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Southern Attraction (Southern Heart Book 3) by Kaylee Ryan (5)



Is it possible to spontaneously combust? Whit has told me several times that with one look, Aaron can show her how bad he wants her. I’ve never had that, nor did I really know what she meant. Sure, I’ve had guys give me the “let’s take this somewhere more private” look, but nothing like she’s described. Never in my life have I been on the receiving end of pure wanton heat.

But the way Mike looked at me when I told him I was single… holy shit, I was ready to throw myself at him.

We’re only about ten minutes into the movie when he moves to adjust his position. I sit up, thinking that leaning on him is causing him to be uncomfortable. Lips next to my ear, he whispers, “I need you closer.” It takes me a minute to realize what he said, what he’s doing, until his leg goes behind my back as he sits sideways on the small love seat. Resting the other leg on the floor, he grabs my hips and slides me against him, my back to his front. He wraps his arms around my waist and his hand once again slides under my shirt. Nervously, I look around at our friends, what I can see of them in the dark. Immediately his hot breath is against my ear yet again as he whispers, “They can’t see us, not that I would care if they did. Relax, I just want to hold you.”

My heart flutters in my chest. I’ve never met anyone like him before. He’s open, honest, and he brings my body to life just at the thought of him. To have his hands on me, to feel the rough pad of his thumb draw circles on my bare stomach, I’m putty in his arms. I willingly relax against him as he instructed me to do.

“Better,” he whispers. I shiver as his hot breath caresses my ear.

I try to pay attention to the movie, but to be honest I can’t even tell you what we’re watching. I’m looking at the screen, but I can’t focus on anything except the feel of his arms wrapped around me and his hands against my skin. Mike runs his finger under the waistband of my jeans and I shiver at the contact. He must think I’m cold, because the next thing I know he’s pulling the throw off the back of the love seat and is tossing it over us.

I snuggle deeper into his hold, letting the warmth wash over me. Mike continues his soft caress, and I actually feel myself relax into him. I try to fight the pull, but sleep is creeping in. Slowly I drift off to sleep.

A loud scream jolts me awake. I try to sit up, but strong arms are wrapped around me. “It’s okay,” Mike whispers. “Liv screamed at the movie. I got you,” he assures me. I try to sit up and his arms tighten around me. “I got you.”

I nod and take a few calming breaths to slow my racing heart. When the panic leaves me, I look at the screen to see a girl covered in blood while a guy in bloody overalls chases her. No wonder she screamed. “What the hell?” I grumble.

Mike’s chest rises and falls with his silent laughter. “Not into scary movies?”

“Not even a little bit,” I confess.

“I think that was the plan,” he whispers, just low enough for me to hear him.

Looking around, I see Liv, Kinley and Whitney all snuggled up, and the guys are wearing shit-eating grins. “Glad I fell asleep.”

His hold tightens. “Me too.”

After a grueling bloody ending during which I spent the majority of my time with my eyes closed, the credits begin to roll. “Thank God that’s over,” Kinley says. You can hear the relief in her voice, which causes Evan to chuckle.

I sit up and slide to the end of the love seat, and this time Mike doesn’t stop me. He turns his body, placing both feet on the floor just as Whit turns the lights on. We’re all rubbing and blinking our eyes at the brightness.

“Another?” she asks.

“I can’t take another one of those,” Kinley announces.

“Yeah, me either,” Liv agrees.

“We should probably head out and get the kids,” Evan tells Kinley.

“Yeah, it’s already past their bedtime,” she agrees. “We have an early shopping day tomorrow anyway.”

“Wedding shopping!” Liv cheers, making us all laugh.

Everyone stands and stretches, then heads upstairs. I follow the crowd, Mike behind me. We’re the last two.

“Hey.” He laces his fingers through mine and keeps me from walking up the stairs.

I turn to look at him.

“How long are you here?” he asks, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.

“I leave Sunday. I have to be back at work Monday morning.”

“Can I see you again before you leave?”

“I don’t know what time we’ll be back tomorrow.” My heart is racing so fast, I feel like a damn teenager.

His eyes bore into mine. “Doesn’t matter.”

Do I want to see him before I go? Yes. I would be a fool not to. The attraction is stronger than I remember. Even though it’ll be a one-time thing, I don’t want to pass it up. Whatever this is, it’s too intense not to explore.

“I don’t know what Whit has planned, but I can try to stop by the bar, maybe?” I’m not really sure how to handle this.

“Give me your phone.” He holds out his hand that’s not laced with mine.

Digging into my back pocket, I unlock the screen and hand it to him. His thumb flies across the screen and I hear a low vibrating sound.

“Now you’ve got my number,” he says, handing the phone back to me.

“And apparently you have mine.”

“I do, and I plan to use it. You should do the same.”

“What time do you close tomorrow night?”

“Doesn’t matter. You call me when you’re ready.”

Will I ever be ready? He’s just as intense as this attraction I feel toward him. Can I handle that?

“We better head up before they come looking for us.” Keeping my hand in his, he steps toward me. “It was great to see you, Jamie. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” Leaning in, he kisses my forehead, then leads us up the stairs.

Once we reach the top of the steps, Whit looks at us, grins, and then quickly turns back around.

“Ladies, we leave here at eight in the morning,” Liv says.

Once we all agree to the time, Evan and Kinley leave to go get their kids.

“You ready?” Liv asks David.

“When you are,” he tells her.

Liv gives both Whit and I a hug before linking her arm through David’s and heading outside.

Once the door closes, Mike snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me into him.

I try to turn to look around the room, to look for Whit and Aaron.

“They’re gone,” he says, his lips against my ear. “Giving us time to say goodbye.”

“How did they…?” Who am I kidding? Whit’s been hinting for months that Mike and I would be good together.

He chuckles softly. Looking down at me, his blue eyes sparkle. “Have fun tomorrow.”

“We will,” I say excitedly. “I’m really glad I’m not going to miss this. I hate living so far away from my best friend.”

He doesn’t reply, placing his lips on my forehead. “Be safe, and call me when you get back. Don’t care what time, just call me.”

“Okay,” I agree, tilting my head up to look at him.

“Good night, James,” he whispers before kissing the corner of my mouth.

I’m not sure what has me more surprised: the kiss, although short, or the fact that he remembered my real name is James.

I told him that night. He asked if Jamie was short for anything. Usually I just say no, that’s my name, but something had me telling him the truth. I was named after my dad. My parents had so much trouble conceiving, they knew once they had one healthy baby they were going to stop. Mom was convinced I was a boy, and they had picked out the name James Matthew, after my father. To their surprise, I was a girl. Mom insisted that the name James stick, and that’s the story of how I became James Lynn Turner.

“Night,” I say, my voice barely a whisper.

With a gentle squeeze to my hand, he releases me, turns and walks out the door. I stare after him, my hand resting on my lips where his connected. It was simple, soft, sweet and just enough to leave me craving more of him.

“I knew it!” Whitney says loudly, causing me to jump. I quickly turn to face her. “I knew you liked him.”

“Whit, come on, have you seen him? That ass? Of course I’m going to watch him walk away.”

“Uh-huh.” She grins. “I’m on to you, missy.” She points at me.

I can’t help laughing at her. “He lives here. I’m in Chicago. It would never work,” I finally admit.

“My earlier idea fixes that too,” Aaron says, sliding up behind Whit and wrapping her in his arms. She melts into his hold.

“Yeah, yeah.” I wave my hand in the air. “I’m going to call it a night. It’s been a long day.”

“And tomorrow we’re going dress shopping,” Whitney sings.

I make my way toward the stairs, stopping to give her a hug. “Night,” I whisper.

“Night,” Aaron answers while Whit hugs me tight.

Once in my room, I go through my nightly routine and climb into bed. I toss and turn, trying to get comfortable, when my phone vibrates from its place on the nightstand.


Unknown: Night, beautiful James.




Me: Good night, Michael.


I use his full given name, which he also confessed the night we hung out at the lake.

A slow grin spreads across my face as I think about that night. The attraction that sparked between us. I was sure I had imagined it. You know the whole “you can’t touch so you want to” kind of thing. But tonight, it was there once more, igniting between us, even stronger than I remember.

Then again, maybe not. This time I don’t have a boyfriend. This time I could touch him and him me, we’re both single. This time I was on the receiving end of what these sweet southern boys have to offer.

Slowly I drift off to sleep, excited to see what tomorrow night brings.