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VIP by M. Robinson (16)


Nothing could have prepared me for Ysabelle coming into my life. The feelings and turmoil that came since I laid eyes on her were a cluster fuck. When I wasn’t thinking about her I was dreaming about her, which would usually lead to fantasizing.

It had been two weeks since I last saw her at the hotel room and not a day went by where I didn’t want to see her again. What surprised me the most was that I initially arranged the meeting with her because she looked like Olivia, which was my initial draw to her. Ever since having her company those few times, there was a certain quality about her that I couldn’t explain. She was an enigma to me.

There was something about her that was guarded and vulnerable all at the same time. She was a walking paradox.

“Sebby…” Julia smiled.

“Hmm…” I answered as I played around with the food on my plate.

“Where did you go? Did you hear anything I just said to you?”

“No, I’m sorry. I was thinking about the banquet tomorrow. There is a lot that needs to be done. What were you saying?”

“Well, it’s actually about that. I know that I said I could make it. I have a client coming in from Chicago to meet with the firm. It’s a corporation who is looking for new legal representation. I sort of have to be there and I think if all goes well, then we will be taking them out for dinner and drinks,” she explained while nervously playing with her fingernails.

“So you’re saying that you won’t be able to make it tomorrow?”

“You know I would love to go, but I also have commitments.”

“Julia, you have known about this for the last month. I have clients that would like to meet you, and the business strives on family and mine is not there.”

“You could take Christian.”

“To a black tie event? Are you fucking with me?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t make it.”

“That’s just great, Julia. Thank you for the support,” I continued.

“Why are you being such an asshole? When do I ever not support you!?”

“You know what? Don’t fucking worry about it. I’ll go by myself and provide for my family on my own.”

“Are you being serious? Sebastian, I work just as hard as you do, and when did your career become more of a priority than mine?”

“I never said it was, damn, I don’t ask for much. I do expect my wife to be by my side for something as important as this is to me.”

“I get that you’re stressed out, okay…that is no reason to take it out on me. I do everything for you. My career also provides for our family, and the deal tomorrow is for our future too, you dick,” she yelled while standing up and walking away from me. I heard the door slam to our bedroom and knew that it was going to be a long night.

I knew I was being unfair and I didn’t know why I was overreacting. I had intentionally picked a fight with Julia.

I started cleaning up the table as Christian came in.

“Can I help?”

“No, it’s okay, buddy.”

“Why are you guys fighting?”

I shrugged, “Sometimes parents fight.”

He nodded in understanding, “Mommy sounded really upset, Dad. You should say you’re sorry.”

“I will, I think it’s better for you to let me worry about that. You worry about school and baseball.”

“Girls are weird, Dad. Katie likes to take my brownie without even asking me. I told her not to because it was mine and she started crying. Now she won’t talk to me.”

“Hmmm…yeah, girls will do that. Maybe you should start taking two brownies, one for her and one for you,” I suggested.

“I guess I could do that. She’s always following me around and stuff, it’s weird.”

I laughed, “I think she may like you, buddy.”

“Eww…really? Why?”

“Girls mature faster, she’s five but really fifteen. One day you’ll appreciate that. Mommy was like that when she was five, too.”

“Girls are gross, Dad, well I mean…maybe sometimes. She does always smell nice and she does help me with my letters. I guess she’s okay. It’s tough being a man, Dad.”

“It sure is, bud,” I replied, trying not to laugh.

“Do you think Mommy will be okay? I don’t like seeing her sad.”

“Me either, Son, I’ll make it better.”

I put Christian to bed and I was mentally exhausted. I went into our bedroom and Julia was already sleeping. I took a shower trying to analyze what the hell was going on with me. I didn’t want to be thinking about another woman, and I most certainly didn’t want to be picking fights with Julia.

I needed to put all these thoughts behind me and move forward. I couldn’t let them take over anymore. I went to bed and put my arm around my Babygirl, bringing her over to me. We slept like that all night.


I sent Julia a dozen roses the following morning and once is was delivered, I received a text that said, “I love you, I’m sorry, and good luck”. The day proceeded with vendors trying to get everything in order for the evening. The event was being held at the biggest banquet hall we could find on South Beach. We were expecting about 350 current clients and new prospective ones. It was gearing up to be a huge event.

The evening started off like every other, lots of talking and socializing. Presenting everyone with our new inventory and setting up appointments for test runs and walkthroughs. I was in a circle of some very prominent clients. This could be big. I had two of the men completely eating out of my hand, asking questions, and intently listening to me describe our new Fraser yacht. This is where I excelled, talking about what I knew best, which was yachts.

So I made a joke about the wine cellar below deck, laughing with the guys about what wine does to women. Anytime, you associate yachts and women it usually seals the deal.

“What do you think, gentlemen? Should I set something up for next week?” I questioned.

“Yes, I think you should, Mr. Vanwell.” Said a voice from behind me as I turned.

“Good evening, I apologize for interrupting, I couldn’t help overhearing your introduction for this lovely piece of machinery, and once you added the women comment, well, that pretty much sealed the deal,” he chimed in laughing.

I observed the well-dressed man, trying to be casual.

"I'm sure I can arrange that, sir. It seems you have me at an advantage though. I am Sebastian Vanwell, and you are?”

“Gabriel Morisette, please call me Gabriel,” he asserted, shaking my hand.

“By all means, Gabriel, call me Sebastian; Mr. Vanwell makes me look for my father.”

He nodded, “This is definitely a beauty, and I take pride surrounding myself with beautiful things. How soon can you fit me in?”

“If you would like, we could arrange something for Monday morning?”

“Absolutely, Monday would be fine.”

“How about we make our way over to the bar. My companion seems to have forgotten about me. She was supposed to be getting us some drinks.”

“Oh, I have one of those. Sometimes I feel like the only direction they seem to remember is their way to the mall.” We laughed, continuing our banter on the way to the bar. We were about ten feet away when something, or someone I should say, caught my eye.

“And speak of the devil,” Gabriel boasted as Ysabelle turned around smirking, and we immediately locked eyes.

“There you are, love, I’ve been looking for you,” Gabriel said, teasing the side of her neck with light kisses. Which made my fingers start twitching.

She kissed him on the mouth while still looking into my eyes; she knew what she was doing. She was fucking with me.

“I hardly doubt that, Gabriel, I see you made a friend,” she stated.

“Oh yes, this is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is my Ysabelle.” Gabriel also knew what he was doing. He was claiming her, he had no right to, he didn’t know I knew that though.

She walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek as she had done every time she had seen me.

“Nice to meet you, Sebastian.” I guess we were pretending. I looked back over to Gabriel and his eyes said everything. He was in love with her.

“Nice to meet you, Ysabelle.” She pulled away from my embrace and Gabriel instantly put his arms around her waist.

“Lover…” he whispered in the side of her neck, “I’ve been telling Sebastian here that I am very interested in his new prized possession, wouldn’t you love taking a ride on my new yacht?”

“Mmm…” she sighed.

It was all I could do, enduring his constant touches and kisses all over her body. Our eyes continued to find a connection more than once. I couldn’t be around them for very long; hell, jealousy was washing over me. I wanted to walk over and tell Gabriel to take his hands off her; the possessiveness he showed over her could be transmitted across the room.

I saw her walking across the room into the hallway. My feet moved forward as if being pulled by a string and I found myself following her. She made her way to the restroom and I was grateful it was secluded in the back of the building, because I waited for her.

“He’s quite possessive over you, isn’t he?” I stated.

She gasped putting her hand on her chest, “You scared the shit out of me.”

I reached for the side of her face, my fingers grazed her cheek and I tucked a misplaced hair behind her ear. Her lips parted and her chest rose.

“I couldn’t tell you before, but you look stunning; that color is breathtaking on you.” She was wearing a white satin gown that tied around her neck, her whole back was exposed and there was a slit on the left side. Her hair was up in messy curls and the black eyeliner was so dark that you could see her mesmerizing green eyes from across the room.

This woman was becoming a magnet to me.

“Thank you,” she replied almost out of breath. I wanted to think that I was having an effect on her as well. I wanted to think a lot of things.

I took my hand away and slipped it back in my pocket.

She cleared her throat, shaking her head; “You were saying something about Gabriel?”

“Oh yes, Gabriel. He’s quite taken with you; one might say he’s in love with you. Are you aware of that? Is your Madam?” It came out harsher than I wanted it to sound.

She cocked her head to the side, “Gabriel thinks what he wants. If he wants to believe that he is in love with me then so be it. I have no control over that.”

“Is it reciprocated?” I blurted.

She laughed. “What’s it to you, Sebastian?”

“Just curious, I’m still confused on how this whole thing works.”

I knew I sounded like an asshole, I couldn’t help it. Seeing her in her true form, as an escort, bothered me.

“You know, for someone who is married, you’re awfully inquisitive about this lifestyle. What is it, Sebastian? Married life not all you thought it was going to be? From what I hear, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” she said cattily.

I should have known that when pushed, she would push back.

“Because…” she whispered, walking right up against my ear, “If you want a taste, all you have to do is ask.”

It all happened so fast; I barely had time to register what was going on.

Her mouth moved while her eyes locked with mine. She was a vision. It was seductive and hypnotic.

I could feel her breathing on my lips and the smell of champagne on her breath. She came closer to me and the touch of her breasts against my chest was an unwelcoming sensation that I didn't need in my already fucked up mind.

The next thing I knew, her soft pouty lips were pressed up against mine. Her mouth slightly opened and I felt the tip of her tongue lightly touch my lips, before she swiftly drew away.

“Have a nice night, Sebastian,” she baited, walking away.

I have no idea how long I stood there after she left. I felt confused, bewildered, and fucking dazed. I couldn’t fathom what the hell just happened. I licked my lips and tasted honey; I wiped off the residue and the tips of my fingers had shimmer, I brought them up to my mouth and licked them.

I was a crazed man.

She had royally fucked me up.

I never wanted to become this person, someone who wants another woman. I was a married man, and I loved my Babygirl. It may have started off because she looked identical to Olivia, it wasn’t about that anymore. She got under my skin.

I had this connection with her in the same way that I had had with Olivia, this gravitational pull that I had no fucking explanation for. It was just there.

I walked back into the banquet and for the second time, I watched her leave on the arm of another man. I knew right then and there that one taste of her just wasn’t enough and that I had to see her again.



Have you ever had a dream that felt like it was real? I was dreaming about a man’s hands on me, they were caressing my back, my breasts, and my thighs. His lips were all over me at once and he was murmuring sweet words to me. How much he loved me and wanted me. How perfect I was, how I was made for him.

I could feel my breathing becoming erratic. The groans that he was releasing made it all the more inviting for my moans. Then I heard him whisper, “Open your eyes.”

I did and I saw his face, Sebastian. Holy hell. What the hell is wrong with me? I was dreaming about him. I pulled away and I saw the look of confusion and hurt, a look I have seen on him before. He pulled me back in and I felt his hand once again run up the center of my bare thigh, it got closer to where I wanted him, sending chills down my spine. I couldn’t help moaning and smiling as I rolled over to face him.

“Gabriel!” I said in shock.

“Uh, were you expecting someone else?”

I laughed, “Of course not. You just startled me for a second. Um…I’ve got to go,” I stated, trying to get off the bed.

“Wait,” he said, grabbing my arm. “I wasn’t done with you yet.”

I turned and smiled, “Gabriel, let go. I’ll see you later.” I pulled my arm away and kissed his lips. I grabbed my gown and put my panties and bra in my purse.

I picked up his collared shirt off the ground, “You don’t mind if I borrow this do you?” I asked as I was buttoning it up.

“Lover, how is it that anything you wear makes me hard for you?” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I tossed my heels to the passenger seat and started my car. What the fuck was that all about? Did I really just have a dream about Sebastian? I turned the XM satellite radio to the BPM station, trying to drown out the thoughts of his hands on me.

My fingers brushed upon my lips, the same lips that kissed him last night. I had kissed endless amounts of men and never thought about it after, not even Gabriel, and I was with him often. Why did his lips leave me yearning for his touch? Why was I even thinking about this?

I needed a girl day, so I called Brooke and woke her up.

“Hey, Bella, how was your night?” she asked as she answered the phone.

“It was fine, let’s go to Harbor Spa. I need to be pampered and relax. Come with me.”

“Love to, I’ll meet you in an hour.”

Taking time for myself was what I needed. I was working too hard and too much, that was all. Maybe I needed to tell Madam that I was taking a vacation for a bit. I was seeing too many men and it was catching up with me. My mind couldn’t tell the jobs apart anymore. This was why I was thinking about Sebastian. Nothing more, nothing less.

I owed him nothing, not even these annoying thoughts of whatever the fuck I was thinking. He was just another client, just another man.

Carlisle’s hands were amazing on my tense muscles. It worked and my mind was soon replaced with nothing but the tension being erased from my body. This was what I needed. We spent the rest of the day by the pool gossiping and talking.

I found myself not wanting to be alone that day. I wanted Brooke to be there with me. I needed to be distracted from my overactive imagination. I was certain of one thing, and that was, I had to get my shit together.

During the next couple of weeks my mind went back to its rightfully normal state, when I had not been thinking about Sebastian. After I hadn’t received another call from Madam about seeing him again, I realized that he wasn’t going to call.

I was at ease with that assumption. My mind was clearer and I was once again back to enjoying my men. I had seen a few new clients and gone to a couple more parties. Tonight was no different, except we were having a girl’s night out. It had been a while since the VIPs and I had been out together.

Madam liked to call it socializing, I knew what we were doing. It was a way of bringing in new business. It gave us a chance to put ourselves out there, without actually having to do anything.

Madam had reserved an exclusive, private table for us by the DJ booth, at one of my favorite clubs in all of Miami. It was the one we always frequented. Celebrities and Miami’s hottest always showed their faces at this club.

I dressed in a short, tight black dress. It had lace going down one arm and the other was bare. It barely came past my ass and it showed off my toned legs. My breasts were covered; the older and wiser I became, the more I realized that showing one body part was more than enough to get men craving you.

Most men like class with just a hint of slutty. I finished off my ensemble with nude pumps. That was one of the most important rules, always, and I do mean always, wear fuck me heels. The more they killed your feet at the end of the night, the more certain you could be that they were perfect.

All the VIPs were dressed to the nines. Champagne and vodka flowed. The music was pumping and I was shaking my ass like there was no tomorrow. The music was loud and it made it difficult for us to talk, but that was the great thing about being a VIP; we didn’t have to talk to know we were united. We all danced around or on each other, putting on a show for whoever wanted to watch. It was what we did and we were fucking amazing at it.

I looked down at the crowd and noticed that an older gentleman was eye fucking the shit out of me.

“He likes you, Bella,” Brooke spoke in my ear over the music, “You know what they say about older men?”

“More money,” I acknowledged while she shook her head laughing.

“Reel him in, Bella”

I made my way down to the bar and just like clockwork he was next to me in seconds.

“Let me buy you a drink, dollface,” he offered.

This man was a lot older than what I was used to. He had to be in his early 60’s he was definitely handsome, I could tell that he was a heart breaker back in the day.

“Isn’t that line a little cliché? I mean, that’s as bad as saying, ‘let’s get out of here’,” I teased, playing with the collar of his shirt.

“Well, you see I’m old school, dollface.”

I giggled, “And what makes you think I’m interested? I mean you’re old enough to be my father and I can quite assure you, that I don’t need a sugar daddy, dollface.

“You’re a pistol, I love that. How much?” I jerked back.             

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t play coy, I’ve been around the block way before your time. I know a Madam’s girl when I see one. Now…how much?”

“For you…it’s going to cost you,” I stated, touching the tip of his nose with my finger.

“Not even all the Viagra in the world could have me keep up with you, I want you for my son.”

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, “Your son?” I questioned.

“You see the young man behind you staring daggers.” I turned and saw just what he was talking about. He was gorgeous except for one thing…

I turned back around, “He can’t be older than eighteen.”

“Actually, it’s his eighteenth birthday. My son is a lot of things, though, he’s also a virgin and he wants you. So, now I ask again…how much?”

Now I had done some pretty fucked up shit, this was the first time that I was being bought to take some boy’s virginity.

“You see, daddy, it doesn’t work that way. There are steps that need to be followed before I can even allow this to go any further,” I assured.

“Check your phone,” he responded.

I reached into my clutch and grabbed my iPhone. I the screen said I had a text from Madam, I swiped it over.


M – Surprise, Bella Rosa! He’s good to go, be gentle…it’s his first time. You name the price.


I shook my head in disbelief and put my phone away.

“I’ll take three shots of Patrón and $50,000. He gets two hours, though, I highly doubt I’ll need more than one.

“Done,” he stated, kissing the top of my hand, “I have a limo waiting outside. Don’t be long.” He ordered the drinks and I chugged one right after the other. I breathed out the air that I didn’t realize I had been holding.

I stepped into the limo and sat across from the client. He was gorgeous he had to be a model. He had a lean chiseled face, honey colored eyes, and lips as pouty as mine. His dirty blonde hair was messy and gathered around his face.

This guy was pretty.

And nervous.

His fingers were fidgeting in his lap.

I crawled over to him and his eyes widened in shock.

“Hi,” I huskily said, “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” He eagerly nodded.

“What’s your name, pretty boy?”

He cleared his throat, “Alexander, Alex.”

“Hello, Alex, I’m Ysabelle.” I reached for his belt and tugged on it to undo it. I needed to have him come at least once before we had sex. I was going to get something out of this and I didn’t need him blowing his load in ten seconds.

“Let’s make friends, all right? Just sit back and enjoy the ride.” I pulled his dick out through the hole in his boxers. Impressive. He was packing, not only was he long, he was thick too; which was a nice surprise. I seductively looked up at him and his eyes were burning with want.

He was hard as a rock and I could see the pre-come already gathering at the head of his cock. I licked the side of his dick from bottom to top and lapped a circle with my tongue around his head.

“Hmmm…you taste good. Can I have more?” I teased.

“Holy fuck…” he breathed out. I lightly chuckled. It was all about the fantasy.

I brought him back in my mouth and took him as deep as I could go. My eyes never left his, and he groaned loudly. His mouth parted and his eyes remained focused on my task.

I worked him over with my hand jerking his shaft up and down and my mouth followed those movements. My other hand, tugged at his balls. It didn’t take long until I heard his erratic breathing.

“Oh shit, oh God, I’m going come. Can I come in your mouth?”

“Mmm hmm,” I hummed as I deep throated him again. Not a second later did his hips move forward and I heard him grunting his release into my mouth.

I wiped the corners of my mouth as I felt the car stop. The driver helped me out and he followed suit. We made our way to the hotel room and as soon as he closed the door, he was on me.

I mean literally on me. His hands and mouth were everywhere at once. I could barely even get my dress off and his hands were on me again.

“Alex…Alex…take it easy. I’m not going anywhere,” I said to calm him, but it was wasted on deaf ears. We moved our way to the bed and he quickly took off his clothing. I barely had time to admire his body before his mouth attacked mine.

It wasn’t that he was a bad kisser; he was just an eager one. Everything moved quickly. It was as if he only had one speed and that was fast. It got to the point where I needed to take the control back, because his movements were becoming forceful. He was going to bruise me if he wasn’t more careful.

I eased my way to lie on top of him and heard him grunt in protest.

“Shhh…relax. Look at me, just look at me,” I calmly and specifically said, getting up on my knees. I slowly removed my bra; my hands roamed the sides of my breasts and seductively worked their way down to the sides of my panties. I slipped them off next.

“Do you want to learn how to please a woman, Alex?”

“Fuck yeah,” he huskily stated.

I laid down next to him and reached for his hand, taking his fingers into my mouth and licking them wet.

I moved them to my clit.

“Move your fingers in a circle, yes, just like that.” He watched in amazement as my body responded to the stimulation.

“Fuck, you’re getting so wet. That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he mumbled and I moaned and arched my back.

“Move two fingers inside me and push upward.” He did as he was told.

“You’re so tight. God…I can’t wait to fuck you.” His mouth went to my nipple and he sucked on each one, exciting me more.

“Fuck…Alex, take your fingers and pump in and out of me, when you go back in move the end of your finger in an upward motion. Yeah…just like that,” I urged, “Now take your other hand and make those same circles on my clit.” I was climaxing beside him within seconds.

“Oh, yes…Alex you’re going to make me come.” I opened my eyes and saw just how turned on he was.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I came all over his hand.

“That was fucking awesome. Let’s do it again.” I barely had time to recover before I felt him ramming into me, as hard as he could. Almost pushing me up and off the bed.

“Lean on one arm and grab my upper thigh with other, angle my pussy, Alex,” I coaxed out of breath.

“Like this?” he asked, just as out of breath as I was.

“Yeah, just like that. Rotate your hips as you thrust into me though. Fuck yes…just like that. Damn, you’re a quick learner,” I praised.

“Holy shit, you keep tightening on my cock, yes...keep doing that…do something. Play with yourself.”

My fingers found my clit and I could feel myself arriving at my peak again.

“Holy shit, you’re getting tighter. Please tell me you’re almost there.”

“Yeah, harder…faster…” I encouraged and he did just that.

I came on his cock and immediately felt him jerk his release right after mine.

He fell over almost instantly and we were both panting and sweating. We had sex two more times before I had to leave. He handed me an envelope and expressed his gratitude immensely.

I knew that it wouldn’t be the last time I would see him.




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