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Chapter 28




My sister has become my world, we have always been close, but since everything... We’ve leaned on one another more. As much as she has protected me, I want to do the same for her. She’s been through so much and stayed strong through it all. I love my big sister so much, she is my hero, and I aspire to be just like her when I get older. That’s why I’m doing this, it’s all for her and my nephews. I wanted to prove to everyone that I’m not just the spoiled baby in our family; I’m also smart and can help.

For the last few months, I’ve been stealing Dusty’s phone. Shortly after we arrived here and I got close to him. It wasn’t hard, I know how to be sneaky, and he trusts me. I hated betraying his trust like this, but I needed to contact my friends. I only stayed in touch with one, my best friend from back home, Abigail, I call her Abby.

We’ve been friends since kindergarten; her family is not involved in our family business. Her dad is a stockbroker on Wall Street, and her mom is a veterinarian with her own practice.

I’ve missed my social life so much back home and my friends, that’s why I started sneaking his phone. I know Gio told me I couldn’t, but I figured if they were going to keep things from me this wouldn’t be the worst I could do. I stayed off my social media accounts and made a fake one from Dusty’s phone. At first, I just went on his Facebook account and checked on my friends to stay in the loop of their lives. After a while, I just had to make contact with Abby, so about two months ago, I set up a fake account and messengered her that it was me.

I never expected Anton to find me and contact me, but he’s smarter than I am apparently. Today, he contacted me when I snuck Dusty’s phone and texted Abby. He sent me pictures of Gio and Bella getting in the SUV here at the compound before they left for her doctor’s appointment. He also had pictures of Ace, Blaze, Snake, Hawk, and Ryder on their bikes with Jules and Ces. His message was that if I didn’t find a way to lose the trash (Gio and his brothers) and come alone to the meeting spot, he would kill them all. He even threatened to find Dusty and take him out too. I can’t let that happen.

As much as I don’t want to leave the compound alone, or at all, I have too. I wish I could at least tell Dusty, I don’t want to leave him. I like him, a lot, and he’s become so important to me. I get butterflies in my belly when he’s around, and when he touches me... I feel sparks fly between us. I always want to be close to him, it calms me, and I feel safe with him. He filled the pain in my heart with happiness from losing my parents, and when my brothers weren’t here. Gio, Gator, Ace, and Blaze have helped fill the void too. It’s nice to have all the men I do in my life and Gio’s brothers looking out for me like my own brothers. I missed them so much, I’m so happy they’re finally back. I just wish it was for good, and they didn’t have to leave us, someday.

Bella and I will have to figure that out soon, I’m sure.

When I heard Val yelling at Gio that night, I jumped out of bed without thinking and ran right into my big brother's arms, launching myself at him. I didn’t want to let go of him, Romeo, Bash, or Lorenzo - for all intense and purposes, Lorenzo is our brother - but Gio insisted I get some sleep because I had to meet with Rosie in the morning for school. After spending some time with them, he sent me to Ces’s room with Jules to sleep. I didn’t argue with him, he had his hands full with my sister. Apparently, she passed out when she saw our brothers and Jules told them what Anton did to her.

It’s hard to believe sometimes that Anton did this to her, I believe he did, it’s just hard. I’ve known him my whole life, and he was like a brother to me too. Granted, I wasn’t as close to him as I am with Lorenzo, but he was part of our family. He was always nice to me and protective.

She thinks I don’t know what he did because I’m too young for her to tell me and understand. I’ve known for a while now. I look up to my big sister more now than before, to have dealt with all that and survived it, she’s like my very own superhero. She’s stronger and braver than I knew a person could be, after an ordeal like that. As much as I wish she didn’t have to go through all that pain, I see why God did it. I hate it, but I see the big picture. God, wanted to bring Gio back into her life, he knew she needed him. I don’t remember the last time I saw my sister truly happy before we came here and she got better. Gio makes her light up, she shines in ways I never knew a person could when she’s with him and in his arms. Even with losing our parents, which I know hurts her the same as me, she’s coping with his help. We all are for that matter, with him, our brothers and his brothers.

I don’t remember Gio, I was too young when he left. But I’ve heard many stories about him from my brothers and Bella. Whenever she would hear his name through the years, she would smile a real, genuine smile that went to her eyes. They were far and few in-between through the years. I knew she had feelings for him; I just wasn’t sure how deep they went. Then I saw them together in the SUV, that night he removed her from the hospital. It was like watching a movie, play out right before my eyes. A Princess Fairy Tale, to a certain extent. In real Fairy Tales, the Princess is saved before the monster hurts her. Her prince charming, always makes it to her in time to save her. Sissy’s Prince didn’t make it in time, but he did save her from further pain to protect her. As miserable as my sister was through the years, she never hurt anyone and has always been good, caring and loving. My sister deserved a real Fairy Tale.

That is why I’m following Anton’s orders, to keep her safe and happy with Gio and their babies, I’ll do whatever he says. Even if it means he hurts me, I don’t want him to hurt her again or make her unhappy. She deserves happiness and love, and I’m going to try, even if it takes my soul.

I write her a quick note telling her how much I love her, and I’m doing this to keep her safe and happy with Gio and the babies. I leave it in her nightstand drawer. Then I run to the part of the fence Anton told me to meet him at in two minutes.

He said no phone, but I’m going to try to sneak it and keep it as long as I can. I know Gio or Throttle will be able to track it and find me. I turn it on silent and tuck it into my panties snug against my hip. It’s an iPhone 6, not a plus, allowing the thinness and size to stay undetected for a while. My long, loose T-shirt will help conceal it under the pocket of my jeans, I hope.

I make it to the fence and find Anton and 3 of his goons already waiting for me. When I get through the hole, they must have put in the fence, they grab my forearm and throw me in the back seat of a blacked out sedan. Like one of the ones that knocked Aunt Cindy off the road on our way back from her house.

“Brave, just like her big sister,” Anton says, looking at me and I hear laughter come from the front passenger seat. The goon driving and the one next to me in the back seat join him.

“I’ll do whatever you want, just leave my sister alone. You’ve hurt her enough, you bastard,” I say, and he backhands me across the face. A hot searing pain like nothing I have ever felt before explodes in my cheek.

“Keep your fucking sassy mouth shut, little bitch. You’re not what I want; you’re a means to an end. Your bitch sister will come for you, and I’ll have who I want, Izzy and my baby,” Anton spouts out spitting spittle in my face. His hand flies towards me hitting the other side of my face. I hold both sides of my face to stop the radiating pain I feel.

“Those babies are not yours. The devil didn’t spawn his despicable seed, this time,” I say with enough bitterness to slap him across the face.

“Gio won’t let her out of his sight after what you’ve done to her. You’ll never see her again, asshole. He’s going to kill you for taking me and all your stupid looking goons. I’m going to laugh my ass off when he does,” I say laughing now.

I know I’m poking the bear here, him, and I don’t care. I won’t let him claim Gio’s babies, and I’m trying to get his mind off taking my sister. That earns me another backhand to the face, this time from the goon next to me. Anton looks like the devil sitting in front of me, not the man I grew up knowing like a brother.

“She will come, or I will kill you myself and send her baby sister’s head right to her doorstep.” His words cause me to shiver. I don’t want to die because Bella will blame herself, and none of this is her fault. I made the decision to steal Dusty’s phone and contact Abby. I also made the decision to leave the compound and meet Anton.

“Time to keep your sassy little mouth shut, little girl, before you get hurt like your big sister,” he growls laughing, and I keep my mouth shut not to be hit again. I’m not a little girl, but I won’t argue with him, I don’t want to get hurt like my sister. I would rather he kill me.

They drive for a while and then pull into a hotel off the highway. The man next to me in the back seat drags me out of the car, and through the back entrance, of the hotel, to the elevator. We head up to the top level, which just happens to be the sixth floor. When the elevator doors open, I see the floor looted with men, at least two dozen. The man drags me to the end of the hall, opening the door with his keycard. He throws me in, and I land on the floor on my hands and knees. There is another goon sitting at the small table and chair by the window. His face is void of any emotions, making him look mean and ugly.

Welcome, my new jailer for my wonderful stay here at, Prisoners R Fucked. Beatings at the hands of slimy, dirty old men during the day and no sleep at night due to the torture they shell out. You have to love my new life.

There is no phone in the room just an alarm clock on the nightstand beside the queen size bed, that’s in the middle of the room. There’s a TV hanging on the wall in front of the bed, a dresser under the television, small table, and chair by the window. The rooms a decent size, not too cramped. I glance at the alarm and see it’s four in the afternoon. I’ve been gone for just over an hour. Dusty will know by now I took his phone and the guys will be looking for me. If my calculations are correct, we’re not too far from the Clubhouse, forty minutes tops, to the east.

I stare at the man as I walk over to the bed to take a seat. “Can I watch TV or do I have to stare at your ugly mug all night, asshole,” I say snidely. If I have to be stuck in this room with Mr. Sunshine, I need something to keep me occupied.

He doesn’t talk to me, he just nods his head yes. I turn to the nightstand and grab the remote. I search through the channels a few times settling on Law and Order Special Victims Unit marathon. How fitting that I’m watching a crime show and a psycho mobster rapist has kidnapped me. What have I gotten myself into now?

I sit and stare at the TV, not really watching it; all I can think about is Dusty. I hope he doesn’t hate me for this, that would kill a part of me inside. I need to think about all the good times we’ve shared and the way I feel about him. I have to try to make it back to him and the safety of his arms. I may be young, but I think I love him. The way I hear Bella say how she felt about Gio when she was my age, is the way I feel about Dusty.

Thank God, Anton and his men have left me alone. Well, except for the man in this room, but he hasn’t bothered to talk to me.

Then the door swings open and I get the shock of my life. Not just dinner, the man bringing me dinner is one I never expected to see ever again in my life.

“Leave us. Go check in with the Boss,” he says to the man, and I swear my jaw just hit the floor.

He walks over to me with a tray of food, places it on the table by the bed before having a seat on the bed, close to me. I’m leaning against the headboard; I draw my legs up and hug my knees with my arms to my chest for protection.

“Are you being a good, Principessa?” he asks, sounding concerned as he stares at my face. From the mirror on the wall by the TV, I can see my left eye and cheek are red and swollen. I look horrible and unrecognizable.

I don’t answer his question; I have some of my own I need to have answered first.

“Why are you here? Is he going to hurt me like he did Bella?” I ask the man that was supposed to protect us. The same man that was my father’s head of security, and like family to us since before I was even born. The man that brought me to Jules the night Anton killed my parents. The man that was supposed to protected and saved my sister that night from being attacked by Anton.

“I’m not going to go into too many details. I’m here to save your ass and protect you. I would have protected your sister too... if I had known what he was going to do to her...” He shakes his head and turns to the side to compose his thoughts. I take in the words he just spoke, he’s working for Anton, so how is he going to protect me? He’s a bad man, not the good one I thought he was my whole life. Why are people I’ve loved changing and going to the dark side?

He turns back to face me and lowers his voice. “I know Gio has been protecting you girls, I heard Jules make the call to Cindy, and I ignored it to get you all away from Antonio. He is sick, and the only reason I’m working with him is to keep you all safe from what he has planned for you,” he pauses looking around the room making sure no one is listening in.

“I failed Bella and I’m sorry for that, but I won’t fail you. I’m going to keep you safe until Gio and your brothers get here. I know you still have that guy’s phone on you, the one you’ve been using. Don’t remove it from wherever you’re hiding it. He’s tracking it, and they know where you are. I’m suspecting he and your brothers will be here sometime tonight. So just be good and hang tight. I brought you dinner, eat and get some rest. I’m going to be staying with you.” He gets up from the bed and occupies the seat the man vacated, watching me.

I do as I’m told and eat the hamburger, fries, and drink the root beer. When I’m done, I use the bathroom and then get comfortable in bed to continue the marathon shows I’ve been watching. The clock on the nightstand says 10:03 and I’m tired. So, I get comfortable under the covers and before long, I’m drifting off.

I wake up in the middle of the night to gunshots and Vito lifting me off the bed. He cradles me to his chest, bringing me to the bathroom, and sets me down in the shower, ready to leave me alone. I grab his hand to stop him.

“Please don’t leave me. I’m scared,” I say pleading with him. I don’t want to be in here alone. He nods and gets in the shower with me closing the door behind him. He pushes me to the back corner against the wall.

He removes his gun from his holster from under his suit jacket. Then he turns back to me, places his pointer finger over his lips for me to stay quiet.

I slide down the wall, drawing my legs to my chest, rocking myself in the corner. Vito stays close, kneeling in front of me, with his back to me, and we wait.

The sound of gunshots is getting louder and closer. My heart is pounding in my chest so fast. I’ve never been around guns like this and never want to be again. I only go to the gun range, and that’s only been a recent development with Bella and Gio. My brothers have taken me a few times since they have been with us.

I start shaking and whimper uncontrollably, to the point Vito has to take me in his arms to calm me. He still keeps his gun in his right hand pointed at the door.

All hell is breaking loose outside of the room we are in. I’m pretty sure it’s my brothers, Gio, and his brothers that are here to save me and take out Anton. I hope Dusty is with them, I want to be in his arms so bad right now not Vito’s.

I know crying is not going to help, but I can’t stop the tears as they come down. If Bella were here, she would be strong and not weak, acting like a baby like me. That’s the difference between my sister and me, she is strong in all ways, and I’m weak. I need my hand held, and I need Dusty.

“Is that the guy?” Vito whispers in my ear. I gawk at him dumbfounded and shocked for a second wondering what he’s talking about. What guy?

“Dusty, you got a crush on him or something, G?” he asks, and that’s when I realize I’ve been chanting his name.

“Yeah, I think I love him. Vito, please don’t hurt him; I won’t survive losing him too. I’m not as strong as Bella,” I whimper, and then we hear the bedroom door burst open before he can answer.




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