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Cocky Director: Max Cocker (Cocker Brothers, The Cocky Series Book 15) by Faleena Hopkins (23)

Chapter 23


“Where have you been?” I demand as Natalie rushes into the rehearsal two hours late.

“I had to work. Sorry everyone.”

Colleen and Dan give me distracted nods from where they stand facing each other, scripts in their hands.

“We’re on the scene where they first meet at the party,” I explain, sitting down next to her. Natalie nods and pulls her script from her computer bag as tense eyes land on the actors.

‘Jaden’ glances over from where he’s chatting with his twin brother, who will be played by Dan in the movie, too. So he’s standing there with nobody really, but it looks as if he’s in full conversation, he’s that good. His eyes flicker at the sight of Marnie entering. She’s scanning the party, wondering where the booze is while she makes a model’s entrance. This is before the drugs have taken hold so her eyes are clear but have that superior distance the truly beautiful often have. They’re so used to being stared at they have to protect themselves.

Jaden mutters, “Think I just found my plans tonight,” to his invisible brother and glances back to Marnie who locks eyes with him. She’s supposed to be across the room, and shows no sign of hearing him even though it’s only just the four of us here. The smile she gives is so in-character it’s obvious she’s just spotted him for the first time, and approves of what she sees. Then her wall flies back up. He takes this as his cue, and walks to her, maneuvering around invisible party-goers on his way.

“You’re not familiar,” Jaden smiles.

“I’m new to Atlanta,” she blandly replies, eyes flitting around everyone but him.

“Where are you from, Heaven?”

She laughs, “You did not just say that.”

He gives her his winning smile and runs a hand through blonde, neatly trimmed hair, taking his time. It’s like he’s willing her to imagine how soft it would be if she touched it. Marnie’s eyes do flick to the motion but she keeps her wall firmly in place.

“Where are you from?”

“All over. I just came from New York.”

“Oh yeah?” His eyes glimmer with interest.

She goes on to intimidate him with, “And Milan, London, Paris, Moscow.”

But this only sets the hook deeper. “You’re a model then. I figured.” He makes a move to leave as though the idea is disgusting to him. This sets the bait for her, turns the tables completely. And it works.

She grabs his arm, “What’s wrong with being a model?”

He shrugs, unaffected. “Models are stuck up.”

“We are not!”

“I think you are.”

“But I’m not stuck up! I’m originally from Dublin, Georgia!” Her accent drifts out, “See I used to have this drawl and everything!”

“What happened to it?”

“I lost it on purpose.”

She doesn’t know it but he’s engaged her in a real conversation now. Marnie steps closer to him, like if she doesn’t then he might leave. She reacts as Jaden slides two fingers along the side of her face, his eyes on her lips. “You have a little thing here,” he murmurs.

She looks at the finger he holds up. “There’s nothing there.”

He feigns surprise, glances to the empty pad of his index finger and locks eyes with her again. “Guess I just needed an excuse to touch you.”

A slow smile spreads and she glances away to hide it.

“I like your drawl, by the way. But then again, I’m born and raised in the South.”

“Where’s your accent?” she teases, touching his chest and lingering there while he answers.

“Most people who are raised in Atlanta don’t have one. Too metropolitan.” Backtracking he hurries to add, “It’s not London, but we’re proud of it.”

“I like it here,” Marnie purrs, full flirt.

“I’d enjoy showing you around, if you’re free tomorrow?”

“How about tonight?”

He gives her a sexy grin. “Deal.”

They stay like that, and their chemistry is so good that I forget to call cut. It’s Natalie who says, “Well done you two,” glancing to me. “Were you working on this before I got here?”

Mystified as to how I got so lucky as to find my ideal cast I stand up, not looking at Natalie as I answer, “No, we were on later ones. I wanted to go back to the beginning. Sometimes doing nothing is hardest. But you guys really proved me wrong. That was fantastic. Dan, I know you said you had to be at The Alliance.”

“Yeah,” he frowns, “Sorry Max. But we got a lot done tonight, right?”

“Totally. I’m all good for now.”

Colleen beams, “It’s so wonderful that we’re doing these rehearsals, Max! Usually we just show up on set, hoping it works out! But this is more like a play!”

Dan agrees, “That’s what I was telling my girlfriend, too. At the play I’m doing tonight we rehearsed for seven weeks and we’ve only performed for four. It’s the last night tonight and I feel like we only hit our stride Thanksgiving weekend. I really appreciate the chance to dig my teeth in here, too.”

“Thanks,” I smile, proud to be able to offer something good to them. They’re more experienced than I am. Didn’t want to come off as a hack. “Have a great show tonight.”

Dan gathers his things and Colleen takes the opportunity to step up to me and ask, “Do you think I can do some one-on-one rehearsals with you over my alone-scenes. The one where Marnie’s really losing it, all by herself, scared.”

“Of course! Are you talking about tonight?”

“No, I need to go over those parts of the scripts, do my prep work.” Smiling she waves by her face. “Not in the right headspace.”

“Sure, didn’t know if you were asking me about rehearsing now.” Glancing to Natalie I ask, “When are you free next?”

Clearing her throat, she pulls up her phone’s calendar. It occurs to me that she didn’t expect me to invite her to it, like I’m pissed at her tardiness. Swiping a few times, she raises those long eyelashes I fantasize about and says, “I can’t do this weekend, or Monday or Tuesday daytime. First week of December, and I’ve got to decorate when the clubs are slow.”

Frowning, I ask, “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m sorry, I have to work, Max.”

Colleen touches my arm, a soft and gentle single caress that brings my focus back to her. “It’s okay, it can be just us. I trust you,” she smiles.

“See you later, Max,” Dan waves as he heads out my front door, wrapping the scarf around his neck.

“Yeah, see ya!” My gaze falls back to Colleen. “What days are good for you?”

“I can do this weekend.” Walking to lift her purse from my coffee table she heads for the coat rack, adding, “Whenever you need me, Max. I’m completely here for you.”

Relieved I exhale, “Great, thanks. I’ll text you.”

“Perfect.” Sliding her white coat on it looks like she just walked off the cover of Vogue. “Goodbye Natalie!” Glancing over she gives me a different smile. “Bye Max. This was so great, thank you for being such an open director. We really appreciate the respect.”

“Are you kidding? I’m barely able to pay you. It’s me who’s grateful. Drive safe. You going home tonight?”

“Yeah, it’s just me,” she shrugs with a sweet smile. “I’m going to take a hot bath and relax tonight. See you soon!”

“I’ll watch you get into your car,” I walk over and lean on the jamb of my front door as Dan’s taillights disappear into the night. The parking lot is well lit, but this is still an industrial area so you never know. Colleen’s not the type to kick someone’s ass. She’s the type who needs protecting so my instincts are high to make sure she stays safe. Her heels click along the pavement in no hurry, blonde hair floating behind her like cotton in the wind. I shake my head at how lovely she is. How perfect for Marnie.

Opening her driver’s door she calls out, “I’m okay, Max! You’re so sweet, thank you!”

I give her a wave and as the headlights come on I shut my door, lock the deadbolt and turn to see Natalie glaring at me.

My eyebrows shoot up. “What’s that face for?”

She smoothes it away. “I had something in my eye.”

“Yeah, hate.”

“Ha hah.”

“Seriously, what was that look?”

“I’m tired, Max. That’s all you saw.”

Irritated I motion to the door. “Then go home and sleep.”

She snaps her computer bag shut and stands up, running a hand over her sleek bangs. “Fine, that’s a great idea. I was hoping for a way out of here and now I have one.”

Anger flies into my veins, voice rising. “Why’d you even come here then? You’re two hours late! You couldn’t show up yesterday and the day before you only gave me an hour and a half! Now you tell me that? What the hell, Natalie?”

In thigh-high black boots, black turtleneck and mini-skirt, she storms over to her coat. “Nothing, everything is great. I’m just tired and I want to be in bed where there’s a soft pillow and warm tea and maybe I’ll light some incense and meditate my way out of this hell!”

She’s been struggling to get that coat on and doesn’t realize it’s upside down. Her arm keeps trying to angle the right way to make it work. Huffing, I remove it from her, turn it around and hold it open.

She exhales, shakes her head and slides her arms through, frozen and blinking at my floor.

My voice is gentler as I ask, “What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing, I’m just…work is so…” Her face twists like she might lose it, but she takes a deep breath and finishes, “I’m fine. Just need some sleep.”

As she buttons up I run a hand over my sweater because it feels like my chest might explode. I thought we were getting close, like something was happening between us. Ever since we spent almost the whole day naked at her place, she’s been harder to reach. “Your schedule used to be a lot freer.”

“Yeah, well, that’s changed.”

“On purpose?”

She meets my eyes, surprised. “No! I want to be part of this project!”

“Then why were you looking for a reason to leave right now? Stay with me a while.”