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Black Demands (A Kelly Black Affair Book 2) by CJ Thomas (9)



“I’m not sure I like you looking so damn sexy.” Kendra smirked the moment I stepped into my penthouse living room wearing a tuxedo.

My eyes traveled the length of her, marveling at the gown we had purchased from Kristin. She looked even better now than when I first saw her try it on at the store.

I chuckled, feeling flattered by her comment.

Tonight, she had her hair flowing in lose waves over her shoulders and down the center of her back. Her dark hair was a perfect match to her dress. She looked delicate, yet strong. Mysterious, yet insanely sexy.

Sauntering over to her with my hands buried deep in my pockets, I couldn’t escape the way she was looking at me with a knowing glimmer twinkling in her eye. She was pure gold. Black gold. My gold.

“Don’t worry,” I snaked my hands around to her ass, “I’ll keep you close.”

She angled her head up to look me in the eye. “And why would you need to do that?”

“To fight off the other kittens who will be clawing at me throughout the night.”

Her breath caught and I felt her muscles tighten in my grip. “Can you please tell me where we’re going?”

Her pleas only caused my stomach to flex harder, loving the way her sounds of desperation passed over her lips. It was similar to how she sounded when orgasming, and I’d do anything to hear her beg the way she was right now. Taking her forgiving face inside my hand, her soft eyes pleaded with me, showing only a hint of the concern I knew she was feeling. “Did she specifically tell you to wear these?”

Kendra reached up with one hand, touching the tanzanite earrings Madam had given her. “Yes. But not tonight. I forgot to give them back.”

My fingers splayed as I smoothed the tips across her neck to take a closer look at the blue jewels pinned to her ears. “They don’t go with your dress.”

“But the Madam insists I wear them.”

Slowly, my hands fell to her shoulders. Twisting her around, I faced her in front of the large wood-framed mirror hanging on the wall. Together we stared at our image—the image of us—and I could tell by the way she was standing, with her shoulders rolled back, chin held high, that she liked the image we portrayed as a couple. And I did, too. We looked strong. Like we could take the world on without repercussion.

“But they must go,” I said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Kendra remained silent, never protesting my moves to remove the studs from her ears. She knew it had to be this way. There was no way around it. Kendra was my girl now. She’d wear my things. Not Madam’s.

One by one I removed Madam’s earrings, setting them on the cherry oak dresser beneath the mirror. In a soft murmur I said, “Tonight, you’re my girl. And with that, you must also wear my jewelry.”

Side-stepping Kendra, I reached past her and opened the top drawer. Kendra watched as I carefully pulled a black velvet box out, placing it inside her opened hands. “Kelly—”

“Don’t thank me. Just open the box.” Her eyes watered as she smiled. When she opened the box I said, “You deserve it.”

After we had picked out her dinner gown for tonight, I’d secretly had Maxwell make another purchase for me. Inside the small box laid a pair of black diamond studs encased in 14 karat white gold, with a necklace to match. “Thank you, Kelly. They’re incredible.”

“Here, let me assist.” I hooked the necklace around her neck, balancing the stone evenly above her cleavage, while she put the stones in her ears. “Stunning.” I smiled, admiring her beauty.

“You didn’t have to do this,” she whispered.

“But I did,” I said, spinning her around, holding her in my arms. Our eyes danced just before I leaned down to kiss her. She sucked my tongue, purring against my hard chest. “Now everyone will know that you’re mine; and not to lay their paws on you.”

“I’d like that.” She nipped at my lips before turning back to the mirror. “And wearing all this black will let them know that I’m dangerous and should not be messed with.”

Kendra swiped her claws through the air like a cat and I laughed.

Then she turned to me, looping her arms around my neck. “We must be going somewhere really important.”

“Depends who you ask.” My hands fell to the globes of her ass.

“I’m asking you.” She tipped her head further back, exposing the pulsing veins in her slender neck.

“And why would you suggest that?”

“Because you clearly want to show me off.”

My fingers dug into her soft, fleshy backside as I kissed her. “A woman with your beauty deserves to be placed on a pedestal.”

“And is that what you’re going to do? Place me on a pedestal?”

I grinned, feeling my amusement hit my eyes. My lips pressed firmly into hers before my knees gave and I purposely slid my body down her front.

Kendra’s forehead wrinkled. “What are you doing, Kelly?”

My lips pulled to the corners of my mouth, smiling as I reached up under her dress and gripped the thong she was wearing.

“Kelly!” She looked around as if someone was in my house with us. But we were alone. There was no one here but us.

“Put your hands up.” My voice was firm, commanding her full attention.

She tilted her head to the side and gave me a skeptical look.

“Put. Your. Hands. Up.” This time I said it with more authority than before. Slowly, she took her hands off of mine—still buried under her dress—and lifted her hands up, over her shoulders with palms facing out.

Gently, I tugged the elastic waistband of her thong off the bones of her hips. Kendra’s hand fluttered to her neck as I worked the laced fabric further down the length of her thigh before letting it fall to the floor. A warmth spread across my chest when I saw the white, angelic color she’d chosen. I thought it ironic she chose that color when I had the rest of her covered in black. “You won’t be needing these tonight,” I said, working the loosely wrapped band away from her ankles.

Kendra looked away and rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh.

I balled her panties inside my fist as I stood. “How does it feel?”

“I feel exposed.”

The pad of my thumb brushed her flamed cheek. “Excellent. It’s the only way I’ll survive the night.”

“I hate not knowing where we’re going.” She pressed her thighs together as if she didn’t like the feeling of air freely flowing up against her sex.

“It’s not worthy of discussion.” She watched me stuff her underwear inside my tuxedo jacket pocket before letting her hands fall onto my shoulders. “Knowing you’re commando will keep me entertained when the environment gets stuffy, which it’s sure to do.”

“And what about you?” Kendra’s tongue slid over her lip. “Are you also going commando?”

Flicking my wrist, I checked the time. “Maxwell is ready. I’d hate to keep him waiting.” I winked.

But before I could step away, Kendra was on me. She reached between my legs and squeezed my package. “You’re wearing underwear, aren’t you?”

I refused to answer. Pushing her hand away, I moved to the door, collecting my things along the way. That’s what I liked about her. Things had to be even. She demanded an even playing field, even if she knew she had a disadvantage. The game didn’t stop the entire ride down the elevator. Kendra made multiple attempts to cop a feel, and even tried one last time before stepping outside the building to a waiting, running vehicle. We both said our quick hellos to Maxwell, and as soon as we were buckled into our seats we headed to the heart of the city.

Kendra reached over and touched my thigh. “Downtown, huh?”

“Don’t you just love surprises?” I teased.

“Normally, yes. But tonight you’re just pissing me off.” Her eyes glittered like stars on a moonless night. “Must be an important function you’re taking me to. Can you at least tell me if we’ll be eating? I’m starved.”

Without looking at her I said, “The Mayor always serves up a feast.”

Kendra’s gasp was loud enough for me to know her eyes just popped out of her face. “We’re going to the Mayor’s mansion?”

I rolled my head back to her with a knowing grin on my face. Raising my brows, I said, “Is there a problem?”

Kendra nervously twisted her fingers over her lap. “Yeah. There is a problem.”

My brow arched. “And what would that be?”

“I like to know these kinds of things before I make a commitment.” Her gaze hardened.

“What’s the point?” I leaned closer to her. Her intoxicating scent traveled straight to my brain. “You’d be coming with me regardless.”

“That may be. But still,” she swallowed, “I like to have time to wrap my head around what the evening will entail and who I’ll be talking with.”

She was so damn cute when nervous. A part of me hoped that she’d be out of her element tonight, if only to give her another reason to stay close and remain by my side. Reaching over, I took her hands into mine. “You’ll do fine,” I said, letting my gaze fall to the ring I’d given her. She looked good in silver and black. There was no doubt about it. It was her combination, the mixture that gave her a new edge. “Just like everything else, we’re in this together,” I lifted my eyes to meet her gaze, “no matter what.”

“I’m not cut out for these people.” Her breaths quickened.

“Me, neither.” I hooked her jaw with my finger, turning her head toward me. “I’ll be there for you.” She nodded. “If there is anything I’ve learned over the years, it’s how to interact in the high society we’re about to walk into. Follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”

Kendra nodded and I kissed her plump lips. Our tongues gently pressed into each other as I gave her time to process the knowledge of where we were going. Closing my eyes, I was dizzy with feelings for her—overwhelming and intense, but welcoming at the same time. I’d do anything to comfort her, protect her, and ensure she had a great time. There was nothing for her to worry about. Kendra was going to do fine. And the longer we kissed, I felt her nerves melt away, shedding the layers of fear, beginning to uncover the strength I knew she had locked away, hidden inside her.

By the time we pulled up front, Maxwell stopping in front of the beautiful Tudor mansion, there were already hundreds of people here. It was an annual event that brought in LA’s wealthiest and most influential citizens. Maxwell opened my door and I took the liberty of guiding Kendra to her feet. Threading my fingers through hers, I held onto her tight enough to reassure her of the promises I’d made of keeping her close.

Kendra looked around, touching her hair with an almost ghostly look on her face.

“Remember. These are just people,” I said softly, kissing her pulsing temple. “Just like you and me. Treat them no differently as you would anyone else, and I know they’ll appreciate you as much as I do.”

We shared a quick glance and she squeezed my hand as we proceeded inside. I nodded to friendly familiar faces and greeted several acquaintances as we weaved our way through the front doors and across the foyer. Kendra probably didn’t feel it, but I’d been around long enough to sense the politics buzzing in the air. This was as much a party as it was an event to cut deals with the city’s top influencers. Bureaucracy was part of any job description, but here at the mansion of the Mayor, it stank of dirty money, blood, and political favors. Perhaps that was why a criminal defense attorney like myself always seemed to be one of the first to get invited.

“Mr. Black,” the Mayor said, smiling as he approached.

“Mayor Bentley.” I extended my hand to shake his, remaining fully aware to keep one hand constantly on Kendra. “Great turnout.”

We both looked around at the many heads bobbing up and down as they swam past.

“You remember my wife, Mary, don’t you?” His toothy smile filled his face.

“Always a pleasure.” I stepped forward, bent my spine, and kissed his wife on the cheek.

“And this is my date, Kendra Williams,” I said, leaning back and nudging Kendra forward.

Mayor Bentley’s cheeks turned to apples as he lifted Kendra’s hand to his lips. “Marvelous. You’re simply marvelous.”

“Thank you.” Kendra nodded as she smiled.

“Mr. Black, I’m glad that you’re here.” Mary’s face beamed with appreciation. “I wanted to thank you in person for your generous donation to the underprivileged community school.”

“Anything to help.” I smoothed my hand around the small of Kendra’s back to curl my fingers around her waist.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t express our gratitude that night, but too many others wanted the Mayor’s ear.” She turned her head toward her husband.

Mayor Bentley let out a booming laugh. “Not a moment to rest.”

“Well, I hope to be making more contributions soon.” My lips flattened as I nodded.

Mary’s face brightened. “There is another program that I’m sure will catch your attention. I’ll be sure to send over the information to your office sometime tomorrow.”

“Just let me know.” I leaned forward, dropping my face closer to Mary. “Always happy to help the Mayor.”

More guests soon shuffled in behind us and I excused ourselves, not wanting to keep them from greeting others. It was their party, after all, and I hadn’t forgotten about the secret intentions I had waiting around the corner for Kendra, either.

We watched them move on. Beginning to feel a little overwhelmed myself—by the sheer volume flooding into the room—I turned to Kendra and said, “Care to join me on a little adventure?”

“As long as there is room to breathe.”

My lips curled. “Plenty.”

With Kendra in tow, I skirted through the crowd, leading her to the back stairs I remembered from a previous visit with the Mayor. It was just us that day, the mansion absent of partygoers which made it easy to move from one side of the building to the other, unlike tonight.

“Where are you taking me?” Kendra asked as we climbed to the second floor. “Are you sure we should be going up here?”

I’d made my face seen, spoken with the one person who mattered, so stepping away from the festivities unfolding below—if only for a few minutes—was just what I needed in order to speed up the night. “Aren’t you at least a little curious to see where the Mayor comes up with all his great ideas?”

Kendra locked her gaze on me. “Is that where you’re taking me? To his office?”

I quickened my pace. Kendra easily followed behind and I could feel the tension she was holding in her shoulders loosen with renewed excitement. In no time at all, we found the door leading to Bentley’s office and when we stopped, I turned to whisper, “Ready?”

Kendra nodded quickly with a wide grin.

I held my breath and reached for the doorknob. Slowly, I turned until the latch clicked over. Giving it a slight nudge, I peeked through the open crack to see if the room was clear. When I was sure that no one was inside, I rushed into the room, pulling Kendra along with me. She shut the door and I said, “Better lock it. I’d hate to have the Mayor walk in on me fucking you.”

Her hair flung over her shoulder as she spun her head around to look at me, seeing if I was serious.

I nodded, stepping up behind her, taking the flesh of her hips between my fingers. “Lock it.”

Without further hesitation, Kendra did as she was told. She twirled her body around inside my arms and kissed me with feverish passion.

I curled my tongue over hers, clawing and digging my hands into her body. With each swipe of her tongue, I led her closer to the Mayor’s desk. Lifting her dress up above her waist, I set her down on the edge and immediately brought my hand to her sex.

“You knew all along that this was what you wanted, didn’t you?” Kendra clawed at my chest.

“I suppose I gave too much away.”

She nipped at my bottom lip. “I’m on to you, Kelly Black. You’re more of an open book than you may think.”

I touched her quivering softness, sliding my finger between her slick folds. “God, feel you. You’re so wet.”

Her tongue slid over my lips. “Have been since you took my panties away.”

My lips crashed over hers. Kissing her fiercely, I thrust my finger between her cleft. A soft whimper rolled over her tongue, steeling my cock. The harder it pressed against my zipper, the deeper I thrust my finger into her. The pain was unbearable, but totally worth it. “Your tight little cunt feels so good against my finger.”

She moaned, tossing her head back. I licked the length of her neck, loving the way she writhed against my hand.

“Don’t you come yet,” I said, taking her ear between my teeth.

“But—” she cried, “—I’m almost there.”

I pulled my hand away.

“Kelly!” she growled, pulling my face to hers. “That’s not fair.”

My finger was back inside her the next second and I reminded her, “I say when you can come. Understand?”

“Whatever.” She nodded, bucking her hips harder. “Just give it to me.”

Sliding a second finger inside her, her head came crashing down against my shoulder. “If I feel you about to come, I’ll take it all away.”

She grunted and I knew she wasn’t listening. Kendra was busy working herself into oblivion, forgetting that I held the power to her orgasms. If I wanted to let her come, I would let her. But I didn’t. Not until I had her begging for it.

Pressing my thumb down over her swollen nub, I felt her walls tighten around my knuckles. Her breathing sped up and she panted. “Oh, shit.”

And just when I knew she was about to explode, I pulled my hand away, retreating.

“Kelly, please,” she begged, slapping her palms down on my shoulders.

“I told you the rules.” I reached up to her face and touched her quivering lips. “But you’re not listening.”

“I’m listening.” Her eyes pleaded with me to continue.

I shook my head and pushed my pussy-soaked fingers into her mouth. “You’re not.”

Her tongue worked frantically over my fingers, causing my cock to swell painfully large. “Are you ready to listen?”

She pulled my hand out of her mouth by the wrist. Flattening her tongue, she licked my fingers, reminding me what it was like when she gave me head. The woman was an animal, and I liked her aggressive sexual nature. Then she placed my hand back to her pussy herself, directing me back inside.

God, this woman was something else. So amazing, and completely worth moving heaven and earth to keep by my side. She was proving to be worthy of becoming my submissive and if she kept this up, I would have her tied up before she knew it.

Sliding my knuckles deep and hard over her pubic bone, I circled her clit, firmly pressing it harder as she clawed her nails into me. She was about to explode, but through clenched teeth and sweat I could see that she was holding back, waiting for my command.

My forehead fell to hers and we stared deep into each other’s irises until neither of us could hold back any longer. “Come for me, baby.”

Kendra’s hips bucked hard off the desk’s surface. Her fingers spread over the back of my skull as she cupped it, pressing my head hard against hers. Then her lips rounded and her eyes fluttered closed.

“That’s it. Make my investment worthwhile,” I said, pumping my wrist so fast it hurt.

The next second, her entire body tensed and she held her breath just before she tossed her head back and wailed into the mansion’s ceiling.

My fingers played with her pulsing pussy as I kissed her between gasps of air. “Now, I may be wrong,” I murmured, “but something tells me that Mary hasn’t had an orgasm as good as the one you just had in a very long time.”

Kendra giggled, unable to stop kissing me. “That’s because she doesn’t have you.”

Realizing that we had been away from the party for longer than I’d initially intended, I walked off my raging hard on while Kendra smoothed down her dress and fixed her hair. “There’s nothing that makes me as hungry as I am now other than amazing sex.” She laughed.

Without a care to our names, we left the office and took our time browsing the hallways until we found ourselves back in the middle of the party. Everything was going perfectly. Kendra was much more relaxed having found hors d’oeuvres and a drink. She radiated a glow that I was learning to love—wanting what she had in my life 24/7. Men’s heads turned when she passed, and they couldn’t keep from wondering who she was and what she was doing with me.

“Excuse me,” I heard a familiar voice come up from behind, “but I can’t help but wonder where it is I know you from.”

I turned to find Wes touching Kendra at the elbow.

Kendra glanced at me for direction. “Maybe I should remind you then?” I said.

A glimmer of amusement flashed across Wes’s eyes as he lifted his gaze to me.

“Does Mojito ring a bell?”

Kami Burke, Wes’s fiancé, hung off his shoulder smiling. Her baby bump was starting to show and looked absolutely incredible. “That’s right,” Wes said, staring into Kendra’s eyes. “You were there with a friend.”

“I was. Good memory.” Kendra wrapped her arm around my waist.

“I never forget beautiful faces.” He winked.

“They call me, Kendra.”

“Is that right?”

“That’s right.” Kendra smiled.

Wes shifted his gaze to me and raised his brows. “Assertive.”

“That, she is,” I said. “Didn’t expect to see you here tonight.”

Wes lifted his drink to his lips. “Are you kidding? I’d never miss my chance to throw around my influence in hopes of passing favorable legislation.”

I laughed and greeted Kami. “How are you feeling?”

“Don’t be fooled. Being pregnant isn’t as fun as I thought it would be.”

“Kami, baby,” Wes pointed to the bar, “why don’t you do us a solid and get drinks for everyone.”

Kami stood on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek. “Sure thing, baby.”

“And maybe you can take Kendra along with you?”

“Of course.”

“C’mon, honey.” Kami reached out for Kendra’s hand. “Walk with me. I’d love to know more about you.”

I squeezed Kendra’s hand, nodding, giving her my approval. Knowing Wes, he wanted to talk business. And with the women away, we were free to bring our secrets out into the open. “She’s really something,” Wes said as he admired his fiancé.

“We’re two lucky bastards,” I said.

“Kendra’s Madam’s girl, huh?”

I nodded, keeping my eyes on Kendra.

He folded his arms, lost in thought, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was he was thinking. I knew how much he resented Madam. Then, as if lightning struck him, he snapped his head up and said, “What’s the latest on Stone?”

I took the next several minutes to let him know where I was, how I was in the process of handing Mario over to a friend, and having convinced Madam that this was what needed to be done. Wes turned to me, covered his mouth, and said, “And the Madam, is she business as usual?”

“She doesn’t suspect a thing,” I assured him just as the women joined us, their hands full of drinks.

Kendra handed me a sparkling water and I took a sip as Kami announced, “There was an old friend I saw that I’d like to talk to. It was great seeing you, Kelly. And Kendra, remember what I said.” She winked at Kendra.

“Be in touch, Kelly.” Wes slapped my back. “Oh, and heads up,” he lowered his voice and moved his lips closer to my ear. “It looks like the DA is heading this way. Coming right for you.”

Together, Kendra turned with me to find Oscar Buchanan lowering his brow, smirking. “Relax, Kelly. I’m not going to bite.”

“I might.”

Oscar was with Angelina Davis, the same woman he’d been with ever since I stole Kendra away. She smiled at me and scowled at Kendra when she thought I wasn’t looking. “By the way you’re looking at me now, I’d think you were about to ram your shoulder into me here, too.” He laughed.

Kendra pressed more of her body into me as I responded. “In front of the Mayor? You know I wouldn’t humiliate you like that.”

The DA laughed. Stepping away from Angel, he hung his head and dropped his voice. “I heard what happened the other day.” His forehead lifted when he glanced in my direction.

“It’s no secret,” I said, inching my way closer to him.

Oscar turned his back to the women and nudged my shoulder to follow. “Frankly, I was surprised. I thought you believed Mario was innocent?” His brows squished together.

“I do.” I stole a sip of water from my glass. “He is.”

Oscar chuckled. “He’s going to need a good lawyer, like yourself,” he pointed his finger at my heart, “because my office is coming for him. And we’ve built a strong case against him.”

I glanced over my shoulder to Kendra. Angel was busy talking into her ear. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was she was saying to her now. Then the DA started nodding. “Ahh…” He laughed. “How can I be so blind?”

My brows pinched as I turned my attention back to him.

“You son of a bitch.” He slapped my back.

“Excuse me?”

“Stone!” He laughed. “That’s why you dropped your defense for Mario.”

Curling my lips over the rim of my glass I sucked back a piece of ice, not wanting to continue talking shop here of all places. When I glanced back to Kendra, she was pressing her clutch hard against her chest, meeting my gaze with a pleading look as if she needed to be saved.

“You just made my night, Black.” Oscar turned back to face our women. “That is one battle I am truly looking forward to.” He turned to look me in the eye. “It should be a show the country will follow.”

I felt my nostrils flare when I watched Kendra’s eyes widen at something Angel said. By the look on her face, I knew she was upset. “Have a nice night, Oscar,” I said, excusing myself.

Hurrying over to Kendra, Angel stepped away, retreating back onto Oscar’s arm. Once I had Kendra in my hands, I could feel her trembling. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head. “Just get me out of here, will you?”