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Legally Bound 5.5: Legally Unbounded (Legally Bound Series) by Blue Saffire (15)


chapter Seventeen

Remember Us


“You’ve grown into beautiful woman, Moj malen’kij kotenok,” Misha breathes into my ear.

I didn’t even feel him come up behind me. I’ve been so lost in my own thoughts. I’m cooking dinner for everyone. I noticed LaSalle, nor Misha have been eating very much. I started to cook for them and the kids and it seems my cooking has made a difference.

I should have let Misha’s ass starve to death. The man is forever getting on my last nerve. He’s trying to find any string he can in LaSalle’s and my story, so he can pull it.

“And you’re still the same cocky, arrogant ass, I remember,” I snap back.

“Is that how you remember me? I think you have other memory you won’t allow yourself to remember,” Misha whispers against my neck.

“The one where I hate you,” I hiss.

“No, you remember us. The way my lips feel on yours. How my hands fit on your body,” he breathes.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Misha.”

He is all up my ass, so I can’t even turn to face him. He moves to inhale my hair and I stiffen. I’m a woman, Misha is an attractive man.

All my fears and mixed up feelings concerning him, do not negate that fact. I can feel his heat at my back and his cologne still smells as good as I remember. I want him out of my space before my sex deprived body gives away that I do find his big ass attractive.

I drop the spoon I’m using to stir the stew in the pot, and elbow him to gain some space. He backs up a fraction, and I spin, pointing my finger at him. Those ice blue eyes arrest me, causing my breath to catch. His blonde hair has grown a bit on the top in the last few days and it looks messy and delicious to run your fingers through.

I can appreciate Misha’s looks far more now as an adult woman. If I had met him later in life, I probably would have fallen for all the shit he did for me back then and ended up in his bed. He’s a stunning man, but the mirth in his eyes reminds me of who I’m dealing with. I can feel my anger rising, but I try to hold it in knowing the children are in the next room.

“You need to back off,” I snarl. “LaSalle is my fiancé. You will not disrespect that or my man’s home.”

His crazy ass just smirks at me. He tilts his head as he studies me for longer than I like, but I don’t flinch. I will not give an inch. I growl when he places his hand on my hip.

“Misha, do you really want to lose your life in my home? In front of your daughter,” LaSalle’s voice fills the room, not too low, not too loud, but commanding just the same.

I look around Misha to see LaSalle standing in the kitchen entrance way with Milanie in his arms. She looks happy to be there. Her eyes bounce between LaSalle and her father, totally oblivious of the tension passing between the two.

Misha sighs and steps away from me. “I am just talking to Moj malen’kij kotenok,” Misha smirks.

“She is not your little kitten,” LaSalle growls, as I simultaneously repeat the same sentiments.

Misha shrugs. “She will always be my little kitten. That will never change,” Misha goes to take Milanie from LaSalle. “Come, my treasure. We wash for dinner. Your aunt cooks something that smell delicious.”

“Yum, Aunt Mo-mo makes the best dinner,” Milanie chimes.

“Thank you, Sweetie,” I say with a smile.

“You’re welcome,” Milanie says with a shy smile, as her father carries her from the room.

“I don’t like him touching you. If he ever goes too far, you talk to me,” LaSalle says, with a frown on his face. His brows are knit and I can see the storm swimming in his grey eyes.

“He is toying with us,” I whisper.

“This I know. If you aren’t comfortable with this—,” LaSalle starts, but I shake my head.

“Milanie is getting what she needs with me and the other children around. I can handle Misha,” I say.

LaSalle presses his lips, moving to stand in front of me. “You are so selfless. Milanie is lucky to have you as an aunt,” LaSalle says, reaching to squeeze my shoulder.

I dip my head and look at the ground. I will myself not to melt from his simple touch. You will not fall for this man, you will not fall for this man.

I’ve been telling myself this every day, wishing it to be true. Right at that moment, Megan comes running into the kitchen and LaSalle doesn’t hesitate to scoop her up into his arms. He whispers something in her ear and tickles her stomach. This is the father I’ve always pictured him as.

Sigh, you are so falling for this man.