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Killing Lies by Desiree Holt (16)

Chapter Sixteen

Sarah looked through the car window with mixed regret and excitement as they pulled away from the cabin. She felt sure that these few days had really cemented the marriage and turned a bizarre bargain into a real relationship. Too bad, they couldn’t have stayed longer, maybe have brought Molly out to be with them. She had a distinct feelings that, in someplace other than that house filled with bitter memories, Reno would be able to find his way back to the little girl.

Closing her eyes and giving herself over to the motion of the car, she jolted upright when she realized they had stopped. She had no idea where they were except they were parked off the road between huge oaks. Nothing looked familiar.

She looked at Reno, confused. “Where are we?”

“About two miles from Lindsey and Nick.” He grinned at her. “I told Nick what I wanted and had him scout it out.” Reno went around and opened the car door for her, then urged her forward until she realized they were standing at the top of a hill. “Ten acres, with a creek running through it and plenty of space for a home, a yard, maybe even a couple of horses. You’ve got a horse farm to the right and a small cattle ranch to the left.” He turned to her, anxiety written on his face. “What do you think?”

She was stunned. “I love it. Didn’t you think I would? But—”

“I don’t want to remodel the house, Sarah. I want to be out of it. Start fresh, with no memories of any kind.”

“Any kind?” she teased.

“Well,” he drawled, “maybe a few. Listen, I had Nick tell the real estate agent someone might be interested. Would you be happy with this?”

Sarah threw her arms around him. “More than I can tell you.”

A house of her own, built just for them. She couldn’t have asked for more.

By the time they reached the ranch, Sarah could hardly contain her excitement. And when she went into the room where Molly sat in a playpen and the child reached out her arms for her, her heart was so full she had to turn away to hide her tears.

“Was she good?” she asked Mary.

“As gold,” Mary answered. “I told Lindsey she should order a baby girl just like this one.”

“She’s been great,” Lindsey said, “but she’s been looking for you every day.”

Sarah hugged Molly to her and rained kisses on her cheeks. The little girl smelled deliciously of cookies and chocolate and baby powder, a scent that made her heart turn over. Molly patted her with her chubby little hands, then shifted in Sarah’s arms as she spotted Reno walking in behind her. Bouncing up and down, the little girl lifted her arms out to him, cooing.

When Reno smiled and lifted her in his arms, Sarah’s smile stretched her cheeks. Two months had passed, and she was still getting used to the new relationship between father and daughter. Sometimes she held her breath, wondering if it would suddenly fall apart.

On the way out to the car, Lindsey pulled Sarah aside. “By the looks of things, I’d say the delayed honeymoon exceeded expectations.”

“Better than you can imagine. We still have some hurdles to get past, but we’ll get there. Everything between us is so wonderful, Lindsey.”

“I’m so glad for you both. He’s such a special person.”

“Yes, he is. I’m very lucky.”

“No,” Lindsey said softly, “Reno’s the lucky one.”

“So did you give her the nickel tour?” Nick asked.

Reno nodded. “Call your agent and set up a meeting. It’s a go.”

Lindsey clapped her hands. “How wonderful. We’ll be so close together.”

“Remember,” Reno warned, “we have one house to sell and another to build before this all happens.”

“But it will.” Lindsey kissed his cheek. “That’s for luck.”

They drove home in a quiet silence, happy just to be with each other. There was no need for conversation. The time in the cabin had said it all.

While Reno carried all the suitcases into the house, she took Molly up to her room. Mary had fed the little girl lunch, and her eyes were drooping now. When Sarah put her in her crib, she popped her thumb in her mouth, closed her eyes, and was asleep at once.

Sarah went into the bedroom to unpack. She had no idea where Reno was. In the doorway of the room, she stopped, frozen. He was lying on the bed, eyes closed, and one arm thrown across his forehead.

“Are you okay?”

He opened his eyes. “I kick myself daily for all the times I missed with Molly because I was such a bitter bastard. What would have happened if she hadn’t been kidnapped? She’s so adorable and a child anyone would be proud of and excited to claim as their own. Holding her in my arms is unbelievable joy. But sometimes…sometimes I remember Maggie’s words and I—”

Sarah placed her fingers over her lips, then she lay down next to him, nestling her head on his shoulder, touching his face. “When that happens, tell me. I’ll help you all I can. And one of these days it will cease to even cross your mind.”


“I do. I am always here for you. You have to know that.”

Reno held her to him as if he’d never let her go. She wanted to weep herself, for all the pain one person had caused. Instead, she molded herself to him as tightly as she could and let her hand rest on his muscular chest, trying to infuse his body with her warmth. After a long time, they dozed, clinging to each other.

Later, Reno went out to pick up Chinese takeout. But both were tired and they were glad to get into bed early. She crawled into bed, excited about the land they were buying. She had barely closed her eyes before she heard Reno come into the room and strip off his clothes. The mattress dipped as he lowered his body next to hers. His warm hand cupped her cheek, turning her face toward him.

“Everything’s going to be fine,” he promised. “Just hang onto me and don’t let go.”

As if she would!


Obviously tired from her three days of excitement, Molly slept later than usual the next morning and so did Sarah. When she came downstairs with the freshly diapered child, Reno was already at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, and talking on the phone. When Sarah looked at him, he held up one finger signaling to wait, he was almost through.

“All right,” he said into the receiver. “Tell them that’s the best offer they’re going to get. I’ll be at my office in an hour. Call me back as soon as you get an answer.” Disconnecting the call, he leaned back in his chair with a self-satisfied look on his face.

Sarah raised an eyebrow as she settled Molly in her highchair. “You sure look like someone who won the lottery. What’s going on?”

“I called the real estate agent on that property and made an offer. He’s going to call me back at the office, but I think they’ll take it. It’s close enough to their asking price that I think they won’t bargain.”

“What happens then?”

“As soon as we close on it, we need to hire an architect, meet with him and get some plans drawn up.”

“Wow!” Sarah tucked her hair behind her ears and sat down to feed Molly. “Moving at the speed of light, are we?”

He reached across the table to touch her arm. “I can’t get out of this house fast enough if you want to know the truth.”

Sarah was silent for a moment, working to get more food in Molly’s mouth than on her chin. An idea suddenly took root in her brain. When Reno returned to the table, his coffee mug refilled and carrying one for her, she turned to look at him. “I have an idea in that direction.”

“Yeah?” Reno sipped the hot liquid in his mug. “Okay, let me have it.”

“We could move into my house. No one’s ever lived there but me,” she hurried to assure him. “You’ve had the landscape and cleaning services there once a week so it’s in good shape. I know it’s a lot smaller than this place, but it would do for the short term. We can sell it when the new house is ready.”

When he didn’t answer, she glanced at him nervously. He was staring at her.

“Bad idea?” she asked.

“No, it’s a great idea. Why didn’t we think of this before?”

“Because before,” she said very carefully, “it didn’t matter where we lived. Now it does.”

“You’d sell your house?”

She shrugged. “It’s only a building. No memories. Someone new will make their own. We’d have to put all this furniture in storage.”

“Get rid of it,” Reno bit off. “Sell it with the house. Burn it. I don’t care. How soon can we move?”

Sarah laughed. “As quickly as I can air out the place and call the movers. We need to take Molly’s stuff, our clothes, the things from your den…”

“Buy something new. Order it today and have them deliver it and set it up.”

He came to stand behind her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Do it. Call today. As soon as I get to the office, I’ll call a real estate agent we’ve done a lot of work with and get this place listed.” He drained the rest of the coffee and put his mug in the sink. “I’d better get going. This is shaping up to be a busy day ahead.”


Everything kicked into fast forward. In less than a week, they finalized a listing agreement, hired an architect, and moved forward with their plans. Sarah’s parents were delighted when she told them, although not too excited about having them living farther away.

“It won’t be that far, Mom,” Sarah assured her. “I still have to be close enough so Reno won’t have a long drive to the office. And we drove it yesterday. It’s only twenty-five minutes between our new place and yours.”

“Well, all things considered,” Ellen said, “I do think getting out of that house will be good for both of you. Forgive me for saying this, sweetheart, but being the second wife sometimes has its drawbacks. It never helps to cook in another woman’s kitchen.”

Sarah had never told the Madisons the Maggie story nor did she intend to. It was Reno’s secret to share, not hers. But Ellen, with her uncanny intuition, had sensed an air of imbalance in the house that she couldn’t quite define. Sarah could tell she was pleased that they were going to make a fresh start in a new place.

The following night Reno was home earlier than usual, looking very satisfied with himself. He dropped a large envelope on the counter.

“An early Christmas present, darlin’. They accepted our offer. We now own a big piece of land in the middle of somewhere.”

“Oh, Reno. Really and truly?” She leaped up and threw her arms around him. “But that’s wonderful.”

“All you have to do is sign these papers tonight, and I’ll have someone drive them to the agent’s office tomorrow. The seller has already signed.”

“I’ve been busy, too.” She grinned. “The nursery furniture will be delivered and set up tomorrow and the movers will be here Wednesday. They’ll pack up everything I tell them to, including our clothes, and we’ll just leave the rest.” She frowned at him. “Are you sure that’s what you really want to do?”

“You don’t know how much.” His face was suddenly grim. “I just want to walk out the door and never look back.” He glanced at Molly in her highchair.

“I’ll get her upstairs and bathed in just a minute,” she said hastily. “You came home a little early, is all, so I’m running just a bit behind.”

“No worries.” He patted her ass. “Now, why don’t you go do whatever it is you need to do, and I’ll get rid of this jacket and tie. I brought home some champagne so we could celebrate before dinner.”


The next morning, she drove Lindsey out to see their property.

“This is gorgeous.” Lindsey’s eyes sparkled. She turned to hug Sarah, somewhat of a problem with her now bulging stomach and Molly in Sarah’s arms, but they managed. “I’m so very happy for you. Both of you. Reno deserves every bit of happiness you bring him.”

“We still have some bumps in the road,” Sarah said, “but we’re getting there, one step at a time.”

As if Fate wanted to rain on their parade, Reno came home that night tense as a rubber band.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Oh, god, not trouble with the land.”

He shook his head. “Balenger called me today. It seems Marina Aguilar, Luis’s daughter, is on the warpath and she’s headed this way for revenge.”

For a moment, Sarah was afraid she’d pass out. “Will we never be done with them?”

“He’s got eyes on her and her entourage. They aren’t making any secret of this, apparently. When are the movers coming?”


“Good. They won’t find us here.” He brushed a kiss over her lips. “I’m not going to work until this is over. And Gary Stern will be hanging out with us. I’m not taking any chances.”

“God.” She raked her hands through her hair. “How long is this going to go on?”

“I’d say only a few more days. Balenger is putting some of his men on it, too.”

When Sarah crawled into bed that night, the excitement of the move had dimmed somewhat with this new threat. She said a silent prayer they’d all come through it safely.

The following morning, the movers showed up on schedule, and by five that afternoon, juggling a cranky Molly whose naps had been hit or miss, Sarah walked back into her house where the furniture fought for space with piles of cartons. Several of them were stacked in her garage and wouldn’t be opened until the new house was ready, and her house was half the size of Reno’s, which doubled the problem. Plus the fact that her rooms were a miniature of the ones Reno was used to and likely to give him a case of claustrophobia.

Well, no matter. We’ll be a little crammed, but we can make it work. We just need to get the plans finished, settle on a builder, and get him in high gear.

Reno, true to his word, stayed home. Gary Stern was already there waiting for them. With the two of them, moving stuff around turned out a lot easier. If only she wasn’t tied up in such a tense ball.

She unpacked some of their clothes and Molly’s things, fed and bathed the little girl, and put her down for the night. At last, she collapsed on the couch, catching her breath. At six, Reno ran out for pizza and sodas.

“My hero,” she told him. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

“You’re an amazing woman,” he said, looking around. “I can’t believe how much you’ve gotten done.” He leaned down and kissed her. “If you’re not too tired, maybe later, I can show you just how much I admire you.” He winked and leered at her.

“Don’t forget we have a guest,” she reminded him.

“I’ll tell him to sleep on the car.”

“Reno!” She gave him a playful slap. “Be nice to him.”

After supper, Gary settled himself uncomplaining on her couch, and she and Reno retreated to the bedroom.

“You know,” he told her as they got into bed, “except for the cabin, tonight is the first time we’ve slept together that I didn’t feel a phantom hovering over my shoulder. This house is clean, Sarah. The only spirit in it is yours. And now ours.”

“I feel as if we’ve closed one door and walked through another.”

“That’s the plan, my love. That is, indeed, the plan.” He hugged her close to him, molding her against him, and they fell easily asleep.




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