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Stepbrother: Unbreakable (A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) by Victoria Villeneuve (16)


What was wrong with me?


Jaret was in the shower while I lay in his bed, his seed slowly slipping out of me.


Why had I done this again?


I hated myself. And yet, the self loathing that coursed through me after having sex with Jaret was nothing compared to the rhythmic pulsing of pleasure that still made my muscles relax, that still made me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet, that made me feel the way nothing in the world ever did.


In the few years since I’d seen him, Jaret definitely didn’t lose his skills in the bedroom.


I tried not to think about all the practice he must have had since the last time we had sex.


A stream of steam slowly escaped out the bottom of the closed bathroom door on the other side of the room. I still had time. I could get out of bed, put my clothes on, race back home, go back to Duke, and never have to see Jaret again.


After all, I’d just had sex with my stepbrother.




You’re an idiot, Michaela Prescott. An idiot with a 4.0 GPA. How can one person be so good with books, and yet make life decisions like this?


I scolded myself while trying to convince my body to get out of bed and put on my clothes.


Then the shower stopped.


Damn. Too late now.


A minute later Jaret came out, a towel wrapped around his waist, small drops of water hanging from his hair and dropping onto his chest, slowly making their way down to his rock hard abs. I couldn’t help but follow one of the drops with my eyes, and judging by the reaction of my body, I knew it was ready to go again right then and there.


“Enjoying the view?” Jaret asked with that same old cocky grin on his face.


I rolled my eyes in reply.


“Fine. You’re not bad looking.”


“Thanks. I could say the same thing about you.”


A blush rose to my face, as much as I tried to stop it.


“I’m going to have a shower too,” I replied, and jumped out of bed, trying to cover myself with my hands.


“You know, you don’t have to do that,” Jaret told me, moving out of the way so I could get past.


“Do what?”


“Hide yourself. It’s not like I haven’t seen the bits you’re covering.”


“I know,” I replied. “But I…”


I didn’t know how to finish the sentence.


“Oh my. You’re ashamed of sleeping with me, aren’t you?” Jaret replied, the grin on his face going even wider. “Why?” he asked, his mouth coming closer to my ear. “Is it because we’re step siblings?” He let those last two words linger on his lips, like he was enjoying tormenting me with them.


I took a step back, finding myself leaning against the frame of the door.


“It’s not just that. It’s also that you sleep with anything that moves, including my best friend. You don’t actually care for anything you put your dick in, and now I probably have to get checked for STDs.”


The grin fell from Jaret’s face. For a second, I thought he was going to yell at me. Or something. I probably crossed a line. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. After all, I did bail him out of jail.


“That’s… mostly accurate,” he told me. “You don’t need the STD test though, if it makes you feel any better I usually wear a condom, and I get checked regularly.”


Usually. That was so Jaret.




“But that’s not all,” he told me. I stopped.


“I… don’t actually despise you,” he came out with.


“My God. A poet.”


Suddenly, the grin was back.


“Well, what, were you expecting some sort of expression of love? A marriage proposal?”


“Ew. No. You’re my stepbrother. And for the record, yeah, that does bother me.”


“Then why’d you fuck me?”


I winced. Way to be casual about it.


“Because sometimes I make terrible life decisions.”


“Well, you don’t learn from your mistakes then.”


“I do now,” I replied as I moved past him and into the shower.


As the hot water spilled over me, I tried not to think about that last conversation, but I couldn’t help it. He was always such an asshole.


Well, not always. He did bail me out of jail.


He was usually such an asshole.


So why couldn’t I resist him? He was funny, I had to give him that. And it wasn’t like he was actually mean anymore. That was a nice bonus.


What did it matter, anyway? I was going back to Duke in a couple days. I was going back to my new life, and I didn’t really have anything to come back to California for anyway.


It wasn’t like I was going to come back to visit Jaret.


Nope, this was it. I was never going to sleep with him again. Hell, I might never see him again.


Or so I thought.