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Cocky Director: Max Cocker (Cocker Brothers, The Cocky Series Book 15) by Faleena Hopkins (97)


Shelby’s scrolling through her phone. “I’m looking up that Olivia chick.”

“What’s the point, Shelbs. Just leave it alone.”

Ben motions to the parking lot where fans still congregate hoping for a glimpse of their hero. “Let’s grab a drink somewhere. You guys don’t want to go home feeling angry like this. The bar at JCT kitchen has a patio where we can cool down.”

Swallowing hard I glance to Shelby who is obsessed with what she’s reading. “There are tons of photos of them.” She goes to show me but I push the phone away.

“No way. I can’t look.”

The three of us walk under lamps with moths floating in their light, reminding me of the parking lot by the mill. And just to kick me when I’m down, cicadas break into song, harmonizing with each other.

Ben guides us to a Jeep. “This is me.” Off my confusion he explains, “The truck is my second vehicle. I was bringing crates in from the farm when I…hit your car.” A sexy lopsided smile appears. “Rammed into you? Is that better?”

“It’s closer to the truth,” I smile.

He holds his hand out to help Shelby get in first. Then me. “You okay?”

Not one bit, but I’m not a whiner.

“I’m fine. Just tired.”

He gazes at me like he doesn’t believe my lie. I take his hand and let him help me up.

As he walks around to get in, Shelby whispers from the backseat, “Ben is super dreamy, Paige.”

Her eyes go dead as I look at her like she really needs to shut up now. As he climbs in she asks, “You have a farm?”

Thick fingers turn the key in the ignition. “Organic vegetables and fruits. My dad always wanted to grow them, but he ended up doing dairy and cage free eggs instead. We only have so much time, you know?” He glances to me as he pulls out of the lot, then fixes a steady gaze on the road as he mutters, “Life doesn’t always follow your plan.”

Shelby keeps him engaged in an easygoing conversation as we drive to the restaurant. I’m glad he chose it even though I’m not a fan of the main dining room. It’s high-end and stuffy there. But the upstairs bar and patio are the opposite. The younger crowd gravitates to them for the playlist, cheaper menu, and fire-pits. On a warm night like this they’ll be blazing just for cool-factor alone. Everyone loves fire.

I stare out at the Atlanta skyline but all I see are bare breasts bouncing out of his dressing room, and the way he slowly zipped his pants like he wasn’t in a hurry.

There was shock when he saw me.

Did he forget I was there?

A tear slides down my cheek and I brush it away, unseen.

We pull into the parking lot and I overhear Shelby asking, “Did you call your insurance company already?”

Ben’s arm is draped over the steering wheel as he scans the lot for an empty space. “Called as soon as I left your work.”

That’s one more thing to make me feel like a failure. “I forgot to call!”

“You still have time,” he reassures me. “And I told them it was my fault.” He expertly parks the car so smoothly Shelby and I might as well be standing on solid ground. “Wait there.”

As he walks around the Jeep Shelby whispers, “Paige, he’s better than dreamy.”

“I know he is, but…”

The door opens and Ben offers me his hand. “You didn’t have to bring us here to make me feel better.”

As my heels stabilize on the asphalt he smiles into my eyes. “Yes I did.”

He offers his hand to Shelby and helps her down next, shutting the door and walking between us. She keeps him busy with more easy conversation, a skill she’s always had.

I’m glad Carter isn’t here. Her boyfriend is hipster-cute. His thighs are the size of Ben’s biceps. He’d be threatened seeing how Shelby gazes at Gabriel’s cousin, and I honestly don’t think she can help it. She keeps urging me to date Ben but it’s obvious she’s very into him.

Digging my phone out I check for messages from Gabriel or Maggie, but nobody has reached out. Guess it’s over just like that. One surreal roller coaster of a night then poof…I’m forgotten.

Shelby glances to me and raises an eyebrow, silently asking. I shake my head and hide the phone before I become obsessed. “I haven’t been here in a while.”

Ben agrees, “Last time I was here my cousin Ethan and I sat on the patio we watched a hurricane.”

“You did?” I ask, eyes widening. “That must have been amazing!”

Laughing under his breath, “Yeah, he and I enjoy that stuff. But what came afterward was a bigger storm than that.”

Shelby asks, “Sounds exciting! Tell us!”

Biting his lip he thinks about whether or not to go there. He’s walking between Shelby and I, the parking lot quiet because everyone’s already here at this hour. Atlanta is not a late city. Only a pair of headlights shines in the distance and they’re leaving.

He sees we’re interested and says, “Alright I’ll tell you.”

Shelby and I listen and react to every twist and turn of the crazy story. As he guides us to the small couches being vacated by a group of guys in khaki shorts and polo shirts, he asks, “You didn’t hear about it? It was all over the news. I hated every second of that media coverage. Had to disappear into my farm to remember who I was when it was all over.”

“We never watch the news,” I tell him over loud conversations and a retro 80’s playlist.

Shelby explains, “It’s all negative and hyped to increase viewership. Not good for the soul.”

Ben laughs, “Can’t blame you,” and asks, “What are you ladies having?”

Thinking about it, I decide to go light. “After the tequila, I’d just like some lemonade. No, wait. Make it a vodka lemonade.”

Shelby laughs, “I was going to say!” She smiles up at Ben from her seat. “Vodka cran for me. Oh, let me give you my card.”

He walks off, “Yeah right. Put your purse away.”

But she’s already fumbling through it. “If Carter hears that guy bought me a drink he’ll lose it.”

“How will he know?”

I’ll know and that’s enough,” she says on a quiet snort as she locks eyes with me. “He is so hot, Paige, I swear to God if you don’t take him I will.” Her head bobs to her wallet. She rummages around and blinks at it, neck lengthening. “My debit card isn’t here,” she mutters, digging around some more.

“Did you leave it in your hoodie after class? I do that sometimes.”

Shaking her head she digs through all the compartments, even the ones she’s checked. “No. I always keep it here because my aunt Joanie told me that how you treat your money is how your money treats you.” Meeting my eyes, Shelby says, “I never forgot that. It’s always in my wallet.”

Staring at her I remember Bobby running from my bedroom with Shelby’s purse in his hands last night. My throat goes dry and I rise up on wobbly knees. “I have to go to the bathroom. Will you excuse me?”

“Don’t be so formal, Paige. It’s just me.”

Just you who doesn’t know about my brother’s gambling problem and that he didn’t come home last night after you told him to grab your purse for you.

“Sorry,” I mutter, snatching my small clutch bag up with shaky fingers. “I’m nervous from Ben, Gabriel, everything.” Rushing off I search my contacts and hit the call button.

Uncle Taylor answers, “Paige! Well now, kiddo! What a surprise. And on a Friday night? Aren’t you supposed to be partying like all the girls your age?”

I croak, “Is Bobby with you?”

He pauses. “No, I haven’t seen your brother since Christmas. Why?”

Everything spins as I whisper, “He said he was visiting you. He’s not there?”

With concern he hesitates and slowly says, “Bobby’s not here. Is he in trouble? Are you okay?”

Lying has never come easy to me and now is no exception. “He’s probably gone away with some girl. We were supposed to watch a movie, that’s all.”

“Oh, well, can’t blame him for not wanting to check in with you. A boy’s gotta become a man someday, you know? Come and go as he pleases. Can’t have his older sister looking out for him the rest of his life!”

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s it,” I whisper. “Sorry to bother you, Uncle Taylor.” I hang up while he’s talking and stare at the cement below my feet. Is it supposed to be moving like that?

Ben is sitting next to Shelby when I hobble back. She’s smiling at him like she’s forgotten all about her missing debit card.


She glances to me and her smile fades. “Paige, you’re pale. You okay?”

“Bobby stole your debit card last night.”

She blinks at me, then a frown slashes her forehead. “What?! Why?” She and Ben stand up as she swims in confusion. “Are you sure? I mean, why would he do something like that?”

Over the sharp lump in my throat I drop the bomb I’ve been hiding for so long. “He has a gambling problem.”

“You didn’t think to warn me when I said, Bobby get my purse? Are you crazy!?”

“He doesn’t normally steal. I mean, he hasn’t for a couple years. I was so nervous about the date I wasn’t even thinking!”

She stares at me. “Oh well that’s good to know! He doesn’t normally but he chose me to fall off the wagon with?”

Ben’s voice is low as he takes our arms and guides us away from the patio where people have begun to stare. “Is there a reason why he would do this?”

Numbly I’m staring at Ben when I realize he’s leading me to answer the truth that he overheard when we were waiting for Officer Timothy.

Licking my dry lips I tell Shelby, “We’re getting an eviction notice Monday.” Her eyes are flitting back and forth on mine. “He’s trying to win the money to pay for us to stay in our apartment.”

Softening she moans in frustration, “Why didn’t you tell me that? How come I’m just now finding out about all of this?”

“He’s my brother, Shelby.”

Ben takes a sharp breath. “She’s protecting her family.”

“I’m her family, too!” Shelby says, hitting her chest. She looks at me with hurt in her eyes. “I spend more time with you than anyone. I love you like my sister. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be fucking homeless so I could help you?”

“I was embarrassed. I’m ashamed.”

Covering her face, Shelby starts to cry. “I don’t know how to feel right now. Betrayed? Left out? Robbed?” Her hands drop as she asks in a pleading voice, “Is it possible he’ll win?”

“Maybe?” As she stares at me for the truth, I shake my head. “He never leaves when he’s winning.”

“Paige, I have to call the police!”

Ben pulls out his phone.

She asks him, “Are you calling the cops?”

Tears fly up as my heart leaps into my throat.