the plan?”

“Well, to start, look at the wall over there,” I beamed as I pointed across the room.

There was a twenty by thirty framed photo of Stone and me at the event at Parks Ridge a few weeks ago hung on the wall.  Emme managed to capture a candid photo of us.  Neither of us was looking at the camera.  We were staring into each other’s eyes and the smiles on our faces were magnetic.  Nothing, but unadulterated love was in that photo.

“Angel...” he trailed off in a whisper as he stared at the photo.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“I fucking love it,” he rasped.  “In the last fourteen years, I haven’t received a birthday gift from anyone.  That’s the first thing I’ve gotten in all these years and, baby, if I had to wait another fourteen years before I could get that, it would be worth the wait.  Thank you, Monroe.”

The smile spread across my face before I bubbled, “Well, let’s get out of this bed so you can get the rest of your gift.”

His eyes came to mine with his brows drawn and he questioned, “There’s more?”

“Told you your birthday was a big deal, Stone.  Of course there’s more and, if you think that gift is good, just wait until you get the rest.”

“You’re going to have a tough time topping that one.”

I just gave him a sexy smirk and bragged, “No, I won’t.”

We moved off the bed and Stone followed me out of the bedroom.  As soon as he stepped out of the bedroom he saw the walls outside of the bedroom and down the hall were covered in framed photos of him riding.  He froze a minute and took in the scene.  After giving himself a minute to recover, Stone slowly started walking.  He stood in front of each photo and looked at it a moment before moving to the next one.  We eventually worked our way down the stairs, where Stone was able to take in the framed photos littered all over the walls, countertops, coffee table, and end tables in just about every room on the first floor of his home.

I hoped in seeing this he realized that he had every reason to be proud of who he became and that there was no justification he could come up with to deny displaying these photos.  If nothing else, I hoped he saw a fraction of what I saw in him. 

We finished walking around the house and ended in the family room.

“I have something else I want to give you,” I muttered, breaking the silence.

Stone’s eyes cut to mine and he noted, “Angel, this is too much.”

“You don’t like it?” I asked, worried he didn’t like what I had done.

“I love all of it, but this is already a lot.  I don’t even know how you hung all of these without me hearing and without there being a huge hole in at least one of the walls.”

“I didn’t use a hammer and nails, Stone.  I used those fancy frame holder things that stick to the walls.  It took some time, but it was easy to do.  The best part is that I wouldn’t make any noise using them, nor would I demolish your walls.  But, all that aside, I have the best gift still waiting to be opened.”

“Okay,” he began.  “Where is it?”

I walked over to the entertainment stand and opened it.  I pulled the gift box out, closed the door on the stand, and walked back over to where Stone was standing.

“I think you should sit down before you open this,” I suggested as I handed him the gift.

He took the present from my hands, walked to the couch, and sat.  Very slowly, he tore the paper from the box.  He pulled the lid off and removed the leather-bound book.  Before he opened it, I placed my hand over it.  His eyes came to mine and I practically sang, “Happy birthday, my love.”

“Thank you, Monroe,” he rasped, emotion etched in each word he said.

“Open it,” I encouraged him.

Stone looked down at the book and opened it.  The second he saw what was inside his body stilled and he mumbled, “Oh my God.”

He stared at the first picture for a very long time before he turned the page.  He took his time going through the book.  The look of adoration on his face with each turn of the page grew stronger and stronger.  He got to the end of the book, closed it, and looked at me.  His eyes were wet when he whispered, “Marry me.”

I jerked back at his words.

“What?” I asked, shocked.

“Made for me, baby.  You are perfect; you are so beautiful.  You are everything to me.  So precious, so exquisite.  Everything I could ever want.  Let me give you your forever, angel. Please, Monroe, say you’ll spend the rest of your life with me.”

Tears fell from my eyes and spilled down my cheeks.

“Are you serious?” I asked, still unsure if he was for real.

He nodded and assured me, “Completely.”

I dropped my head in my hands and cried.  I only ever dreamed of the fairy-tale.  When I met Stone, I knew I wanted to be with him, but resorted to the fact that I might not ever get the happily-ever-after ending I had always fantasized about.  Now he was asking me to marry him.  Stone was going to make my dreams come true.

I felt his arms wrap around me as he pulled me into his chest.

“Hope to God you’re crying tears of joy; otherwise, this is going to be awkward.”

I couldn’t help but smile.  I pulled back from him and pleaded, “Ask me again.”

He grinned at me.

“Monroe Archer, will you marry me?”

“Yes.  Yes, I’ll marry you, Xander Stone.”

“My good girl.”

He pulled me toward him again and kissed me.  It was possessive and claiming.  I was officially his…forever. 

When he tore his mouth from mine, he stood and instructed, “Wait here.  I need to get your ring.”

“You bought me a ring?”

“Baby, do you think I’m going to ask you to marry me and not have a ring for you?  When a man asks his woman to marry him and she says yes, he gives her a ring.  Yeah, it’s a symbol of love and women like jewelry and shit but, for a man, that ring is there to let every other guy in the world know that his woman is off the market.  You, Monroe Archer, are officially off the market.”

Stone walked away, but came back quickly carrying a little black box.  He sat next to me, opened the box, pulled out the ring, and slid it on my finger.  It was breathtaking.  A round-cut, solitaire diamond with a band that was littered with diamond stones.

“It’s beautiful, Stone.”

“Even more now that it’s on you.  I love you, Monroe.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gushed, “I love you so much.  You’ve made me the happiest woman alive.”

“And you’ve given me the best birthday I’ve ever had in my life.  Your pictures in that book?  Fuck, I’m not going to be able to go in any room in this house without thinking of you like that.  They’re beautiful, angel.  Absolutely perfect.”

I smiled at him and shared, “That’s what the girls and I were doing here on Thursday when you went to Zane’s.”

“I’m happy you have them here to do things like that with you.”

“Yeah, me too.  Now, if only we could get Nikki to change her mind about a relationship with Luke he might be able to get his own pictures.”

“She’ll come around.  He’s persistent.”

“She’s stubborn.”

“I’m sure he’s up for the challenge.  If he likes her enough, it won’t matter how stubborn she is.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am.  So, what now?”

“Well, you threw me off a bit with the proposal here.  I’m thinking I need to rework my plans slightly.  I think it’s crucial for us to continue celebrating your birthday with the addition of commencing a celebration on our engagement…that is, if you’re up to it.”

“Are you referring to me being physically up for a celebration?”

I bit my lip and nodded slowly.

“That’s never a problem with you,” he admitted.  “I think it’s a perfect time to celebrate.”

With that, Stone took my mouth and we celebrated.  We celebrated with several orgasms for his birthday and a couple more for our engagement.  Needless to say, our morning was spent tangled up in each other.

 After our morning love-making session marking two very special events, I told Stone I wanted to make him a special lunch.  I knew that our friends were set to arrive at any time, so I needed to make sure we were no longer having sex and that we were fully clothed.  Since he was always concerned with me eating I told him how hungry I was and he immediately insisted we have lunch.

I moved slowly around the kitchen hoping the doorbell would ring any minute.  Stone noticed this and asked, “What are you doing?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Nothing.  I’m just trying to figure out what I want to make.”

“You haven’t eaten yet today, which is partially my fault.  Why don’t you let me make you something?”

“No, Stone.  It’s your birthday.  I…” I managed to get out before the doorbell rang.

Talk about saved by the bell.

“Who the hell is here?” Stone asked.

I gave him a look that indicated I had no clue who could possibly be at the door.  He walked to the door and I fell into step just behind him.  He opened the door and there stood Nikki, Charley, Emme, Luke, Wes, and Zane.  The girls yelled out, “Happy birthday!”

Stone’s shoulders tensed.

Nikki, Charley, and Emme were carrying gift bags and balloons while the guys were carrying the food.  I ordered the food for the celebration, but they helped me out by picking it up.

I put my left hand to Stone’s back and advised, “I think you should let them in.”

He stepped back and everyone walked through into the house.  Stone still hadn’t said anything to anyone, so I spoke.

“You can take everything out into the kitchen.  We’re coming right behind you.”

I think everyone knew that this was a bit of a shock to Stone’s system, so they nodded and went out into the kitchen.  Stone shut the door and turned to me.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I wanted you to have a birthday party.  A real birthday party.  I know that you haven’t had one since you were a kid and your parents were still around.  I thought you deserved to have a birthday party with cake and ice cream, presents and balloons, and friends and family.  Nikki, Charley, and Emme are your friends.  Luke, Wes, and Zane are your friends, too, but they’ve also become your family.  You know that’s the truth.  Family is there for each other and they celebrate special occasions in each other’s lives.  They are here to celebrate you today.  All of them.  And it’s because they love you, Stone.”

Stone’s eyes warmed as he looked at me.

“Back when I told you about my parents and we officially started this thing that was me and you, you told me you’d love me so hard that I’d never have room for any pain.  You’ve got to know, Monroe, I’m feeling it.  I’m feeling your love deep.  So deep the pain is barely noticeable anymore.”

“Stone,” I whispered.

“Need you to let me do something in there.  I want to tell them about us.  I figure my family should know.  You okay with that?”

Oh my God.

He was finally seeing it. 

He was finally realizing that while his parents might no longer be here, he still had people who cared about him. 

He was finally understanding that he was enough.

“Yes, my love, I’m okay with that.”

He kissed me on the tip of my nose, wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and walked me into the kitchen.

Everyone looked to us when we walked in.  They were a bit nervous.

“Sorry, guys.  Monroe gave me a present this morning and…” he trailed off.

Zane, noticing Stone’s struggle, said, “I get it, man.  I couldn’t even turn the fucking page.  Emme had to do it.”

“What?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, Charley initially only blessed me with one of them.  I demanded the rest.  Brought me to my knees.”

“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” Luke pressed again.

Stone shook his head.

“I’m not talking about that present…though, fuck me.”

Wes and Zane smirked and nodded.

Poor Luke was utterly confused.

The girls were narrowing their eyes.  I could tell they were trying to figure out what Stone was talking about.

Stone looked down at me and noted, “Monroe gave me something marginally better than that gift.”

“Is there something better?” Zane asked.

Stone looked to him and admitted, “Yeah, there is.”

Everyone stayed silent waiting for more information.

Stone continued, “She agreed to spend the rest of her life with me.  Monroe and I are engaged.”

The girls screamed.

Ear-piercing screams.

My girls came over and wrapped me up in hugs.

“Let’s see the ring,” Charley announced.

“Apparently,” I began as I held out my hand.  “This means that I’m off the market to any other guy in the world.”

“As if you would have given another guy the time of day anyway,” Nikki shared.

She did have a point.

They all wished me congratulations and then moved to do the same with Stone.  They also wished him a happy birthday.  I was given a round of hugs, congratulatory words, and top-of-the-head kisses from Wes, Zane, and Luke.  Wes and Zane each gave Stone the slap-on-the-back man hug and offered him congratulations and birthday wishes. 

Luke was different, though.

He started by offering Stone his hand.  Stone went to shake Luke’s hand, when Luke pulled him into a hug and said, “I’m so fucking happy for you, brother.  Fucking thrilled you met her and gave this a chance.  Never seen you more content in all my life than when you are with her.  Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Luke.”

When he pulled back, Luke said, “Happy birthday, old man.”

Nikki chimed in, “You know what I want to know.  Why is it that as men age they get hotter, but we women struggle to remain looking half-decent?”

“Preach, sister,” Charley stated.

“What the hell is wrong with you women?” Wes asked.

Nikki added, “The four of you will just become more distinguished and handsome as you age.  We have to deal with sagging breasts, wrinkles, belly fat, thigh fat, ass fat -- I could go on forever.  I’m just saying; it’s unfair.”

“Babe,” Luke called.

When Nikki looked at him, he went on, “You don’t have any of those issues.”

Her eyes softened only briefly before she gave him an eye roll. 

“Yeah, not yet.”

“Wouldn’t matter if you did down the road either,” he continued, his voice soft.

My heart melted.

He loved her.

I knew it. 

Luke loved my best friend and she was blind to it.

I looked to Charley and Emme.

They knew it, too.

The guys all knew it as well, but saw Nikki getting uncomfortable. 

“Well, in my old age I get cranky if I don’t eat,” Stone started, distracting everyone from Luke and Nikki.  “What are we having?”

I turned to look at him and mouthed a thank you.  He gave me a wink.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and into the evening celebrating Stone’s birthday.  After eating, the guys insisted on having Stone open the gifts they got him.  Apparently, the girls insisted on normal gifts, which they all got him, but Zane, Luke, and Wes still needed to do something crazy.  They each got him a gag gift.  It was freaking hysterical, too. 

Wes got him a set of brass knuckles and told him that he could use them the next time someone tried to dance with me.  Zane got him a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and said that Stone should have them on anytime I came back from a night out with the girls since he’d be guaranteed to have a more than an earful about the sex lives of his friends.  And last, Luke gave him a gold-medal.  The winter Olympics were next year, which they were all looking forward to, but this medal was engraved specifically for Stone.  He was given a gold medal for his stellar performance in the bedroom and delivering orgasms.

Throughout it all, Stone was relaxed, happy, and enjoying himself.  Everyone had the best time and I loved that Stone finally let his guard down enough to realize that the very people here with him would always be there for him.  He wasn’t alone and never would be as long as he kept us close.




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