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Leave Me (No Matter What Book 2) by B.L. Mooney (26)

Chapter Twenty-Six


I walked to my office, unsure of what just happened between Tim and me. He squeezed my hand twice and it wasn’t to crush it. The man I loved was in there somewhere. I was sure of it. How did I get him to come back out?

As soon as Hank told me Tim had a problem with the fact that I gave him a key, I marched right over to give him a piece of my mind, but I didn’t mean to hit him with the door. A couple of weeks ago he would’ve hit me back. What changed?

“April?” Dallas was at my doorway before I sat down. “Do fights happen a lot?”

“Oh, that?” I blew a raspberry and waved my hand. “Not as much as it used to. Since Hank became the lead therapist, he’s calmed a lot of people down. Don’t worry about it. They can’t get in here. You’ll be safe.”

“It’s still a little unnerving to be in a setting like this.” She looked around my office.

“I assure you it’s safe here. I’ve never had an issue in the office.” I tilted my head. “Well, not with clients. Tim and his brother used to fight all the time, but they’ve gotten better.”

“I know I’m a favorite subject, but do you really have to talk about me all the time.” Brody walked in and Dallas took two steps back when she saw him. I smiled. It was a common reaction. He smiled at Dallas and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Brody, the brother Tim likes to fight with. You must be Dallas. I hear you’re keeping this place running.”

She was hesitant until he paid her the compliment. She put her hand in his and smiled. “I’m just helping out for the summer.”

“Well, these two need a lot of help.”

I was excited to see him, but I needed to cut off his line of discussion. “What are you doing here, and where is Maggie?”

“I’m here to talk to you, and Maggie is in the restroom.”

Dallas excused herself. “I’ll let you two talk. I have work to do.”

“It was nice to meet you.”

She nodded at Brody and slipped out of the room. Brody and I smiled at each other. He still enjoyed scaring people. I was happy he saw the amusement in it rather than the shame or embarrassment he used to feel. I walked up and hugged him.

“Hey, now. That’s my man you’re mauling.” Maggie walked in. “You had your chance.”

I laughed and wrapped my arm around her when she got closer so all three of us hugged. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“Brody’s into surprises lately.” Maggie bumped him with her hip.

“Hey, I’ve never given good surprises before. I like it.”

“Well, you two can surprise me any time you want to. So, what brings you here?”

Brody looked around the office. “I like it. You look good in here.”

“Thanks. Now cut the shit.”

Brody sat in the chair and Maggie sat on his lap. I needed to find another chair. “We have a question for you.”

“It must be important if you flew here to ask.” I moved a pen on my desk and straightened a couple of folders. I didn’t like having questions flung at me unexpectedly.

“We’re meeting my dad next weekend and our sister has invited you. I’m extending the invitation as well.”

“Me?” I looked at both of them. “Why are you inviting me? This is a family affair and I’m,” I cleared my throat, “not family.”

“Like hell. You were the annoying little sister I didn’t have for a long time. You kept my ass in line here as best as you could. You know all about the problems Tim and I had with our family. I thought maybe you’d like to see it resolved. I can’t promise a happy ending, but it will be one regardless.”

“She said to cut the shit.” Maggie looked at me. “We want you there for Tim. He said he isn’t going, but I know that’s just because he’ll be alone. You still care about him. I know you do.”

I glanced to Brody before I gave Maggie the death glare. “Just because I care about him doesn’t mean I want to spend time with him. I especially don’t want to intrude on family business.”

I went back to my computer and tried to type with shaking hands. I told her those things in confidence, and for her to imply in front of Brody that I still cared for him, well, it pissed me off. He could tell Tim. What if he did tell him and that was why he gave me the look earlier? What if it was a pity look? I typed faster even though I had no idea what I was typing.

Maggie whispered something to Brody before she stood. He got up and kissed her. “I’m going to let the ladies talk for a minute. Where’s my asshole brother?”

“There was a fight.” I hoped my voice didn’t sound as shaky as it felt.

Maggie shut the door after Brody left. It took her a minute to turn around. “April, I haven’t told Brody anything you’ve told me. You do care for him even if it’s on a friendship level. I know you care for him a lot more than that, but if you hated him or couldn’t stand to be with him, you wouldn’t still be here. Brody knows that.”

“I’m not with him, Maggie.” I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I’m not.”

“But what if you could be? What if being there for him when he needs someone could be the foot in the door you need?”

“I need more than a foot. I need him to open it and welcome me in. I can’t risk getting my foot lobbed off because he slams that door. I can’t.”

“You two are some of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met. I know you’ve been through some pain. I know you two have a lot to work through. I know it. But, I also know you can if you just give it the chance you guys deserve.”

“I wish that were true, but he hates me. He said he does. How do I get that out of my head? How do I forget everything that’s happened?”

“You don’t.” Maggie put her arm on the desk and leaned across to touch my hand. “You don’t forget any of it. You let it make you stronger.”

“I wish I could believe that the way you do.”

“There’s another question I want to ask you.”

“Great. I can’t wait. The last one worked out so well.” I smiled, but she didn’t. It was a serious question. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “Nothing is wrong. I’m not sure how you’re going to react.”

“Okay. I’ve braced myself, so just ask.”

“Brody and I want to ask you and Tim to be the Godparents.”

“I’m honored, but you have to have kids to do that.”

She sat back and put her hand on her belly. She was as fit as anyone I’d ever met. Spending most of your life in a gym to get away from a controlling father and then opening a gym as a dream job kept her fit. Her hand rested on the bump in her belly. I looked up to her.

“Are you serious?”

She nodded and smiled. I stood and ran around the desk to hug her. “I need someone with a level head to help Tim if something happens to us.”

I hugged her and pulled back to feel her belly. I hugged her again. “I am so happy for you.” I went over and pulled my chair around to the front of the desk with hers. “Tell me everything.”

* * *

I was reluctant to have lunch with them and Tim after the last time, but Brody assured me that they were getting along much better. It was true. Tim spoke of Brody with less tension in his voice. I was happy to see them getting along.

I wanted to have lunch with Maggie and hoped the guys would talk as Maggie and I shared our own conversation, but Tim wasn’t much for talking. Brody used everyone to try to engage him.

“How does it feel to be an uncle?” Brody’s pride was loud in his voice. He was happy about becoming a father. He’d make a great one.

“I’ll let you know in a few years when the kid talks back.” Tim took a bite of his sandwich.

“You can be an uncle next weekend.”

Tim glanced my way and looked at Brody. “I told you I’m not going.”

Maggie put her hand on my knee. She knew Brody was about to tell Tim they asked me to come. I hadn’t given my answer yet.

“April’s coming.”

Tim put his sandwich down and looked at me. “You’re what?” He swallowed the last of his bite. “Why the fuck would you go?”

“First, I didn’t say I was going. Second, why the fuck wouldn’t I want to go. I’ve cared about your family longer than you have.”

Tim’s jaw set and I knew I fucked up. He took his napkin, wiped his mouth, and threw it onto his plate. He glared at the three of us before he stormed out.

I tilted my head back. “Fuck.”

Brody stood. “I’ll go get him.”

“No.” I stood and looked out the door he walked out of. I drove, so I knew he had to walk. “I’ll go. You guys stay and finish lunch. Are you still coming to my place tonight?”

“Yes.” Maggie squeezed my hand. “We’ll talk later.”

I nodded, grabbed my handbag, and ran out the door. Once I hit the parking lot, it took a minute to find him. He was walking fast and not in the direction of the center. I cursed my choice of shoes that day and took them off to run after him.

When I was close enough that he could hear me, I called out after him, “Tim, wait!”

He turned to glare at me and walked faster. I threw one of my high heels and hit him in the back. If it got scuffed, I was going to beat him with the other.

Wait up!”

“Just go back. They’re more your family than mine, apparently.”

“I’m sorry, Tim.” He had to stop due to the traffic. I took the time to pick up the shoe I threw at him before I went to the corner with him, but he took off around the corner so he didn’t have to wait on the light.

I looked up to the sky before I ran after him again. I didn’t get very far around the corner before I stepped on something and it embedded itself into my foot. “Son of a bitch!” I hopped on my good foot and held on to the side of the building.

A car driving by slowed down and the driver yelled out the window, “You need help, baby? Get in. I got something to ease the pain. I got something to make you feel real good.”

Both the driver and I jumped when Tim punched the hood of the car. The driver stopped and got out. “What the fuck, man? Did you dent that? You’re going to pay for that, motherfucker!” He backed up when he got a look at Tim.

Tim stormed over to the guy and punched another dent on the driver’s side of the hood before bending down to his face. “Talk like that to another woman and you’re next.”

The driver glanced at me and got back into the car. Tim stepped farther into the street to let the guy speed past him. Neither one of us said anything. I stayed leaning against the building and he stayed in the middle of the street as cars honked when they drove by him.

The man I loved needed a lifeline and all I did at the restaurant was cut another thread of his rope. Had I done that throughout the entire relationship? It was no wonder he felt as if he had no one to go to.

“I’m sorry, Tim. Please, get out of the street.”

He looked at my foot but didn’t say anything or make a move to get out of the street.

“I’ll be fine. I don’t care what side of the street you go to. Please, just go to one. I won’t chase you anymore. Just know I’m sorry.”

He turned and looked at the sidewalk behind him before he watched the traffic and took a step toward me. He remained quiet as he walked up and crouched down to look at my foot. He shook his head. “You’ve got a piece of glass in there. I can’t get it out here.” He turned and bent over a little. “Hop on.”

“I’m in a dress.”

He stood and turned to me. “Would you rather I put you over my shoulder and show everyone your ass?” He got into the position again. “Hop on.”

I hobbled up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I leaned forward. His arms came around the backs of my legs and he lifted me as he stood. One good hop from him and I slid further up his back. I felt his hand on my ass and it took me a moment to register that I shouldn’t want it there. I slapped his shoulder. “Hey.”

“I was making sure your dress covered you. It does by the way.”

“Oh, thanks. I’m not sure I believe that was the complete answer, but it’s the answer I’ll accept so I don’t kick your ass.”

We had a few blocks to go before we got back to the car. I decided to take the opportunity to get him to listen to me. The worst he could do was drop me. I tightened my hold on him.

“I’ve carried you before. I’m not going to let you slip.”

“I think you should go meet with your family.”

He didn’t drop me, but he did walk faster.

“Tim, I don’t have to go if you don’t want me to, but I want you to have this opportunity. I’ll be there for you if you need me.”

“I don’t need anyone, and I don’t need to meet with that old man.”

“We both know you do.”

He changed directions without warning and stepped into an alley. I may not have been much weight to him, but it still amazed me how he could toss my body around like it was nothing. Before I had a chance to protest, he flung me around to the front of him and pinned me to the wall.

“I don’t need anything, but you do.” He looked down to my foot that wasn’t touching the ground. “This is a very dirty area that isn’t good for an open wound. You want to risk infection? Keep talking.”

I moved both of my shoes to one hand and cupped his face with the other. “It’s what you’ve wanted for so long.”

“Things change.” His gaze roamed my face before he whispered, “A lot of things change.” He looked away. “I need to get you back and get that foot looked at.”

“Wait.” I held his chin and made him look at me. I couldn’t make him do anything, but I was glad he did. “Then go for closure. If you don’t want anything to do with him, tell him that. Tell him what you’ve accomplished without him. Tell him what a fine young man your mother raised.”

He lowered his head and shook it. “I’m not. I may be successful with the rehab center, but I’m not a fine man.”

I ran my fingers through his hair. It was an old habit when I comforted him. “Through my eyes and in my heart you are. You’ve just been hurt.” I put my forehead to his and whispered, “I wish I could take the hurt away.”

He squeezed my hips. “If you’d worn a lower cut dress, it would’ve been a great start.”

I smiled even though I didn’t want to. He was done with the serious. It was nice to receive a joke instead of being thrown down to the concrete. I still had to get him to go, though.

“I’m going with or without you, Tim.”

He lifted his head and looked at me. “Why?”

“Maggie. I don’t want her to sit by herself. If they decide they need family time without her, we can go shopping or something. I’d like to spend the time with her. I’d like to be there for you, too.”

He twisted and put me back onto his back. “I’ll think about it.”

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder.




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