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Southern Attraction (Southern Heart Book 3) by Kaylee Ryan (6)



After I laid awake for hours, I finally fell asleep, dreaming of what it felt like to hold her. To just be with her. I’ve fought hard since that first night, tried to tell myself that the connection was all in my head. I work all the time, and that night was my first night out in… well, too damn long. The weekend over, I said goodbye to this new girl with the golden blonde hair and sparkling green eyes and thrust myself back into work. Back into the bar, my legacy.

I’m awake too damn early, and of course my first thought is Jamie. Suddenly, I’m no longer tired. It doesn’t matter that I didn’t even get five hours of sleep. What matters is that she promised to call me tonight. What matters is that I get to see her again.

Our attraction is undeniable, and it’s never been that way for me with any other woman. It’s been a long damn time, longer than I care to admit, since I’ve been with a woman. This has to be my body’s way of telling me that I’m depriving it. Then again, there are beautiful women who frequent the bar on the daily and none of them, not a single one, can turn my head like she can.

Reaching for my phone, I pull up our text from last night and, without thinking too much about it, send off another.


Me: Good morning, beautiful.


I get a reply almost immediately.


Jamie: Morning.

Me: Have fun today. Can’t wait to see you later.


I see the little bubble that tells me she’s replying. I watch as it disappears and reappears several times before my phone finally alerts me to a new message.


Jamie: I leave tomorrow.


We’ve already discussed this. Not sure why she’s telling me again.


Me: I know. I still want to see you.

Jamie: I’ll text you when we get back.

Me: I’ll be waiting.


Tossing my phone on the bed, I head for the shower. Time to get this day started so the night will come even faster. I need to get done what has to be done at the bar so when she calls I’m ready.

I’ve counted inventory yet again; it didn’t need it, but I need to stay busy. I rearranged the stock room, paid bills and now I’m behind the bar. Not unusual for me on a Saturday night, but tonight is different in the fact that I don’t want to be here. I want to be with her. It’s already six o’clock and still nothing.

“You’ve checked your phone a hundred times since I got here,” David laughs from where he sits at the bar across from me.

I don’t reply, just keep wiping down the bar.

“They’re on their way back,” he tells me.

Looking up, I see the smirk on his face. Fucker.

“What are you and my sister getting into tonight?” I ask, trying to move the attention from me.

“Livy wants to just stay in. She’s exhausted from shopping all day.”

Livy. I never would have thought my friend’s eyes would light up the way they do when talking about my baby sister. “They find what they were looking for?” I ask, even though I don’t really care. It’s polite and keeps the conversation from me. That’s the main objective here. I know he’s onto me.

“Livy said they all found their dresses. And something about Whit and boots, but I’m not supposed to tell Aaron.” He looks up at me.

I raise my hands in surrender. “I know nothing about boots. Got it,” I chuckle.

“Anyway,” he continues, “Livy said they should be back a little before seven.”

I know I have no messages—I would’ve felt my phone vibrate—but I’m still itching to pull it out and check. I don’t, not with David’s eyes on me. Instead, I drop the towel onto the bar. I’ve wiped the same section fifteen times.

“Slow night,” he says.

“Yeah, I’ll probably head out early,” I confess. I take that as the perfect opening to get out of here without announcing that I’ll be meeting up with Jamie.

“Big plans?” he asks.

“Nope,” I say just as my phone vibrates in my back pocket. My arm whips around and retrieves it before it’s finished with the alert. Quickly swiping the screen, I pull up my messages.


Jamie: Headed back. You still want to meet up?


Is she serious?


Me: Name the time and place, sweetheart.

Jamie: I’m the out-of-towner, remember? Whit and Aaron are staying in. I think Liv and Kinley are on the same plan.

Me: You tired?

Jamie: It was a long day.


My mind races with what we can do. It’s too cold to be outside. She’s tired, so my place is all I can think of. It’s going to be hard as hell keeping my hands off her, but the alternative is not getting to see her again before she leaves.


Me: My place? We can just hang out, watch a movie, whatever you want.


I sound desperate. Oh well, it’s already sent.


Jamie: That actually sounds great.

Me: I’ll pick you up. It’s supposed to snow, and I don’t want you driving on the slick roads.

Jamie: I’m from Chicago, remember?

Me: I’ll pick you up.

Jamie: If you must. Eight?

Me: See you then.


Locking the screen, I slide my phone back in my pocket. That’s when the world around me comes back into focus and I hear David laughing.

“What?” I ask.

“You know what. Let me guess, Jamie?”

“Yup,” I confess.

“You know your sister is going to go crazy over this little piece of intel, right?”

“Give me tonight, man. Jamie’s going back home to Chicago tomorrow. Just give me tonight with her without Liv trying to play matchmaker.”

I watch as he finishes off the Coke sitting in front of him. He’s never been one to drink and drive, and I know he’s just biding his time like I am until my sister gets home. “You got it. I’m heading out. I told Liv I’d be at her place when she gets there.”

“Later, man.”

David waves and walks out the door.

“Hey, Beth,” I say to my lead night server. “I’m taking off for the night. You need anything, just call.”

“Go!” she says excitedly. “We’ve got this. You work too much, Mike.”

I nod, toss the rag I was using to wipe the bar into the sink and head back to my office. I quickly shut down my laptop, pack it up and head home. I need to pick up a little before leaving to get Jamie.