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The Luminous Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (29)





Chatting to Kiera when she’s having a bad day always manages to get me down. I hate that she’s feeling sick today, but I love the fact that when she needs to talk to me she isn’t afraid to call me, just to hear my voice. I miss her like crazy, and I wish I could do something to speed up the treatment process for her, but now with my debt to Hex I feel like I’m in deeper than I was when I started. But I will find a way to help Kiera.

I have to.

But right now, my girl is at the after party downstairs waiting for me, and I need to go and spend some quality time with her. I make my way into the elevator, the crappy music doing nothing for me, but I smile casually with the knowledge that the music and atmosphere in the bar will be a thousand times better.

The elevator doors open and I walk out, not really paying much attention. The dull thumping of the music makes me grin slightly wondering what craziness is going on in there already.

I glance up toward the bar, and I get a shock at the sight in front of me.

Effa, in the arms of Jett.

She’s hanging off him like he’s her lifeline. Her eyes glancing up at him as if she’s completely lost in his gaze as he holds onto her tightly. I stop on the spot as I tense up swallowing hard, and then Effa stumbles. Furrowing my brows it appears as if she’s completely drunk.

Surely, Effa couldn’t have gotten blink drunk in the short amount of time she’s been down here? She’s only been here all of thirty minutes.

Jett’s grip around her tightens as he starts to lead her away from the party.

Anger ignites inside of me, and I race forward. I don’t know what his game is, but I sure as hell am not letting him take her anywhere. Effa begins to trip and fall against him as his grip on her tightens. Jett hoists her up against his body.

I run faster.

My feet barreling like a mad sprinter to get to her, as I try to piece together what the hell I’m seeing.

Jett’s eyes are firmly looking at Effa, watching her, studying her inebriated state as she sways against him. But Effa looks up to me. Her eyes are glassy, almost closed, as I run as fast as I can to get to her. My chest squeezing tight from the amount of adrenaline running through my system.

Something’s not right.

Her eyes meet mine, her lips move saying something, but I can’t hear her over the dull beats of the music.

I rush forward, finally reaching them. “Get the hell off her,” I yell as my arms reach out shoving Jett away.

He grunts as he’s forced from her, his hands let her go with the impact of my hit, and he almost falls backward while he stumbles on the spot.

I turn just in time to see Effa trying to right herself, but her legs collapse beneath her, and I don’t have time to grab hold before her limp body and head collides harshly with the marble floor.

My heart leaps into my throat. “Effa,” I call out.

Andi rushes out of the bar and over to us.

Effa’s skin is pasty, her eyes bloodshot and rolling around in her head as she shudders from... the cold? Heat? I have no idea. “Fuck! Effa. Baby,” I call out, dropping to my knees and reaching out for her hand.

She’s panting hard as her eyes open and look at me. “Mercs,” she murmurs, her breaths becoming more shallow and rushed.

“I’m here, baby.”

“My heart,” Effa murmurs.

I tighten my hand in hers so tightly I feel like I’m breaking her bones, as I begin to shake right along with her. “Call 911,” I scream out frantically searching around the room for someone to help with whatever the fuck is going on right now.

“My heart… it hurts… I’m so hot… I can’t… I,” she lets out a muffled moan as her eyes roll into the back of her head, and her entire body thrusts upward and then jolts back down, then continues to shudder, convulsing hard as she rolls around in a fit.

“Fuck!” I call out, grabbing her arms and holding onto her, not knowing what to do as my heart breaks watching her body fail her like this.

Andi holds her head as we roll Effa on her side, fitting from something that’s obviously hitting her system.

“What the fuck have you done to her, Jett?” But when I look up, the fucking asshole is nowhere to be seen.

“Get the medics in here. Now. We’re losing her,” Andi calls out the words I was dreading to hear, while bile rises in my throat.

“Effa! No. Effa… c’mon, baby. C’mon. Stay with me,” I call out as she slowly ceases seizing, her body going limp in my arms. My breathing catches as I lean my ear in over her mouth to check for her breath.

And there’s nothing.

No sign of life.

My heart stops as I gasp, dread filling me entirely.

“Andi, she’s stopped breathing.”