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Now and Forever: A BOX SET OF STANDALONE NOVELS by Ann, Pamela (166)

Chapter 149


“Are you sure you don’t want your parents to attend?” Allie skeptically looked at me. “I know this isn’t the most ideal of situations, but it is your wedding day, in case that teeny bit escaped your notice.”

“I’m very sure.” I was going to meet Reiss in a few hours’ time.

When he had offered to pick me up or send his driver to take me to the location, I had declined his offer, saying I had Allie with me and she had her own means of transportation.

We were in my bedroom, and I had just had the urgency to try on the outfit because my stomach had growled with such ferocity earlier that morning that I simply couldn’t resist indulging myself with a full English breakfast: half a cup of coffee, a bowl of fruit along with a bowl of freshly made cream, a pair of croissants, and a chocolate bar of my favorite Chunky KitKat.

Relief spread through me when the buttons didn’t appear to be on the verge of popping off. The powder blue outfit paired with a cream lace camisole underneath made me look feminine, yet I still appeared business-like and reserved. Though, the suit never used to sit this way—skin-tight and snug.

I supposed I could credit most of my recent weight gain to a sporadic burst of cravings. The cravings intensified if I didn’t tide them over with crackers or plain toast. My breasts appeared like they had doubled in size overnight. How was that even possible?

I was frowning down at my cleavage when Allie started speaking again.

“Don’t get me wrong, the suit looks fantastic on you, but … as your best friend, I feel obligated to warn you that this outfit will forever be in pictures. That, I believe, is history, love. And, if it were me, I’d make sure I looked more than stellar, not that you don’t, because you do. But, bloody fuck, a suit? It’s criminal, Ava! Even if it’s Chanel we’re crucifying here. If she were alive and standing here before you, she’d give you the same advice.” She definitely was mystified, staring at me as if I had committed the worst crime of the century. In her eyes, maybe I had.

Weddings to her meant elaborate occasions, just like my marriage to Ashton. She even dared to point out that she did her investigation, and with Reiss’s monetary worth, he could very well buy his own country to dictate if he so wished it. She believed he was a blasted scrooge for not being willing to dish out a fortune on the wedding because I was already carrying his child. Her theories were so unhinged I simply had to roll my eyes.

“Christ, Allie, did I not emphasize that this was all business? This union isn’t going to last. It’s only temporary. So, clearly, we both find it fitting that we do it in the simplest, quickest way possible without any hassle.”

“Fine. As long as it suits you both, I suppose I can’t detest it as much,” she conceded, giving me a wry smile.

I knew that truly bothered her, and I couldn’t love her more for showing concern. However, the days leading up to this particular one had truly opened my eyes as to what Reiss was going through—sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of his child. It was a noble thing to do; yet it merely proved to me that love wasn’t everything. There were instances that could jeopardize everything you had, placing you in limbo. Those sometimes important details could not be disregarded; they required selfless sacrifices that could be detrimental to the future of our loved ones.

“Thank you for being here, Al,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her, feeling a little stronger that she hadn’t questioned my sanity as to why I’d go through such a farcical union. “This means everything to me.”

“Oh, come off it, lady. You and I have been each other’s cheerleaders, even though we sometimes aren’t as confident with the other’s decisions. Regardless, we support each other, anyhow, because that’s what friends do. I’ll hold your hand even if you’re blindfolded and have no idea where this journey could lead you. Maybe following your heart this time around instead of using your brain might do you the world.”

“It’s not like that,” I denied my feelings towards Reiss, hoping someday I’d truly believe it.

She gave my cheek a peck before whispering into my ear, “Lie to me all you want, but promise me that you won’t deny your heart.”

Who knew anymore…? My confidence in myself when it came to the very man had been rather difficult since I was fighting something that wanted to be unleashed. However, circumstances had shifted since then. I hadn’t considered—not even for a blinking second—that he could be in love with someone else. A blind spot was what people usually called it.

* * *

“You may kiss the bride,” the registrar announced in a booming manner. I almost felt like an utter fraud for getting married with such unconventional reasons.

My guilty conscience gradually ebbed away when I met Reiss’s unreadable gaze before he softly planted a chaste kiss on my lips.

“Congratulations, you two little buggers!” Allie delightfully announced, bursting in between us before she gave us a jolly good embrace. “Well, since I’m the closest thing to a sister this little nutter will ever have, welcome to the family, Reiss.” She placed a kiss on his cheek, somehow breaking the iceman-like demeanor he had surrounded himself with since we had arrived. “I mean that in the least temporary way, if you know what I mean.”

My ears turned bright pink. “Allie!” Why would she dare embarrass me this way? I wanted to die on the spot.

She simply brushed off my strong glares and fully focused on Reiss. “Seriously, I think you two are some sort of star-crossed lovers. It’s so bloody romantic.”

“That’s enough, Allie. Please, I beg of you.” The things that were coming out of her mouth made me feel nauseous and beyond nervous. How could she even say that this was romantic? Why would she say such things after I told her this was purely business?

She sighed, smiling at me and appearing as though she was about to cry.

Bloody hell, Allie. I’m going to murder you when I see you next.” I couldn’t even make myself look at Reiss. I’d die if he found this amusing, and if he didn’t, I’d die twice as hard.

Allie sniffed before she wrapped her arms around me. “I love you, Ava, and I’m proud of you for fighting for what you feel is right. I know I’ve always made fun of your choices, but I also failed to mention that I would never be as brave as you, risking everything because it’s the best thing for you.” Her arms squeezed me harder before whispering into my ear, “This is your chance to win him back. He loved you enough to propose to you once; you can make him fall for you again. Don’t lose hope, my love.” Releasing me lightly, she gave me a wink before leaving a kiss on Reiss’s cheek and waving goodbye since she had a business appointment she couldn’t get out of.

After signing the remaining paperwork, Reiss and I left the city council, striding alongside each other as he reluctantly held my elbow, guiding me with him. Once we were outside, greeted by the mild cool air, he let out a long sigh.

“Well, that was quick.”

It was. I thought that was the speediest wedding ceremony I’d ever been to. I did not want to dwell on it much longer, though, because then I’d end up in a pity party for one.

A few minutes later, we were both comfortably seated in the back of his car, and I was anticipating who would break the ice of silence between us. His distant demeanor wasn’t surprising, although I would’ve appreciated it if he made a little effort not to make things even more awkward.

“I have to get back to work, but I’ll be over tonight to help you gather your things.”

I frowned at him, confused. “Excuse me?”

It was his turn to furrow his brows, his forehead creasing as he directed me. “I expect you to move into my home tonight. Why do you look as though this is the first time you’ve heard of it?” He sounded as if I had exasperated him, making me a tad bit edgy.

“No. I had completely forgotten about it. I mean, I knew I was eventually going to move in with you, but it had escaped my notice that it would actually happen tonight.”

I was biting my lip when he looked away, glancing at his watch. “You have about six hours until I come back for you. Will that suffice?”

Nodding, I lowered my lashes, thinking this was how things were going to be between us. “Yeah, I suppose it will.”

“We’ll go for dinner somewhere to celebrate the occasion, then we can head straight to my house afterwards,” he blandly informed me, like he was telling me about the weather forecast.

“Lovely. I look forward to it.” This situation was far from lovely, but what was done couldn’t be undone; as a result, it was best I think positive thoughts for the months to come before the baby was born.

When we got back to The Savoy, he offered to take me upstairs; however, I insisted I was fine and could manage on my own. Reiss didn’t argue with me. I was almost positive he had the same feeling as me, like he couldn’t get away fast enough so he could breathe. It wasn’t necessarily similar to choking, more being claustrophobic, as if I was trapped and the walls were closing in on me, limiting my breathing room, intimidating me to break. Hopefully, I wouldn’t come to a point where I couldn’t fight it off.

Back in the safe confines of my room, I looked around, silently saying goodbye to my surroundings. I didn’t have many items to bring with me since I was still practically living out of my suitcase. Although, Ashton had told me he was going to have all of my personal effects sent to me once I had a permanent address.

As I slowly gathered my belongings, my mind meandered towards tonight and what might happen. If he and I were a normal couple, I’d be giddy with excitement, and we’d probably be in bed by now, rutting out our passion for one another.

Pushing the sadness away as I took out the jewelry container I had in my purse, I slowly opened it, pulling out the only thing that was left of the past—a reminder that he truly had once loved me with his whole heart.

The modest ring with its speck of a diamond made me tear into a spiraling sob that couldn’t be pacified any longer. I didn’t stop until I had nothing left to draw out, drained and dried out.

Just as my miserably state had begun to lessen, my phone rang, as if the devil had summoned the person responsible for my sorrow. Well, as it turned out, I had no reason to worry at all as to how the wedding night was going to progress since Reiss would be held up for quite some time at work and wouldn’t be able to take me to dinner.

“It’s an emergency meeting I can’t cancel. Will you be okay if I just send my driver to come for you and take you to the house?” He sounded as if there were a lot of things on his mind. He seemed distracted as I heard the shuffling sounds of paper.

“Yeah, that would be great. You needn’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” I tried to sound as convincing as I could, hoping he wouldn’t detect in my voice that I had spent a long time howling and bawling my eyes out until they were bloodshot and dry.

Ten hours into the marriage, and I could already foresee how it was going to work. Sighing off my rejected feelings, I vowed to find my footing again and have a social life that didn’t revolve around waiting for Reiss. Maybe I could busy myself by meeting new friends and taking part in hobbies that wouldn’t be too taxing to my present state.

Out of sight, out of mind. Perhaps I should take on the philosophy. It might cure me of this Lovesick Only for a Besotted Moron Syndrome.

Checking out of the hotel almost made me feel a little sad. Possibly it was because I wasn’t sure how things were run in his household, but the daunting feeling that lingered couldn’t be shaken off. Subsequently, I braced myself for the next chapter of my life.

His driver came and deposited me at his three-story home in Belgravia. It was a little overwhelming since I hadn’t truly seen this side of Reiss—the wealthy side. True, his office building, his car, and the way he dressed portrayed him as a polished, rich, successful business man, yet seeing his home, the personal effects inside it, made it blatantly obvious that he had come a very long way from the man I had known. If his impressive original collection of Renaissance and Neo-Renaissance paintings were something to go by, my mother would’ve probably worshipped at his feet if she didn’t know his real identity. My mother respected people through the size of their bank accounts, which would’ve grandly placed her new son-in-law as a gem in her lovely, superficial eyes.

I was proud of him and what he had achieved. I doubted a lot of people had the capability or the capacity to become this powerful. It was humbling to see him thriving; however, I couldn’t help the fact that I wished he’d be the same guy inside. Clearly, to a certain extent, power and an unlimited source of cash had delivered some sort of impact on him.

His home had a black and white marbled entryway that led to two stairways. The living room had an edgy contemporary style to it with two, white sectionals facing each other and a massive, black lacquered coffee table in the middle. The décor was minimal, yet the effect made one feel like they’d dirty their surrounding if they dared to sneeze. It wasn’t necessarily homey, but judging by his personality, I was convinced this made him feel quite at home.

There were two staff employed in his household who lived here. A butler named Alistair and a cook named Bronte. Both were polite but imposed a cool reservation, possibly because they had no idea where in God’s name I had come from or what relation I had to Reiss. I was positive he wasn’t the kind to air his dirty laundry with his own staff.

My quick exploration halted when Alistair prompted me that he’d show me to my room. Quietly following in his wake, I was informed by him that Mr. Chambers occupied the entire third floor, and I would be in one of the guest bedrooms, which were located on the second.

After Alistair led me into the bedroom, I declined his offer to have Bronte come up and help me unpack. Since I only had a luggage and a half, there was no need for her, because I had a lot of time on my hand, anyway.

Without unpacking, I placed my phone and my purse on the table beside the bed before I sighed and took off my shoes and slid down my trousers. Dressed with my top and underwear on, I slid inside the comforts of my new bed. My back had been giving me a lot of stress lately, and after the wedding this morning and the emotional upheaval that I battled with myself over each time Reiss was around, I was more than ready to sleep the night away. The bed felt like a dream, and it didn’t even take me a full five minutes until I was in a deep slumber.