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Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance by Cristal Pierre (76)

Chapter 1


“I’ll see you later, alright?” Valerie says, leaning forward to give Trent a kiss on the forehead. “Be good.”


Trent smiles at the gesture and wraps his arms around her waist. “I’m always good.”


The public school isn’t so far away from their home, and it’s been routine for Valerie to drop her son off before she heads to work. The private school she works at is a couple of train stops away, but she takes a quick detour and heads for Café X, a coffee shop known for their innovative drink menu.


“I already ordered your usual,” Angel says, the moment Valerie enters the café and walks over to her.


Angel is a co-teacher, and one of Valerie’s closest friends. They have lunch in school together every day, and sometimes hang out with Trent during weekends. She’s always considered Angel to be a blessing in her life since her friend’s always there to help during emergencies, such as that time Angel watched over Trent in the hospital when Valerie couldn’t. The two are really close; however, no one really is close enough to Valerie to know of her double life. She’s Valerie during the day and Valentina when the sun sets. Only her co-escorts know of her other identity.


So when Angel asks her, “How was your night?” she purposely bites her tongue and lies through her teeth.


“Boring as usual,” she says, then reaching over the wooden counter to grab her coffee. They leave Café X and head for work. “Just pored over celebrity gossip. How about you?”


There’s no way Angel, and everyone else in her life, can know of her escorting. She doesn’t want the word to reach Trent and so prefers to keep everything to herself. What will her son think when he finds out his mother sleeps with random men for money? It doesn’t matter if she’s doing it to pay his hospital bills. Valerie knows Trent won’t take it well.


“Oh, I just had dinner with Blake,” Angel then responds, referring to the man she’s currently dating. “He took me to this taqueria that just opened up. I’ll take you there next time.”


Valerie lets Angel ramble on and on about her date. She doesn’t mind really since it takes the spotlight off her. Angel talks about how Blake picked her up in her apartment and even brought her home. She gushes about how much of a gentleman he was last night for opening doors for her, pulling her chair out, getting the bill, and taking her home. It was so very different from Valerie’s night.


Valerie can’t tell Angel how she blindfolded her client and hand cuffed him to his bed posts. She can’t talk about how she rode his cock and worked wonders on him with her nimble fingers and full, swollen lips. She can’t let her know how he screamed ‘Valentina’ the whole night when Angel knows her as Valerie. She keeps last night’s events to herself, involuntarily tipping the corners of her lips up into a small, secretive grin at the memory.


“So let’s grab lunch later?” Angel asks when they enter the school and head for the Teacher’s Office. “Did you pack?”


“Yes and yes,” Valerie then says, dropping her bag on her desk and opening her laptop. “I cooked some extra chicken and potatoes for you.”


The smile on Angel’s lips say enough. She squeals like a little girl, claps her hands together, and then says, “This is why I love you. Dessert’s on me.”


Valerie goes through her lesson plan for the day a couple times and revises a few parts here and there. She readies the take-home exercises she’ll give to them, and when everything’s prepared, Valerie sits up from her desk and walks over to her first class for the day.


Valerie considers Math an easy subject to teach. There’s always one correct answer for every problem, as compared to Reading Comprehension where answers can differ depending on one’s analysis. It’s a slow day for her morning class being that her students are still groggy and in no mood to talk about numbers. When the bell rings, her students stand up to leave the room, and Valerie waits for the next batch to come to class.


The rest of day goes by smoothly and uneventfully. She may have the occasional student answering back and challenging her lessons and teaching methods, but it isn’t something she can’t handle. It’s part of her life as a teacher, and she understands children go through phases where they want to act and look cool to their peers. She can handle middle school kids. High school students are a different story. She’s never going to venture into teaching high school kids.


When lunch strikes, Angel and Valerie eat with a couple of their co-teachers. The pantry room is well-stocked with coffee, tea, and light snacks and equipped with sufficient tables and chairs. They sit in a table for four and talk about the similarities and differences of their students and classes in general. Valerie gives Angel a part of her chicken and mashed potatoes, while Bethany, an avid cook, shares a whole tray of lasagna for everyone. Valerie gets a square of the pasta and then goes in for a second serving.


“I swear...” Bethany then says, looking at Valerie with wide eyes and an open mouth. “Where does all the food go?”


Valerie only laughs and shakes her head. She gets this almost on a daily basis – her friends asking her how she manages to stay in shape with her appetite. When she answers, “Isn’t sex the best exercise?” her friends around the table laugh and take her answer as a joke, nothing to take seriously.


They have no idea.


When the lunch break ends, they all head their separate ways. Valerie makes a pit stop to the Teacher’s Office to print a new lesson plan. The class she has next is more advanced than the others, and so, she’ll just be giving them an introduction to the next lesson for tomorrow and then give them the rest of the period off.


Valerie takes the opportunity to sneak in a little bit of extra work during the downtime. She pulls out her tablet from her bag and types her website into the search bar.


‘Your Fantasies by Valentina’


Now she has the time to answer the inquiries and messages she left hanging last night. As she responds to message after message, she realizes how her schedule is getting booked quickly. With Trent’s kidney transplant set for next week, she can’t help but breathe out a sigh of relief at the blessing. She’ll need all the money she can get, and the busy work schedule will result in extra cash. Valerie’s eyes then move over to the last unread message on her inbox. The email surprises her and catches her off guard, but in a good way.


Dear Valentina,


I’ve heard of your sexual prowess. You’re a legend according to my friends. You have piqued my interest, and I would like to spend a night with you. My friends have also told me of your bedroom rules. They excite me. You excite me. I’m currently imagining me fucking you senseless while blindfolded.


I’d like to propose a deal. Can you be blindfolded as well? I’d like to know if you play up to the stories told about you. If you’re as good as the others say you are then take my proposition as a challenge. What do you say?



Lucas Hill