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Captivated by Him by Terri E. Laine (35)



While I loved the house, the French-style architecture at least, Gavin was in love with the car. Dad was all about green. Everyone at the company drove an electric or hybrid car subsidized by them. The car I’d found in my garage hadn’t been released to the public. It was an all-electric Tesla two-seater, which looked more like a sports car. I wasn’t sure how he thought I’d be inconspicuous in it. Through text, he argued that there were others and not to sweat it.

The garage at the office had spots to charge the cars while you were inside. It was convenient and not paying for gas would come in handy. Especially when I now lived in a nearly six-thousand-square-foot house. I wasn’t sure I could pay the utility bills for it. I’d taken a cut in pay when I was transferred. Another thing my father apologized for. I think he felt bad, that’s why he wanted me to keep the car. My very first car, I should say. I had a driver’s license, but never had my own car.

It was weird driving home to my house in my car. I was amazed every day I did so. The place had old-world charm on the outside, but on the inside it was modern from the basement to the top floor. It reminded me a lot of the corporate apartment I’d stayed in. Clearly my father was a minimalist.

The garage wasn’t attached, so after I parked, I strolled through the backyard, passing a lap pool. Inside, I climbed the floating stairs to the fourth floor and the master suite. Though if I ever felt lazy, there was an elevator. Talk about crazy.

I fell on the huge bed and stared at the sea urchin-looking light fixture. If I even considered staying here, I would have to change some of the décor. While I could appreciate the clean lines of the few furniture pieces, it lacked warmth.

I took my phone out and read through the text message chain I had with Gavin at lunch. I missed him so much and didn’t know how I could make it a couple of weeks when it had only been a few days.

When my phone buzzed, I nearly dropped it.

“Hey you, you scared me.”

Gavin’s deep voice rumbled over the line. “Let me in, I’m out back.”

I hopped up and ran in socks, which became comical. I’d nearly slipped down the rail-less stairs trying to get to the back door on the first level. He had the code for the garage, but there had only been one key to get in the main house.

He swept me in his arms when I opened the door. We didn’t talk. We kissed until we were both breathless. He set me down on the island, reminding me of our time in New York.

“Don’t get ideas, Angel.” He held up a bag I hadn’t noticed. “I’m cooking for you tonight.”

“What if I’m not hungry?”

“I’d think you were lying to me because we both know you haven’t had dinner yet.”

I poked my lip out. He grinned and gave me a quick kiss.

“You’re mean,” I joked as he searched for whatever tools he needed to make this mystery meal.

He straightened, which was too bad—his ass was worth more than the house in my estimation.

“Don’t worry. If you’re a good girl and eat all your food, I’ll let you suck me off.”

Though he’d said it straight-faced, I knew he was teasing me.

“Sounds like a win-win for you.”

He shrugged and came over to plant his arms on either side of me. “No one ever said life was fair.”

I licked my lips before taking liberties with his mouth.

“Don’t worry; I plan to make you scream my name all night long. I hope your boss will excuse your sleepiness,” he said.

“My boss is awesome.”

Samantha wasn’t Kelly, whom I missed, but she was bubbly and full of enthusiasm. She listened to my ideas, even the crazy ones when the team had taken me for drinks after work.

“What about you? Are you going to contact that guy from Boeing?” I asked.

Though according to him we couldn’t see each other, we talked every night. I asked more questions than I had before about his life now that he was open about telling me.

“You know I can’t. I’d need a security clearance. No way I’d pass.”

He hadn’t directly done anything bad from what I could tell. I knew he was guilty by association, but what did that make me? Could I be arrested for not contacting the police about a known criminal, my uncle? I wasn’t sure and didn’t care. Gavin was a good man and I hated he limited himself to fishing when he could offer the world so much more and he wanted to.

“I can’t believe you cook.”

That hadn’t come up in our conversations.

He came over and whispered in my ear, “I can do a lot of things, Angel.”

He nibbled there, causing me to squirm before he went back to fill up a large pot with water.

“What are you cooking me?”

He smiled when he turned, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“A favorite of mine and my mom. Lasagna.”

I wanted to take away his pain and didn’t know how.

“Your mom’s Italian, right?” He nodded. “And your dad is Russian.” He agreed again. “So can you cook Russian food, too?”

He moved by me again and started pulling drawers open, shifting my legs from where they dangled until he found the utensils.

“We’ll work up to a traditional Russian dish. For now, you’ll love my lasagna.”

I wanted to say, how could I not when I love you? I still hadn’t said it yet. But it seemed like the wrong moment. His head was remembering a mother long gone. And selfishly, I wanted the moment to be about us when I told him. Though he had to know how I felt.

Did he?

* * *


We ate. We fucked. I made love to her with my mouth, my dick, and my words. Still she hadn’t said she loved me.

My phone chimed and I had to roll away from her to get it from the nightstand.

The text was short and to the point. I sighed. I moved back and kissed her cheek.

“Angel, I have to go.”

I didn’t want to wake her up, but leaving in the middle of the night without saying something felt like what you did after banging a chick you didn’t want to see again. It was a dick move I wasn’t willing to do to her.

“Do you have to go home?”

“You’re my home.”

Her smile clarified other things for me too. I kissed her softly, unable to resist. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for this girl.

“Will you be back?”

“Not tonight. But I promise to see you soon. Go back to sleep; you’ll need your rest for when I see you again.”

She rolled to her side and I drew the covers over her.

I left out the back door. When I opened the garage, Agent Davies stood by a car parked in the middle of the alley.

“What? You have a tracking device on my truck now?”

Davies strode up and jabbed my chest with two fingers.

“Imagine my surprise when I came to check on my girlfriend’s daughter and I see your truck pull around the corner. I follow and watch as you park in the garage.”

Shit, this was the last thing I needed. I had to be somewhere.

“And you’ve been waiting here this whole time. You like to watch or something?”

“Fuck you, and you keep your dick away from Megan. She’s worth more than ten of you.”

I resisted the urge to punch him because he was right. If Megan knew why I had to leave her in the middle of the night, would she want me?

“I don’t have time for your shit today.”

“Really, then I guess you wouldn’t want to know they arrested your dad.”

“What?” I slammed him against the side of the garage.

“It wasn’t me.”

I let him go and got in my truck. I broke all the speed laws I could driving home. The house was dark when I got there.

“You’re late.”

Bear stepped out of the shadow in my kitchen. I didn’t want to think about the reasons or how he’d gotten in our house.

“We have to do this another time. My dad

“Is locked up? Why do you think I contacted you?”

Fuck. If he knew, Dad was in danger. They’ll think he’s a loose end.

“The boss needs him, until he starts talking to the Feds.”

He handed me a card. “This is your one shot.”

He pulled out a gun and I stepped back. He laughed.

“Take it,” he said, holding it out to me.

I didn’t trust the guy. His hand was gloved. For all I knew, it was a setup and as soon as my fingerprints got on it, the cops would be here to arrest me for a murder I hadn’t committed.

He wasn’t going to leave without giving it to me. I used the bottom of my shirt to take it from him.

“Smart kid. Now go to that address and kill everyone inside.”

I wasn’t exactly surprised. He’d given me a gun.


“An obstacle that needs to be removed. That’s all you need to know. Time to earn your stripes, pretty boy,” he said.

“And if I don’t do it?”

I knew the answer, but I needed him to say it.

“Your father dies and you die. And your mom would have died for nothing.”

My fist curled. I wanted to use the gun on him.

“Don’t talk about my mom.”

“Yeah, well, your mom made a bad choice. I told her as much. She could have been with me, but she chose him over me. I warned her about his habits. I even gave her a chance to change her mind when his debts piled up. But she spit on my offer, said she was pregnant. I told her someone would die. She asked me not to kill you. Boss had use for your dad.”

My hand shook. “I have to see my dad first.”

“Fine. It’s got to be done by tomorrow night.”




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