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TAILSPIN by Jaimie Roberts (5)

“Get up, sleepyhead,” Ritchie sings as he opens my blinds. “It’s time for school.” The sun blinds me, so I turn over on a moan. “Come on,” he says, laughing as he shakes me.

“What time is it?” I grumble.

“It’s eight. You haven’t got much time to get Mr Holier-than-thou his condoms.” I don’t need to see him to know he’s rolling his eyes.

“I don’t have to be in until ten. He’s letting me have an hour off because of last night.”

Ritchie snorts. “Well, that’s really nice of him.” I watch him with one eye as he walks toward my door. “I’ll let you get some rest then. Some of us actually have to get to work early this morning.”

“Well, I’m not going to be able to fall asleep again now that you’ve woken me up, am I?” I grumble with a gravelly voice.

With his hand on my doorknob, Ritchie gives me an unimpressed look. “And this is the thanks I get for waking your arse up.” He shakes his head and starts to shut the door.

“Love you!” I shout just before he closes it.

“Love you, too, sweetheart.”

Once I hear the front door close, I shut my eyes on a smile. I love moments like this when it’s calm and quiet, and I don’t have to get up. As I lie here, I think about Tom and then about Devon interrupting our date. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he did it on purpose. He’s never interrupted like that… Then again, I haven’t had a date since I started working for him. Last night was the first one.

As I think of New York, my father, and my brother, I start to drift off again—until my alarm rudely interrupts me.

“Ugh!” I shout, turning over and angrily switching it off. I then proceed to kick off my duvet like a petulant child. “I don’t want to go to work,” I moan. I especially don’t want to go on my condom-buying errand. The lady at the chemist must think I hump like a freaking rabbit.

Knowing I can’t lie here all day, I force myself up and into the shower. At least today is Friday, and I can sleep to my heart’s content tomorrow morning. No doubt, Ritchie and I will go for our ritual Saturday morning greasy fry-up that’s bound to cure a raging hangover.

Once I put on my usual—a dull, long grey skirt with a matching white shirt, which is equally dull—I apply some make-up, place my hair up in a bun, and put on my glasses. “There,” I think, staring at myself in the mirror, “I am a perfectly boring specimen of the human race … just the way Mr Condom likes me.”

Once I grab my bag, I check the time. 9:30. I should have plenty of time to grab Devon’s condoms before he gets back from his meeting.

Just as I think this, I receive a text, groaning when I see Devon’s name on my screen.

Buy me a salmon and egg bagel on your way in. And don’t forget my usual. I’ll need you to type up some letters when I get in. I also have more information on the NY trip, so I’ll need you to make arrangements. Don’t be late.

I would normally be pissed off by his text because he doesn’t even say thank you, but the fact that he mentioned New York has me grinning.

I grab the rest of my things and walk out. I catch the two trains relatively quickly and pop into the chemist to buy the condoms before grabbing Devon’s breakfast from the local delicatessen. Although I’m not looking forward to work, the weather lightens my mood a bit. So does the thought that I may be booking our trip today. It’s the best part about my job. I’m good at making arrangements. They’re normally for other people, but I enjoy it nonetheless.

As I’m waiting for the lift, Mandy walks up, seeing the chemist bag. She smirks. “I see Mr Robber-Johnny’s going to be busy again this weekend.”

As we step into the lift, I laugh. “Of course. I have to get the extra large, you know? A part of me wonders if he really is that big … because if he isn’t, then he must have a secret stash somewhere with condoms of an appropriate size.”

“Well, if that’s the case, he must be able to fill a closet with all the ones you’re buying him.” She points to the bag. “Anyway, enough about him. What are your plans this weekend?”

Thinking about Charlie, I smile. “I’m meeting Charlie’s army buddies tonight.” The lift doors open and we walk to my office.

She gasps. “Really? The big protective brother’s finally letting his little sister out of her cage?”

I snigger. “I’m really looking forward to it.”

She elbows me before resting her hip on my desk. As she does, her skirt rides up, showing her tanned legs. I’ve always been jealous of her legs. I’ve also always been jealous of the fact she’s obviously allowed to wear whatever she likes.

“I bet you are! Can you imagine? All those hot men in uniform …”

“They won’t be in uniform.”

“I know, but that doesn’t stop a girl from fantasising over how good they would look in a set of combats. It’s not only that. They’re out fighting for our country and keeping us safe. You can’t get hotter than that.” She fans her face with a piece of paper and pretends to faint.

“What are you like?” I say, taking my seat. “Besides, even if I did fancy any of them, I wouldn’t be able to act on it with my brother there. Not to mention Mr Condom himself. Also, they all have strict instructions not to get anywhere within touching distance.”

She holds up her hand. “Hold on. Back up. Mr Condom will be there?”

With a reluctant nod, I sigh. “Unfortunately.”

“What a fucking bummer.” She looks away in deep thought and then her features brighten. “Hold on. I think you can use this to your advantage. Ignore what your brother says. I would flirt until the cows come home. After all the times Mr Condom’s entertained a bit of skirt in his office while you were out here typing his many letters, I would think he deserves a little tit for tat.”

I start laughing. “What are we? Twelve?” I shake my head. “Devon’s not going to give a shit whether I’m flirting with someone else or not. He just likes control. He wants to be in control of everything. I think that’s why he interrupted my date last night.”

He what?!”

In short order, I tell her everything that happened. Afterward, she just sits there, shaking her head.

“He has some serious issues. I’ve never known anyone like him. The only reason he gets away with it is because he’s got an arse Tom Hiddleston would be jealous of. He also has good dress sense, which is important in a man.”

“Not personality then?”

“Oh yes,” she snorts. “He simply has to have everything. Killer looks, killer body, killer personality, and he needs to make me laugh.”

“No wonder you’re single,” I observe, giving her a cheeky smile.

“Hey! He’s out there somewhere. He just needs to find me and sweep me off my feet.”

I lean toward her. “You’re such a romantic.”

“Of course.” She laughs and glances at Devon’s office. “Where is he today? He’s normally out here shouting for his coffee by now.”

“He’s in meetings for another hour, so I have a good break.” I point to the paper in her hand. “How’s work for you so far? Anything important to share?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing we can’t handle. An engineer hasn’t gotten paid, and he’s grumbling about it. We sent his money, but he hasn’t received it. Apart from that, it’s quiet. It normally is on Fridays. Monday is the manic day because it’s timesheet day. Fuck, I hate Mondays.”

“I know what you mean. Devon normally has a ton of work for me to do on Mondays because he doesn’t stop working on the weekend. He builds it all up for me.”

She rolls her eyes. “Where does he have the time with his relentless fucking?” she snorts.

“I don’t know,” I reply as the phone rings. I point to it. “I’d better get that.”

Placing a hand on my shoulder, she gets up. “See you around, kiddo.”

I pick up the phone and wave to Mandy as she walks out. “Worldwide Airways. How may I help you?”

“Is Devon Jackson available?”

Immediately, I pick up on the American accent. It’s sexy and gravelly, making me wonder what he looks like.

“I’m afraid he’s in meetings for another hour. Can I take a message?”

“Is this Andi Bellingham?” he asks tentatively.

I smile. “Yes. That’s me.”

“It’s Aaron Sutherland. I believe we’ll be meeting later this month.”

Yes, sir.”

“I’m so sorry. I was supposed to call yesterday with all the details, but I had urgent business I needed to attend to. I did message Mr Jackson about it.”

I start booting up my laptop. “I believe it was about his CV and acquisition letter, correct?”

“No. I received that from him yesterday morning. I was calling regarding setting the dates.”

I go silent, completely stunned. If he received it yesterday morning, then why did Devon pull me away from my date last night? Was it simply a control issue again? Is he worried that if I start a relationship my work will suffer?

“Miss Bellingham, are you there?”

I immediately snap out of my thoughts. “Oh, yes. Sorry. I will let Mr Con—I mean, Mr Jackson—know as soon as he gets in.” I feel like I’m out of it all of a sudden. So much so that I nearly called Devon Mr Condom to one of our business associates!

“Thank you. And can you tell him that he needs to be quick. I’ll be unavailable in two hours.”

I look at my watch and see it’s nearly twenty past ten. “I sure will.”

“Thanks again, Miss Bellingham. It will be a pleasure to meet face-to-face. I’ve heard so much about you; Mr Jackson speaks very highly of your abilities.”

“Really?!” I practically screech.

Oh, my god. I sound more and more unprofessional by the minute. Mr Sutherland probably wonders how on earth my boss can speak highly of a waffling buffoon.

“I’m sorry. I mean, is that so? I’m glad to hear it.” I sigh as I hear a small chuckle over the phone. At least he seems down to earth—unlike someone else I know.

“It sounds as though this is the first time you’ve heard that. If you do well, he needs to tell you. How else will you know?”

Exactly. How else will I know? I always thought Devon found me only tolerable.

“Well, I’ve heard it from you, so thank you. It is nice to know.”

I hear him sigh. “I wish I could speak more, but I have to go. It was nice talking to you. When we’re not doing business, maybe I can take you to the Empire State Building and a couple other places I know.”

I bite my lip, smiling. “That would be so kind of you. Thank you. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“Good. Well, I'll see you in a couple of weeks then, Miss Bellingham.”

“Thank you. Please, call me Andi.”

“Very well, Andi, as long as you call me Aaron.”

My smile grows wider. I’ve not even met this man, but I already like him.

“Okay, Aaron.”

I hear a slight chuckle on the phone. “You have a good day, Andi.”

“You, too, Aaron. Bye.”

I hear him hang up, so I do the same. Just as I do, Devon walks in and spots my huge smile.

“What are you smiling at?”

Immediately, I stand. “Nothing, Mr Jackson.” I feel flustered. He was supposed to be gone for another forty minutes. “I got you the things you asked for,” I say, picking up the two bags.

“Good. Bring all that stuff in and fetch me a coffee.”

“Yes, sir,” I answer. I scurry in after him and place the bags on the table. Once that’s done, I hurry back out before he has a chance to shout at me.

In the kitchen, I get to work making him his coffee, and it’s then I wonder why on earth I’m worried about how pissed he is. I should be the one who’s pissed. He took me away from a date last night for what seems like no reason whatsoever—other than he felt like it.

As I think on this, a frown forms and stays with me all the way to Devon’s office. I shut the door, place his coffee on his desk, and sit opposite him with my pen and paper ready. He doesn’t even acknowledge me as he types on his laptop.

“Aaron Sutherland called. He wants you to call back as soon as you can. He said he’s going to be unavailable to speak to in less than two hours.”

Snapping his head up, he snarls, “Why didn’t you tell me this the minute I walked in?” He snatches his phone up aggressively. “Wait outside. I’ll call you in when I’m done.”

I don’t say anything as I get up and quickly hurry out of his office. I feel I need some breathing room anyway. No matter what I do, it’s never enough. As I sit down at my desk, I breathe out a sigh and think about what Aaron said to me. Maybe Devon only said what he did to him because he thought it would sound better. I never know what Devon’s logic is. He told me he needed me urgently last night, and that turned out to be a lie. Then, I hear he’s singing my praises to somebody else when all he does is shout at me. I think about what Mandy said and she’s right. One of the reasons he gets away with it is because he’s so hot. It certainly isn’t because of his personality.

Actually, now that I think about it, I haven’t heard from Tom. I guess I should be the one to contact him. I should at least apologise again for what happened last night.

When my father enters my thoughts, I sigh. It’s almost payday, which is a constant reminder of why I need to stick with this job. Other than Ritchie, my father and I are the only ones who know about our little arrangement. The second I get my pay, half will disappear. I never grumble about it. I’d hand over all my wages if it meant keeping our family home.

My phone rings, and I automatically know it's Devon. When I pick up, he asks me to come back in. Dutifully, I get up and walk back into his office. Once I sit down with my pen at the ready, he looks up at me.

“I’ve got some dates for you to book.” I give a slight smile. “I need you to book our flights for two weeks from tomorrow. Book the hotel for a week. If we need to come back earlier, we will. Also, you will need to book seats for Mark and Anthony. They will join us for at least the first few days of the trip, if not all.”

I furiously jot all this down. I had a feeling they’d be joining us. Mark is the company lawyer, and Anthony’s the accountant. They work on the floor below us and are completely different from Devon—especially Mark. He likes to flirt, but I know he doesn’t mean anything by it. I think he does it because he knows it winds Devon up.

“Get the best hotel you can find and book the best room. I don’t want the Sutherland’s thinking we’re cheap. If there’s enough room for all of us together, then that would be best. I need to make sure we’re all on board and ready for anything.”

I finish writing before looking up. “Anything else?”

He taunts me with that smouldering look he likes to give. “Yes. Find the best bottle of scotch and send one to Mr Sutherland and another to his son as a thank you.”

Getting up, I say, “Consider it done.”

I desperately want to ask him about last night, but I hold my tongue. I doubt I will get a proper answer from him anyway.

As I push in my chair, Devon starts typing on his keyboard again. Once I’m at the door, he calls out. “Andi?” I turn to face him. He doesn’t even look up. “Don’t forget to type up those letters to Bradbury, Colston, and Neville.”

“I will get on it as soon as I’ve booked the flight and hotel.”

He doesn’t answer; he just waves his hand in dismissal. As I close the door, I shake my head. Immediately, New York enters my mind, making me skip a step. If he wants the best hotel, I will find it. There’s no doubt we’ll be flying business class, too. He won’t tolerate anything less.

Once I sit down and start looking at the dates, I realise my father’s birthday is three days after we leave. I hang my head and sigh. I know he won’t mind me missing it because he’ll have Charlie with him, but it still doesn’t stop the guilt. I guess I will just have to make him the best Sunday dinner he’s ever had this weekend.