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Now and Forever: A BOX SET OF STANDALONE NOVELS by Ann, Pamela (25)

Chapter 24


While she showered, I went to the closet and plucked black sweatpants before carelessly pulling them on. Not bothering with another shirt, I stepped out of the bedroom in search of the stewardess.

One look at me and I could tell the blushing attendants knew what Gisele and I were up to. Her screams went on for quite some time. I could only imagine what they were thinking.

Hiding my amusement at their coy glances, I asked them to prepare us meals. But instead of delivering it into the room, I told them I’d come back for it. Had this been a different woman, I’d have no qualms, but this was Gisele. Certain measures had to be applied.

Afterwards, I retreated into the room and replaced the soiled sheets. Placing my laptop right next to hers, I intended to work while she slept right next to me. Based on her sleepy state earlier, she wouldn’t last five minutes before dozing off.

She emerged from the bathroom naked, seconds after I entered the room with a tray in hand.

My eyes devoured her beauty, entranced beyond comprehension. “Hungry?” I asked moments after I found my voice.

“Sleepy.” She timidly strode towards the bed before brazenly crawling to it, showing me her succulent cunt before sliding into the sheets, blissfully sighing. “Thanks for changing it.”

My semi-hardened state grew to full-scale arousal.

Ignoring my twitching cock, I steadily joined her in bed. She yawned while her eyes followed me around. Her serene face broke into a satiated smile. Balancing the tray on my thighs, I took a grape before bringing it to her mouth. “Eat something or I won’t let you sleep. Take your pick.”

She obliged, opening her mouth as I fed it to her. Her engrossed observation hadn’t trailed off. “Do you need me to suck you off? I don’t mind…I just realized you didn’t get off.”

Bloody hell. I’d probably die if she bent over and started taking me in her mouth. I could barely handle thinking about it. The visuals would put me in an early grave.

“I’m fine,” I roughly grunted out, leering at her, quite rattled at her question. If she started to take charge, God help me, I wouldn’t last. I’d be at her mercy. Turning the power scales to her favor would not be the greatest of ideas, not when I was about to combust having her so close to me. The battle within—one where my body was slowly overtaking sense, teetering on succumbing to spreading her open and pillaging that sweet wet tunnel without reservations—sounded more appealing as the seconds ticked by.

“There’s no need to hold back. This is what you wanted, right? So, let me.” Her hands slipped below the tray, past the waistband of my pants. Her eager hand began to stroke my length as I muttered a prayer.

“Gisele!” I harshly grunted out as my hand gripped the edges of the tray, my control unfettered.

The woman simply wouldn’t pay heed. Taking charge before it spiraled out of my control, I shoved the tray onto the table next to me, and my hand covered hers, willing her to stop. “Don’t—”

“But you’re hard!” she argued.

Painfully so. “You can touch me all you want tomorrow…but for now, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t.”

Her hand gripped my girth as she shifted, directly facing me. “Why can’t I touch you now, Jared?” she suspiciously inquired. Her too keen eyes analyzed me.

Damn it. My throat bobbed, knowing this conversation wouldn’t turn in my favor. But alas, as they said, shit happened. “I hadn’t anticipated this.”

Her breathing halted before a small ‘o’ formed on her luscious puckers, my intentions slowly dawning on her gorgeous face. “You had sex before boarding the plane, didn’t you?”

“More or less.” My answer painted me in an unflattering light, but it was the truth. Besides, either way, she and I had an agreement. Her body was mine, her abhorrence be damned.

There was a deafening pause, yet her grip hadn’t loosened a tad. I had thought this would certainly put her off, but her next question took me off guard.

“How many times?” she asked.

I should’ve seen this coming. Gisele, as much as she despised it, liked to take this familiar but irking route—demanding every inconsequential detail. I loathed when she grilled me for such specifics, most especially when it painted me in a bad light—in her eyes, at least. But alas, the truth couldn’t be denied, as much as I wanted to begrudge her such information.

“About five,” I said, albeit reluctantly.

“Well, I guess my services wouldn’t be needed then since your Rose took care of everything,” she scathingly remarked, her hand retreating out of my pants before she shifted on her side, placing her back to me, shutting me out.

Bloody hell. I supposed I had known this was coming, but still, I despised being in this position. Letting out a heavy sigh, I thought it best to shift the conversation to safer subjects. “You ought to eat something, Gisele.”

“Go choke on it, Jared!”

Glancing towards the infuriated woman, my eyes longed to savor her silky golden skin, but her immediate withdrawal and stiffness assured me my touch would be unwelcome.

She demanded answers. I truthfully responded in kind. Now she hates me? Christ! “You can’t honestly be angry with me.”

The infuriated woman stayed silent.

“Gisele…I don’t want to keep fighting with you!” I grated out, losing patience. Seconds ticked by, and when she remained resolute, I hastily gathered her and pulled her against my chest, willing her to turn her head and meet my gaze. “Look at me, Gisele!”


She had left me no choice, so I forcefully shifted her until we were facing each other. Face to face, I noted how her gray depths held contempt, yet they were also laced with sadness. My chest constricted as I tightened my hold on her, drawing her closer to me. Sighing, I kissed her forehead, her nose, leaving one each above her lids, before my right hand cradled the side of her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. We’re nothing to each other.”

How wrong could she be? “I care about you a great deal, kitten.”

“Well, I don’t feel the same way,” she petulantly retorted, unyielding.

“You once said you loved me.”

Her hardened eyes narrowed into cutting slits, murderous. “I was lying! I say that to every man I’m with at the moment. I don’t mean anything by it. And with you—well, since you caught me as Lexi, I thought it’d make my story more believable…more relatable. It’s nothing serious.”

“I see.” Her venomous words seeped into my veins, poisoning my mood and clearheadedness. It clouded my judgment and whatever else I ought not to name. “So, if I go outside and shag one of the stewardesses, you won’t care.”

She unceremoniously gasped, horrorstruck. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“I don’t joke, especially not when my cock’s ready to fuck.”

“Go!” she urged rancorously. “I dare you! GO!” she screamed into my expressionless face as hot tears spilled down her face. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you do anymore!”

Rolling on top of her naked body, I pinned her down. “Are those tears of joy, Gisele?” I spitefully continued down the destructive path, desperate to wound her just as much she had me.

“Fuck you, Jared!” she savagely roared as she tried to shove me off her naked form, but to no avail. “You’re going to regret this. I hate you. I fucking hate you!”

“You still love me.” As I confirmed my suspicion with a faint whisper, her guarded reaction slipped, showing me the pain she beautifully hid behind those beautiful, mesmerizing eyes of hers.

“Fuck you!” she bellowed with might.

Very well, kitten. As you wish.

Pinning her supple body, my mouth found her exposed skin before I harshly bit down her neck, hard, making her scream in earnest while simultaneously pulling my pants down. In one quick motion, I rapidly thrust into her snug hole, making us groan in blissful unison.

“Is this what you want, sweet wife?” I gritted out as I rapaciously took hold of her arse, opening her wider to accommodate my size, taking more of me. “Is this what you’ve been begging for?”

She sobbed before rasping out a weak, “Yes.”

“Open up to me,” I demanded as I splayed her open, my cock delving deeper into her snug passage. “That’s it,” I urged, out of my mind as her tightness expanded to receive me. Upon reaching a barrier, I kept sliding in and out of her cunt, coaxing the hindrance to open for me. Each time I pressed against it, it suctioned my cockhead as I pried it open before closing in on me again. Fevered, my slowed speed picked up pace, plunging deeply, harshly into her tunnel. “Wider. Open up for me, kitten. That’s it. That’s it, babe. Take me in. Take all of me into your tight cunt.”

“Jared…fuck…slow down…please,” she choked out with a sob, shaking lightly from my pressured intrusion into her untouched depths. “Oh, God. You’re so big. Don’t go too deep. Careful!”

Needing to reassure her, my lips feverishly brushed hers, but she remained unresponsive, stiff as a board against my warm, obliging lips. “Kiss me back, damn you!” I shrilled, infuriated at her stubbornness as I halted all movements while I gazed down at the minx. Fiercely. Passionately. “Do you want me to stop? Just say the word. I won’t touch you again.” I meant it, too. If this was what she intended for our weekend to be like, I wanted no part of it. I wanted her all—her entire surrender—and this…This half-hearted attempt wouldn’t suffice.

“From the start, you’ve been so cruel to me.” She looked away, her pussy tightening around my girth. “Why do you torture me so much?”

Her sullen state made me feel like a monster. “I’m never this cruel...” But how could I explain it to her when I couldn’t even define the insanity wracking through me each time she and I were in the same room? “You drive me mental. You’ve plagued me every single day. It’s quite disconcerting. I don’t know…I honestly don’t know. When it comes to you, everything’s just plain mental.” I had begun to pull out when her hand gripped my hip, halting me.

“Don’t,” she pleaded, reaching for me. With her soft palm cradling my cheek, I succumbed to her warmth and everything else she was offering. “But do take me slow. I beg you. If you go any faster, you’re going to split me in two. So, please, fuck me with care. Look at me, hold me, gently make love to me, Jared.”

Without breaking away, her hungered lips clashed against mine again, blindingly addicted.

So, we did. Slowly, unhurriedly, we made love just as she had asked until I reached into her womb, taking all of my entirety with slow certainty. We mated for hours on end. We were insatiable. Untamable. It was as if all the bottled-up emotions we’d had through the months climaxed, and the only way we could communicate it was through our fevered mating.

Even after hours of hedonistically savoring her, it wasn’t enough. Not by a long shot. I needed more, so much more. Would the fire be quenched once the weekend was over? I hadn’t a clue.

* * *

We had about an hour before we were scheduled to land in Tokyo. I knew I ought to wake her, but for some reason, I held back, needing a few more minutes with her. Spent from our session, Gisele slept in my arms with her head on my chest, dozing off soundly.

Like flashbacks, the events jogged through my mind. It seemed our conflicts were mostly all based on sex and jealousy. Quite frankly, I was beginning to wonder if I was able to keep my end of the bargain—leaving her after this trip.

Being with her…It never failed to impart a great sense of contentment. It was rather bizarre. A few months back, it used to place me in limbo. But things had drastically transformed since. Today, however, I grasped the gravity of its purpose.

Ever since moving to San Francisco, I had breezed through life, living daily with one thing on my mind—work and more work. Even during sex, I fucked hard, rough, and fast. It was always about the race to completion, never once stopping to smell the roses, so to speak.

But with Gisele, my routine had altered. Albeit, not so impactful by any stretch, but it was something to dwell upon. This notable change stunned me remarkably.

Basking in her warmth, time started to slow down, and I could actually savor the little things I used to not care about…like right this instance. I was not one to stay in bed when there was so much work to be done. This was the first time in my life I felt idle, and what was more alarming was there wasn’t even a trace of guilt about it. In the back of my mind, I was fairly convinced my idleness would be costly once I opened my flooded emails, but what the hell? I deserved a moment’s reprieve to relish this time with my wife.

My wife.

My wife.

My throat constricted at the sound of that. With painstaking care, I slowly peeked at the dozing woman on my chest. Since when did I begin to regard Gisele as such? Sure, I’d teased her about it or I’d scathingly referred to her as one when I was beyond infuriated. But it was all done in jest…until right this moment when I truly saw her as one, not just the girl I had to marry, my business partner by default, but as my wife. When did I truly see her as my spouse? I couldn’t be sure.

Like the theme of the day, I was stuck in a peculiar haze of confusion.

Less than twenty-fours together and the results were staggering. I dreaded what it would be like once the weekend was over. Hopefully, nothing too drastic. A man could only handle so much.

For a few more minutes, I cherished having her with me before I reluctantly began to wake her. “Rise and shine, sleepy head. We’re almost there.”

“I was having such a nice dream,” she moaned grumpily.

A soft smile curled my lips up until another thought entered my demented mind. “It better not be about other men.”

“Well, that’s too bad,” she giggled, shifting her body, yawning like a little gorgeous angel.

Groaning in earnest, I pulled her atop my body, my fervent hands snaking around to cup her luscious arse before smacking it harshly in a few rapid successions.

She yelped, eyes gleaming impishly.

And just like that, I was besotted utterly. I wanted her just like this consistently, forever if possible. “One thing you have to remember woman—the moment you wake up and the moment before you fall asleep, you are to kiss me. Understood?” My hand whacked her ample arse just to drive the point home.

She saucily pouted, feigning wonder. “Jesus, why are you so bossy for kisses, Jared?”

Massaging her well-shaped bottom, I used my gripping hands to thrust her upwards so we were at the same level. “Come here and kiss your husband, woman.”

A teasing brow arched, provoking. “Oh, so we’re playing married now?”

“You are my wife.”

“Fake wife,” she prompted, grinning madly.

Maybe not for long. Bloody hell…Where had that idea taken form? I blanched, quite aghast.

Desperately needing to drown out my insane thoughts, I immediately rolled her onto her back, capturing her lips as I did so, before my arm hooked underneath her leg and thrust into her drenched paradise in one firm, deft stroke. Her cunt clamped down hard, and when I tried to pull back, it sucked me back again and again, utterly voracious and unquenchable.

“Jared, what the hell! You promised you wouldn’t until tonight!” Gisele grudgingly complained as she moaned my name.

“It’s what you get for not kissing me,” I unforgivingly pointed out as I plunged into her slick snugness. “Besides, I’m doing us both a favor…You’re wet and horny, anyway. Don’t deny it. I tried to withdraw, but you held me down, choking it without mercy. I’m nothing but a man, kitten. How could I resist you when it begs me to satisfy your body’s wishes?”

“You’re hopeless.”

“Only for you, sweet wife.”

I was crazy about her. Indisputably.

Our time was limited. Savoring her whenever possible was something I greatly looked forward to basking in.

I had all the wicked intentions of leaving her raw, exhausted beyond comprehension, to the point of blissful mental incoherence.




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