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Her Last Secret: A gripping psychological thriller by Barbara Copperthwaite (26)


The notepad was full of random words jotted down. Dominique’s talk with Fiona had really helped, clearing the tension headache that had plagued her since she woke in the early hours. ‘Fiona the Miracle Worker’ was her new title in Dominique’s eyes. Still, if she let her guard down, there was a chance bad thoughts would come whirling back, like a tornado, to sweep away her well-being once again. The best way of avoiding that? Keeping busy, of course. Dominique had started a list.

She found herself staring at the words in desperation, trying to create some sense of order.

  • Cranberry sauce.
  • Stuffing.
  • Sprouts.

Was it all a bit old hat? Was turkey for Christmas dinner naff? She blamed Instagram. Everyone felt the need to outperform one another. It used to be with snaps of ever more glorious dishes in ever more expensive restaurants, and now it was ‘look at me’ food cooked at home. Bloody Nigella and other celebrity chefs were to blame, too. Looking all sexy and coquettish while cooking, when Dominique went red-faced and frizzy-haired, and usually needed several glasses of wine to really get into it when she was cooking for guests. If anyone whipped their phone out to take a snap she felt a burst of anxiety, in case the lighting didn’t do it justice or the sauce didn’t have a high enough shine. Couldn’t people just eat the meal and not look at their phone for a few hours?

Oh, yes, because that was absolutely what she should be worrying about while her family fell apart, she reminded herself viciously. Maybe Benjamin had a point. Maybe she did neglect her family, casually putting herself first. She was often guilty of not listening to Mouse – perhaps that was why Mouse was the way she was. Perhaps Dom should be trying to bring her out of herself more; turn her into Amber rather than her nickname. What did it say about her daughter that everyone knew her as Mouse?

As for Ruby, Dom had given up trying to coax her eldest to talk to her. They had been quite close once, but since she hit puberty that had all changed. It was only to be expected, she supposed, so she tried not to be too hurt by it or kick up too much of a fuss. But she knew so little about Ruby’s life now: her likes and dislikes, her friends, how she spent her time.

Perhaps she should suggest a last-minute, pre-Christmas shopping and bonding session. The decorations had done nothing to inject the family home with festive spirit, but perhaps cold, hard cash could.

The sound of the front door opening and closing dragged Dominique away from thoughts of buying filial affection. From where Dom was standing in the kitchen she could see straight along the hallway to the front door. Talk of the devil and she appeared, slouching along as though she didn’t have a care in the world. Ruby caught her mum’s eye, and didn’t even have the good grace to look abashed as she started towards the stairs.

‘Just a minute, young lady. I’d like a word, please.’

Ruby’s blue eyes harpooned Dominique with derision from their kohl cages. As Dom clicked across the parquet towards her, Ruby crossed her arms, leaning back as if to get a better view. Her mum took a breath in an attempt not to get riled.

‘I assume you’ve been with Harry, despite our asking you not to see him.’

‘Ten out of ten, Sherlock.’

‘I’m talking to you in a civil manner, Ruby. Could you please do me the same courtesy?’

She received a tut and impressive eye-roll as an answer.

‘Fine. Look, either I tell your father about your little stunt today, and you get grounded for all eternity, or… Ah-ah, hear me out before you start shouting “it’s not fair”… or you and I reach a compromise.’

The black-rimmed eyes narrowed. Suspicious but curious. Dominique ploughed on, mildly encouraged.

‘How about you and Harry stop seeing each other over Christmas and January? At the start of February, if your behaviour has improved – and that includes no sneaking out – then you can see him again. If you love him as much as you say you do, it will be tough but worth it.’

She felt pleased with herself. And impressed that Ruby had done as requested and managed to button it long enough to hear her out. That was a good sign. A very good sign.

‘Finished?’ her daughter checked.

Dominique smiled. ‘Yes – what do you think?’

‘You’ve got to be bloody kidding me. You think you can con me into giving my boyfriend up? It’ll be like improving my grades all over again: I’ll deliver my part of the deal and then you and Dad will move the goalposts.’

‘That’s… no. Don’t talk to me like that.’

‘Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid.’

‘The world doesn’t orbit around you, Ruby.’

‘Oh, I’m well aware of that, thanks, Mother. No point coming crying to anyone, because no one gives a toss.’

‘Is that what you really think?’

‘It’s easy to ignore trouble when you’re living in a bubble, Mother. You never come out of your bubble. Because you don’t want to deal with reality. You’re too weak.’

Dominique blinked furiously as Ruby stomped up the stairs. The bedroom door slamming shut made the whole house shake, and the first tear spill down the shocked mum’s cheek.




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