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Chapter 16





I wake up early, needing to speak with Val and the guys before Bella wakes up. I hate leaving my girl alone in bed, but I have some things I need to discuss with them. I can’t allow them to see her today, not after the way she acted last night until we’ve had a chance to discuss things, privately.

I send off a quick text to Ace.

Me: Hey, can u n Jules come 2 my place. I need 2 c Val b4 Bella wakes up n I don’t want 2 leave her here alone.

      I untwine myself from my beautiful girl and place a pillow under her. Quietly, I make my way to the closet and dress while waiting for his reply. Two minutes later, my phone lights up on the desk.

Ace: We’re on our way. B there in 2.

While I’m waiting for them in the living room, Gigi runs in the front door, and we say, “Good morning.” Then she heads to her room to grab her books. I give her a kiss on the head before she runs back out the door to meet Rosie. A minute after later Ace and Jules arrive. They tell me they saw Gigi running into the main building on their way up. I thank them and tell them to just hang out in the living room and watch TV until she wakes up. Then I rush out the front door.

The guy’s apartment is downstairs on the first floor, three doors from the stairs on the right.

I knock on the door around 10. Romeo answers and looks exhausted.

“Mornin’, is everyone up? I need to see y’all,” I say before he can get a word out.

Val is walking out of the master bedroom, Lorenzo is in the kitchen, and Bash is stretching on the couch when I make my way inside.

“Mornin’ guys, we need to talk before I can allow y’all to see Bella today. I hope you can all understand where I’m coming from after the way she was last night,” I say to start the conversation off. They all gather in the living room with me.

Val and Romeo are sitting on the couch, and Lorenzo and Bash are on the love seat. I take the chair opposite from all of them. Once they are all settled in their seats, I continue.

“I’m doing this to protect her and trying to keep her from losing her shit again. Her health is my number one priority, right now.

“First off, I’m gonna lay some nasty shit out for you guys. You can all ask me any questions you may have when I’m finished. Nothing I say is to leave this room. If any of you have questions after today, you can come to me, not Bella, got it.” They all agree, and I go into the heavy shit.

I tell them the whole sordid story from the very beginning. Jules calling mom, to me going to the hospital and seeing Bella for the first time in years.

I give them the rundown about how my brothers and I got the girls out of New York and brought them here to keep them safe.

I tell them how sick she was in the hospital and when she arrived here. But not just physically sick, but emotionally too.

I explain how Gigi has been seeing a therapist and Bella joined her in the beginning. It helped them through the grieving process for their parents. Bella has also been seeing her own therapist who specializes in rape victims, to help her through the process and healing from her trauma. I give them details on how Bella feels and why she reacted the way she did last night from seeing them.

They all heard Bella screaming at Val, regarding ending her life if I hadn’t come for her before she left the hospital. So, I have to address that concern too.

I have to admit, she shocked the shit out of me with that confession. She rendered me speechless for a few minutes seeing how pissed off she was at having to say the words out loud and to relive that dark time.

She’s never admitted anything along those lines to me or in her therapy sessions. Even though, her words shouldn’t have surprised me after what I read online when I was researching this subject.

In all honesty, it killed me a little and was like a goddamn knife slicing through my heart. I thank God, I made it to her in time, and she’s here with me.

I knew Ace filled them in last night about what's been going on in the last six weeks, ever since Bella’s and my nuptials, I just gave them the highlighted version.

However, I do point out certain parts of our wedding for them and promise to show them the pictures soon. I need them to know it was a memorable day for both of us, even if it was rushed in some aspects.

I wouldn’t change a damn thing about it, though. I have the love of my life back, being married to her was the first step. I knew it would happen once she was back in my arms. Plus, she really wanted this too. I never forced her, nor would I ever.

I think I’ve covered everything they needed to know about their sisters, Jules and Cesare.

“Why did Jules call you for help instead of having Ricco, her bodyguard, help them?” Bash asks me. To be honest, I don’t know the answer, he would have to ask Jules. I do have my suspicions, though.

“You gonna have to ask Jules that, but I think she did it because she knew I was the only person, besides you four, that Bella would trust. Jules also knew I would do anything in my power for Bella. I also had outsiders that had no part of the Family to back me up. You know, I’ve always had a weak spot for Bella, since we were kids.”

They all acknowledge my answer and don’t think twice. They remember how I was with Bella growing up, I never hid it very well.

“I’m glad she called you, even though I’m not happy about what we walked in on.

“Bella is so some ways, she’s sassier and in others... dare I say, fragile, which she has never been in her whole life. I can see how she leans on you for support, and you hold her up the way she needs,” Val says, and I can tell how much this is hurting him, all of them.

“Listen, guys no disrespect, but I do love your sister more than anything in this world, and I will do right by her. I will always put her first. I don’t want to see her hurt again in anyway. With that being said, that also means I will be the one to take out Antonio. You can all have your whacks, hell everyone can line up for all I care, but his life is MINE to end! I will be ending that bastard’ the way I see fuckin’ fit!”

They all agreed to allow me to put down Antonio like the dog he is, but they want to all get their blows in first.

“Once this is all said and done, I’ll help you guys in any way you need me. My brothers will have your backs too, if we need them.” We decide to table this discussion until later.

They ask me a few more details about Bella and everything that happened to her. They also probe for more info about what’s been going on with their sisters. I oblige telling them all they need to know.

When I’m done, the guys are pissed to shit, and I’m afraid they’re going to destroy the place.

I inform them that I have spoken to Ricco, in Chicago, recently, and he’s on our side. Val states he’ll be getting in touch with him soon.

We discuss how we’re going to get close to Antonio in New York, with all his armed guards protecting him. We may have to lure him here to my turf when the time is right.

After deliberating things for hours, I feel better about them seeing Bella.

I receive a text from Ace after one in the afternoon.

Ace: Bella’s up n wants 2 kno where u r. What do u want me 2 tell her?

Me: Tell her I’ll b home in 5.

I finish up with the guys and tell them to stop by in an hour. Then I excuse myself to go home to my girl.

I walk into our apartment, I say hi to Ace, Jules, and Cesare in the living room before heading straight to Bella. She’s in the kitchen pouring some juice in a glass in her own little world.

I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her midsection, and give her a kiss on her neck under her ear. She turns in my arms with the biggest smile on her face before I claim her lips in a passionate kiss.

My sexy little mixen purrs in my mouth and sways her hips against my swollen cock. Ahh, she’s missing her morning lovin’. Unfortunately, we don’t have time for any now. I’ll have to make it up to her later once all our company, the ones here and the ones on the way, leave.

“Well, hello beautiful,” I say, placing a kiss on her beautiful button nose.

“I missed you. Where did you go so early this morning, amore mio?” she pouts, sticking her bottom lip out at me.

My girl has become more addicted to my cock than I am to her pussy. Nah, it’s an equal affection. I’m an addict, I’ve admitted it before, and I will keep on admitting. Her pussy is my goddamn drug of choice these days, and all the days until the reaper takes my sorry ass away from her.

I do remember Bull saying once when Cassie was pregnant, he had a hard time keeping up with her sexual hunger. I’m sure I’ll have no problem keeping my girl satisfied, in more ways than one. Her luscious pussy is mine for the taking, whenever I desire.

“I left early to go see your brothers and have a little chat. They’re coming to see you soon if you’re up for it?” I ask her, and just like that, she goes from turned on to worried. I saw the change in her eyes as I said the words.

“Are you going to be here or do you have to leave me again?” she asks me sadly. She thinks I would leave her after what happened last night. No way, my place is at her side, and that’s exactly where I’ll be.

“I’m staying right here with you, baby,” I say, and her frown turns around, and now she’s happy again.

“We’ll visit with them for a while, and then I have to leave for Church at 5. I’ll be taking the guys with me. You, the girls and Cesare will stay here with Dusty and Bo, okay? Do you want me to call Joyce and make an appointment for you to see her?” She rests her head on my chest.

“I called her already, and we talked on the phone for a while. I’m feeling better after our conversation. I made an appointment for her to come here next Wednesday if that’s okay?”

“That's good, I’ll be there with you, just lemme know what time,” I say into her hair and kiss the top of her head.

“Hey, Lovey, do you have any sauce made? We could make some spaghetti for the boys?” Cesare asks from the living room.

“I could definitely go for your meatballs, sweetheart,” Ace chimes in as a knock sounds at the door. He walks over and answers it, and I see a pissed off Blaze standing there.

“Hey, brother, is Beast around? I need to speak with him,” Blaze says. Ace lets him in, and he spots me in the kitchen.

“Right here, brother, just give me a minute.”

“I have sauce and meat,” Bella tells them.

Then she looks up at me and speaks in a low voice, so only I can hear. “You go apologize to Blaze while we make lunch for everyone. Tell him I’m sorry too and bring him back with you.” She gives me a stern look and a kiss goodbye.

“Save me some sausage and meatballs. We’ll be back by the time the guys show up. I love you, baby,” I say, kissing her one last time before Cesare comes to take my girl from my arms.

I know how much the guys love their food and if I don’t have Bella put some aside for me, the vultures will devour it all before I get to it.

“I love you too, amore mio,” she says. Then she turns back to the refrigerator, opening the French doors with Ces.

I head to the door and Ace follows Blaze and me out. We head downstairs and out to the backyard. We all stay quiet until we’re far enough away from the back doors that no one can hear us while we talk.

I turn to face Blaze. Bella’s right, I do owe him an apology.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, man and so is Bella. Only Ace and Gator knew. Ace was with me when Jules called to ask for help, and I had to tell Gator so he would call that emergency meeting. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t feel right. It’s not my truth to tell, it's Bella’s, and she wasn’t ready to tell you yet. She is very adamant about anyone knowing, especially Gigi. How did you figure it out anyway?” I give it to him straight and hope he can understand and forgive me.

“I get it, man. I just wish you would have told me instead of me being blind sighted last night,” Blaze says shaking his head.

“I’ve had my suspicions. I recognized some of the signs from the way Bella was acting. When I was a kid, my mother was raped and ended up taking her own life. She wasn’t strong enough to handle it alone. That’s why I went to live with my grandmother, her mother.” He gives us a small glimpse into his past.

“Listen, she’s embarrassed by all this, as you can very well understand. She also doesn’t want anyone’s pity. You know now, and her brothers know too, so let’s leave it at that and move on. She has enough to deal with, so let’s just support her.” Ace says coming to my girls’ defense, just like the big protective brother he has become to her.

“We good, brother?” I ask. I hope he can accept my reasoning and we can move on from this and go back to normal.

“We’re good, but I want a piece of that asshole when you get a hold of him. Bella, Jules, and Gigi may not be mine, but they’re the closest I have to sisters, and I’ve come to care for them.”

“You can get in line, bro,” I say laughing.

“Between me, Ace, her brothers, Lorenzo, Gator and now you, Anton is in for a world of shit and I for one can’t fuckin’ wait for that day to come.” I can’t stop laughing at the thought of everyone getting their grubby hands on that bastard and tearing him a new ass.

“Come on, let’s go eat some lunch. Bella, Jules, and Cesare are making spaghetti and all the fixings for everyone in our apartment. You can meet the guys and get to know them better.”

We shake hands and man hug before heading back to my place.

When we enter, the guys are already there, and I make the introductions, formally.

We all sit down to the wonderful spread, Bella, Jules, and Cesare put together for us. It looks good and smells even better. There is spaghetti, meatballs, sausage, braciole, and garlic bread spread out on the long rectangular kitchen table. Braciole is what Italians call rolled beef with raisins. The raisins are added to sweeten the meat in the tomato sauce.

I’m at the head of the table with Bella on my right and Ace is on my left with Jules next to him. Val is at the other end with Romeo on his right and Lorenzo on his left. Cesare is next to Bella and in-between her and Bash. Blaze is in the seat in-between Jules and Romeo.

A few minutes after digging into our delicious meal, there’s a knock at the door. Since I’m the furthest from the door, Val and Romeo are closer, Romeo rises and answers the door.

“Holy shit is that really you Aunt Cindy. You haven’t changed at all.” At my mother’s name, I ascend from my chair to greet her. She hugs Romeo, and the guys all get up to hug her too. I get halfway to the door, when I hear scraping from one of the chairs feet behind me, then it crashes to the floor.

I turn just in time to see Bella darting into our bedroom. I redirect my steps, racing after her. She dashes straight into our bathroom, falling to the floor in front of the porcelain throne.

I rush over to her, grab her hair off her face, pulling it back, and rub her back to soothe her. My poor girl expels everything she had in her stomach, which wasn’t much, but she can’t stop getting sick with dry heaves.

We sit there for a minute or so, I just hold her back flat to my chest with one arm loosely around her waist.

Then I hear someone behind me clear his or her throat. When I turn to look, everyone is standing in our bathroom by the door inspecting us.

Shit, I didn’t think to shut the door, when I ran in here after her to see what was wrong. I guess the cat is out of the bag now. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I turn my attention back to Bella as she wipes her mouth with toilet paper. I help her up ignoring all the prying eyes on us and lift her up to sit on the counter, so I can help clean her up.

I wet a washcloth and wipe Bella’s eyes and mouth clean. Mom walks over to us and takes the hand towel off the rack and wets it, then places it on her head.

“How far along are you, honey?” mom whispers asking Bella.

Bella looks at me with wide eyes, and then she notices our unwanted, gathered guests in the doorway. She bursts out into tears and falls forward onto my chest, burying her face under the sides of my kutte to do to hide herself from everyone’s view. I smash her into my chest and wrap her protectively in my arms.

I guess I have to let them in on our little secret now. Shit, I wanted to wait like she asked me to do. She wanted to make sure everything was all right with her and the baby first.

“Bella wanted to wait to tell everyone until we saw a doctor. We’re pregnant. That doesn’t leave this room. Sam is setting us up with the doctor soon to confirm she and the baby are well. Then when Bella is ready, we’ll announce it to the Club,” I say giving them all a stern look while I hold Bella, to calm her, so she doesn’t get sick again.

“You, son of a bitch, you not only married my baby sister, but you knocked her up too,” Val growls at me pushing his way into the room.

“What the fuck, Gio? What the hell is wrong with you?” I give him a look to shut the fuck up. Bella doesn’t need this shit from him. This will just upset her and surely raise her pressure.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Beast. What the hell happened to you, man? She’s just a kid,” he screams with bitterness in his tone, and I snap. My patients are gone with him, if he wants to be an asshole, I’ll treat him like one.

“First of all, she’s not a fuckin’ kid, Val. She is a 23-year-old woman. An adult if you will.

“Second, none of this, and I say this with the utmost respect, is any of your fuckin’ business.

“Third, you need to back the fuck up and wait to lay into me, if you have to. The reason Bella passed out last night was because her blood pressure skyrocketed through the goddamn roof. She needs to keep her stress down and her emotions under control. This shit is not helping her.

“Now everyone, but mom get the hell out of our bathroom. Go back to the kitchen and finish eating. I need to get my wife into bed and get her calm. Jules can you bring her a bottle of water and Ace can you find Sam. I need her to check Bella’s pressure.”

They all clear out, not quietly, I must add, they all bitch and moan on their way out. I get Bella off the counter and into my arms. Mom grabs the wet towel and follows as I carry Bella to bed, and we make her as comfortable as possible. I need to relax her and keep her tranquil. I don’t want her to hurt herself or our baby.

“Mom, I’m glad you’re here, but what made you come back. You were so adamant about going home and you never just pop in?” I ask, tucking Bella in under the blanket, wondering what made her come back. Not that I’m not happy, I love my mother and love seeing her and having her around. We’ve always been close, that’s why she moved down here to Florida when I got out of the service.

“Jules called me this morning and filled me in on the guys showing up and Bella passing out last night. I figured you could all use a hand, so I had Red bring me back.”

Mom’s had a prospect with her since she left here. Gator sends one of them, except Dusty, to trade off every week since she returned home.

All of a sudden, I get the shock of my life, Lily, mom’s dog jumps on the bed and into Bella’s lap. We all laugh, and my girl hugs her to her chest.

“Well, I really am glad you’re here, we can definitely use the extra help,” I say giving mom a huge hug and welcoming smile.

“I’m glad you’re here too, Aunt Cindy, even you Lily,” Bella says, placing a kiss on the dog's head as Lilly licks her cheek.

“So many things are changing, and I just can’t handle it all right now. I could use some help figuring things out, please. We could also use someone to mediate between Gio and Val, so they don’t kill one another,” Bella says with a smile on her beautiful tear stricken face that the dog is cleaning up. I take the towel mom laid on the bed next to her and wipe her face free of her tears and doggie kisses.

Sam comes rushing into the room with Gator, Jules, and Ace behind her. Jules comes over to us and hands Bella the bottle of water. Mom takes the dog from Bella and sends the dog into the other room.

“I set up a doctor’s appointment for you, at the hospital. It’s in an hour. She’s a colleague and a close friend of mine.

“Let me check your blood pressure before you have to leave,” Sam says out of breath from running up to our apartment. She brings the portable blood pressure machine over to the bed.

While she’s taking Bella’s pressure, I look over at Ace. “I’m going to need you and Blaze to accompany us to the hospital. Have one of the prospects get my cage ready to go.” I throw Ace my keys, and he nods as he leaves the room to do as I ordered.

Then I turn to mom. “Mom, I want you to come with us.” She nods her head and continues to watch Sam. I know Bella would want her with us, so that’s the reason I asked her.

Jules is still in the room with us, and she’s giving me a look, she wants to ask me a question, but she’s not sure how I’ll react. I know what she wants to ask me, so I put her out of her misery.

“You can tag along with Ace. I already assumed you would be coming being that you two are together now.” She nods her head with a big smile on her face. I turn my attention back to Bella and Sam.

“It’s high, but nothing to be concerned with right now. Once the doctor checks her out and does a sonogram, we can figure all this out. I’ll meet you out front, I have to talk to Gator before I leave,” Sam says packing up the machine, then leaves the room with Gator. Jules follows them out to find Ace.

“You ready for this, baby?” I ask. She looks a little panicked and scared.

She gives me a dreadful smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. I can see she’s still a little fearful, but she’s ready.

“I’m ready, amore mio. Can you grab my sandals, please?” I don’t get a chance to answer her.

“I’ll get them, honey,” mom says and walks into the closet.

“Actually, mom can you give us a minute, please.”

“Sure,” mom says as she strolls out of the closet. She places Bella’s shoes on the floor by the bed before leaving the room.

I take a seat on the bed next to Bella and look into her eyes. I’m going to cut right to the chase, no need to delay this any further. I know what’s wrong and I need to ease her mind.

“I know you’re scared, baby. I am too.” I admit to her. I’m excited don’t get me wrong, and I want this more than anything in the world, but I have my reservations. I didn’t really have the best examples growing up, and I don’t want to screw my kid up.

She gives me a look of disbelief. Me, scared, not a typical thing, especially me admitting it, but she needs this as much as I do.

“Ya, I’m scared I’m going to screw this up. I know you will be there to catch me and set my ass straight, but it worries me all the same.

“You know how we grew up, ya, there was love all around us. My mom pretty much raised us, and she was the best mother she could be. The other women were always there for us, but the men... My father wasn’t exactly the best role model around and we sure as hell didn’t see eye to eye on things. We didn’t have the best relationship by far. To be honest, I hated my father most of the time, and I don’t want that for our kids.

“You, on the other hand, had better in that aspect. Your mother and father were the best parents, parenting together, teaching you together. I’m sorry they’re not here to enjoy this with us and help you through it all. You’ll have mom, though, she’s never gonna be far.

“We can do this, baby, together. Together we can conquer the world and the monsters, right?”

I give her a huge reassuring smile, and she gives me a big one back. This time, it’s a real genuine smile, reaching her eyes and lighting up her beautiful face.

“Together, amore mio, together we can do it all. Ti amo per sempre, amore mio.” (I love you forever, my love.)

“Ti amo per sempre, mia bella Principessa. Let’s go see our baby, shall we.”

I help Bella out of bed and into her shoes. We walk out the bedroom hand and hand.

She’s wearing one of my shirts tied back around her waist and a pair of her daisy dukes, which I do love on her. Her favorite attire, as of late, unless she’s in a sundress, both are my favorite.

I take Bella under my arm protectively as we walk into the kitchen. The guys all glare at me when they see me.

Again, I don’t get a chance to react to them because mom handles the situation before I can. She walks away from Jules, by our room where they were talking, and comes closer to us.

“You boys need to stay here. We’re taking Bella to see the doctor to check her and the baby out.

“I know you boys are not happy about the situation you walked in on, but for Bella’s sake, you need to accept it and be good.

“Tonight after dinner, we can all sit down and discuss things, calmly, like adults,” mom says, and the guys agree to wait.

“Love you, Princess,” her brother and Lorenzo say as we walk out the front door. Bella stops and turns to look at them with a stone-face.

“I love you, guys too. Please don’t fight with my husband over this. I’m a grown ass woman, and I can make my own damn decisions,” Bella says sassily, then turns and walks out without waiting for a response.

I hear them comment about her sassy mouth not changing.

God, I love my girls’ sassy mouth, but Ace is right, though, she needs a good spanking on her delectable ass. Soon she will get one, very soon. My hand is itching to spank her plump little bottom and then love-fuck her again, really fuckin’ hard.




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