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Hard To Stay (The Hard Series Book 2) by S Jones (2)

Chapter Two


Colton Hunt was the lowest of the low. Underneath his attractive exterior was a self-righteous, pompous, controlling asshole. I should’ve followed my instincts that screamed ‘Walk away’ the first time I met him. Did I listen? No, of course not. Instead, I convoluted my feelings every which way by making excuses and forgiving him every time he showed his true colors.

As an expert manipulator he had pushed me to the point where I continuously questioned myself, squeezing out every ounce of my self-worth before I ever realized it happened. Anyone who has ever been in that kind of relationship never saw it coming. After all, it wasn’t like it started out that way. At first, he loved the way I looked and was proud to have me on his arm when we went out for the night. It all felt right in the beginning but soon things started to change. First, he started controlling how I dressed, forcing me to change any outfit that didn’t meet with his approval. Then feelings of isolation settled in when he forbade me to have any type of social life that didn’t include him. That was just the tip of the iceberg. It didn’t take long for him to start calling me names, telling me what I could order off a menu and how I should behave around his family and friends. The first time he struck me we were arguing about the length of a skirt I was wearing. It shocked me at first, but unfortunately the anger and emotional abuse as well as the apologies that always came along with it, became a way of life for me.

Leaving him and my past behind was the best decision I ever made. It was life changing, and maybe even life-saving. Unfortunately, Colton Hunt’s ego wouldn’t tolerate the idea of being dumped by a girl. Control freaks like him always did the dumping. Looking back now, I realized that it was foolish of me to think he wouldn’t catch up to me. Like a good chess player, he was always thinking three moves ahead of his opponent. I wouldn’t allow him to take any more from me than he already had. I just wanted to move forward with my life. I was sick of being a pawn in his twisted, little game.

The sound of the bathroom door opening snapped me out of my thoughts. I was instantly relieved when I saw Abby walking back towards me. I opened my mouth to speak but fell silent when the man behind her came into view. Whoever he was, he was hot as hell. He was mouth-watering—that’s the only thought that came to mind because I was suddenly very thirsty. Whatever it was I was about to say was long forgotten. He had chocolate brown eyes that were so warm I felt my skin grow hot from a single glance. My eyes trailed over him before focusing in on his broad shoulders that looked strong enough to carry the weight of the world. I gulped when I noticed the two top buttons of his white dress shirt were undone, giving me a small glimpse of the toned perfection underneath. A lift of his eyebrows told me that he’d just caught me checking him out.

Kill me now! What a way to make a first impression.

“Lexi!” Abby’s voice caused me to tear my eyes off of the handsome stranger. Thank God. “This is the friend I told you about. I asked him to help us out with your ‘situation’ in the lobby.”

My body jerked when I suddenly remembered why I was hiding in the bathroom to begin with. Instinctively, my nervous hands ran down the length of my already too short black dress. I realized that this move had accidently caused the hem to slide up my thigh a couple of inches, revealing more skin than I was actually comfortable showing.

The handsome stranger slowly stepped in front of me, bending slightly as he held out his strong hand. “Hello Miss…” he paused, waiting for me to answer.

“Manning!” I answered weakly, seeming to finally find my voice. “Lexi Manning.”

A small smile began to spread across his face when I noticed that he still had his hand out waiting for me to shake it. Tentatively, I brought my hand to his and the second our skin made contact I felt something stir inside of me.

The smell of his woodsy cologne wafted off of him, causing me to inch a little closer. He smelled good but he looked even better. “It’s nice to meet you, Lexi. I’m Detective Brad Morgan with the NYPD. Abby here is a good friend of mine. I understand you have a bit of a ‘situation’ going on with your ex tonight?” His mesmerizing eyes stared into mine. There was a gentle strength about him that immediately put me at ease. The feeling was so foreign to me, yet so inviting.

“Yes, his name is Colton Hunt.” I closed my eyes contemplating how much detail I wanted to share with him. “He showed up out of the blue and started causing a scene out in the lobby. I told him that I didn’t want to see him and that he needed to leave. He didn’t really take the news very well.”

Abby chimed in. “I was there when he grabbed her arm. I told him he better get the hell out of here or I would have the entire 5th precinct toss him out on his ass. Seeing that he’s still out there, it looks like he didn’t believe me.”

I looked over at my friend and smiled. Seeing that I’d spent so much of my life feeling isolated and unappreciated I had forgotten what it felt like to have someone look out for me. Even though Abby was no match for Colton, the fact that she would go to bat for me warmed my heart.

Put another check on the list for the pros of deciding to move on.

My voice was almost a whisper as I fought to contain my emotions. “I don’t want to fight with him. I just want him to leave me alone.”

The detective leaned in closer, speaking in a soft, growing tone. “Is there a reason why you need me to intervene?” His eyes glanced slowly across my face and then down to the small, red mark where Colton had grabbed onto my arm leaving his handprint on my skin. Compared to the marks in the past, this was nothing, but I let that thought remain in my head. “Are you injured?” His delicate tone told me he was trying not to pry but I was pretty sure he knew what my answer would be.

I felt a single tear slip from my eye. “He’s a very powerful man… and like I said, I really don’t want to cause any trouble. I just want him gone.” I confessed, ignoring his questions while my fingers wiped away the lone tear. As soon as I did, another one appeared and ran down my cheek.

He angled his head to the side and placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay, Lexi. I know this is uncomfortable but I need you to fill me in a little bit here so I know what I’m dealing with.”

His question made me nervous as I shifted in place. “Colton comes from a very powerful family back home. He’s used to getting what he wants and he doesn’t give up easily.” Emotion gripped my voice, making it hard for me to breathe. “When I left town without giving him a chance to say goodbye, I knew he would be upset. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came looking for me.”

He raised a questioning eyebrow, “Left town? Come looking for you?”

I swallowed, feeling his eyes search deeply into mine. “Yes. Atlanta.”

He studied me closely as the pieces of my past started to slowly come together. He parked his hip against the wall and asked, “I’m guessing that leaving your home and running over 800 miles away was more than only a squabble about who should take out the trash.”

I hated the emotions that Colton invoked in me and I was upset that his presence had threatened whatever small amount of progress I had made in rebuilding my life. Leaving and starting over wasn’t easy, but I was so sick and tired of being the damn victim. I just wanted to live my life in peace and I needed to lay it all out there so he knew what he was dealing with.

I averted my eyes away from him, feeling frustrated. “Colton and I have a very complicated history. Back home our families are connected. On top of that, his father is a beloved Senator from the great state of Georgia and an extremely powerful and influential politician. The kind of politician who has the connections that can protect his son, no matter what he does or who he hurts.”

I could see the thoughts slowly spinning in his head. I wasn’t sure what reaction I was expecting, but it wasn’t what I had thought it would be. The detective wasn’t the least bit intimidated or concerned. This man clearly knew how to handle himself. He was focused and calm, and for a brief moment, I felt a small flicker of hope swell inside of me.

“Well, Colton isn’t in Georgia right now, so his father’s influence is irrelevant.”

I wanted to laugh. He was either clueless on how long the reach of the Hunt family was or he truly didn’t give a damn. In either case, he didn’t appreciate what he was up against. “I wish it were that simple.”

He worked his hand across his jaw. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” I replied while running my shaky hands up and down my arm in a soothing gesture. Talking about my past and knowing that Colton was mere feet away caused a chill to sweep over me.

Detective Morgan was obviously very good at what he did because he picked up on my nervousness. “Is there a history of some sort of violence?”

For a split second I thought about lying, but if I did then all the sacrifices I made would have been for nothing. I hadn’t planned my escape for weeks and left everyone I loved behind just for him to come and take whatever new life I had built away.

“There is, but it’s never been reported. Officially.”

He seemed to ponder my reply. “I see.” He said, and pushed himself off the wall. “I’m guessing you’ve tried requesting a restraining order in the past but the judge in your town would never issue one? He asked, wanting to confirm his theory.

“Yes, Detective. That’s correct.” What more could I possibly say? I was an idiot.

His eyes softened, “Please, call me Brad.” He said with a warm smile.

I found myself smiling back. “Okay. Brad, thank you.”

Our heads turned towards the door as a pair of female giggles could be heard approaching. Two attractive women in sequined cocktail dresses swung the door open, fully engaged in a conversation, oblivious to their surroundings. Their conversation stopped mid-sentence when they stepped into the room.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” the tall brunette gasped, placing her hand on her chest in surprise. “Are we interrupting something here?” she asked, glancing over at Brad and giving him an appreciative once over.

Brad threw her a flirty smile and I felt myself growing annoyed that they took his attention away from me. “I’m sorry, ladies. Could you just give us a couple more minutes, please?” He politely asked, with a dimple on the right side of his cheek making an appearance. It was clear that I wasn’t the only one affected by his megawatt smile. I swear I saw one of them suggestively lick her lips.

“Sure we can, honey!” the woman cooed, never taking her eyes off of him. She was tall and thin with jet-black hair, falling along her shoulder line. Her clingy black dress pushed her boobs up so much they almost touched her chin. I knew I was being petty, but I was standing up for all women here. It had nothing to do with the jealousy starting to stir inside of me. As pretty as she was, her dress made her look like a tramp. As my eyes raked her over-tanned skin, I couldn’t help but think how her arms and legs looked like Cheetos.

What the hell was wrong with me? I’d known the man for less than 10 minutes. This wasn’t me; I was a personal assistant to five, sexy male models. I was used to being around gorgeous men all the time. However, none of the men had ever had this kind of effect on me.

“Ummmm… we’ll be baaaaack.” the brunette said, dragging her words out in a sing-songy way while walking out. The not so subtle glance she gave Brad had me rolling my eyes in disbelief.

Abby walked over and stood beside me. Thank God, I had her in my corner. She was my only friend at this moment. “What do we do now, Brad?”

His steely eyes dropped to the floor then turned to me. “I need you to stay here. I’m going to go have a friendly chat with your ex.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” The sound of my voice came out more like a purr than I had intended. I wanted to curse myself. I was not normally this easily rattled.

His lips twitched like he was trying to suppress a grin. “Good, I’ll be right back.” he announced before he turned and walked out the door.

There was something about Brad that drew me to him like a magnet to metal. It had me wanting to get to know him on a deeper level. The way my body had reacted to him had me guessing if I should’ve been more worried about Colton or the handsome detective?