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Hot Seal Next Door: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance by Tia Wylder (11)


Busying himself with mowing the lawn, Paul couldn’t deny the delight that shot through him upon seeing his lover sitting on the front porch, eagerly awaiting him with a glass of ice cold lemonade. He knew there was no need to rush, and though they both knew he could be called back into duty any time, the family was simply enjoying their time as one unit.


The house next door had been placed up for rent again, and Kelly had offered absolutely no hesitation when Paul offered his home to both her and their son. Jeffrey was as delighted as ever to know his father after so many years. With the school year starting soon, the boys were enjoying as much time together as they could, the summer weather soon to be but a distant memory. All the same, as Paul cut the front lawn, he could distantly hear them shrilly laughing and cutting up in the back yard.


When the final section of grass was cut, he shut off the lawn mower, to later be stored in the garage. He slipped out of the seat, approaching his beautiful girlfriend with a broad smile. She met him with a kiss, and the lemonade gripped in her hand almost went forgotten.


So much had changed since they confessed their mutual feelings, almost entirely for the better. Paul knew that his beloved Kelly was often distraught by the idea of his having to leave again someday. He also knew that any time he left for active duty, there was a chance he may not return. It wasn’t a thought he liked to entertain, but it was something he had to consider. Kelly was currently ineligible to be placed on his life insurance policy, and as it stood, she would be left with almost nothing if something happened to him.


That particular facet of the potential future wasn’t what plagued her, he knew that good and well. He knew she only worried over the idea of losing her boyfriend, and her son losing his father. They had only had such a short time together, after all. There had been many times he’d caught her simply staring into the distance, tears pooling in her eyes as she obviously lost herself in the possibilities of ‘what if’. He knew that he couldn’t soothe her fears altogether, was well aware that he could never abandon his role in keeping his country safe. Yet, he knew there had to be some action, however small, that would comfort her. Something that would show how much she meant to him.


Paul had been considering his options for some time, and as he took the lemonade from his girlfriend’s hand, he could tell by the distant look in her eye that she was worried as well.


“I was thinking we could go out for dinner this evening. Then, maybe take the boys to the arcade,” he suggested, trying to take her mind off of what plagued her so deeply. She nodded quietly, taking a sip of her own drink. “Let me guess, that drink is a bit more stout than mine?” Paul teased, and Kelly couldn’t help but laugh softly. He had been working on his alcohol problem, and tried to stay as far away from the stuff as possible. At least, as far as his own ingestion. He was worried that Kelly might go down that same road someday, but for the time being, he knew she was in control of her own desires. Where the alcohol had taken over his life at times, she never seemed to suffer that same side effect.


“Just needed something to take the edge off a bit. My therapist just advised that I not let the issue get out of control, and… well, I have too much at risk to lose myself,” she replied idly, taking a long sip from the drink. Paul nodded, taking a seat beside her on the front porch. The area was covered, with a fan to keep the air circulating in the heat of summer. While summer had nearly come to an end, it was still hot enough to justify the use of it. He stared at the blades of the fan, getting lost in the steady circular spinning.


There was much on his mind, but he wasn’t sure where to begin. As wonderful as things were, he couldn’t deny that he felt there had to be something more he could do… something to solidify their union as a family. Truthfully, it was a thought he had been pondering for some time now. The ring that he currently had in his possession spoke volumes about that. It had been some weeks ago that he went to the jewelry store in town, buying the largest diamond he could afford. He told himself that Kelly deserved all that, and more, but he had been waiting for the perfect moment to pop the question.


Paul wasn’t sure if his girlfriend was ready to make a commitment to him, as dearly as they loved each other. While living together with their children should have been enough of commitment to indicate she could handle it, he felt… guilty, in a way. If he asked Kelly to marry him and something happened to him, would she ever allow herself to move on? While he dreaded to think of his love with another man at any point in their lives, he wouldn’t be as selfish as to never allow her the option. He had done some growing since his anger about some made up man touching what Paul had considered his property, essentially. Now, however, it wasn’t a matter of considering her as one of his belongings. It wasn’t a matter of his happiness and his alone. He wanted to look out for her best interest.


“Is there something bothering you, Paul?” Kelly inquired softly, reaching out to touch his arm. He glanced at her with nothing short of pure love in his gaze, drawing her closer and into his lap. She giggled, trying to squirm away. “We’re going to break the chair,” she lamented, finally settling down when it seemed nothing catastrophic would happen.


The boys had relocated into the front yard now that the grass had been mowed, tossing a ball back and forth. Both had aspirations of joining a football team someday. Paul was certain that with their tenacity, nothing could stop them. They practiced on a daily basis, and though James had been hesitant, Jeffrey insisted upon playing full stop: including tackles, as it were. They had yet to get injured, at least, not badly enough to require a trip to the doctor. A kiss from Kelly and a bandage were enough for both of them in most cases. Still, Paul couldn’t shake the thought that Jeffrey would be much safer under his own insurance. Kelly had to pay ridiculous premiums for both herself and her son, and it would be so much easier…


It wasn’t that Paul wanted to marry Kelly for practical reasons alone. The love in his heart was the most prominent reason, but something was holding him back. He wanted the day to be just right, the situation to be the most romantic, something that would be seen in some sort of romantic movie. Paul wasn’t necessarily the romantic sort, though. He was a simple kind of guy, and he couldn’t shake the thought that Kelly deserved above and beyond.


“I love you, even when you’re lost in your own mind,” she teased, tapping her fingertip against his nose. He blinked, drawing himself back to reality. He considered her with a faint smile, leaning in to capture her lips in a kiss.


“I love you, too. You know that, right?” Paul inquired as he drew away, and Kelly smirked as she settled against his chest.


“You had better. I don’t know how you would survive without me,” she teased. He smiled, watching the way the sunlight caught her eyes, causing a beautiful glimmer that never stopped causing his heart to seize in his chest. She wore a simple sundress, not having bothered with makeup considering the fact that they planned to spend most of the day at home. Truth be told, she was the most beautiful he had ever seen her. She seemed… utterly radiant.


“Hey, can you hop up for a minute?” Paul inquired, shifting beneath her. Kelly laughed, edging out of his lap and rising to her feet. She crossed her arms, watching him with a crooked smile as he stood as well.


“What, did you decide I was heavier than you thought?” She teased, and he rolled his eyes.


“No, I just realized something,” he riposted, shifting towards the front door. “Wait here. I’ll be right back,” he called out as he stepped inside. When he was certain she would remain in place, he jogged upstairs to their bedroom, opening the drawer that the ring was hidden within. He gripped it in his hands, popping the top open and considering his options.


It wasn’t the most romantic scenario in the world, dropping to his knee on the front porch and asking her to marry him while their kids tackled each other on the front lawn. It wasn’t something you would see in a blockbuster movie. It was simple, but personal.


Paul decided that he couldn’t think of a better opportunity. He jogged back down the stairs, slipping the ring in his pocket as he reached the bottom floor. He could hear Kelly calling out to the boys, and as he stepped out onto the porch, she glanced towards him with a smile.


“The boys are ready to go to the arcade. I know it’s early, but it’s not like we’re doing a whole lot right now,” she smiled. It was wonderfully domestic and Paul loved every moment of it.


“Yeah, that’s fine. I just, ah. Had a question I wanted to ask you first. It’s been bugging me for a while,” Paul began, noticing that the other woman’s eyes looked faintly troubled.


“Are you being sent back on duty?” She asked in hushed tones, glancing to where the boys were watching them with rapt attention. She forced a smile, but Paul grabbed her by the chin, guiding her into meeting his gaze.


“Nothing like that. Just sit down, okay?” He murmured, guiding her back to the chair they’d shared just moments previous. Kelly watched him with trepidation, and the boys were murmuring among themselves from where they watched the scene. The pressure was on, and Paul knew he could back out at any moment. However, he didn’t want to go another day without being able to call Kelly his wife… or, at the very least, his fiancee. He dropped to one knee, and Kelly’s eyes widened immediately. The boys gasped in the yard, and everything seemed to go all too silent as he produced a ring from his pocket. Tears spilled from Kelly’s eyes, and the boys began to hoot and holler, and Paul knew that he couldn’t have picked a better moment if he had tried.


“I’ve never felt as complete as I do, here with you. Our families are united, and I love you more than ever. It only makes sense to make things official, don’t you think?” He paused, smiling as she nodded excitedly. “So, the question is… Kelly Carpenter, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?” Paul asked, gently. Leaping to her feet, Kelly all but tackled him as she cried out ecstatically.


“Yes, Paul! Of course!” She cried out, sniffling as he gripped her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.


“Alright, Dad! Finally!” One of the boys called out, though Paul couldn’t place which one. They both watched the scene taking place with their parents with delight, and Paul gestured for them to step up as well. The boys rushed forward, and the four of them locked in a tight group hug.


“I love you. All of you,” Paul said, warmly. As the other three cheered their reciprocations, a tear spilled from the navy seal’s eye.


With the rest of their futures ahead of them, he knew only one thing: his family could withstand anything that came in their way.


Of that much, he was certain.



The End