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Knocked Up By The Other Brother: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance by Ashlee Price (100)


Chapter 6

A week had gone by and Ana was getting used to her new life. They had been sleeping together, but since that first night, they had left the sexual things to a minimum. There had been a couple of kisses that had almost gone overboard, but Cal seemed to have inhuman control. Ana would even wake him up with a warm ass snuggled against his cock that was hard every morning, but he would turn a bit red and then go take a shower. She didn’t push it, but Ana started to wonder why he wasn’t so keen to be with her. He told her once that he wanted to wait, but Ana was getting sick of waiting.

There was another hour before Cal was going to be home from work and she was preparing dinner. He liked everything she cooked, complimenting her as if he had never had a home cooked meal in his life. Ana was feeling naughty though. It had been a week and now that they were talking about marriage and dates, she thought it was time to stop waiting and denying themselves what they both wanted so badly.

Ana was wearing a short dress. One that barely covered her ass and let her large breasts push out from the top. The white apron barely covered anything else and all she could think about as the minutes clicked by was Cal finally taking her. He had such strength and she couldn’t imagine what that would translate in the bedroom. Ana was becoming a bit crazy for him, crazy with an unquenched thirst that only he could give her.

She heard a knock at the door and went to open it. She figured that it was Cal and he had just forgotten his key, so she moved to open it. Her blue eyes widened when she saw who it was. The man pushed through to the house.

“Vlad! What are you doing here?! You can’t be here.”

“I am taking you home with me Ana.

Did you really think that I would just let you go? What are you wearing and where is the man that bought you?”

Ana was taken aback, the past was coming back to haunt her.

“I was not bought, we are to be married!”

“How can you get married when you are mine? You cannot belong to some American, you are mine Ana!”

He grabbed her arm hard and the memories of him made her shirk back. Vlad had always been rough with her and she tried to wrench her arm away. He slapped her hard for her disobedience and pulled her to his hard body. “You will regret that when we get home Ana. Now get your things so we can go.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you Vlad, I love him and you do not own me. I am going to marry Cal and that’s that!”

She was scared, but the very idea of leaving him behind for Vlad, made her body revolt with the very idea.

“You love him huh? Already became his whore I bet.”

“I would rather be his whore, than anything to you Vlad. Now leave before my husband gets home!”

She yelled it loud and though she was feeling brave, when he started to move towards her, she shrank back into the kitchen.


Cal had come home a little earlier than he was supposed to. His mind was filled with Ana most of the time and his control was waning around her. Every morning he woke up to her nestled almost naked against him because she said she did not like to wear clothing to bed. She had settled on a pair of panties and that was it. It was torture to Cal and he had to bee-line it for the shower most mornings. She was starting to get restless as well, but he told himself that it would be better if they waited.

He pulled up and immediately realized that the door was open. It was never open when he got home and since it was so cold outside, he couldn’t imagine why it would be open. His mind was still on Ana, wondering what he would walk into. She had been dressing sexier and sexier and he hoped that she would give him a break tonight. Sometimes Ana was painful to be around.

Then he heard shouting and Ana say something about she would rather be a whore than with Vlad. His heckles raised and he had a momentary fear of losing her. Who was in his house? He was almost to the door when he heard her say that her husband was coming home. She was already calling him that and no matter what he found, those words affected him more than anything else.

He was not expecting a man in his home and certainly not one that had Ana on the ground, his body on top of her. Ana was fighting him off and cursing him in Russian. They hadn’t seen him yet and Cal could think of nothing else but to grab the man off of her and throw him.

“Get off of her!”

Vlad looked up at the hulking man standing over him and he knew then that he had lost her. He was not expecting such a large man. It seemed that Ana had gotten the biggest man she could find. Cal advanced towards Vlad and he got up, backing away.

“Get out now!”

His voice thundered through the house and even Ana was a bit scared of him in that way. He was so mad and so big, he was kind of terrifying. Vlad got up and started towards the door. He cast Ana a look that Cal caught. “You come to my house again and I will kill you. She is to be my wife.”

He left with a mess behind him and Ana was still on the ground where he had tackled her. Cal went to her and helped her up. She had a bruise forming on her face and her ankle hurt from being twisted.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded and started to apologize, to tell him what that was about, but he stopped her.

“I don’t need to know. As long as you are okay. We can go to the police if you want.”

“No, please.”

“You know him?”

She put her head down. “He was my boyfriend in Russia.”

“Did you ask him to come here?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t know how he found me.”

“Is he the reason you left your home country?”

Ana nodded again, not able to meet his eyes.

“Do you still want to marry me Ana?”

“Yes, more than anything.”

“Then nothing else matters.”