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Now and Forever: A BOX SET OF STANDALONE NOVELS by Ann, Pamela (115)

Chapter 107


Mark and I were on our way back to my office when my phone rang. It was Callum.

“Hey!” I cheerily greeted.

Callum didn’t bother saying hi, but immediately shot his intentions. “I’m taking a week off. I was wondering if you’d want to go somewhere with me?”

Random, but nothing out of the ordinary, I thought with amusement. Vacationing with Callum would be a treat I’d never forget. “Of course. How about Maldives?”

“Actually, I was thinking of St. Lucia.” His tone was still a bit serious. “Your home.”

Okay, anywhere except there.

“Let’s go somewhere else? How about Positano? I’ve always wanted to go there,” I lightly suggested, swerving away from the prospect of going back to St. Lucia.

Mark wrapped his arm around my neck before whispering into the phone. “I invited her a few months back, but Derek wouldn’t let her.”

I grunted out as I tried to push Mark off, but he was being playful and, when he was in this mood, the only way to stay sane was to wait until he was over it.

There was dead silence on the other line. I had to press on my screen just to check if he’d hung up on me, but no, he was still there. “Callum? You there?”


Yeah? “Yeah, what?” I snapped. My patience was a bit on the touchy side. He was acting like an ass because I was with my best friend? While he was possibly thinking about another woman he craved to be with at all times. Hell yes, I was mad jealous.

It didn’t take a genius to breakdown that Callum was going through something because, seriously, who would call out of the blue, suggesting we should go on a vacation with a voice that sounded like someone had died?

Not to mention the destination he wanted to visit. Home was too personal. Besides, I wasn’t ready to share it with him. I knew Callum had been there before, but this time, it would be just the two of us. It would be more intimate. On top of that, I didn’t want to bring him there knowing how much that place meant to me.

I never thought of bringing another man with me unless I was ready to share the rest of my life with him. Callum wasn’t that man.

Even though my feelings for him were shifting towards the deep end, I wasn’t a stupid woman thinking that he felt the same for me. I knew his heart was with Zara. It was sad, but when we had sex the other night—the night he fell asleep on top of me—I heard him murmur her name.

It was the most painful thing I had ever experienced.

I wanted to hold him close, feel his heart beating against mine, but I knew I didn’t have the right because his heart belonged to the one he loved. Zara.

Callum cleared his throat. “You know what, forget I ever mentioned this. Good day.” He quickly hung up on me, leaving me more distressed than I was last night.

What a double standard swine! I silently simmered, careful not to let Mark know that I was pissed the hell off. No one could know about how I felt with Callum so I had to keep it to myself.

When my building came into view, Mark dropped me at the door, kissing me goodbye. Usually, I ran towards my office and immediately got to work, but… that feeling was absent.

Glancing at my contact list, I called on someone for a shoulder to lean on.

My time was limited. It was only a matter of time until Callum dropped me. He was known for his six-week discharge and I knew I would be in the same shoes once I hit the time limit.

An afternoon of relaxation and no depressing thoughts of Callum would be ideal.