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First Touch: My Best Friend's Little Sister by Lauren Wood (33)



With Melanie gone for a couple of weeks and not answering my phone, I had to imagine that she’d heard about Bianca like her brother had. I wasn’t prepared for that and I certainly wasn’t prepared to talk to Melanie about it. I’d talk to Bianca a couple of times about when we could go in and get her checked out. If it was my baby, I wanted to make sure that everything was okay.

Twice I’d tried to take her to a doctor that had an opening, but twice she had shot me down with something else to do. She wouldn’t tell me that she had something else to do until I got there. Bianca had tried several times to seduce me since then at her apartment, but I didn’t even want her anymore. I was still worried about Melanie and if she was going to forgive me.

I was restless after calling Melanie and leaving another message. She’d be home tomorrow and I was awaiting her. I hadn’t touched her in almost two weeks and it felt like a lifetime to me. It felt like the very breath had been taken out of my lungs with her gone and I was ready for her to come back now.

Instead of worrying about the next day and what I was going to say to Melanie about all of this, I decided that I needed a drink. I went down to the bar and moved into the loud interior. I knew a few people and waved to a friend from work. I started to go towards him when I saw someone else that caught my eye. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, so I moved closer to the blonde that had her back to me. I would have known who that was anywhere. What was Bianca doing here?

As I got closer, I could see that it wasn’t a soda in her hand. She was taking a shot of some kind of clear liquid. Knowing her, it was most likely tequila or something. What was she doing drinking? If she was pregnant, that was the last thing that she was supposed to be doing. She was pregnant with my baby.

“What are you doing Bianca?”

She looked behind her and her eyes met mine. This wasn’t her first shot. She was close to drunk and I don’t know what was going on with her.

“What are you doing here Carl?”

“I came for a drink.”

“Well, me too.”

“But you’re pregnant with my kid, remember? You’re not supposed to be drinking. It will hurt the baby.”

“Baby, what baby?”

One of her friends had chimed in and she shot a look towards her that told her to shut up. I stopped and it finally made sense.

“You’re not pregnant, are you?”

Bianca was quiet for a minute and then asked if I wanted to go outside. Even in her state, she told me that she didn’t want me to embarrass her. I wanted an answer and I told her that I wasn’t leaving until I got it.

“No, I’m not. Okay? Is that what you want to hear?”

I sighed big and nodded my head that it was exactly what I wanted to hear. I didn’t want her and now that I knew that she wasn’t pregnant, I knew that I wasn’t going to have to worry about her anymore. She was finally out of my life for good and I had the best news ever to give Melanie. It was all just a lie.

“Don’t call me anymore Bianca. I don’t ever want to hear from you again.”

I left without even getting a drink. I was in that good of a mood. Everything had changed now and I didn’t have to worry about it anymore. It was a new day as far as I was concerned. A new day. Now we just had to figure out what to do about Scott.


When Melanie got back, I didn’t even bother to call her. She’d made it clear that it wasn’t going to be that easy and instead I waited for her to get back and settled in at Lily’s. She was only there for another week, so I wanted to make the most of our little love nest that no one knew about.

I went over to Lily’s house later that night and I was ready to see her. I was half thinking with my dick because it had been so long. When she answered the door, everything was right with the world.


“Hey. Can I come in?”

I could tell that Melanie wasn’t sure if she wanted me to or not, but I wasn’t taking no for an answer.  I don’t know if it was my resolve that cinched it, but she let me in.

“I was meaning to call you when I got back.”

“I figured it would be quicker if I came over here.”

“Well here you are. What’s up?”

“I have good news.”

“I already know and while I am happy for you, I wouldn’t really consider that good news.”

I shook my head and told her that she didn’t understand.

“She’s not pregnant. It was a lie. I caught her at the bar taking shots. Her friend ratted her out and she confessed. Bianca is out of the picture for good now, just like I said she would be. I don’t want her Melanie, I want you.”

“She was lying?”

I nodded and moved towards her. “So there is nothing left in our way.”

“What about Scott?”

“In time.”

“So not much has changed.”

“A lot has changed and I haven’t missed anyone this much in my whole damn life. Are you done ignoring me, because I need you?”

“You need me?”

Her voice was smaller and I could see her chest rising and falling faster than ever.

“Yes Melanie. I need you so damn bad.”

Her submission was in her eyes and I moved to finally kiss her, something that I’d needed to do for a long time. Her lips were soft and compliant. Melanie was what I needed and for now, that was all there was to think about.