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Chapter 33





I have to say, my girl impressed the shit out of me earlier with her strength. She held it together all on her own, to do what she felt was necessary for herself. I know I wasn’t the only one in that room that felt that way. When I turned around to all my brothers, they too had a look of pride shining from their eyes for my girl. I was the proudest person in that room, and I wish she could have seen our eyes, but she was too emotional.

She ended up crashing in my arms before we even made it home. I put her to bed, making her as comfortable as I could with her body pillow. I got into bed with her and held her. We’ve been sleeping all afternoon.

I grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time and see a text from mom. It came in 10 minutes ago around 7:20. She wants to know if she should bring up dinner for us. I send her off a quick text to come up in 15 minutes.

It’s time to wake up my sleeping beauty.

Bella wakes up and sits up in bed, against the headboard, just as mom knocks on the bedroom door. Gigi and Dusty follow her in, and the five of us sit on the bed and have dinner together.

We all stay in our room talking. I talk to the kids since mom and Bella had a talk with them already today.

Just before nine, our room fills up. Ace, Ryder, Snake, Skull, Jules, and Ces join us.

Ace, Ryder and I leave them all and head back to the shed. It’s my turn to get my hooks in that bastard.

When we walk into the shed, it reeks of feces, urine, copper, and body odor. All my brothers look exhausted from their rounds with the asshole.

Anton looks like shit. He’s still breathing, though, and there is plenty of life left in him. I’m going to have fun with him for a while.

The beast is coming back out of his cage, and he’s ready to play. I start with my fist and then go for the ropes. I work him over for the next few hours with a couple of breaks to give the guys an opportunity to show him how they feel about him.

We don’t stop until morning when Gator comes in to check on us. I had become so consumed with my fury, I never realized how long I was in there and what we had accomplished.

Gator orders me out, around 11 in the morning, to take a break and sleep. I head home and take a nap with my already sleeping Bella, before heading back.

I wake up around one in the morning, and she’s still asleep. I kiss her and leave her to get back to business.

I’m ready to start the real torture. Tonight, I’m going to play hard, really fuckin’ hard. It’s time to do what I promised him I was going to do in the beginning.

I enter the room and find Lorenzo is having another round with the shit. I stand back and wait, somewhat patiently. I’m itching to get my hands on this bastard.

Half an hour later, Lorenzo steps back, and I make my way forward.

I turn to all my brothers before getting to work. They may not want to see what I’m about to do and I can’t blame them. I’m going to have to completely let my beast forth, to take control of this situation. If I weren’t so furious with him, this would probably turn my stomach upside down. No, I’m going with an eye for an eye on his ass. All of this is for my girl; everything I do is for her retribution.

      “Ok, boys, things are about to heat up in here. This asshole is about to be fucked. You’re welcome to stay and watch me humiliate him, just like he did my Bella, but I warn you... it will be bloody and gruesome.”

I leave it at that, my brothers know what I have planned. They file out, all except Bella’s brothers. I guess the four of them are good with watching what I’m about to do.

Heading over to the table to grab the bag I left underneath it. A few weeks ago, I did a little shopping online at Adam and Eve, to make some purchases for Bella and me. I ended up picking up a few extra things for this very occasion.

I turn back to my brothers and Anton with a devious leer on my face and show them what I have. A big ass fuckin’ dildo comes out of the bag and their faces pale.

With an evil sneer, I grab a pair of big lawn cutting scissors off the wall on my way back to Anton.

I’ll see y’all later. You don’t need to be here for this very unpleasant portion of this evenings show. You can use your imagination and leave it at that.

He’s going to atone for his sins, the ultimate price will be paid, appropriately, tonight.




It’s been a week since I left y’all in the shed. I know you wanted to be there when I made the bastard pay. Trust me when I say, it wasn’t pretty and I don’t remember it all to be honest. I had to separate myself and go to another place to do that shit to him.

Anyway, he’s still alive and hanging from the rafters in the shed.

When I finished that mornin’, I had to sit by the lake for a while to compose myself. I looked at our half-built house. To decompress, from what I had done. I couldn’t go back to Bella for a while. I sat there for hours thinking, I may have cried a little too. Not for him; no, for my girl. For what she had to endure at the hands of that monster and all she has overcome.

During my time with him, he wasn’t quiet at all. I guess he figured he would tell me all about that night, his version of it anyway. I know some of what my girl went through, having lived with her this whole time and going to therapy with her. But, hearing him... having to listen to his words and from his side of things... I couldn’t listen for too long. That’s why I found myself out there, for a while in the early morning hours.

My heart shattered all over again. That’s why I’m so proud of Bella, and so are her brothers. We all get it now, really get it more than I ever thought possible. I knew my Bella was broken when I got her back, but I never understood how broken she truly felt inside. She’s endured so much and survived, literally. Even with me by her side, she could have ended it all. She’s strong, so fuckin’ strong, for a tiny woman.

Maddox ended up coming to sit with me later that morning. We talked for hours, he is a wise man and gave me the wisdom I needed. After our talk, I felt better and went to Bella.

It was early afternoon, and she was just waking up, naked in bed and the horny beast came out to play. We both were so aroused after a couple of days without.

Yesterday, I ended Anton for good. It was time to finish that chapter of our lives and move on without the monster lurking around the corners.

Taking Anton out felt so good and gave us a fresh, new start.

Things are getting back to normal with us, my girl is still on bed rest and horny as ever. We haven’t left our bed all day, and I’m not looking forward to it anytime soon.

With Anton gone and the Cartels out of our jurisdiction, on Ricco’s orders, Val has been collecting the information he needs to save the Family in New York.

In the meantime, Ricco gave him an option, which might I add has never been heard of before. He offered to let the four of them walk away from the business and send his second in command to take over New York and rebuild.

Val couldn’t make a decision like that on the spot, so Ricco has given him a week to decide and discuss it with Romeo, Lorenzo, and Bash.

I know Bella and Gigi want them to stay with us and Gator even offered them a spot in our club.

It’s a big decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. So, I don’t know which way they are leaning towards, just yet. I’ll find out soon. He has a few more days left to decide.

It’s time to have some sexy, naked fun with my girl. The further she gets along in her pregnancy, bed rest or not, she wants and needs more of my cock.

I’ll be claiming her ass soon, you can bet your life on that, and it wasn’t at my request either. My girl’s pussy is enough to keep me satisfied, but she wants to explore different sexual adventures.

She has a freaky side that’s ready to come out and be discovered. Whatever she wants I will do to keep her happy and satisfied.

I think she’s been talking with Jules. I know my brother, Ace, has a freaking streak and from what I’ve seen in Jules, she’s taken to it. She’s different these days, all in a good way.

Soon, we will be moving into our new house, and our babies will be here. Bella should be able to go full term now with no stress on her or the babies.

My life is not what I would have expected a year ago, I’ll tell you that.

My life now is better than I ever could have dreamed. I have the woman of my dreams, a little sister I never thought I’d have, and two baby boys on the way.

Life is definitely different, but good. No, life is great and can only get better from here.

For all of us, I can feel good things to come for our family.

You just wait and see, our family will grow and prosper for sure.

Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful, and I am thankful for everything in my life. This is the first of many to be thankful for. I will cherish every moment of my new life for the rest of my days. Many days to come, the reaper is not taking my ass away anytime soon.

Today is Thanksgiving, and it’s a day full of family and food. A food coma is possible if you ask me. All the women, except for my Bella, have been cooking up a storm in the Clubhouse kitchen. Mom, Gigi, Jules, and Ces seem to be in their glory cooking.

My Bella can’t stop smiling, she is beyond happy. Hundreds of people are milling around the compound making this day extremely exuberant.

My girl is all about family, and we have a huge one with the Club.

Brotherhood, sisterhood, it comes in many forms. Love, loyalty, and blood will bond us all for life.