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Bad Girlfriend by Brooke Cumberland (8)

Track 7: Someone Like You




Trace and Natalee leave before breakfast to pick up some friends from the airport, leaving Kate and me alone once again. The last time we were alone things didn’t end up exactly as planned, so my intentions are to just hibernate in my room until they’re back home.

After getting dressed, I notice through the window that it’s a fairly decent day outside and consider going for a run just to get out of the house a while.

I hear a door slam and quickly look to see if someone’s here, but then I see Kate. She’s outside, walking toward the big oak tree.

What the hell is she doing?

I continue watching her, mesmerized by the way she struts right up to it and attempts to climb it.

I laugh to myself, curiosity building up inside as to why she’s trying to climb a tree. I watch as she puts one foot up, reaching her hand up for the branch that’s too high. She slips and falls right on her ass. She pops right back up and tries again. Back on her ass.

Oh, Christ.

I walk out of my room and down the stairs, heading right outside toward Kate. She’s still attempting to reach the first branch—jumping, bouncing on the ball of her foot, cursing—but no matter what she tries, she won’t reach it.

She’s completely oblivious to my presence as I approach from behind, so I take advantage and assist her, grabbing her ass and pushing her up until her hand comes into contact with the branch she’s been aiming for.

“What the hell?” She turns her head toward me while groping for the branch.

“Don’t tense up,” I tell her. “Keep your head up or you’re going to lose your balance.”

She turns her head back around, gripping the branch tighter as her other foot lifts off the ground and balances on the trunk of the tree.

“Now pull yourself up.” She does as I say with the help of my hands pushing her toward the next branch. “Grab the other branch and keep pulling yourself up.”

She continues, my hands losing contact with her ass. I stand there watching, making sure she doesn’t come tumbling down. She climbs until she comes to the third big branch and swings her leg over it so she’s straddling it.

“Holy shit,” she breathes out, looking out and seeing how high she is.

“Are you okay?” I yell up to her. “You aren’t going to pass out on me, are you? I mean, I’ll carry your ass down if I have to, but it won’t be easy.”

“Thanks, asshole.” I hear the amusement in her voice. “Are you always this charming?”

“Only when the occasion arises.”

“Which seems to be all the time,” she shoots back quickly.

I laugh lightly, shaking my head. “Mind telling me what you’re doing up there?”

“Checking out the view,” she says flatly.

“And you couldn’t have done that any other way without the potential of breaking your neck?”

“It’s on my list,” she calls down.

“On your list?” I furrow my brows, covering the sun with my hands. “What kind of list has this on it?”

“Learning how to climb a tree. Number fourteen.”

“That’s pathetic. Everyone should’ve learned in their childhood at some point.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t. Plan on coming up here anytime soon so I don’t have to keep yelling?”

I look down and realize I’m not wearing clothes fit to climb a tree. “Nah, I’m good.”

“Quit being a chickenshit and get up here.” Her tone is playful, making me ditch my original plan and agree to join her. This Kate I like. I look up at her with a wide smile across her face, her blonde hair blowing in the wind, looking like she’s having the time of her life.

“Fine.” I’ve climbed several dozen trees growing up, so I make it to her in no time. “Happy?” I grin, sitting on the branch opposite her. She’s close enough that we no longer have to yell, but far enough that I can’t touch her.

“I am,” she says simply. “I’ve always wanted to learn.”

“You poor, sheltered child.”

She tilts her head at me, smirking. “I didn’t grow up with older siblings to teach me. I was kind of a one-woman rodeo.”

“Well, that’s depressing.”

“Do you have siblings?”

I hesitate responding, but decide to answer her anyway. “Three brothers. But we’re all kind of scattered everywhere.”

Her eyes widen and lips spread to her eyes. “That must’ve been fun growing up.”

I nod in agreement. “There definitely weren’t any dull moments.” She nods back at me but doesn’t say anything. “So…are you going to tell me what type of list this is?” I raise a brow, hoping she feeds my curiosity.

“Not a chance.” She grins.

“Okay, then. Can you tell me how many things are on this list?”

She thinks a moment before answering and nods. “Twenty-four.”

My brows rise in surprise. My curiosity becoming too strong to hold back. “What’s twenty-four mean?”

“One for each year,” she explains with an easy shrug. “I picked twenty-four things I’ve never done that I want to do.”

“Twenty-four things to do when you’re twenty-four?” I inquire, trying to gauge why she’s putting a time constraint on herself.

She visibly swallows, and I wonder if I struck a nerve somehow. But then she responds casually with a sad smile. “Yeah, kind of.”

Knowing how off-limits I put my own past, I don’t pry any further about the meaning behind her list, but I’m too curious to let it go completely. “All right, so how many do you have left?”

She holds in a laugh. “Um, now—twenty-one.”

I gasp, trying to conceal the shocked expression on my face. “Okay, so basically you have the majority of your list to complete in a short amount of time.”

“That about sums it up.”

“Well…then we should get started.” I pull my leg over the branch, preparing to climb down the tree so I can assist her in not breaking a leg or something.

“Wait,” she stops me before I get anywhere. “There is one you could help me with right now.”

“And what’s that?”

“You have to come closer.” She eyes the branch she’s currently straddling.

“All right.” I shift my weight so I can climb over to where she is. I swing my leg over the thick branch, praying to God it holds the both of us. “I’m getting very suspicious of your list by the way,” I say with amusement, hoping she’ll give in and tell me.

“No asking about the list. That’s rule number one.”

“Oh, now there are rules?”

“There are always rules,” she says matter-of-factly.

“You know you’re giving me whiplash with all your mood swings.”

“Well, if you don’t want to help me, feel free to leave.”

There’s no way in hell I’m leaving now.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” I challenge.

“Fine.” She grins.

“So…now what?”

“Number four on my list—kiss a stranger,” she says it so confidently, I can’t help wondering if she’s putting this facade on for me.

I narrow my eyes and tilt my head. “We’ve already kissed.”

“Well, that didn’t count. I wasn’t ready for it.”

“Do you need to be ready for everything life throws at you?” I toss back at her. “Ever hear of spontaneity?”

“As of matter of fact, it’s on my list.”

I laugh aloud. “Being spontaneous is on your list?”

“Yes. It’s something I’m not really known for.”

“Well, that puts some of the pieces together.”

She glares at me. “C’mon, you owe me.”

I owe you? What for?”

“For being a creeper in the bathroom.”

“You’re still mad about that?” I frown. “You’ve gotten me back since then. I think we’re even.”

“Scaring me in the shower is nowhere near the same as what I’ve done to you.”

“Well, I beg to differ. But…all right. I’ll play your little list of games. What are the rules?” I inch closer.

“Well, technically, it was suppose to be a stranger but since that’s clearly not the case anymore…” She pauses briefly. “No asking about the past or the future.”

“No asking about the past or future?” I repeat, confused. “Then what’s left?”

Her lips form into a knowing smile. “The present.”

“The present…” I repeat, letting the words linger over my tongue a moment, thinking how true her statement is. “I guess I can live with that.”

“There’s one condition.”


“It’s only a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. Think you can handle that?” she challenges.

I laugh. Clearly, she’s joking. “You’re serious?”

“Yes, of course. It’s on my list,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Is it written in stone?”

“Under that one, yes.”

I chuckle. “No promises.” She glares at me, but I ignore it. I inch closer, grabbing her waist and pulling us closer together, so we’re almost touching. “Princess, I guarantee you the moment your tongue tastes mine—again—you’ll be begging for more than just a fucking kiss. But I will promise you one thing…” I wrap my other hand behind her neck, pulling her mouth so close to mine our lips almost touch. “I won’t stop no matter what’s on your damn list,” I whisper.

“I—” she begins, but I’m over our little conversation. I cut her off with my mouth, pulling her lips to mine before she can get another word out. She doesn’t hesitate inviting my tongue in, her hands gripping my shirt as she pulls me in tighter.

We’re living in the present, I remind myself. As long as we aren’t talking about the past or expecting a future, I can enjoy my time with Kate for the rest of the week. My body reacts to her in a way I haven’t felt before, so I’m going to make the most of it while I can.

My grip on her is firm, wanting to make sure I give her the kiss of her life. After all, it needs to be worth crossing off her list.

I control the kiss, first soft and slow, then deep and possessive as if I can’t get enough. She kisses back with just as much desperate eagerness. My hand cups her face as my other one grips her waist, pulling her chest against mine.

One of her hands explores my body, moving from my chest, down my stomach, and around to my back. She tightens her fist in my shirt as I tilt her neck back and kiss her with everything I have.

“Kate,” I breathe out in a heavy pant, not wanting to release her, but somehow I manage. I rest my forehead on hers, feeling her heavy breaths against my neck. “Perhaps we should head back down before we fall.” The way things were escalating, the last thing we needed was to be perched on a tree limb.

“Right,” she agrees, shaking her head. Her eyes are glazed over as I push myself away from her.

“I’ll climb down first so I can help you.”


I make it to the bottom and drop down, ready to direct her back down. She manages to do it was grace, much better than I expected, considering she’d never done it before. I wrap my hands around her waist as soon as I can reach her and she jumps off, directly into my arms.

She turns around and smiles up at me. The intensity between is so thick, I’m not sure how to handle it.

“So, how was your first time?” I smirk, shaking off the nerves.

She snorts at my innuendo and shakes her head in approval. “It was great. Everything I imagined,” she says, playing along.

“Glad to be of service.” I wink. “Well, you got to cross two things off your list at once. At that rate, you’ll be done in no time,”

“That’s the plan.”

I grab her hand and lead her a few feet out, kneeling down on the grass and pulling her down with me.

“When do I get to know another one?” I ask, lying down on the grass.

“When the opportunity arises,” she says, laying down next to me, but leaving a noticeable gap between us.

“So which ones have you done so far? Can I at least know that?” I turn and face her.

“Dye my hair blonde,” she says, pointing to her head. “I’ve never colored my hair before this.”

“I like it. It suits you,” I say sincerely.

“Thanks. I’m getting used to it.” She looks up at the clear sky.

“What else?”

“Learn to pole dance.”

“Ahh, the stripper dancing.”

She rolls her body over and slaps my chest. “You’re so rude.”

“And you’re so beautiful.” It catches her off guard, but that’s the point. I roll to my side, facing her, but she continues lying on her back.

She swallows, ignoring my comment. “Climbing a tree and kissing a stranger were other ones.”

“I hope the rest of your list is a bit more interesting.”

She finally turns toward me. “Oh yeah? And what would be on your list?”

“Ziplining, swimming with sharks, rock climbing—just off the top of my head.”

“So basically anything athletic and dangerous.” She chuckles.

“Well, this is a list of things you wouldn’t normally do, yes?” She nods in agreement. “I didn’t exactly grow up with an athletic family. Everything was business-oriented and there was ‘no time’ for athletics,” I mock with air quotes.

“Well, that explains quite a bit.”

“And why’s that?” I raise a brow at her curiously.

“You’re very stiff.”

“Excuse me?”

“Your body language. The way you stand. The way you eat. They’re all very calculated, as if you’ve been properly trained how to do those things from birth.”

I shrug lightly, not completely disagreeing with her. “Comes with the territory, I suppose.”

“I know that feeling,” she says softly, rolling back over. This girl is covered in secrets, and I can’t help the eager feeling inside me that wants to dig deeper, reveal those layers that she’s so bent on keeping hidden.

I lay back on the grass again, letting my arms rest next to hers in between our bodies. We continue staring up at the sky in silence, our bodies saying everything we can’t.






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