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His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lillie Love (53)


Chapter 10


A couple of days later, Mia was informed that their PI had completed preliminary background checks on Louise as she listened intently to the information her mother was passing on.

“So mamma, you’re definitely saying that she was known to frequent those bars in Gino’s area and go home with random men?”

“Seems that way, Mia. It’s confirmed now. Apart from the fact that she was choosy about who she went home with. Looks like there are a few bars near Gino’s home, which tend to attract the wealthier clientele. One of the bartenders recalls seeing her face quite a bit over the summer, often going home with different men, but then she simply disappeared.”

Mia was speechless. “Oh my God, she sounds like a total gold-digger. And a tramp.” She exhaled loudly. “Any luck with the phone records?”

“Not yet, but hopefully, within the next few days. Seems like she changed her phone provider and number within the last two months or so.”

“She’s bad news, mamma.”

“I think that too, Mia. But for Gino’s sake, let’s try to remain neutral until we get more proof.”

* * *

Mia’s heartbreak was soon turning to rage. She paced around her front room, arms crossed as she considered the information. With a quick glance at her wristwatch, it was still early evening so, without thinking it through, she grabbed her bag and raced out of her flat. She pulled the piece of paper from her pocket which held the details of Louise’s home address, which not too far from Gino’s place.

She jumped into a taxi and settled back into her seat as she thought about what she was going to say to Louise. She was enraged that this woman swept into her life and stole Gino from right under her. It was clear she was just looking for a meal ticket and the pregnancy helped trap Gino perfectly into her web. Mia chewed her lip as they approached the new-build flats where Louise was living.

She stepped out of the taxi and looked around for the door number and then walked with purpose towards the entrance.

She was about to buzz Louise’s door when the communal door swung open and a young man walked outside, holding the door open for her. She thanked him and made her way up the stairs to the second floor, noting that there were four flats in this block.

Taking a breath, spurred on by her anger, Mia rapidly tapped on the door. She strained her ears for some sound to indicate Louise was in. A minute passed by and Mia knocked a little bit more forcefully, stepping back and looking around at the same time.

To her surprise, the door flung open. Mia’s mouth dropped as she faced Louise, dressed in only heels and a flimsy black negligee. Her smile dropped as soon as she saw Mia, but she quickly recovered.

“Mia! What are you doing here?” She seemed friendly enough, but her eyes gave her away as she looked at Mia with distaste.

“Can I come in, Louise? We need to talk.” Mia tried her best to remain calm as she watched her peer over her shoulder.

“Um. No. I mean, no, now isn’t a good time, Mia.” She smiled sweetly, but Mia could see beneath her facade. “The thing is, I’m expecting, Gino…so if you don’t mind…” She trailed off, giving Mia a conspiratorial wink.

Mia felt herself flush as pain stabbed through her. What was going on, she wondered. She felt deflated and was about to turn around when she heard footsteps rushing towards her. Mia turned, and her eyes widened as she saw Gino approaching, his face filled with concern.

It felt as if everything slowed down as Mia caught the look of anger directed at her from Louise and the look of surprise from Gino.

“Mia, what are you doing here?” Gino stood in front of Mia and looked over at Louise, who was standing there with a seductive smile on her face.

“Er, I wanted to talk to Louise…but it seems like you two have other plans…” Mia began to walk away, her face burning with anger.

“Wait!” Gino called out to her as he spun to Louise.

“What are you doing, Louise? I’ve rushed over because you said you were in pain. You said something was wrong with the baby!” His voice was laced with steel as he glared at her. “What the hell are you wearing? I’m supposed to be taking you to the hospital.”

Louise visibly shrank back from the anger in his voice as Mia watched on, silently. It was becoming apparent that this was another ploy to seduce Gino. She couldn’t help the words that fell out of her mouth as she stepped forward.

“Let me get this straight. You told Gino that something was wrong with the baby? And all the while you were just planning on seducing him?” Mia gestured with her hands, her anger spilling over. “I’m sorry, but that is just low.”

“Get out, you bitch! How dare you.” Louise pointed at Mia as her face contorted with rage.

“Trust me, I’ve no plan to stick around. You’re making a fool of yourself, Louise. I’m onto you.”

Gino looked at Mia, his face still a mask of anger and confusion. “What are you talking about?” She flinched at the tone of his voice, feeling the sting of tears at the back of her eyes. He had never spoken to her so harshly and she blinked furiously.

“Gino, she’s playing you.” She spoke softly, but clearly looked into his grey eyes.

“Get out, I said!” Louise stepped outside her flat. She turned to Gino, immediately softening her face. “I don’t know what she’s talking about, sweetie.” She approached him and held out her hand to him. “Come on, let’s go in. I’m fine now, it was just some twinges.” She batted her lashes at him as he visibly recoiled back. Her mouth bent at the corners of her mouth.

“I don’t have time for this, Louise. I was in a late meeting and I left immediately when I received your call.” His voice softened a little and Mia looked away. “I’m glad you’re both okay.”

That’s it, she’d heard enough. Without another word, Mia walked away. She heard Gino calling after her, but didn’t stop as she quickly made her way downstairs and outside into the fresh air. Disappointed that Gino didn’t chase after her, she had no intentions of sticking around.

Quickly hailing a passing cab, she got in and asked the driver to take her home. Suddenly the adrenaline which fuelled her earlier had worn off, replaced with doubt at the situation. She found herself questioning her actions, wondering if she had stepped over the mark. After all, she rationalized, this really wasn’t her business.

She groaned and placed her hand over her eyes, contemplating her next move, if there was to be one. Gino was a smart man and he was obviously annoyed with her for berating Louise, which hurt. She sighed as she heard her phone ringing. Opening her eyes, she looked at the caller display. Gino. She was tempted to ignore it, but knew he would keep trying.

“Gino.” Her tone was flat.

“Mia, what’s going on? Why were you at Louise’s flat?”

“Well, perhaps if you would have heard me out, instead of taking her side, then maybe I would have explained.” She couldn’t help the fury and hurt in her tone. She heard him sigh deeply, could imagine him running his hands through his hair in frustration.

“Mia, I called out to you to stop. But then Louise burst into tears, claiming that I didn’t care for the baby and that we are causing unnecessary stress on her.”

Mia was silent.

“Are you there?”

“Yes, I’m here.” Her voice was dejected. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

“It’s okay. I appreciate you looking out for me…but perhaps it’s best you stay away from her… I’d hate for anything to happen to the baby.”

Mia’s felt a lump in her throat and forced herself to swallow. She got the message loud and clear. “I’m sorry, Gino. It won’t happen again.” She ended the call, not waiting for his response. It was clear that he was already attached to his un-born child and she guessed that it would only be a matter of time before he would feel the same way about Louise.

Mia had to face facts. She had lost him. There was no point in trying to save him or fight a battle that he clearly didn’t want.