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Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance by Cristal Pierre (74)

Chapter 11


“I can see it working…” Adam says perceptively, as he looks at the woman before him.


He peers at her over a steaming cup of latte, his eyes studying the contours of her face. Doe-like eyes and a heart-shaped face, there’s a reason why Yvonne Lacroix is one of the most sought-after models at the moment. They’ve dated each other for a number of months, so Adam knows Yvonne, or Eve, isn’t just a pretty face. She’s business savvy, so when she called him up to present a business proposal, Adam’s the least bit surprised.


“So what do you say?” she asks, closing her laptop and meeting Adam’s eyes.


Adam’s got to admit that her proposal is exciting – a fashion app where one can create different looks and then buy directly from the app. It adds even more convenience to online shopping by being able to mix and match choices from different brands and then check out directly.


“This is still in the conceptual stage, right?” Adam then asks to which Eve nods. “I’ll have to talk to my dev guys. If I ever come in on this, I’ll have to be an equal partner. There’s just too much work.”


Adam can see the grin slowly surfacing on Yvonne’s lips. She’s excited and so is he.


“I expect no less,” Yvonne then says. “Partner.” Adam returns her grin with one of his own, before he takes a sip of his coffee. “Do you need anything on my part by the way? Additional documents and presentations?”


Adam shakes his head. “Not right now. You already emailed me the business plan. I just have to go through it again on my own.”


“Great, thanks Adam,” Yvonne then says. There’s a hint of a gush in her tone and a blush in her cheeks. “So how are you and Lexi? Last time I saw you two was the Fashion Saves gala.”


Adam remembers the Fashion Saves gala a few months back and a small smile surfaces on his lips. He remembers how Lexi looked that night, beautiful as always in a shy, introverted way. That’s not why he’s smiling though. It’s the sex – the public sex – that has him grinning. He remembers the excitement and the thrill of getting caught. Just thinking about it makes him feel younger and more youthful. That’s the beauty of Lexi. The little things with her makes Adam feel alive.


They aren’t in the best of places at the moment. Lexi has formally resigned, and Adam doesn’t like seeing her transitioning to her new job as marketing executive for Levi and Strohm. It’s very selfish of him, but he’s going to miss just staring at her from across his desk and working overtime and binging on Chinese takeout. If only she can rescind the acceptance and work under him as it’s always been.


Not to say he isn’t proud of her. He’s very much so. He always knew her capabilities and her drive. That’s why he hired her in the first place. It wasn’t for her looks – never – he saw her drive during the interview, how she worked multiple jobs and put herself through school. He just wishes Lexi can see her own capabilities instead of always doubting herself.


“Yoohoo,” Eve then teases, waving a hand in front of his face. “Earth to Adam.”


“Sorry.” Adam blinks his eyes repeatedly before he turns her head to meet Eve’s luminescent blue orbs. “Zoned out. Anyway…I’ll see you next week?”


Yvonne tips her head. “Yes.” Then, she stands up from her seat, and Adam follows suit to give a proper ‘goodbye’. He stretches his arm out for a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. He leans forward and wraps his arm around Eve’s neck when the woman turns and gives him a hard kiss on the lips.


Adam’s too surprised to do anything the first few seconds, and so, he stands there, eyes open and thinking ‘what the fuck just happened’. It takes him a few seconds too long before he pushes Yvonne away.


Lexi, the name floods his mind. She’s all he can think about despite the burning feeling on his lips. When he turns his head towards the window, he sees the weather is suitable for a walk in the park. He needs exactly that – fresh air and the sight of trees and flowering shrubs against the city skyline. His fingers close around the handle of his briefcase.


“I’ll have to rethink your proposal,” he then says to Eve after what just happened. He pushes the kiss to the back of his mind. “I’ll see you…whenever.”


He pushes the door open and steps into the cool air and under the sun. He takes a quick walk to clear his mind. He knows the right thing to do is separate his business and his personal life. He can still work with Yvonne on the partnership and maintain professionalism, right?


Wrong. If Adam puts himself in that position, he knows that next time, a kiss is the least of what he’ll get from her. He knows Yvonne’s a smart woman and can work her way around things, so he’ll avoid her instead of putting himself in that position. There’s going to be loads more business opportunities anyway from other people. A business is easily replaceable.


But Lexi? He’ll die trying to find another woman like her.