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TAILSPIN by Jaimie Roberts (16)

Devon’s mood hasn’t improved, even as we sit down to dinner with the Sutherlands. In fact, he seems to be brooding even more than he was earlier, which is not a good sign. He makes the right noises when spoken to, but if he wants this contract, he needs to start sucking up a little.

“I managed to book that helicopter ride for Wednesday evening. All of us will go, but in two separate helicopters,” Max says. I smile at the thought.

“I’ll be flying one,” Aaron says, making me turn to him.

“You can fly helicopters?”

“It’s easy enough,” Devon pipes up, interrupting. “What do you fly? A Bell 206?”

Aaron narrows his eyes a little. “Yes, but I flew a Blackhawk in the Air Force.”

Devon nods. “Impressive.” They look at one another for a second. I think that’s going to be the end of it, but Devon says, “I flew Chinooks. Took men on exercise in the Falklands.”

I sigh. I can’t believe Devon’s entering a pissing contest with Aaron. What the hell is wrong with him?

Aaron nods. “Nice. I guess we both have some stories to tell.”

I smile at Aaron. He’s not taking the bait and I admire him for it. I’m still pissed at Devon, though.

Getting up, I excuse myself. “I just need to use the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”

I feel like I need air, but any kind of escape is good. Once inside, I walk up to the sink and blow out a breath, then look at myself in the mirror. I went all out this evening, trying to impress for Devon’s sake. I’m wearing a slimming blue chiffon cocktail dress with an A-line scooped neck and ruffle beading that I bought at Macy’s earlier today. Once I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I had put my hair up, a couple wavy tendrils cascading down my face. My make-up is light and my lips are a nice shade of red, which was also something I picked out today. Once Devon saw it, I could tell he didn’t like me wearing it.

Thinking about him, I know I need to address his behaviour. He’s being a complete jerk and it’s unnecessary. I pull my phone out of my bag and text him.

You need to cool it or you’ll end up losing this deal. What does it matter if you’ve flown Chinooks in the Falklands?!

A few seconds later, Devon responds.

Don’t patronise me. This is my company, not yours. Just because we fucked once doesn’t give you the right to criticise the way I conduct business! Make sure you wash your hands. Remember, you’re here to work, not eye fuck.

Shaking my head, I place my phone back in my bag. I always thought things with Devon were complicated, but now… I grip the sides of the sink and hang my head. I don’t know what to think.

Just when I get a handle on things, he decides to change the rules. I can’t keep up.

I look in the mirror. I’m not smiling. Why? I’ve dedicated so much time and effort to that man, but what have I gotten in return—other than a good wage?

Closing my eyes, I think about my dad and the house we all grew up in. If he lost it, he’d be devastated. I know my mother was killed in that house, but I think he sees it more like the home she raised a family in. So many memories. So many stories. How can I begrudge him that?

With a quick powder of my nose, I gather my wits about me and head back to the table. I’m expecting tension, so I’m pleasantly surprised when I see smiles and hear laughter all around.

“Having fun without me,” I joke.

Max looks up at me with a bright smile. “Devon was just telling us how much trouble he used to get into with your brother.”

I smile over at Devon, surprised when he smiles back. “Charlie,” I respond, nodding. “They once set fire to our next door neighbour’s shed.”

As everyone at the table gasps, Devon shrugs. “It was an accident. How were we supposed to know they had gasoline in there?”

I lean forward. “Yes, but you were only fifteen and experimenting with cigarettes.” I turn to the group. “They thought they were being hard.” I glance at Max, causing him to laugh. When I look back at Devon, he’s still smiling. When he realises he’s been caught, he quickly clears his throat, his smile disappearing.

“Does anyone want dessert?”

When we all say no, Max signals the waiter for the check. Devon complains, but Max insists, considering he chose the restaurant.

“Well, I insist on paying for the next meal then. That is if you want to do this again, of course.”

Max wipes his mouth with the napkin and places it on the table. “I will never say no to a meal.”

“Oh, me, either,” I pipe up, causing everyone to look at me. My cheeks flush. “I mean … it’s nice, you know … sitting and eating with great company.”

Aaron offers me a crooked smile, and his father looks amused. After paying, we all stand.

“What do you think about going to the bar for a drink?” Devon asks.

“Sounds great,” Max replies, then looks at Aaron and me with a smile. “But I believe these two would like to drink without us.” My cheeks instantly flush.


I feel Aaron’s hand on the small of my back. I smile, then see Devon glaring at me. He’s not happy, which just pisses me off. It’s like living with someone who’s bipolar.

“Yes, I’d like to steal Andi away for an hour or two. I hope you don’t mind.”

I see Devon grit his teeth, then slowly shake his head. “Why would I mind? I hope you have a good time.” He tries to smile, but I can tell it’s forced. If we were alone, I know he’d come up with some excuse about my brother not liking it.

I inwardly sigh. Why should I even care? I have an exceptionally sweet, kind, and handsome man offering to take me for drinks, but I’m more concerned about how Devon’s going to take it? It’s stupid.

“You kids have a good time,” Max says with a smirk.

Walking forward, I kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you so much for dinner. The food here is exceptional.”

Taking my hand, Max kisses it. “It was my pleasure, Andi, especially when I’m dining with someone as beautiful as you.” My cheeks flush again. He turns to Aaron. “See you later, son. Take good care of young Andi here.”

Aaron takes my handbag and places it around my shoulder. When he keeps his hand there, I notice Devon’s nostrils flare a little. “Oh, I will.” He turns to me, making me look up at him. “Are you ready?”

I take a very quick glance at Devon, who’s standing as still as a statue. “Yes, I’m ready.” In fact, I’m more than ready. I just want out of here and away from the burning sensation on my skin caused by Devon’s glare.

“Have fun,” Max says, waving to us as we walk away.

“Well, that was … interesting.”

As we walk toward the exit, I look up at Aaron to try and gauge his reaction. “Interesting is one word I would use,” I answer, chuckling. As we head outside, I turn to him. “Can I ask where we’re going?”

He motions toward a chauffeur standing next to the open door of a black sedan. “Please,” Aaron says. “It’s a surprise.”

I give him an amused look before getting into the car. Aaron climbs in after me, a smile on his face.

“You’re intriguing me.”

As he settles in, he turns to me as the driver pulls away from the curb. “Do you like surprises, Andi?”

“Hmm, it depends. I think everyone can admit to liking nice surprises.”

“Oh, this is definitely a nice surprise.”

Wringing my hands together nervously, I smile at him before turning my head to take in the sights. New York looks fantastic during the day, but at night? It’s spectacular.

“Your boss seems very knowledgeable. Very … business savvy.”

I turn away from the hustle and bustle of the streets to stare at Aaron. “That’s very generous of you, considering the way he behaved at dinner.”

Aaron shrugs as if it doesn’t bother him. “He sees me as a theat.”

I frown a little. “What makes you say that?”

“I’m making advances toward his PA and he doesn’t like it.”

I start laughing. “Ah, you noticed that, did you?”

He nods. “What’s the deal with you two anyway? Is there something I should know?”

My heart beats a little. I swallow, looking down at my dress before I look back up at him. “There’s nothing to know. He’s been best friends with my brother since school and now I work for him.”

I can tell by the look on Aaron’s face that he doesn’t buy it. He inhales a little, looks away momentarily, then glances back at me. “I’ll leave it for now, but I may want to address something a little later.”

I swallow hard. “Okay.” I don’t say anything more. I have a feeling he will press on the subject of Devon and me, and I’m not quite sure how to address it.

But as I stare out the window once more, all thoughts of Devon are pushed to the back of my mind when I see the lights of the Empire State Building coming into view. I gasp. “Oh, my god. It’s so beautiful.”

Aaron laughs. “I take it you’re impressed.”

I look over at him. “Aren’t you? I know you live here, but how can one ever tire of staring at something so … so … remarkable? Something so … dominating.”

“You get used to it, but I guess you’re right. It is rather exceptional.”

When we pull up to the building and the driver gets out, I turn to Aaron. “We’re not going inside, are we?” Biting my lip again, I try and suppress my smile.

He nods with a smirk. “Yes. I know this isn’t the romantic moment you were probably hoping for, but I hope it’ll be close.”

I gasp. “Are you kidding me? I can’t think of anything more perfect. Thank you.”

With a smile, Aaron helps me out of the car and I follow him into the building. I’m thinking we’ll have to wait, but I’m pleasantly surprised when we skip the line.

“Come here often?” I ask, a joke in my voice.

Aaron smiles softly. “I know a few people.”

I nod. “Of course you do.”

We both laugh as we head into one lift. When we get out and step into another, my eyes widen.

“We have to take two elevators?”

“There will be three. We’re going straight to the top.”

“Wow,” I breathe out, trying to curb my excitement. I feel like a child on Christmas.

I notice Aaron staring at me, so I turn to him. “You have the most amazing smile.”

I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. “Thank you.”

When the elevator comes to a stop, we make our way onto the main deck. Even though it’s dark, the air is sticky from the heat of the day. It’s not too unbearable, though.

As Aaron and I make our way toward the corner of the deck, I look across at the expanse of lights. “It’s beautiful.”

“Come,” Aaron says, taking my hand. He pulls me over to the middle and points to a massive building. “You see that building over there?” I look into the distance at the tall, extremely shiny building with a blue, red, and white top. I turn back to him.


“That’s the One World Trade Center.” He points again. “Over there is the Statue of Liberty, and over there is the Chrysler Building.”

I look again. “It has a very distinct shape with its arches and triangles.”

He turns to see me looking at him. “Triangles, huh?” I nod. He looks down at my lips before looking back up. “Central Park is just over there.” He points, making me look down. All I can see is an expanse of black trees. As I follow it across, I notice the Hudson River.

“That’s where that pilot had to land.” I point. “Unbelievable.”

Aaron looks at me. “Chesley Sullenberger. What a great man and a fantastic pilot. He saved everyone that day.”

“I remember being at home with my dad when it came on the news. I was in complete shock. I couldn’t imagine a plane could land on water like that without at least breaking apart.”

“I know. That’s why they called it a ‘miracle on the Hudson.’”

Thinking of flying and planes, I turn to him. “Did you ever have any incidents in your flying career?”

Aaron looks away for a moment. “There were a couple. I had an incident where the plane stalled for twenty minutes. That was pretty frightening. But the worst incident was when I was on exercise off the Florida coast. There were four of us. One had trouble, causing his aircraft to dip and hit another plane. The shrapnel from that ripped into my engine

I gasp. “Oh no! What happened?”

“Clouds of coolant went into the air. I couldn’t see to get my bearings. After a couple minutes of trying to control the plane, I decided to admit defeat and pull the ejection seat. I landed safely in the ocean, but I was pretty beat up. It took me three weeks to recover before I could fly again.”

I place my hand on his shoulder. “I bet. Were your colleagues okay?”

He nods. “Yes. We all ejected and landed in the water. Then, we just waited for rescue.” He laughs. “The sharks kept us company.”

My eyes widen. “I can’t think of anything worse.” I involuntarily shiver. “There’s a reason they belong in the sea and we belong on land. They don’t venture into my space, I won’t go into theirs.”

“You don’t like sharks?” he asks, an amused look on his face.

“I like sharks, but I respect their territory. That’s the difference.”

“Ah, so it has nothing to do with that fact they’re huge and have sharp teeth that can bite into your flesh.” He laughs.

“That’s not funny, you know.”

Placing a hand on his heart, he stops, smirking. “I’m sorry.” He points up higher. “Do you want to go up farther?” When I nod, he offers me his arm. “Let’s go.”

Once we reach the cooler, more intimate setting at the top, Aaron lets me gaze out of the windows for a few moments.

“You like it up here, huh?”

I turn to find him watching me. It’s nice to spend time with a gentleman.

“I do.” I grab his arm. “Thank you so much for this.” I turn back to look out at the thousands of lights. “I think I could stay like this forever.”

“Here,” Aaron says, grabbing me. I turn to see him holding up his phone. He takes a selfie of us, then shows it to me.

“That’s nice.” We look great together. So happy. So radiant.

“I’ll text it to you later. I have a feeling this is going to end up being my profile picture on Facebook.”

I notice him staring at my lips again. It’s getting to be extremely difficult not to cross that line with him.

“So,” he says, clearing his throat. “You only have the one brother?”

Grateful of the change of subject, I nod. “Yep. He’s staying with my dad until he goes to Afghanistan.” My face falls.

“I’m sorry to hear that. It’s always tough on families when they know their loved one is going somewhere so dangerous.”

I nod. “It certainly is. We’re so close … especially since my mum died.”

“Can I ask how?”

When I see his eager expression, I take a deep breath. “She was shot at home, but the murderer was never caught.”

Aaron looks down for a moment, shaking his head. When he looks back up, he places a hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Andi. Were you living with them at the time?”

I nod. “Yes, and for a little while after. It’s my home; however, I couldn’t help but think some stranger invaded it and took one of the most important people in my life away from me. After she died, I did some stupid things I’m not proud of. I made poor decisions that caused more heartache for my dad. It’s something I will never forgive myself for.”

He faces me and puts his hands on my shoulders, squeezing lightly. “Hey, as far as your father’s concerned, I’m sure there’s nothing to forgive. You were grieving as much as he was.”

Taking a deep breath, I nod. I don’t want to start tearing up in front of Aaron. We haven’t known each other that long. I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate the woman he’s trying to take out on a nice date turning into a mess.

“Yeah, it was one of those things. Eventually, I grew up, moved out, got myself a housemate, and got a job working for Devon.”

Smiling, he moves his hands away from my shoulders. “Yes … Devon …” He thinks for a moment. “Out of curiosity, what’s he like to work for?”

I look away, blowing out some air. What can I tell him? That he’s an ignorant pig who doesn’t care what he does or says to hurt me? As far as trying to strike a deal with this man and his father, it won’t look very good for him.

“He’s—” I start laughing. “Truth be told, it’s like working for a thirty-five-year-old child.”

“Well, I guess we all have a little bit of a boy in us.”

“See, there you go again, sticking up for him,” I joke.

“He likes you,” he says. I laugh sarcastically. “I’m being serious. He really likes you, Andi. In fact, I would place a bet on the fact he’s in love with his PA and doesn’t know what to do about it.”

Thinking how preposterous that sounds, I nudge him with my shoulder. “Oh, come on. That’s just silly.”


I stare at him in disbelief. “You haven’t seen the models he parades through his office.”

Aaron leans forward. “And I’d bet every one of them doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

I stare into Aaron’s eyes, thinking how sweet he is. How easy would it be to let this man kiss me? But I know I’ll be flying back to London and he’ll be staying here. There would be no point to it … other than having a really good time that is.

I can tell by the look he gives me that he feels the same way. He has a certain hunger in his eyes that I want to explore, but know I can’t.

Then, as quickly as it comes, it vanishes when he pulls away, inhaling. “The question is: How do you feel about him?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know what

“Come on, Andi. You can tell me. I won’t say anything.” When I don’t respond, he says, “Okay, tell you what. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Well, it’s probably not much of a secret, considering I can’t seem to keep my eyes off you, but here goes. I like you … a lot. I know it’s crazy because we live so far apart. You’re only here for two or three more days, and then you’ll be flying three thousand, four hundred and seventy miles away.” He raises an eyebrow at me as my eyes widen. “Believe me, I’ve checked.” I laugh. “Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to figure out is whether this,” he motions between us, “is crazy. Is it just me?” I shake my head. “But I sense something else, too … an uncharted spark between you and Devon. I can hazard a guess as to how he feels for you, but what is it you feel for him?”

Wondering if I should say anything, I take a deep breath. Considering he’s so sweet and kind, laying himself on the line like that, I owe him.

“Okay,” I say, closing my eyes. “I do have feelings for Devon.” I roll my eyes after realising how preposterous that sounds. He treats me like crap. “I know nothing can happen between us, but

Aaron puts his hand up. “Say no more. I don’t want to make you feel any more uncomfortable. I already know more than enough.” He shakes his head with a smile. “I know how cliché this is going to sound, but when I saw you at the bar and heard your voice, I think I fell a little bit in love with you.” He smirks, letting me know he’s kidding. “So I guess you and I are both crazy. I’d rather know now than you leaving me with a broken heart.” When he sees my smile, he says, “Have you ever thought about quitting your job so you and he could date?”

I snort out a laugh. “Okay, first of all, that will never happen. Second, I’ve actually started looking.” I sigh. “I’m not saying Devon is bad to work for.” I almost choke on the lie. “I just think I have devoted way too much time to him. Even when I go home at night, my life revolves around him in one way or another. It’s like he can’t brush his own teeth without me.” I laugh again, but none of this is funny.

“It sounds as though he has relied on you way too much. Does he at least appreciate everything you do for him?”

God, this is awkward. How can I say he doesn’t in front of a perspective business partner? Knowing I’m going to lie again, I nod. “Yes, he does.”

Aaron smiles. “Good.” He steps away a little. “Do you want to go have a look around the main deck before I take you for some champagne?”

Smiling brightly, I nod. “I would really like that. Thank you.”

We take the elevator down to the main deck. We spend a good thirty minutes walking around, gazing at the lights and talking. Aaron is fantastic company, and I can’t help but think how sweet he is for spending so much time with me. He must have seen the sights a million times, yet he’s patient and lets me go at my own pace.

Once we’re finished, we drive to a local bar where we have a glass of champagne and talk some more. In fact, we talk so long, I don’t even realise it’s after midnight until I check my watch.

“I’d better get you back. Your boss won’t be happy with me for stealing you away for so long.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’s got better things to do right now than worry about me.” In fact, I can just imagine him entertaining yet another woman in his room.

Aaron shakes his head as he leads me out of the bar. “Oh, I highly doubt that.”

We drive back to my hotel. Once there, I look at him. “You’re some kind of special, you know that?”

Aaron looks taken aback. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, you take a girl out on a date, impress the hell out of her, then she tells you she likes someone else. In fact, you took me for champagne after I told you. Not many men would do that.”

Aaron turns away for a second before looking back at me. “I guess I just really like you and like spending time with you. I know nothing can happen between us because of the three thousand miles, but

“Three thousand, four hundred, seventy miles.” I smirk.

He raises an eyebrow at me, nodding. “Exactly. I guess what I’m trying to say is, despite all that, I enjoy your company.” He holds his hand out to me. “Friends?”

Biting my lip, I nod. “I would like that very much.” I place my hand in his. “Friends.” I lean forward, placing a kiss on his cheek. I notice his hand lingers for a moment, making it hard to pull away.

“I think it best you go inside before I cross that ‘friend’ boundary.”

Letting go of his hand, I pull back. “I had a really good time tonight, Aaron.”

He smiles. “So did I. Sweet dreams, Andi.”

The driver gets out and opens my door for me. “You, too.” I climb out of the car. I turn and wave at him before the chauffeur shuts the door.

With a slight spring in my step, but also disappointment that nothing can happen between us, I step into the lift. I’m about to press the button for my floor when I think about tonight. Making a quick decision, I press the button for the roof. If Devon is entertaining someone, I want to stay away for a while.

As the elevator doors open, I step through and look around. There is a sign on the wall saying “Rooftop Pool,” so I decide to head in that direction. It’s probably closed, but I can still walk over there.

At the end of the hallway, I push on the door—surprised when it opens. I expect to see a few people, so I’m shocked when I’m met with only dim lights.

I step through and walk up to the edge, taking a deep breath. The city of Manhattan is laid out before me, and it looks just as stunning from down here as it did way up there. I look up at the Empire State Building, thinking about how much I enjoyed tonight.

A noise in the shadows has my heart racing. Snapping my head to the source, I try and see if anyone’s there. All I can see is black. Maybe I should go. I’m probably not supposed to even be up here this late anyway.

“Have a nice time tonight?”

With a yelp, I jump, squinting into the darkness. “Devon?” I ask. I can’t quite see him, but I see an outline. He’s leaning up against the wall, holding a drink in his hand.

“Well, did you?”

Guardedly, I answer, “Yes, I had a lovely time. We went to the top of the Empire State Building.”

He laughs under his breath. “I guess Andi gets turned on by romance. Did you let him touch you?”

I screw up my face in disgust. “Not that it’s any of your business

“Did you let him touch you?”

“No. Why do you care so much anyway?”

“Does it sound like I care?” he asks nonchalantly.

“You wouldn’t ask if it didn’t bother you in some way.”

He shrugs. “I’m just looking out for my best friend’s sister.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course you are.”

He pushes himself off the wall and walks toward me. Aware that he’s been drinking, I step back, hitting the wall. Devon smiles before reaching up and twirling his finger through one of my ringlets.

“Tell me, Andi. Does helicopter man make you all wet like I do?”

I try looking into his eyes to see a trace of humanity there, but all I’m met with is black. “There’s no need for this, Devon.”

He steps closer, making my breath hitch. “Answer the goddamned fucking question.”

Smelling the alcohol scares me a little. Ritchie did say it made people blurt the truth. Maybe I just don’t want to know the truth when it comes to Devon.

“Does he make you wet?” he asks again, blowing his warm, alcohol-laden breath into my face.

“You’ve been drinking. Maybe you should go to bed, sleep it off, and we’ll talk about this in the morning.”

I try to move away, but he grabs my wrist and pins me to the wall. He leans down and inhales the side of my neck. He’s so close, I can feel the rapid beating of his heart against mine. So close, his warm breath tickles my skin. So close, I can feel his erection digging into me.

“I want you to answer my question.”

His deep breathing sets off my own. I don’t want him to affect me like he is, but I can’t help it. Nothing can happen, though. He’s drunk and will no doubt regret it in the morning again.

“No,” I finally say, my lip trembling. “Now, are you going to let me go?”

“Did you not want him to slide his hand up your thigh like this?” He lets go of my wrist and trails one rough hand from my knee all the way up to my thigh.

Devon, stop …”

He starts kissing the side of my neck, pushing my dress up. “Did you want him to kiss you like I’m kissing you?” Grabbing my hip, he forces me against him, making him growl.

“You don’t know what you’re doing, Devon. Stop.”

His hand starts travelling to the hem of my knickers. Suddenly, he drops his glass and darts his tongue into my mouth.

I can’t breathe. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to launch himself at me like this. If he wasn’t drunk and wasn’t so rough, I would probably enjoy it, but everything inside me is screaming for me to stop this.

I start to wrestle with him, trying to push him away. He doesn’t budge. He keeps kissing me, trailing his hands all over. Putting all my might behind it, I give one big push, making him step back. “Devon, no!” I shout, slapping him across the facehard.

He covers his cheek, giving me a surprised look. Tears sting my eyes as I turn and run for the door, not looking back. I don’t even notice if he’s trying to stop me. I keep running, not stopping until I’ve gotten into my room and lock the door.

Falling onto my bed, I cry into my duvet. I cry until there are no more tears left and I’m exhausted, soon drifting off.

In my state of near-unconsciousness, I start to wonder:

Why am I still here?




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