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Captivated by Him by Terri E. Laine (32)



Making my way inside had been tricky. The place was on lockdown. Important people with big money, evidenced by the marble floors, must live here. Years of on-the-job learning to be cunning paid off. I had a job to do. One that was more important than anything I’d ever done in my entire life. I’d never wanted to be an errand boy, yet I was making a delivery.

The door opened and there she stood. Her hair was pulled back, but escapee strands framed her pretty face. She wore a long-sleeve tee that hung off one shoulder and barely covered her belly. Shorts that just clung to hips and were barely long enough to cup her ass finished the look. Damn, I’d missed her.

“Gavin?” Her eyes were full of questions. “What are you doing here?”

I held out the flowers because I’d swallowed my tongue just looking at her.

She took them from my hand. “Oh, these are so pretty. They’re orchids, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen these before.”

She pointed at a white flower that appeared to have wings before turning and walking inside. I assumed I was welcome, so I stepped across the threshold and nearly stumbled over my tongue. She’d given me a perfect view of the ass I’d loved since the first day I saw her.

Somehow I managed to tell her about the flowers.

“They’re called White Egrets or something like that. They’re a rare type of orchid found in Asia and Russia.”

At least that’s what the flower shop woman said.

She set them on an island. The place was fancy. The kitchen was right off from the front door and a large living area was straight ahead.

She cupped one winged flower in her hand. “They look like little white doves.”

“They remind me of angels. That’s why I got them.”

They’d cost a shit ton of money, but it had been worth it.

“They’re gorgeous and it’s a plant.”

I didn’t opt for cut flowers.

“It’s a housewarming gift. I didn’t want to give you something that would die.”

She nodded. I couldn’t read if she was happy to see me or not.

“This place is temporary.”

“Well, you can take them anywhere you go and hopefully it will remind you of me when you look at it.”

She turned around slowly, keeping her hands behind her as if bracing herself. I hadn’t earned a smile. I was fucking things up already. Apparently thinking of me wasn’t a good thing. So I beat her to the punch.

“Before you tell me to get the fuck out

“Go lick a duck,” she corrected.

God, this woman is everything. “Go lick a duck…” Because it was a new one for me, I had to chuckle. Her blank expression made me straighten up. “Just hear me out.”

Her lips pursed and I could tell she was on guard. I couldn’t blame her. She’d given me a million chances.

“I don’t deserve you.”

“You don’t,” she said matter-of-factly.

I licked my lips, feeling nervous for the first time in my life. I’d never had an experience where I was so unsure that a girl would want me.

When she moved her hands from behind her, I thought for sure she would point at the door and give me the boot. She folded her arms.

“I know I’ve pushed you away

“Many times,” she said.


Her brows rose, urging me to spill it. I raked a hand through my hair.

“It’s just I’m not good with words. Every time I try to tell you something, I fuck it up.” I rubbed my jaw like it ached.

“Just say it, Gavin.”

I dropped my hand. “I’m in love with you.”

Her mouth opened, but then she shut it just as fast. A few more seconds passed before she spoke. “Say that again?”

“I’m in love with you.”

Instead of smiling, she frowned. “You can’t come here and say something like that.”

She put her hand over her mouth and walked to the opposite side of the island, keeping her back to me. I followed her around and curled my finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me.


“Because I’m here in New York and you live in Maryland. How is now a good time for us?”

I grinned. “I’m here to stay.”


“I’m going to find a job, though I have some money saved, and get a place for me…us, if you want.”

“I can’t. I have this…Well, maybe not for long. But I’ll have an apartment…shared. So you can’t stay with me.”

I leaned down to stop her babbling. I pressed my lips to hers. Unsure of my welcome, I left it at that. When I pulled back, she just stared at me.

“We’ll figure it out, if you’ll have me.”

“But your dad?”

“New York isn’t that far. If he needs me, I can get to him.”

“You’re serious?”

I nodded.

“Crap on a cracker.”

She launched herself at me, crushing our mouths together. I hoisted her up and she hooked her legs behind my back. I set her down on the island, which was a perfect height.

I framed her face with my hands and slowed things down. We had all the time in the world for fast, but this time I wanted to savor her and enjoy the moment to its fullest.

Her greedy hands tugged my shirt free from my pants.

“I need to touch you,” she said.

Her voice was a little breathy, which revved me up even higher.

She used her palms to glide up my stomach and over my chest. It took all the control I had to let her play and not do my own exploration.

“You’re still working out, I see,” she said.

“Only to kill time until I could see you again.”

She stopped and leaned back. “I’m sure you had plenty of girls to keep you company.”

“Since I’ve met you, it’s only been you.”

“Shut the front door!” She braced her hands on my shoulders. “So I’ve been driving myself crazy wondering who was warming your bed and there’s been no one? How is that even possible?”

“My dick is selfish and picky.”

Her head fell back and she laughed. “I guess I owe it a favor for keeping you out of harm’s way.”

I snickered. “It’s been rather lonely, though.”

She looked at me from under her lashes, a wicked smile forming on her perfect mouth. She flicked the button on my jeans and drew down the zipper far enough to reach her tiny hand to grip my cock.

“Then stop talking and fuck me, Gavin.”

That one word out of her mouth, something she wouldn’t normally say, freed me from the chains that had held me back. I surged forward and cupped her face. I drove my fingers through her bound hair to tug her closer, eliminating any distance between us. I scored her mouth with a feverish kiss and lined our bodies so her core met my steel-hard cock.

We fell back on the counter, her hands digging in my back.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” she complained.

I felt her tug at my shirt, pulling fistfuls of it up my back. Impatient myself, I shoved up her shirt and yanked her bra down, exposing my prize. Her rosy nipples tightened in my mouth as I sucked like a madman.

“No fair,” she cried out and released a moan.

I switched to the other one, kicking off my shoes and pushing down my jeans.

“Hurry,” she begged.

“Give me a minute, Angel.”

She ground against me and I thought I might explode. I reached back and found my wallet as my jeans hung on my hips.

“Shit.” I closed my eyes and pulled back.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have one.”

“One what?”

“A condom.” I stepped back, trying to get myself under control. “I can go find a store.”

“Swear to me you’re clean,” she said.

I couldn’t believe my ears. “I swear. I was tested before you and there’s been no one else.”

“Me too. I swear.”

We both stood looking at each other.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded, curling her fingers in a come here gesture. I moved back.

“Lift your hips.”

I tugged her shorts off; she was totally bare beneath. I struggled to catch my breath, remembering the last time she’d given herself to me. She reared up and chained her arms around my neck.

“Stop teasing me.”

She scooted closer to the edge, my dick pressed between us. I moved back some and lined the head to her entrance. She was soaking and coated the tip.

“It’s been too long. I don’t know how long I’m going to last.”

She dropped her hands and grabbed at my ass, tugging me forward.

“Sugar honey ice tea, if you don’t hurry up I’m going to kill you.”

I gave her what she demanded and drove into her hard. I’d come prepared to offer her sweet, something I’d given no other girl. But I aimed to please.

“Yes,” she cried out.

I kissed her like we fucked. Between the sounds of our flesh coming together and the mewling noises she made, I wasn’t going to last if fucking her bareback didn’t kill me first. I finally understood why some guys couldn’t resist despite it all.

Her roving hand played with my chest. I clamped her hands in one of mine and drew it over her head.

“If you don’t stop, it will be over too fast.”

“And if you stop, I will kill you.”

I steadied her hip with my free hand, working in and out of her. I watched my dick disappear inside of her and thought I’d come right then and there. I had to fist the base, not wanting her to make good on her threat.

She cried out. “Sweet Mary and Joseph. I’m right there.”

“You want to come, Angel?”

She nodded and begged.

I used my thumb in between her legs and her pussy clamped down hard on my dick. Before I could pull out because we hadn’t talked about the pill, I came, filling her with my come.

Muttered curses spilled from my mouth as I’d never experienced anything like it.

“God, I love you,” I said, caressing her face and kissing her long and deep.

I scooped her up. She kept her legs around my waist as I found the bedroom. It was huge with a large bed as the crown jewel.

“Everything is pretty swank in here. Nothing out of place. That’s going to change.”

I coaxed her legs from around me and tossed her on the bed. She squealed.

“Promises, promises.”

“Angel, I keep my promises.”

I tackled her to the mattress, finding my way between her legs.

“Time for dessert.”