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My Best Friend's Fiancé by Keren Hughes (7)













We enjoyed a lovely meal and celebrated in style. Part of me had wanted to stay in the bar, hoping to catch another glimpse of him, but it seemed a better idea to get Zoey out of there. They hadn’t spoken since the breakup, and I had no clue how she really felt. She’s not one for talking about her emotions, or showing them. Zoey is the complete opposite of me in many ways. I wear my heart on my sleeve, I cry at chick flicks or at the end of a good book. But Zoey always remains stoic. Has done for as long as I’ve known her.

I slipped my heels off and rubbed where they had pinched my toes slightly. I was home alone, Zoey had gone off with a guy called Brock from my business course. I could see the attraction if you like a guy with a man-bun and facial hair. He’s slightly younger than me, and looks sort of like a surfer. Not that that couldn’t be attractive, I’m just not into that whole look myself. Plus my type has got brown hair, emerald green eyes, and the physique of at the very least, a demi-god.

Pouring myself a glass of wine, I sit on the couch and reach for the television remote. I put my clutch bag on the seat beside me, and that’s when I remember the business card laid inside. I take it out and trace my fingers over the embossed lettering. Sawyer Hudson. It seems old-fashioned to give out a business card to swap numbers, but I like it all the same. I have to be realistic, even if there was a remote possibility of Reid thinking of me in the same way, nothing could happen between us, so I have to look towards the future.

Sipping my wine, I flick channels and land on Silver Linings Playbook. Bradley Cooper, be still my beating heart. My mind keeps flitting back to the business card that has Sawyer’s number on it. Do I ring him? Text him? Wait for him to call me? Wait…I can’t do that, I didn’t give him my number. So the ball is in my court, but I don’t know what to do with it. I tap out a text to Zoey, she always knows what to do. I go back to my film as I wait for her response. A few minutes later, I get a text back.


Zoey: Is Sawyer the hot one that was wearing the indigo jeans and black button down shirt? He had ink on his forearms, right?


Kara: Yes, that’s the one. Oh that ink, it made me weak at the knees. I almost wanted to strip him and see where and what it led to.


Zoey: He was totally hot. I would leave it a day or so, just so you don’t look ‘too’ keen. Then I would text him.


Kara: But what would I say?


I have never been good at flirting, nor reading signals when someone is flirting with me. Zoey says it’s because I don’t realise how attractive I am. It’s not that I think I’m ugly, I just don’t think I’m the prettiest woman in the room at any given time. With my long blonde wavy hair and blue-green eyes, I am at best ‘pretty,’ but not striking. I shouldn’t moan really. Things could be a lot worse. My boobs are still perky enough that I don’t actually need to wear a bra to keep them in place. That’s better than them being down by my knees. And my ass is toned as well as shapely. I can’t honestly say I enjoy going to the gym, but I go all the same. I am put through the mill by my trainer, who gets me doing kettle bell routines and all sorts. I even attend the odd Zumba class and I try to make time to go swimming at least once a week. So I’m in shape. But what is it that girls do when they flirt? They play up to their best assets. They dress so men are automatically drawn to look in their direction. I can do that, but it’s flirting via text I can’t do so well. People sext and stuff all the time. But that’s other people, not me. I blush at the mere thought of sending those kind of texts.


Zoey: You don’t have to come across as a man-eater or whatever, just say hi and ask if he fancies a coffee.


That girl knows me so well. She can predict what I’m thinking.


Kara: But coffee doesn’t always mean coffee, you know?


I knew what some men thought when you suggested coffee.


Zoey: Girl, you are overthinking everything. Stop stressing. Just ask him to meet you at a coffee shop, no misunderstandings there. Simple. Let me know what he says.


I hate the idea of first dates. The awkwardness, the uncomfortable silences, the whole ‘getting to know each other.’ I also don’t like meeting the family, I’m really not very good at it and always think I leave the worst impression. But I guess that’s getting a bit ahead of myself. Let’s see how the first date goes first.




A couple of days later, I sent Sawyer a simple text.


Kara: Hi Sawyer, it’s Kara from the graduation party. I wondered if you fancied meeting for a coffee at Starbucks?


I got an immediate response, which told me he was interested.


Sawyer: Hey Kara, sure, coffee sounds great. When were you thinking?


We arranged a date and time and I immediately texted Zoey to tell her the good news.


Kara: Hey Zo, I texted Sawyer and we’re going for coffee on Friday.


Zoey: That’s great. Now what are you going to wear? It’s a coffee date, so something smart-casual.


He’d already seen me in a dress that clung to me like a second skin. I wanted to prove I didn’t always dress like that and actually dress pretty conservatively most of the time. I don’t want him to see me in jeans and a band t-shirt just yet, though. I tend to scrape my long hair up into a messy top-knot and just chill in my most comfortable jeans and a loose t-shirt. I’m guessing I should save that until we’ve had a few dates first, that’s if we get further than the first date. Being a woman, I tend to overanalyse what I should wear and plan my outfits for occasions such as this a couple of days in advance. I go to my wardrobe and start pulling things out and throwing them on yes, no, and maybe piles.

I eventually settle on a black shirt-dress that had pieces cut out of the shoulders and a pair of black gladiator heels. I found some silver costume jewellery to accessorise, completing the look with a small silver clutch bag. Looking through my underwear drawer, I settle on something pretty and lacy; a comfortable matching set that Sawyer had no chance of seeing, not on a first date.




Friday came faster than I anticipated. I had been hoping for a few days of preparing myself for this date, but I’d been so busy with plans for the bookstore that I hadn’t had a chance to breathe.

I shower and moisturise before settling down at my vanity mirror in my bedroom to do my makeup. Zoey had suggested something minimal, so I choose a sheer gold base over my eyelids with a darker brown on the edges, a lash-extending mascara, and a nude coloured lipstick.

After applying my makeup, I step into my underwear and slip into my shirt-dress. I add the jewellery before lacing up my heels and take a selfie in the mirror. I send it to Zoey and a couple of minutes later, I get a response.


Zoey: You look gorgeous. Like you’ve made an effort to look good, but at the same time, nothing too overboard.


Kara: Thanks. I’m glad I chose a dress, this weather is killing me.


Zoey: Let me know how it goes. I want all the juicy details.


Kara: Zo, it’s a coffee date. The juiciest details will involve a latte, extra shot, and hazelnut syrup.


Zoey: You never know. ;)


Damn her and her wink emoji. I do know what will happen and it won’t involve juicy gossip. I grab my clutch and the essentials I’ll need in it. I’m slightly early and have another half an hour before I need to leave for my date. We arranged to meet there because I’m not comfortable with virtual strangers knowing where I live. I sit down with my copy of Torn by the amazing CJ Fallowfield. I’m having a tough time with this book, it’s giving me a real emotional beating. I love Nate, and wish that I had my own real life guy willing to do just about anything for me the way he does for Sky.

Noticing the time, I set my book aside, even though all I want to do now is finish it. I grab my keys and head out the door. I get into my gorgeous silver Mazda MX-5 Miata, its sleek black interior warm from the good weather we’ve been having lately.

Five minutes later, I pull up at my local Starbucks. I take a quick look at my makeup in the mirror and quickly touch up my lipstick.

Walking through the double doors, I notice Sawyer straight away. He’s wearing a light blue button down shirt, open at the collar, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, giving me a peek at his ink. He looks my way and smiles. My stomach flips and makes me feel like a giddy teenager. I order my coffee and head to the booth he’s sat in. Thankfully he didn’t choose one right by the window, it’s definitely too hot for that today.

“Hey,” he greets me as he stands.

He doesn’t sit until I do, which I find gentlemanly and sweet.

“Hey Sawyer,” I reply as my insides squirm.

I notice he’s wearing navy blue trousers and wonder how he copes in them in this heat. That leads me to wonder what he looks like in shorts, and if his legs are as firm and muscular as they look. He takes in my appearance and smiles. He has beautiful white teeth, a total Hollywood smile. His brown hair is short but still long enough to run your fingers through, which he does as he notices me staring. I look away and feel the blush creep up my neck at being caught looking at him so intensely.

“So, Kara, tell me about yourself.”

I don’t know what to tell him or where to start, so I tell him about my hobbies and my plans to open my own bookstore. The plans are coming along nicely and I should be able to start setting up shop any time now.

“Wow,” is his only reply for a moment. He looks at me. I detect interest and maybe a touch of shock in his eyes. Maybe he didn’t expect me to be a small business owner.

“I think that’s really great, Kara, I honestly do.”

“What about you, Sawyer? What do you do?”

“I’ll tell you once I’ve gone and got us a refill,” he responds, winking at me.

He walks to the counter, so I take a moment to check out his backside. The phrase ‘buns of steel’ springs to mind and I’m sure I look most unladylike, sitting here drooling over his pert backside the way Homer Simpson does over a doughnut. I’m staring so much that when a slightly noticeable bulge comes into view—though not in a vulgar ‘he’s hard’ way—I realise I have been looking longer than I intended.

“I’m a cop,” he says as he puts my mug in front of me.

He smiles at me, no doubt detecting a hint of delight in my eyes. I do love a man in uniform. If he noticed I was staring when he turned round, he’s gentleman enough not to say.

“Really?” I ask as I set my mug on the table.

“Really. I guess it was in my blood. My grandfather was a cop, so was my dad until he retired. My brothers didn’t want to go down the same route, but I did.”

“Can I ask what makes you want to follow in their footsteps?”

“I guess I always wanted a job where I could help people, you know? And I heard all their stories as I was growing up. Yes, it can be a dangerous job, but it’s rewarding too.”

I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have guessed that was his job at all just by looking at him. I bet he looks good in uniform. He must have women falling at his feet. My mind temporarily wanders to thoughts of him with a pair of handcuffs.

“What made you want to open a bookstore?” he asks with what sounds like genuine interest. He seems like he actually wants to get to know me, which is good. I’ve dated a whole string of losers that think my dreams are too far beyond my reach and never encouraged me to follow my passion.

“I work in a small one in town at the moment. I have always been a bookworm from the day I learned to read. I read all sorts of things from biographies to fiction. Sci-fi, paranormal, romance novels…I just love to get lost in other people’s stories. So it made sense to work in a bookstore, but then that wasn’t enough for me, so I went back to higher education so I could get a business degree. I had an inheritance left to me, and with that as capital, I went to the bank to see if they could help me with a business loan. They did, and now my dream is that much closer to coming true.”

“That’s so cool. I think you have to follow your dreams in life. There’s no point being stuck in a job you don’t enjoy because you’ll never get any job satisfaction and that’s no way to live.”

He flashes me his Hollywood smile and I notice a dimple I didn’t see before. He really is handsome and that dimple makes him look even more gorgeous.

“You’re right, it’s no way to live. I have a fire, a passion for life and for pursuing what I really want to do.”

“Well, here’s to that.” He raises his latte mug and clinks it to mine.

We talk for another couple of hours before I realise the time and remember that I have to get going to the site of my store. The builders are finished with the demolition of some of the walls I asked them to knock down, they’ve also put new walls in to divide the space how I envision it. They’ve ripped out all of the old seats from when The Picture House was a cinema, got rid of all the old screens, and now I have to get there to see how it’s all coming together.

Sawyer and I talk of meeting up for a second date when we have a little more time. I’m not sure how to feel about dating him. He seems trustworthy and kind, handsome and sophisticated; all the things I look for in a man. He has a dry sense of humour and impeccable manners. What’s not to like? I just don’t know how to feel, considering I’ve been in love with Reid Marks ever since I first met him. But Reid moved out of town when he and Zoey called the wedding off, and even if he moved back, I couldn’t date my best friend’s ex, so onwards and upwards is the only way to go. Why is it then that I feel like dating Sawyer would be some kind of betrayal?