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Deceived & Honoured: The Baron's Vexing Wife (Love's Second Chance Book 7) by Bree Wolf (30)

Chapter Thirty-Four − Two Women

Never in his life had time passed so excruciatingly slowly.

Gritting his teeth, Derek glanced out the window as the wind howled and rain splattered against the house. The world seemed to be falling apart, and here he was, safe and sound in bed, while his wife was out there, braving the elements to save Meagan and her daughter.

Derek knew it should be him, not her.

And yet, she had insisted.

And he had complied.

I cannot lose you, he had said to her, and he had meant it, hoping to show her how much she meant to him.

A frown came to his face as he remembered her reply. Me? Or her?

Did she doubt him? He wondered. Did she suspect? Remembering Tristans words, he flinched. If I didnt know any better, Id say you gave her a reason to be jealous. Had he?

Inhaling a calm breath, Derek felt his hands clench and unclench as his thoughts ran rampant.

Then voices as well as footsteps drifted to his ears.

A lot of footsteps.

Unable to remain in bed any longerto hell with his wifes instructions! Derek pulled away the blanket and got to his feet. Swaying slightly, he held up his arms to find his balance and then took careful steps toward the door. Once he had it open, the sounds grew louder, and he could make out the voices of his family as well as some of his tenants.

But not Meagans.

And not his wifes.

His heart beat painfully in his chest as he hastened down the stairs as fast as he could. However, as he approached the kitchen, he realised that the commotion was not born out of tension and fear, but rather out of relief and accomplishment. Instantly, the rapid beating of his heart calmed.

Stepping inside the kitchen, Derek found that his entrance had gone unnoticed as everyone was turned to Meagan and her daughter. Sitting on a chair, she held the sleeping child in her arms, rocking her gently.

Do not worry, dear, Dereks mother said, brushing a comforting hand over the little girls forehead. She simply seems to be sleeping it off. Then she knelt and took a hold of Meagans right foot. A frown drew down her brows as she examined it. Ah, yell have to stay off it for a while, but it should be fine. I dont think anythings broken.

Derek exhaled in relief.

Did I not tell you to stay in bed?

Closing his eyes, Derek drew in a deep breath at the slightly hostile tone in his wifes voice. Then he turned around to face her, noting the amused grins on his tenants faces. I see you have returned, he said by way of greeting, his eyes travelling over her beautiful face, her eyes narrowed as she regarded him with displeasure. Then he took note of the blood-stained handkerchief wrapped around her arm.

Immediately, he shot forward, pulling her against him. Youre hurt, he whispered, his gaze searching hers.

Seeing the concern on his face, her frown lessened. It is nothing.

He swallowed, wishing they were alone and not the centre of everyones attention.

As moments passed, Madelines gaze narrowed once more. Go upstairs and lie down, she instructed once again. Then she stepped back and turned to Sean. Make sure hell stay there.

Unable to hide the grin that came to his face, Derek chuckled, noting with satisfaction the good-natured laughter around him. Whatever his wife had done tonight, it had earned her the respect of their tenants. I shall go, Derek conceded, as long as you allow my mother to treat your wound.

Fine, she snapped, then pointed to the door.

With one last look over his shoulder, Derek allowed Sean to guide him out of the kitchen. What happened? he asked when they were no longer within earshot.

The roof had caved in, Sean explained as they climbed up the stairs step by step. Mrs. Dunning was stuck and her daughter unconscious. Your wife climbed in through the window and was about to climb back out with the girl in her arms when we arrived. He shook his head, admiration shining in his eyes. She went in there all by herself. She didnt wait for us.

Derek drew in a deep breath. How did she hurt herself?

She cut herself on the broken window, Sean explained as he opened the door to Dereks bedchamber, chuckling. She didnt fuss about it at all. Turning his head, he met Dereks gaze. Shes come a long way. She fits in here nicely, dont you think?

Smiling, Derek nodded. She only needed to find her way. Now that she has, shell be unstoppable. Chuckling, he sank back down onto the bed, feeling his limbs tremble from the exertion of walking up and down the stairs. I suppose we wont have a moment of peace from now on.

Sean laughed, Did we ever before?

As his brother-in-law returned downstairs to help see the family comfortably settled, Derek forced himself to relax. Although he preferred to handle everything himself, he knew that he could trust his family. They were capable and did whatever necessary with a devoted heart and a competent mind.

As was his wife.

But then again, he had always known that.

Only now, she seemed to have come to realise it as well.


It was long past midnight when the house had finally settled down.

Go on up, dear, Bessy told her, cleaning away the last remnants of tonights emergency. Ye deserve a good nights sleep or whatevers left of it. Chuckling, her mother-in-law squeezed her hand. Then her eyes became serious, and she nodded her head in acknowledgement. Im proud of ye, Madeline. My son truly knew what he did when he chose ye for his wife.

Inhaling deeply, Madeline stared at her mother-in-law, too stunned to respond. Tears filled her eyes at the kind words because she knew it was not merely a platitude but heartfelt and honest. Thank you, was all she could manage as her throat closed.

Looking at her daughter-in-law, Bessy smiled, gently placing a hand to Madelines cheek. Go to sleep, dear. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Nodding, Madeline stepped away and headed upstairs, her heart filled with the many kind words she had received tonight. And yet, she knew it was not merely what she had done tonight that had changed the way their tenants saw her, but how she had come to feel.

Without knowing when it had happened, Madeline realised that she felt at home at Huntington House and with its people, and the thought of leaving seemed far-fetched and unrealistic as though she had never truly contemplated it.

The world seemed suddenly different.


Full of possibilities.

There was only one thing that held Madeline back. One thing that stood in the way of pure and utter joy.


After changing into her nightgown, Madeline stood by the window, gazing out at the trees slightly swaying in the wind. She took a deep breath and then walked out of her room, closing the door behind her. Hesitating outside her bedchamber, Madeline turned her head down the corridor toward the room that had been readied for the little family. Ought she disturb them so late? And after what they had just been through?

Madeline took a deep breath, then headed down the corridor. Outside the door, she closed her eyes for a moment, then quietly slid it open and peeked inside, knowing that she would never wake them if they were already asleep.

However, she had to try as her mind would not allow her to sleep otherwise. She would be tossing and turning all night. She was certain of it.

Stepping inside, Madeline found the family all huddled in bed, the mother in the middle, each arm wrapped around one of her children. Their eyes were closed, and the soft sounds of their calm breaths filled the night air.

Feeling like an intruder, Madeline stepped back when the board under her foot creaked.

Instantly, the widows eyes flew open.

Im sorry, Madeline whispered. I did not mean to wake you. I simply…”

Mrs. Dunnings face relaxed, and she waved Madeline forward.

Stepping up to the bed, Madeline quietly pulled up the chair by the window and sat down. Then she leaned forward to be able to hear the widow without waking the children. Is there anything you need, Mrs. Dunning?

A ghost of a smile rested on Mrs. Dunnings face. I didnt have a chance to thank ye for what ye did today, my lady.

Please call me Madeline. Being called my lady oddly reminded Madeline of a life she had left behind. For good. And it is not necessary to thank me. I did what I did because I wanted to. Anyone would have done the same. She smiled. Your neighbours rushed to help you.

Im Meagan, the widow said, her gaze travelling over Madelines face as though she tried to find an answer to a question that had plagued her for some time. It might not be necessary to thank ye, she continued after a while, but I find myself wanting to do so, nonetheless. Again, she looked at Madeline as though about to say something before deciding otherwise.

Is something wrong? Madeline asked, wondering if there was something between Meagan and her husband after all. Was Meagan trying to tell her something, but could not find the words? Madeline swallowed as a bone-chilling cold gripped her body.

I cannot help but feel that there is somethingamiss between us. Holding Madelines gaze, Meagan waited.

Madeline swallowed, realising she had once more reached a moment of truth. I want to apologise if my words offend you, but, she took a deep breath, is there anything between you andmy husband?

A knowing grin came to Megans face, and she shook her head. I told him to speak to ye.

Madelines blood froze in her veins.

I told him ye might draw this conclusion if he did not. Exhaling forcefully, she rolled her eyes in annoyance before meeting Madelines gaze once more. No, she said definitively. There is nothing between myself and your husband, my l-Madeline.

Slumping forward in her chair, Madeline buried her face in her hands, trying to breathe as relief washed over her. And yet, there was a quiet voice, whispering of doubt.

At least not in the way ye were implying, Meagan continued. I think of us as friends, close friends.

Madeline looked up, questions in her eyes.

Meagan sighed, and a touch of sadness came to her gaze. We grew up together in the same village, she finally said. However, weve never been particularly close. It was him and my husband. They were good friends until the war took him from us. Her voice grew thicker as her eyes filled with tears. After Edwards death, we grew closer. We had both lost him, and somehow there was suddenly an understanding between us that hadnt been there before. She swallowed, blinking back her tears. Sometimes it feels good to have someone to lean on. Someone who understands. However, that is all there is between us. Ye have my word.

Closing her eyes, Madeline inhaled deeply. Thank you, she breathed into the silence of the room. Thank you for telling me.

He loves ye.

At Meagans words, Madelines eyes snapped open. How do you know?

Meagan chuckled, Well, to tell ye the truth, its always been rather obvious. He tends to get that silly moon-eyed expression when he talks about ye. She smiled. Hes never actually admitted to it, but I no longer have doubts about it. Hes afraid ye do not return his affections.

Joy surged through Madelines heart, and a wide grin drew up the corners of her mouth.

Meagan chuckled, I see he has no reason to fear as he does. Then her expression grew serious. Go and talk to him. Dont waste the time you have together.

Madeline nodded, knowing exactly what Meagan was trying to tell her. Life was unpredictable, and she did not want to live with the regret of what could have been if she had only had the courage to claim it. Thank you, she whispered, gently squeezing the womans hand.

Then she slipped back out into the corridor and approached her husbands bedchamber.

Now or never, she whispered to herself before opening the door.