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Oh Tequila Series by C.A. Harms (6)









Chapter 5





I was well aware of Red watching me from across the room. When I moved, he moved.

I knew he was waiting for the right moment when he could get me back for torturing his ass all day. Which is why for the last hour I’d slowly nursed the same beer.

I guess I’d hoped he’d find another source to occupy his attention by now. But I could only blame myself for this. I pushed him; what is one to do when they know they are already doomed?

You taunt a little more.

I lifted my beer in the air, using it to point in Elijah’s direction, and when I was sure his eyes were locked on mine, I winked and blew him a kiss.

The guy was fun to fuck with.

As the party went on, I found myself growing bored. It was then I realized that it wasn’t always Britney who kept me from the parties; I just would have rather spent time with her then be wrapped up in this shit.

Don’t get me wrong—I had fun with the guys, but I wasn’t a heavy partier.

My father and mother had both raised me knowing the importance of life. Neither of them ever drank. Instead we spent nights doing family shit. My brother and sister were both younger than me, so I was always pushed into board games and family nights. After a while those things became something I looked forward to.

Nights in, relaxing.

Much better than waking up the day after a party feeling like ass and unable to remember what the hell you did the night before.

“You find your balls yet?” I looked to my left to see Corbin smiling at me. The guy was such a weirdo at times.

But before I could answer, Clayton responded for me.

“Hell no, he’s peeled back his pussy lips and realized they’re gone.” He chuckled and Corbin joined in. They really thought they were comedians.

I was just about to hassle Clayton about his dildo pics when I heard a laugh I recognized. A laugh I had spent just shy of a year listening to day after day. A laugh I used to enjoy but now it just got on my nerves.

Clayton stopped laughing and I heard him murmur “Oh fuck” under his breath.

And “oh fuck” was right.

I instantly wondered what in the hell Britney was trying to pull, but then I remembered who I was dealing with and knew instantly. She was a conniving bitch. She loved attention, and would do just about anything to gain it. Including showing up here at my place for a party we threw with her new toy.

The asshole who she decided could give her more than I could. Or more efficiently explained, what his asshole parents could provide for her.

Wade Richards, pretty boy, trying to act tough. His father was a big time attorney and his mother was some sought after plastic surgeon who traveled around, even working on some of the big actresses and actors in Hollywood.

Britney loved the idea of being a trophy wife. So the fact that my father was a simple working man and my mother was a teacher did nothing to impress her.

She looked over in my direction and curled into Wade a little tighter. And in that moment, I wasn’t sure what I ever saw in her.

Right now she just looked like some bimbo in a short skirt.

“Don’t let her fuck with your head, X,” Corbin said, nudging my shoulder.

“Don’t plan on it.” I tipped my beer up and looked away from her. “But I was promised a crazy night. So when does the crazy start?”

I wouldn’t let her being here stop me from having a good time. I knew that was her intention when she showed up. She never wanted to go to parties when we were together, so tonight was just some fucked up game she had planned.

And I wasn’t playing.

It was never love with her, just convenience, and now it was simple annoyance.

“Well then, let me direct you to the next room, my friend.” Clayton placed his hand on my shoulder and led me out of the living room toward the den. It had been converted to a game room. And when I say games, I mean strip poker, beer pong, and many more things crazy college kids thought up at parties.

The room was loud, wild, and just what I needed to get my head wrapped around the idea of what tonight was meant to be.




I tipped my shot glass upside down and looked across the table at the blonde. She was giving me a look that had my full attention. It wasn’t a needy sultry look, more of an “I’m unimpressed but I’ll play along to see where this goes” kind of look.

Something about the challenge in her eyes had my heart racing. I found I really liked the thrill it inflicted in me.

“Never have I ever masturbated while watching porn,” a guy said from my left, yet I continued to watch the blonde. I slowly lifted the shot that sat in front of me and downed it in one quick swig before locking eyes with her once more. It was then that I noticed her own shot glass was also empty.

I felt my dick harden at the thought of her spread out on her bed, porn playing on the television as the light illuminated her body. Her hand buried between her legs as she moaned, biting down on her lower lip.

I noticed the smirk on her face and found myself wondering if she was envisioning the same thing but with me perched on my bed instead.

“Never have I ever repurposed a common household item as a sex toy,” a girl added, and I waited to see what reaction that question would gain from the sexy blonde girl across from me. Slowly, she lifted her drink to her mouth and smiled just as she pressed the glass against her lips. She was fully aware that she had my attention.

No one would convince me that she didn’t enjoy it just as much as I did.

She tilted back the shot and licked her lower lip as she lowered her glass and once again made eye contact with me.

It was now her turn to ask the question, and I found myself eager to know what it would be. “Never have I ever slept with someone I just met.”

I moaned. I’ll admit it.

I fucking moaned. And what did she do? Continued to stare at me, waiting for me to answer the question I knew was directed at me in the form of some fucked up game we were playing.

Had I hooked up? Yes.

But I knew the girls.

So to answer her question, I had never slept with a girl I just met, but I was more than willing to change that.

I found myself hoping that she also had not yet experienced such a thing. And was thankful when she didn’t raise her shot glass to her lips.

We shared some crazy stare down, no words, just curiosity.

“Never have I ever slept with twins.”

For the first time I took my eyes off the blonde and looked toward Corbin, who was looking around at the girls with a hopeful look on his face.

And found myself wandering off into territory I truly didn’t want to venture to, but was unable to stop it.

The twins did some sort of fist bump when one girl tipped her glass back and downed her shot. As she lowered it, she was eyeing the brothers and I knew right then their night was set up.

Freaky fucking twin shit going down and I was glad I had something else to distract me, because that shit just ain’t right.