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VIP by M. Robinson (19)


We danced for a long time. I loved having her in my arms and the rest of the world just seemed to be floating away from us. We were miles and miles away from civilization, just the two us. In that moment, all of it seemed perfect, I could pretend that she was mine. She was a woman and I was a man, just two people getting to know each other.

I found myself humming to her the tune of a love song. It was one of the most intimate moments I had ever been able to share with someone. Her face was turned away from me and I felt as though she may be crying, I didn’t have the strength to ask her to look at me. I knew if I did, I would see it all; the truth, the lies, the confusion, and the façade.

We lost ourselves; we felt, we experienced; and neither one of us wanted to move on.

She was the first to pull away and she didn’t look at me, I could tell that she wiped her face. I didn’t say anything about it. I followed her into the cabin and she went straight to the bathroom.

It wasn’t long before she emerged. Her demeanor had changed, she seemed shy all of a sudden, like she didn’t know what happened next.

“Are you tired?” I asked.

“Kind of,” she shrugged.

“Me, too.” I saw her start to play with her fingernails and look at the ground. I grabbed her by the hand and she followed me into the bedroom.

She left to grab her bag and I took my shirt off and stripped the bed. She came back in wearing a cream silk camisole that showed her belly and silk booty panties. I know my mouth opened a little and she smirked.

“What side do you sleep on?” she asked, looking at the bed.

“That was a random question. I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that before,” I replied, laughing. “I sleep on the right if you’re facing up.”

“That’s funny, I sleep on the left.” I watched her lay on her side and she quickly kicked the comforter off herself and just pulled the sheet up. I found that quite amusing because I always did the same thing. Julia always complained that I messed up the bed; I got hot and didn’t like to feel a heavy weight on me when I slept.

I turned the light off and made my way to my side in complete and utter darkness. 

“Goodnight, Sebastian,” she whispered, turning over away from me.

“Goodnight, Ysa.” I didn’t like that she turned away from me. I wanted to hold her. Fuck it. I moved next to her, grabbed her by the waist, and she immediately backed up into me like she had been waiting for me to grab her. She moved her hair to the top of her pillow and moved it more toward the middle. I laid my head on one side and she did on the other. My arm wrapped around her waist and my leg bent to lay on top of hers, she sighed in contentment and within minutes we were both sleeping.

I was the first to wake the next morning, we were still in the exact same position except the sheet was nowhere to be found and my body was being used as a blanket for Ysabelle.

Her hair was splayed all over her face and pillow, and her lips looked swollen from sleep. The camisole had risen to below her breasts and her ass was completely sticking out, I could see her hard nipples in broad daylight.

If it was even possible she looked even more beautiful in the morning. She looked innocent and peaceful. She started stirring her eyes, and looked at me and smiled.

“What is it with you and watching me sleep?”

“I can’t help it.” I grabbed her tighter and buried my face into her hair and neck.

“You’re so warm and soft.” 

We laid like that for another hour coming in and out of sleep until it was time to get a move on. She made eggs, toast, and coffee for breakfast. We ate on the cockpit, overlooking the water while I drove.

The rest of the day proceeded the same as the day before. We ate, laughed, talked, and talked some more. She wore another barely there bikini, except this one was cream. I saw she had this theme going with her wardrobe, everything was white or cream and I couldn’t help but wonder if that was for my benefit. I didn’t call her out on it though.

She drove for a while and I took a nap in the sun. I awoke to her staring at me and she blushed when I caught her.

We were making good time and just about passed the Isla of Dominica; I was pleased to know that I still had another full day and two more nights with her.

She approached me on the front bow and handed me sunscreen.

“Will you put this on me?” She turned around untied the top and back straps of her bikini, put it to the side, and cupped her breasts.

She giggled, “Cat got your tongue?”

“You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing aren’t you?”

“It’s just my back, Sebastian. I mean I could let go of my breasts, it’s not like you haven’t seen them before. I’m playing nice and I don’t want to get darker. The sun eats my skin, honest,” she smiled innocently.

I slathered sunscreen all over her back and shoulders. If there was one thing that always did it to me, it was the smell of sunscreen, and the smell of sunscreen on Ysabelle was a deadly combination.

I made sure she was protected on every inch of her body, I was being a gentleman and I didn’t want her to burn or so I told her.

She laid down on her stomach and opened up her iPad.

“What are you reading?” I asked.

“I’m not telling, you’ll make fun.”

“No I won’t, Scouts honor,” I said holding up my two fingers.

“Fine. It’s a romance. I love reading romance novels, cliché I know.”

“My my my, Ysabelle…are you telling me you read porn?”

“No! It’s romance,” she laughed.

“That’s just what women say in code for porn.”

“Nah uh, there’s a storyline, Sebastian. Porn doesn’t have storylines, I mean some do, but they’re still awful.”

“What do you expect, it’s porn, you don’t watch it for the storyline. Julia hates-” I caught myself before I finished that sentence.

She looked back down at her book and ignored my almost comment, “I love porn. I mean not the disgusting kind. But I enjoy it,” she shrugged. “I especially love girl on girl porn.” Now that caught my attention.

“Really?” I tempted her to continue.

“Oh yeah, there is nothing like being with a woman. Don’t get me wrong I love men, yet, being with a woman is a one of a kind experience,” she continued looking at her book, like she didn’t just tell me she had been with women.

“Wait…did you just? Have you been?” I stuttered.

She threw her head back laughing, “Of course I’ve been with women.”

I didn’t say a word I just stared at her, I was pretty sure that my mouth might have been hanging open. I mean, I had a few threesomes back in the day, but I didn’t even think about Ysabelle being paid to do both men and women. It never even crossed my mind.

“It’s rude to stare, Sebastian. Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think being a VIP only included men? Women are just as sexual if not more,” she stated.

“So then, are you bisexual?” I blurted out.

“How did I know that would be your next question? I swear men all think alike. I don’t consider myself anything. I’m in the business of giving satisfaction for all parties included and it doesn’t matter what’s in between their legs.”

I looked down at my hands, “Do you like being with women?” I sort of mumbled.

She laughed again, I was embarrassing myself, fuck it I didn’t care.

“I love being with women, but I love men more. That enough of an answer for you?”

“Mmm hmm. So…what kinds of other stuff have you done?” Trying to change the image of Ysabelle with women.

She chuckled, “Do you really want to know?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t really want to know, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

“I’ve done it all, Sebastian. I’ll leave it at that. You can let your imagination go wild,” she said, smiling like the Cheshire cat. I got up to go drive the boat and walked away from her while she was still laughing. I needed to be away from Ysabelle. The thought of her and another woman being together and then all the other possibilities were too much of a visual for my cock.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly and before I knew it, it was dark again. We showered, changed, and ate dinner. I was happy to see her comfortable again, dressed in sexy relaxing clothes, and no makeup. She didn’t need it; she was beautiful without it. She had more of a tan even though I applied endless amounts of sunscreen throughout the day. Her hair was wild and curly and I fucking loved it. 

We decided to play poker. Ysabelle was a poker queen; she even went as far as putting on a hat and sunglasses.

“Seriously?!” I protested.

“I don’t mess around with poker, Mr. Vanwell, I’ve been to Vegas too many times to not take it seriously. Besides, I don’t like to lose and my bluffing face sucks.”

We played for three hours straight and I lost every damn time. I blamed it on the alcohol; we had managed to go through an entire bottle of wine.

“What can I say, Sebastian, I have a gift,” she stated, looking at her nails.

“Oh I’ll show you a gift, little girl.” I reached for her before she had the chance to run away and threw her over my shoulder. I walked over to our bedroom smacked her on the ass, before tossing her on the bed.

“What are you going to do, big boy?” she taunted, looking sexy as hell with her hair all over the sheets.

I jumped on top of her and she shrieked, I caught myself before all my weight fell on her. I looked her in the eyes before kissing both her cheeks, her chin, and then kissed my way down her throat to between her breasts. Her breathing became uneven and she was slightly breathless. I pulled up her shirt and kissed her bellybutton.

All of a sudden, I switched it up and blew the loudest, longest raspberry on her lower stomach and she fidgeted and laughed uncontrollably. I held her down and started tickling her everywhere until I found her sweet spot, it was right in her inner top thigh. I dug my fingers in and tickled the hell out of her, she was screaming, kicking, and laughing all at the same time.

Her laugh was fucking contagious and I finally had to let go, falling over on my back laughing. She immediately gasped out of breath and scooted to the top of the bed, held her legs tight in her arms shielding her entire body from me.

“You’re an asshole! And a sore loser!” she panted out of breath.

I looked over at her and she was all sweaty and flushed, her shirt had fallen even lower off her shoulder and I could see the top of her breast. I had to adjust myself and move to lay beside her, she put her hands up in a surrendering motion.



I wasn’t sure what the hell just happened, one minute we were playing cards, and then the next he was throwing me on the bed like he was going to do something. I waited, anticipating his next move and when I felt his lips keep going lower and lower I thought finally I was going to feel his tongue on me.

Then, out of nowhere, he started tickling me; no man had ever held me down and tickled me before, so I wasn’t quite sure how to react. He finally let go and I scooted up as far away from him as possible and held my hands up in a surrendering motion. The meaning behind that, I didn’t know if he understood.

He smiled at me and my heart melted, “I’m crazy about your hair, Ysa, I think you should wear it like that all the time. You look more exotic, what’s your nationality?”

And…here came the questions. The one’s I didn’t even know how to answer.

“Umm, I’m not exactly sure,” I stated.

“Why is that?” he asked with a curious face.

“My mom wasn’t known for sharing information, I didn’t know my father.”

“Where are you from?”

Great more questions…


“I barely know two things about you. You know a lot about me, we aren’t on a level playing field here. Tell me something,” he insisted.

“I’m really not all that interesting, Sebastian. There’s not a lot to tell anyway. My life pretty much started when I became a VIP and I’ve been doing that for the last six years.”              

“Wow. I can’t believe you’ve been with Madam that long,” he stated and I nodded.

“Maybe we should try to get some sleep, it’s late,” I whispered, the look on his face said it all, he was disappointed. I didn’t want to answer any more questions.

I scooted down and switched off the light. The quietness of being in the middle of the ocean, Sebastian’s soothing breaths, and the light sway of the boat left me feeling a little uneasy about the whole situation.

We laid in silence briefly, both contemplating uncharted feelings, I sure was. I kept my eyes on the dark ceiling, not looking over at him.


“Mmm hmm?”

The darkness was allowing me to ask questions that I would never be able to ask in the light of day.

“Are you happy?” I inquired, trying not to hold my breath.

“What do you mean? Like right now?”

“No…in general. Are you happy?”

I felt him tense up and I reached over and held his hand. He squeezed it before bringing it up to his lips and kissing my palm. He then placed our entwined hands over his heart.

He took a deep breath, “Ysa, I wish I knew how to give you a straight answer. Julia and I grew up together, we are best friends and always have been. I’ve known her since the day she was born, and our parents are also best friends. I love her more than anything in this world,” I sighed and he paused for a moment.

“Olivia was also Julia’s sister, they weren’t blood related, she was adopted when Julia was ten. I was a twelve year old boy who fell for her the second I laid my eyes on her. The feeling was mutual and it proceeded to years of feelings, secrets, and lies. Julia still doesn’t know about what happened between us.

One night when I was away at college, she called me drunk, and the next morning she was dead,” he wept, even in the dark night I could see tears sliding down his face.

“I blamed myself for a long time. Julia was there to pick up the pieces and we’ve been together ever since.”

“Did she kill herself?”

“The reports stated that she hit her head on something and drowned. I was the last to talk to her, and part of me feels like there’s more to the story.”

“I’m sorry, Sebastian. I haven’t ever lost anyone like that, I imagine there’s no greater hurt.”

“I’ve never told anyone that before, Ysa.”

I wanted to tell him everything about me, my childhood, my mother, and my life…I almost did, but before I could, he got up, turned on the light, and left.              

I didn’t know if I was supposed to follow. Luckily he returned quickly with a glass of water, and resumed his position near me.

“Sorry…I just needed a minute.”

“I understand.”

“Ysa, my whole life I’ve done the right thing for other people, especially for Julia. There’s a part of me that resents her, and it’s unfair because it’s not her fault that I made the choices I did. I thought I was doing the right thing.

Until I met you, my whole life was planned out for me, I’m happy in the sense of being comfortable and content. It fucking kills me to say that to you, because Julia deserves much more than that.”

I leaned up and put my chin on his chest to look at his face, he put his arm under his head and looked at me, his other hand started playing with my hair.

“You’re human, Sebastian, people aren’t perfect, and when they try to be, they always crack in one way or another. I’ve seen both the horror and beauty of life.”

“Why don’t you tell me anything about yourself, beautiful girl?”

“I don’t know how to. I’m so fucking jaded, Sebastian.” I put my forehead on his chest, “Now…I’ve never said that out loud before,” I whispered.

He grabbed my chin making me look at him again, “Are you happy?”

“I don’t even know the meaning of the word, Sebastian. I’ve lived a really fucked up life and up until I met you, I didn’t question anything about it. You make me question everything I’m supposed to believe in. I have no idea what the fuck we’re doing. I have never let feelings get involved with anything I have ever done, and that’s kept me alive and safe. You…have me thinking what it could be like to look over on the other side of the fence and that scares me more than anything.”

“You also make me question everything,” he whispered.

“Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, Sebastian; mine just happen to be between my legs.” His hand went still.

His thumb swiped at my bottom lip, “Do you honestly believe that?”

“Yeah, I do. This is all I’ve ever known.”

“You’re worth the world, Ysa,” he stated, smiling.

“I think we should get some sleep now.”

“I think you’re right,” he replied.

We slept in the same position as the night before. It didn’t matter how many men and women I had been with, these last few days were more intimate than I had ever shared with anyone.

We ate breakfast in the control room the following morning, both of us aware that this would be our last day together. Neither of us said anything about it. We went about our day as we did the day before, laughing, talking, and enjoying our time together.

This trip was nothing of what I expected it to be. We still hadn’t had sex and I couldn’t believe that he had paid that much money to spend time with me.

We hit land mid-afternoon and it didn’t matter how many times I had been to the Virgin Islands, it was still breathtakingly beautiful. St. Bart’s had always been one of my favorite places. We had help docking the boat and then we cleaned her.

He put his hands on his hips, “All right, we have three options. We can go inland, have dinner, dancing, and get a hotel room; or we can do all that and stay on the yacht; or we could eat on the boat and relax,” he noted.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get stir crazy. Let’s go with option one, plus the yacht is all pretty and clean,” I reminded him.

“Good call.”

We grabbed our stuff and went inland to stay at the Eden Rock Resort. We got a room with a balcony that overlooked the water. Sebastian showered first, while I enjoyed the view.

I went to shower next and when I came out I heard Sebastian talking. I wasn’t stupid enough to think he was talking to me, he was talking to his wife. I looked around the bathroom and found that I forgot my bag. Shit. I didn’t want to go out there, but at the moment I didn’t have a choice.

I walked out into the room and his face looked panicked. I put my index finger to my mouth in a shhh motion, and saw him relax a little.

Did he think that I was going to rat him out?

“Yeah, Babygirl, it’s been a long trip, I’ve made good time. My flight leaves in the morning and I’ll be home in the afternoon.” I heard him say as I was looking for my bag, where the fuck did he put it?

“Of course, I miss you, too.” I felt his eyes on me as he was talking to his wife and I didn’t have the courage to look at him.

“Me, too. Hey, bud, how’s it going over there? You handling things?”

If it wasn’t fucking adorable the way he talked to his son, I don’t what was. The moment he hung up the phone I found my bag in the closet.

“I’m sorry, Sebastian. I didn’t know where you put my bag, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” 

“No it’s fine.” The tension in the room was thick, I didn’t know where to hide my face. I knew he felt the same way.

“I’m just going to get ready, I won’t be long,” I babbled.

“Ysa…” I heard him say as I walked into the bathroom, I quickly shut the door; I did not want to have that conversation.

I busied myself, hoping the more time I was in there the less awkward it would be when I emerged. I did what I always did to avoid fucked up situations; I used my sex appeal. I put on a black maxi skirt with a black bandeau top and wedge sandals. I left my hair curly and put product in it to give it more volume. I added black eyeliner, blush, and lip-gloss. 

I gave myself a once over before stepping out into the room; Sebastian was out on the balcony and turned when he heard my footsteps. Smirking, he extended his hand out for me, I grabbed onto to it and he pulled me into his arms. He smelled like my favorite cologne. He was dressed in khaki slacks, a white button down shirt, and sandals. He looked handsome with the three day stubble on his face.

“Every time I think you can’t look any more beautiful, you surpass it tenfold,” he whispered in my ear. “Now how am I going to keep my hands off you when you smell so edible, Ysa?”

I laughed and pulled away, kissing the corner of his mouth, “That’s the point.”

I pulled away from him to find my clutch, “You ever been here before?” I asked.

“I’ve been to St. Lucia, not here.”


“I’ve been to all of them. I know this great place we can go to eat, it turns into a club later.”

He cocked his head to the side, “Is there any place you’ve never been to?”

“Hardly, I’ve never been to Turks and Caicos, but I want to own a bar there one day; it’s on my bucket list.”

“Good to know,” he addressed as he seemed to tuck that thought away.

It felt great being able to act like a real couple, holding hands, being affectionate, and whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears.

I got us a private table that overlooked the water. “Do you have pull everywhere you go?” he teased with a certain edge in his voice.

“Why, Sebastian, are you jealous?”



“I just find it amusing how worldly you are. I guess that must be one of the perks of the job, huh?”

“Something like that,” she stated, taking a sip of her champagne.

Our food arrived and I couldn’t help but think about what happened in the hotel room. I felt awful that she heard me talking to Julia while I was with her, which was even more fucked up, because it should have been the other way around. I should have felt terrible for having her there in the first place.

I missed Christian like crazy, but I hadn’t thought too much about Julia. It was as if being around Ysabelle made me forget about the world. As much as I tried to gaze around and people watch, I couldn't do it. The only people watching I wanted to do was in front of me.

The way she ate was even fucking sexy to me. When she emerged from the bathroom wearing the sexiest outfit I’d ever seen her in, I almost blew my load right then and there. Ysabelle was mind blowing sexy. She displayed all her sex appeal out in the open. I had never met a woman like that before.

I wanted to know if she was always like that or if it was something Madam taught her. She had the ability to be anything men wanted. I had personally seen her transform like a chameleon. 

When the waiter came back to our table I was getting ready to exchange some words, the way he kept looking at her was completely irritating.

“Is there anything else I could get you?” he said, only staring at her.

“Yes, can we get four shots of Patrón, lime, and salt, please?”

“Anything for you,” he answered as she batted her eyelashes, smiling as he left.

She looked over at me and grinning, “What?”

I shook my head, “Did Madam teach you that, too?”

“Madam has taught me lots of things, Sebastian, you just haven’t taken me up on the opportunity to show you...yet.”

I was tongue tied and didn’t know how to respond. I knew she wanted to have sex again. I just didn’t know if I could do it again. All the feelings that I had for her only seem to intensify being around her, adding sex into the equation would only be messing with my head even further. I was already going to hell in a hand basket.

Our shots came to our table and she scooted over to me.

She reached for the salt, “Want to do a body shot?” she incited, licking her lips.


I nodded.

She put her index finger near my mouth, “suck,” she commanded.

I grabbed her palm and slowly sucked on her finger while she bit her bottom lip. She pulled it away when it was moist enough to dip it in the salt, and then spread it on top of her cleavage.

“Ready?” she said, grabbing the lime to place it in between her lips.

I leaned over and licked the salt off her breast while lightly sucking, I took down the tequila and it immediately warmed my insides.

I looked into her bright green eyes that now looked deep and indulgent. I moved forward and sucked the citrus juice from her lips and she moaned.

We finished the shots, two a piece, and then the music started coming on and a different crowd started to arrive.

The music began and Ysabelle started moving in her seat. We drank some more and flirted uncontrollably for the next three hours. 

“Ah! I love this song!” she shouted, standing up over me, “let’s dance.”

“Ysa, I’m white. I can’t move like you.” She laughed and started dancing on her own, swaying her body and hips to the music. The way her body moved should be fucking illegal; it was almost like she was made for sex. Everything about her screamed sex when she was dancing; I had never seen anything like it before.

I looked around the room and every man’s eyes were on Ysabelle. Their faces screamed desire and hunger and I wanted nothing more than to grab her, throw her over my shoulder, and take her the fuck back to the room where only I could see her.

The fact that this was our last night together was pulling at my heart. I didn’t want to let her go, I wanted to stay here with her, I wanted to be with her.

She caught my gaze and she moved to stand in between my legs. She proceeded to dance seductively, mere inches away from my face and cock, which immediately came to life.

She noticed and smiled seductively. She could move like no other, she circled me in a tempting fashion as she provocatively lowered her body, sliding down mine. I couldn't fucking take it.

I didn’t know how she pulled me up off the seat, but she did and we danced; no we weren’t dancing, we were fucking right there on that dance floor. The way our bodies moved in sync with one another, the uncontrollable emotional stares, and the way our lips teased each other without touching was nearly orgasmic, I was sure that I had never been in a more erotic, emotional state in all my life.

“Sebastian," she practically moaned.

“What, Ysa?”

“Get me out of here," she begged.

And I did just that. I took her hand and led her to the taxi, before I knew what was happening we were back in our room. I kicked the door closed and watched as Ysabelle stood there waiting for my next move. I could see her chest moving, she was aroused, she was waiting for me to decide our fate. I knew if I told her that we were going to sleep she would do just that. She wanted me to take the lead.

I slowly walked over to her. My fingers found her cheeks and I brushed them lightly up and down. She leaned into my embrace while I framed her face. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the dancing, I had never seen that look in her eyes. Her eyes were telling me everything that she couldn’t say with words. My thumbs found her lips and I caressed them back and forth, she parted her mouth for me and lightly licked them.

I hadn’t even kissed her yet and I was fucking melting. I internally fought a battle that was impossible to win. The first time we had sex it had just happened. It was in the spur of the moment and we both had gotten carried away. If we were to have sex right now it would be because we both decided. It would be a premeditated act. I didn’t know if I would be able to look at myself in the mirror if we went any further.

I could stand there and say it was just about sex, although, we both knew that was a lie. This was deeper than that. This was something catastrophic, not only for me, but her as well. I was afraid of what would come once I crossed that forbidden line. 

“Sebastian,” she panted.

That was my undoing and before I could think about it for one more second, before I could think about my wife, my son, the boundaries that I was crossing, I kissed her. I swear, kissing her was like a tidal wave itself. We were already making love, standing there fully clothed with the single most emotional kiss ever.

She kissed me back with just as much passion. Our lips moved like they were made for each other. I moved her hair out of her face and tugged at the nook of her neck, she moaned. That was a moan of destruction. It wasn’t the moan that I’d heard come from Julia time and time again. This was full of desperation. Ysabelle was fighting her own demons and we could both feel it.

I could hear her heartbeat and feel her pulse. It was rhythmic, an alluring sound that both soothed and controlled me. The sad part was, it was controlling her too and we were both at a loss to stop it. I knew what I was doing was wrong, though it felt so fucking right. Everything about this woman felt right.

I could feel her getting antsy, I knew what she wanted. I knew what she was used to. I knew if I was going to do this, that I should have been doing it that way, I couldn’t help myself. I never could when I was with her. I didn’t want to be like every other man to Ysabelle. I might not have had the right, hell, I knew I didn’t have the right, I was about to take her someplace neither of us had any business going. She was engraining herself into my heart and I wanted to do the same to her

Ysabelle’s demeanor suddenly switched gears. She was terrified of the emotions toying between us. She wanted this to stop. She wanted me to fuck her. I wasn’t allowing it. I was going to do this, I was going to step over the fucking line and make love to her.

“Shhh, Ysa…go slow. I want to feel you,” I groaned in between kisses, “Let me be with you, like I know you need, and be with me like you know I want.”



How the fuck had I let this happen? The night had moved in a 180 direction. I knew what he was implying. His words meant something to me and I didn’t want them to. I didn’t want this to happen, I wanted it to stop. I couldn’t fucking say the words. I couldn’t make myself say no. I couldn’t push him away; if anything I wanted him closer. I wanted him closer to me, closer than any other man had ever been.

He knew it too. He knew I just wanted him to treat me the way I’d always been treated. I needed him to stop with all of this emotional bullshit, and to just fuck me, tell me to suck his dick, tell me to taste my pussy on his lips, tell me to bend over- anything but this. I didn’t know how to handle making love. Why the fuck was this happening to me? Why the fuck did it have to happen with a married man? Not just any married man, a happily married man, or was that all counterfeit? He wouldn’t be here with me if he was happily married, would he? Fuck, Ysabelle, stop.

This was happening. No matter how much chatter my brain was trying to filter, this was fucking happening. I wanted him. I fucking wanted Sebastian Vanwell, like it or not, I did. I wanted him to own me, my mind, body, and soul. In that moment, I didn’t give a shit that he was married, that he wasn’t mine, or that he would never be mine. I wanted to make love for the first time in my life. I wanted to let my guard down and have him carve his name there. Fuck, he already had, I had nothing else to lose. I’d lost it, and handed it right over to him on a fucking platter.

I knew what I was doing was careless, I was going to make love to a man that was already taken. He was eventually going to walk away from me and I was going to let him. For just that moment, I let myself pretend that I was on the other side of that fence and that we were together. That I was his and he was mine and we were in love. Ysabelle and Sebastian, that’s who we were, a couple in love.             

His hands moved from my hair, to my shoulders, and then to the curve of my back as he walked me backwards toward the bed. Everywhere he touched felt like he left a trace of fire. The feelings lingered with every caress. My skin burned from the after effects.

He slowly moved my top down, exposing my breasts. His warm soft hands fondled me. At first, it was the sides, and then he cupped them, forceful yet gentle, playing with my nipples until I felt as if I was nothing, just at his mercy. The desires that illuminated from both our bodies was just as intense as the hunger in our stares.

“You were made for me. Do you know that? You were put on this earth for me.” He urged, kissing me all over. I wasn’t replying. What the hell did that even mean? Not that I could have replied had I wanted to. I was in a parallel universe, uncharted land that scared the hell out of me. I was lost, lost in Sebastian’s world. 

He took my nipples into his mouth and teased them, until they were hard peaks as he positioned himself on his knees, looking up at me. Placing his fingers around my skirt he slid it to a pile by my feet.

He chuckled, “You were going commando this whole time?”

I giggled, “I’ve been going commando this entire time.”

The mood turned light for only a second as we both snickered at my remark. That lasted long enough for him to kiss my bare stomach, kissing small pecks in a straight line, stopping just above my pubic bone. He continued spreading light kisses on my labia until he kissed my clit. It was the most tender, erotic thing anyone had ever done to me. I closed my eyes and dropped my head from his touch.

“Ysa, lay down,” he whispered.

I laid down as he spread my legs, placing them on his shoulders.

“You’re beautiful,” he said before I felt his nose nudging my clit.

I had never felt this exposed or vulnerable with a man before. He was making love to me with his mouth. He kissed me some more, until I finally felt his warm soft tongue. He licked me from the bottom to the top and kissed my clit one more time, before I felt him suck.

It started off slow at first and then his movement became more urgent, as he swayed his head from side to side and then up and down. It felt thoroughly unreal. I loved men going down on me, Sebastian going down on me was different. I knew he wasn’t doing anything that I hadn’t experienced before, not with his mouth anyway. It had everything to do with this searing, emotional chemistry that only he seemed to be able to create between us.

“Goddamn, Ysa, even the way you taste is addicting,” he huskily praised, “sit it up and look at me,” I shamelessly moaned, both tormented and turned on.

I rested on my elbows and his eyes found mine. I watched as he took his middle finger to his mouth and sucked it. He rubbed it from my clit to my opening and slowly pushed in, my head immediately fell back, briefly. I reverted my eyes back to what he was doing, comprehending his request, it fuelled his desire to have me watch him.

I watched as he pushed in and out of me, hitting my g-spot each and every time. His mouth went back to my clit and he licked, sucked, and finger fucked me until I couldn’t take it anymore. Our eyes never left each other, and I came with such force that my whole body shook.

“I could watch you come all night,” he panted, kissing his way up my body. He placed himself on top of me and glided his middle finger on the top and bottom of my lips before he put it in my mouth, while I erotically and seductively tasted myself; sucking and licking his finger.

His eyes widened in excitement and he grunted before he forcefully kissed my lips. I kissed him, tasting him and myself, and God, if it didn’t turn me on even more.

I rubbed his back as he placed his hardness on top of my clit, slowly and deliberately, swaying up and down. I was still so sensitive that it didn’t take long before he had me coming undone again.

“Ysa, open your eyes, I want to feel you come with me inside you next time.”

“Please, Sebastian…” was all I could say, he was driving me insane.

He smiled a warm, extraordinary, loving smile down at me as he kissed my lips. My lips didn’t respond to his. They couldn’t, my mind was on the feel of him sliding into me. My only response was the instant gratifying moan that escaped. His was more of an “hmmm” kind of whimper, which once again intensified the emotional feel of him pushing inside of me.



Going down on Ysabelle was like nothing I had ever experienced. She tasted like sweetness. I loved that she came with such force that she soaked both the sheets and me.

Being inside her felt tight and smooth with a connection that only she and I could understand. I moved in and out of her at a deliberately slow speed. I wanted this moment to last. She felt tiny under me and it turned me on even more. I moved her thigh, bending it to angle myself on her g-spot. I swear she got even wetter when I thrust in and out. I could feel her g-spot on the tip of my cock and it felt mind blowing.

I kissed her all over, her face, her neck, her breasts, and back to her mouth. Until I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to look at her, I had to watch her. I pecked her lips one last time and opened my eyes to see that hers were closed.

“Ysa…baby, open your eyes. Keep your eyes open,” I grunted, continuing my assault on her g-spot. Her eyes opened and they were glassy.

“Oh God, Sebastian,” she exclaimed, letting me know that she was ready. It was un-fucking-fathomable. I’d never witnessed that look on any girls face before; her bright green eyes were vibrant and alive.

I could hear the desperation in her voice. Ysabelle was going to be the end of me and I didn’t fucking care as long as she was by my side.

Moving a little faster, “You like that Ysa? Does that feel good? What do you want, beautiful girl?” I panted.

“Yes…yes…God yes…” she screamed.

I felt a great amount of pressure on the head of my cock from her. I could feel the intense pressure building up from the shaft of my dick; it felt like a thousand incredible moments linked together.

I could feel her clamping on tighter and tighter with each push and pull. Our eyes spoke volumes to each other just as much as our bodies consumed our desires, until I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head. Her pussy clamped onto my cock and she screamed my name. I thrust in one last time before I exploded, deep in the back of her pussy. I didn’t stop until I pumped every last drop into her.

I leaned my forehead on hers and both our eyes closed. Our hearts were pounding, we were covered in sweat, and completely out of breath. We laid there for several moments, completely oblivious to everything around us. I didn’t want to pull out, we were one, and so were our thoughts. We were lost in our abandonment.




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