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Captivated by Him by Terri E. Laine (38)



It was Sunday morning when I got the call. I stepped outside into gloom. Clouds hung low and heavy, pregnant with rain.

There he stood by his Mustang. I hadn’t appreciated the car before with its shiny paint in a midnight blue, sleek chrome finishes, and classic lines. But I studied it now, unable to look at the man who waited for me.

I glided my finger down the side of the car until I got to him. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he made no move to remove them.

Finally, I lifted my gaze to meet his.


As if in slow motion, I shook my head. I wasn’t yet ready to speak. I let my emotion speak through the streaks of water that created rivers down my cheeks.

I opened my mouth and poured every question I had in one choked word: “Why?”

His hands shot out like a gunslinger’s, reaching for me, but I stepped out of his reach.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice,” he pleaded.

I heard the pain in his voice.

“Not much of an answer,” I said, still feeling dead inside.

“I did what I thought I had to in order to keep you safe. I had no idea whose house it was when I entered.”

That much added up to what Lee had told us when he showed up late yesterday.

“Would you have killed her if you hadn’t recognized her?” When he said nothing, I added, “For your dad?”

“Truth?” I nodded. This felt like the most crucial question. “No.”

Lee had explained that Gavin had been giving him bits of information about the organization since before he graduated from high school. He’d done it to get his father out of jail and keep him out.

He’d been wearing a wire when Jimmy, the guy that wanted him to kill my mother, ordered the hit. They’d had him on tape. But Jimmy was cagey and had avoided being caught. Gavin had gone to the house to make sure whoever was inside was safe. Lee hadn’t told him who lived there, as he was supposed to be off and that information was given to another agent. He’d been called in not knowing what was about to go down. So Gavin had put himself in harm’s way for a stranger and I loved him even more for it.

“Do you forgive me?” he whispered.

Some say the eyes were the windows into someone’s soul. Looking into his, I found turmoil, but his complete love for me.

“Yes, but only for putting yourself in danger.”

He’d done nothing else wrong.

“I did it for you.”

“I know.”

But there was something else I had to ask.

“How’s your brother?”

The news that he had one had come as a shock. He’d never mentioned him before.

“Brain dead—they took him off life support.”

His tone was too flat. I closed the distance, flinging myself in his arms.

“I’m sorry,” I said against his chest.

“I can’t talk about it, Angel.”

“Now or ever?”

“For now, okay?”

I nodded. How could I possibly push him? If there was something I learned from Reagan, it was that everyone handled grief differently.

What Gavin hadn’t known was that his brother had joined the family to keep him safe. He’d thought him a traitor to their family. And I could see the guilt in his eyes.

A car rolled to a stop behind Gavin’s. My father, dressed in jeans and a button-down, stepped out. It was the first time I’d seen him so casual.

“Dad.” I ran over and hugged him.


It felt so natural to call him that, and it would never get old.

We walked over to Gavin and he held his hand out. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

Score, my man had manners.

“Nice to meet the man who’s won my daughter’s heart.”

It happened so quick, I wasn’t sure I saw it. But there had been a look that passed between the two.

“It’s so very important that any man who loves her be willing to do anything to keep her safe,” Dad said.

“I am.”

My gaze bounced between them. What was happening? I would have asked, but Mom came out, adding to the party mix.

Dad gave me a quick squeeze before walking over to her.


“Greg.” There was tension. My guess was she still had feelings for him. “Is it wise for you to be here?”

“I needed to see for myself that you and my daughter were safe.”

Mom glanced over at Gavin and me. He’d slung an arm around my shoulder as we watched the show. All we needed was popcorn.

“You should go. Lee will be here soon,” Mom said.


“Please, don’t make this any harder.”

Mom pushed at her hair, probably not realizing that she flashed the engagement ring Lee had given her.

“Do you love him?” Dad asked.

Mom’s head snapped up. “When has love ever mattered?”

“It matters to me. I walked away because of how much I loved you. You ask this Lee if he’d be willing to do the same if it meant you would be safe.”

Dad turned and strode back over to us. Gavin let me go so my dad could hug me again. He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“I’m here for you whenever you need me,” he whispered to me.

I nodded.

Then Lee showed up. He pulled alongside Dad’s sports car and got out.

“Shit,” Gavin cursed under his breath as Lee walked toward us with his shoulder holster on display. He faced my dad like they were about to duel.

“It’s a good thing you came to see your daughter. But remember, money can’t buy everything. Maggie is in good hands.”

Since when did Mom let anyone call her that? She hated that nickname. I glanced over to her, but her eyes weren’t on Lee. They were on my dad’s and he watched her, too.

“You should go. This gathering is for family only.”

I moved out of Gavin’s embrace, ready to contradict Lee.

Dad held up a hand. “I’m leaving anyway,” he said to me. “You and your mom know how to reach me.”

I wanted to ask him to stay. As nice as Lee was, I’d yet to spend any time with my dad.

Dad drove off and Lee went to claim his prize. Mom didn’t notice his caveman actions because she was busy watching the car that left. Lee herded her inside.

“Are you okay?” Gavin asked.

I nodded and buried my face in his chest.

Later, in the room we’d been given, Gavin asked, “What’s up between your mom and your dad?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. But she’s too practical to go after what she wants.” I bit my lip, wondering if I should ask the question. “What I want to know is what’s between you and my dad.”

He sighed. “You saw that.”

I had that look they exchanged like they shared a secret. He folded his hand behind his head and stared at the ceiling to avoid looking at me.

“Yes, and I need you not to keep things from me.”

I moved, propping my arm on his chest. He expelled air that fanned my hair.

“I needed assurances that you would be safe. I thought…I wasn’t sure Lee was invested in you, but I knew your dad was.”

“What did he do?”

His shoulder rose and fell. “He wasn’t specific. He said he would handle it.”

“Do you think he had anything to do with the shootout that happened at the underground gambling club near school?”

That had been on the news, and Gavin explained that everyone who knew about what his dad did for the family was dead, including the big boss. His father would be released on Monday when the FBI dropped the charges citing lack of evidence. That was the deal Gavin had struck long ago, and Lee made sure they’d honored it.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I only learned after the fact that they raided the place and there was chaos. Lee said they’d sent him here because they realized where I’d been sent and they feared he’d fuck up the mission. Though he showed up in the nick of time.”

I’d heard that too, but wasn’t sure if I’d been given the full story from Mom.

“It’s over, right?”

He nodded. “I’m free to get a job and…” He hesitated when my hand wrapped around his cock. “Angel,” he warned. “Your mom’s in the house.”

I didn’t care.

“I’ve missed you and I can’t wait another minute.”

He groaned and held my wrist steady. “Someone will hear.”

I giggled. “Are you afraid I’ll make you scream?”

His chuckle vibrated my other palm where it rested on his chest. “One of us will scream and it won’t be me.”

I bent down and claimed his mouth. His hand let go of mine to move my hair out of the way. I used the opportunity to stroke him.

“Last warning,” he said.

Sitting up, I straddled him. I guided him to my entrance and sank down.


His gravelly tone only made me bolder.

“No, you fuck me,” I said.

He dug his hands into my hips and began to rock me up and down. “You can’t say shit like that, Angel.”

I sucked my bottom lip in as the pressure mounted. “I told you before words have more meaning when you choose your timing.”

He drove so deep into me, my head fell back.

“That’s why I love you so damn much. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” he said.

“I love you, too.”

He stilled and I realized what I’d said. It just popped out because it was true.

I lifted my head to find that surprise was an interesting look on him.

“You love me?” he asked quietly.

I nodded and bent forward as he held us together, pressing my lips to his. Reverently, I spoke the words I felt so deep in my heart; they’d been rooted there forever.

“You are my always.”

Slowly, he moved inside me.

“You, Angel, are my forever.”

With every stroke, every touch, I knew there was no one else for me. When we came as one, I saw stars as dreamily as I saw them in his eyes. I’d been captivated by him since the first moment we met. And nothing could ever change that.