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Mountain Billionaire by Eva Luxe (141)

Chapter 15 – Hanson



“I should walk around and network,” I told Brian, finishing my whiskey.

Part of me was afraid of what would happen if Lacey came back and saw that the only person I was “networking” with was my own best friend. She is feisty and wouldn’t like that one bit. But another part of me wanted to change the subject— I didn’t want to let Brian in on how fucking vulnerable I’d somehow become when it came to this woman I’d only barely just met.

“Talk to her,” Brian said, pointing out a woman in a black dress that pushed up her breasts in a way that looked uncomfortable. “She’s a reporter for Miami Today, and she always writes favorably of her interviewees.”

“Thanks,” I said.

This was clearly not Brian’s first rodeo. He was much better at schmoozing— putting his best face forward, as Lacey would call it— than I was. I walked over to the reported Brian had told me to talk to, and cleared my throat.

She smiled and introduced herself, knowing exactly who I was. She leaned toward me when she spoke and responded to my charm. This, I could do.

We weren’t flirting— she was old enough to be my mother— but women of any age or appearance are quick to warm up to me. At least I could use that to my advantage, although it was clear I had a lot to learn about the rest of making a good impression on people.

After a while, we were called to the Villa Cruz Ballroom on the third floor for donation speeches. The guests made their way up the stairs slowly until everyone was packed into the ballroom. The doors onto the terrace were open, and a warm breeze blew in through the doors, circulating fresh air.

Someone touched my elbow, and Lacey appeared beside me.

“You seem to be doing well,” she said.

I shrugged. “Well enough, I think.”

“I’ve spoken to a couple of people, found out who’s donating what. This is what you need to do. You have to get up there and make a speech about your donation.”

“What?” I looked at her, alarmed. “I don’t do public speaking.”

She shook her head. “You’re going to have to put yourself out there and counter the bad publicity you’ve been getting with some good publicity. Just a donation won’t be enough.”

I shook my head. I had assumed I was going to write a check and let that be it.

“What am I supposed to say?” I asked.

“Tell them it’s to repay the city for your behavior. But say it in a better way. Your own words. I know you have them in you. And don’t make a small donation. Anything less than fifty won’t be enough.”

Fifty thousand dollars.

It wasn’t a lot, compared to the money I had. But the idea of it bothered me.

I blinked at her. “That’s like a fine, then,” I said. “Paying them to get my image clean.”

Lacey shook her head and put her hand on my arm. Her skin was warm, even through my blazer.

“It’s a good first step, Hanson,” she said. “Trust me.”

Her eyes were gray in the dress she was wearing, almost mercurial. She implored me with them. Dammit, I wasn’t going to be able to say no to her.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

“Okay,” I said. “It would have been great if you’d let me know before we came that I would have to speak. I would have prepared something.”

“I trust you can think of something,” she said.

I wasn’t sure if she was being condescending or encouraging. I hoped for the latter.

“You’re doing really well, Hanson,” she said.

I nodded at her and moved toward the front of the room where a podium had been set up. A few people went before me, and I paid attention to their speeches. When it was finally my turn, I had a few things in mind that I could say.

“Evening, ladies and gentlemen,” I said.

All eyes were on me, and I swallowed hard. I had thousands of fans who watched me when I played every weekend, but when it was that many, they were a sea of faces. This felt so much more personal.

“I’m pretty sure everyone knows me. For those of you who don’t recognize me, I’m the guy who makes stupid decisions.”

They laughed. Good.

“I’m here tonight because this is a cause that touched my heart.”

A bit of a lie? Perhaps. I hadn’t even known about the cause until Lacey told me about it. But once she did that, it did touch my heart. Perhaps just because I want her to touch my dick, but, I saw no need to go into the reasoning behind why this particular cause was so important to me, so I didn’t.

“And I’m here tonight to make things right. Or at least, to make a start. So, as my apology to the city and as the start of a new chapter in my life, I am donating one hundred thousand dollars to the Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Children’s Wing.”

The crowd gasped. Guests looked at each other, shocked. They clapped. I didn’t know what else to say. Cameras flashed in my face, and for the first time in my entire career, I wasn’t worried about what would appear in the paper tomorrow.

I was doing something good, for once. I had to admit, it did make me feel proud.

I stepped away from the podium without saying anything else and made my way back to Lacey through a crowd that parted for me now.

Lacey squeezed my arm when I joined her again, a smile playing on her lips. She listened to the next speech, but whenever I glanced at her, that smile hadn’t faded. I nodded, proud of myself.

We left not too long after that. I escorted Lacey down the stairs and to the front door where our limo was waiting. Carl opened the door for us again, and I helped Lacey into the car before following. When the door was closed and the car started moving, Lacey turned to me.

“God, you were fantastic,” she said. Her eyes sparkled, her smile was contagious, and I grinned. “I can’t believe it. One hundred thousand! That was something else. You really know how to make a point. If you keep at it like this, well, there’s hope for you, after all.”

“It’s thanks to you, though,” I said. “I wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for you. And you looked great on my arm. Sexy. I had the best looking woman there tonight, that’s for sure.”

She blushed. She smiled, like she was suddenly shy, and her flushed cheeks became apparent when the interior of the car lit up as we passed streetlights.

“You have to stop complimenting me,” Lacey said. Her voice was a little breathy.


“Because we work together,” she said. “You’re my client. It’s not right.”

“But it’s true,” I said.

I lifted my hand and brushed my knuckles against her cheek. Her skin was soft and delicate. Her pupils were dilated, and she swallowed when she stared into my eyes. My gaze slid down to her lips. They were dark red and enticing. I had to have her. I had to take just a little a taste.

I leaned forward and kissed her before I could stop myself, before she could break the spell that had wrapped itself around us. She hesitated for just a second before she kissed me back. My tongue slid into her mouth, and I put my hand on her neck.

She was breathing hard. I wasn’t far behind. The bit of alcohol, the thrill of speaking in public, and of impressing a woman like Lacey, all of it made me want her. And if the way she kissed me was any indication, she wanted me, too.

She broke the kiss as if she’d suddenly come to her senses. She swallowed hard, her breathing still erratic. She looked confused, but her eyes slid to my lips once more before she turned her head away.

I wanted her. And it was clear she wanted me, too.

Now there was only one thing left for me to do. I had to go in, play hard, and make it happen. I couldn’t do it tonight, but I was determined to do it really fucking soon.