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Surrendering by Michelle Horst (11)




Two months turned into three fucking years. The thought echoes painfully through me.

I wanted to get away from Mila, and I did.

Those goddamned last words she said are ingrained in my bones.

It’s me not you.

They pulse through my body with every beat of my heart.

Why? Why did I have to love the one girl that didn’t love me back?

I still don’t understand why she chose the cult over me, or over this life, for that matter.

She opened all the old wounds and memories I tried so hard to bury after losing Rosie.

She’s eating at my gut and nothing I do can get her out. She’s like a cancer. It’s not love, it can’t be. I need to hate her. I need to hurt her the way she hurt me.

I just need to fuck Mila Jameson once more. Fuck her out of my system.

Revenge fuck the bitch for what she did to us, to what we could’ve been. Once I’ve had her one last time, I won’t want her anymore. She’ll be just like all the others.

“You look like shit,” Mickey mutters. He knocks my feet off the table. “Wanna play some pool?”

“Sure.” I take a sip of my beer. “Where’s Hunter?”

“Taking a piss,” Mickey says as he starts to deal.

We graduated a week ago and start working with Uncle Julian in three weeks. You’d think that would be enough to satisfy me. I’ve achieved what I’ve always wanted.

I feel fucking empty.

Being in the city made it a bit easier to pretend that a bitch like Mila wasn’t out there.

It made it easy to pretend that she never fucking ripped my heart out.

Now that I’m back home, I can’t pretend.

The pain is real. The anger I feel for her is as alive and raging inside me as it was three years ago.

I need to make her feel the pain she’s forced me to live with.



“Hailey, we have to move. I was thinking to another country,” I say as I start the water for some much needed coffee. I’ve become addicted to the stuff.

“You want to just grab Claire and make a run for it? I don’t think it will work,” she argues.

We’ve had this talk so many times. All I can do is roll my eyes.

I just want to find Claire and make a run for it. She’s sixteen now, no longer a kid. I might not have the perfect job but I make enough to support our basic needs.

“Besides, everything’s in my name. The rent, the phone, like, everything. They won’t know where to find you if they even bother to go after you and Claire,” Hailey says, but I can hear the doubt in her voice. “I say we go in, drag her ass out and come home. Chill, it will all work out.” She looks up at me and then smiles. Even her smile is telling me we don’t stand a chance. “Don’t worry, bitch. I got your back. Bitches stick together.”

“You want some coffee?” Without waiting for her reply, I take down a cup for her.

I opened up to Hailey just after we moved in together. I needed to share my fear with someone and Hailey was there.

Shortly after graduating I got a waitressing job over at Joe’s Pancakes. I work as many shifts as I can. Hailey is a bartender at the Dark Room.

I’m still trying to get my foot in the door to become a social worker but it’s not easy. I was hoping things would go according to plan, that I’d get the perfect job, save up money and then get to save Claire sooner.

None of my plans worked out. Not one. It feels like I’m being knocked a hundred steps backward for every step I try to inch forward.

Harper continued with her studies. Her dad made her go. He might not be around much but at least he’s looking out for her. She studied physiotherapy, said she wanted to help people in some way. I think she feels helpless with her sister having Down’s Syndrome and all.

The shit with Hailey and me got to her as well. Even though she lives with us, she’s been withdrawing from us and doing her own thing. I’m not surprised. People never stick around. I know the day will come when Hailey will leave as well. It’s just the way things are. In a way, Liam was right - people are like feathers. Some keep you flying for a short while before they leave, and then a new person takes their place.

We all share a two bedroom apartment. Because Harper and Hailey pay most of the rent, I let them have the bedrooms. We converted the one corner of the living room into a small space for a bedroom using room dividers. It looks pretty. I don’t need a lot of space so it works for me.

It’s not like I date or anything, so I don’t bring anyone back to the apartment like Harper and Hailey sometimes do.

We all share a bathroom, so things can get crazy in the mornings when Hailey and I have to get ready for work. Harper work by appointment only. She’s lucky that way.

I wish I could’ve studied further. I wish for a lot of things - and at the top of my list is that Liam stays safe wherever he is.

I grip the counter tightly as the thought of him out there doing God only knows what runs through my mind.

“Please, keep him safe,” I breathe the words for the zillionth time. “Let him find happiness.”

Harper slams the apartment door open, almost giving me a heart attack. There’s a hole in the wall from the few dozen times she’s banged the door into the wall already.

“I’ve got some news!” she sings.

“The door, Harper,” I say for the hundredth time. “You want old Jefferson to have a fit again? He’s going to make us pay for the plaster and paint to cover the crater you’re banging into the wall.”

“Did you miss the part where I said I have news?” Harper snaps, throwing her bag on the counter.

“Harper! That thing is filthy, not on the counter. We prepare food on it,” Hailey complains. She’s lying upside down on the couch, flipping through the channels.

“Fuck, the two of you are seriously working on my nerves. I’ll put my fucking bag where I want to and slam the door right through the wall! The guys are back. Apparently they’ve been back for a week already. Not that you want to know,” Harper sneers.

I freeze and Hailey drops from the couch with a dull thud.

“Yeah, I thought that would get your attention. I’m gonna go shower. I’m seeing Hunter later.”

And then she leaves us, just like that.

“Wait! Harper, what do mean the guys are back?” I run after her. She can’t just say that and nothing else.

“Back, as in back in town. They’ve graduated and from what I hear, they’re taking over Old Man Julian’s firm. I told him to come over at five,” she says it with no emotion at all, as if she’s talking about the weather.

My heart aches thinking that they are back and I didn’t even know.

“Liam. What about Liam?” I whisper, finally giving in to my curiosity.

“Don’t know,” she says, then Harper gives me a cocky smile, “and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. You’re over him, right?” She closes her bedroom door on me.

I turn to Hailey, needing some kind of comfort.

“Come here, bitch.” She opens her arms wide for me and I let my body slump against hers.

I don’t blame Harper for being nasty. She never fully forgave me for turning to Hailey instead of her after things went sour between Liam and me.

But she won’t understand. Hailey and I … we’re the same. We share the same shit. I love them both, but I can only talk to Hailey about my past because Hailey doesn’t pity me. It’s like we were cut from the same cloth.

“He’s never going to forgive me. He hates me. What if I see him on the street and he ignores me?” I choke out.

I haven’t spoken or heard from Liam since the day he left. Whenever I ask Mickey anything, he just says Liam’s fine. Mickey has sort of made our place his home away from home. It’s only because he’s still hung up on Harper. The poor guy. I wish she would stop playing hard to get and give him a chance.

“I’m sure that won’t happen,” she coos, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. 

Twenty minutes later, three cups of coffee, and Harper finally comes out of her room. I give her a cup of coffee, hoping to ease the tension between us.

“You girls better change into something else. The guys will be here any minute.”

I spray the sip of coffee I just took all over the counter. Actually, I spray it pretty much over half our kitchen. Yeah, our kitchen is that small, more like a shoe box.

Hailey tried to pretty it up with some towels and a plant that died a while back.

“You didn’t say they were coming here!” Hailey squeals. “You’re being a real whore, Harper. What the hell’s gotten into you? You’re into fucking your friends over now?”

Harper gives Hailey a frosty look. “I still think she was wrong to let him go. Liam was super-sweet to her. You two have been best of friends ever since. Fuck only knows why. No one will tell me why she broke it off with him. Do you know what it feels like to stand on the outside of this friendship, waiting for either one of you to open up to me? It feels like I’m begging for shitty crumbs. I’m sick of it! I’ve been trying hard to be a part of this little,” she makes air quotes and hisses, “friendship. But no more. I’m fucking done with you two. I’m looking for another place to stay. You girls wanna be thick as thieves, have a ball. I’m done kissing your asses.”

Harper stalks by me and pours the rest of her coffee out into the basin.

“Shit, we need to change. Move your ass,” Hailey hisses, clearly not concerned with Harper’s outburst.

But I am. I didn’t know it bothered her that much.

“Harper,” I start, but she stops me by giving me the hand. Always the fucking hand! And she wonders why I can’t talk to her.

“Okay, but we’ll talk later. We’re not done here. You should’ve said something sooner.”

I rush over to my corner and strip out of the ratty slacks and Liam’s old baseball shirt I always lounge around in. I never gave it back to him. I throw it on my bed and grab a clean pair of jeans and a gray shirt. Unbuttoning the top three buttons, I show a little cleavage. Showing some of the girls can’t do any harm at this point in the game.

I touch up my mascara and lip gloss, and I’m just finished pulling a brush through my hair when there’s a knock at the door.

My stomach free-falls all the way to my toes.

“Harper, Hailey! Anyone, get the freakin’ door!” I yell, standing frozen behind the dividers, too scared to move.

“I’ll get it,” Hailey calls out. I hear the door’s hinges creak. “Fuck me! You sons of a bitches look better than I expected. Come on in. Tonight’s just gonna be fan-fucking-tastic. Girls, the guys are here,” Hailey calls out, all melodramatic.

I drop my face into my hands. Trust Hailey to start it off with a bang.

“See you’re still around.”

Liam! Even though his voice is deeper, I’d recognize it anywhere. My heart stutters with longing.

“Yeah, you know, never say die. Sticking to Mila like a piece of shit to a wool blanket. Speaking of her,” I hear her boots on our old wooden floor, heading my way. “Hey, bitch, what’s taking so long? Get your sexy ass out here. I’m a buzz-kill. I need back-up.”

I shake my head. I love her, but sometimes, I think she’s like this on purpose. She loves pissing people off. She’s really one of a kind.

As soon as she peeks around the divider I start backtracking. I mouth the words ‘I can’t’ to her.

“Screw this. That’s why I’m the best friend and Harper is the one throwing you to the sharks,” she mutters. She grabs hold of my hand and drags me out.

Yeah, she fucking drags me out. I force a smile around my stiff lips as we head around the dividers.

The first person I see is Blake, or the man who used to be Blake. Damn, he’s grown so much in three years. The last time I saw him, his brown hair was all shaggy. Now, it’s shaven neatly. He’s taller and much broader than I remember. There’s no sign of the boy I knew.

Hunter draws my attention when he walks toward the nearest coach. There’s a limp every time he uses his left leg.

“I can’t wait for an invitation. My leg’s hurting. Hey girls, how’re things?”

“What happened to your leg?” I ask.

“Just pulled a muscle, nothing serious,” he says while straightening his leg out on our coffee table. “Are we going out or can we order some pizza? I’m starving.”

My eyes jump back to Blake, and that’s when I see him – Liam.

My legs turn to nothing.

Oh wow.

He’s gone all Hulk on me. His muscles have doubled in size. His hair is shaven, just like Hunter’s. There’s no sign of Liam the boy. He’s all chiseled and hard core. There’s a mean look in his eyes and it’s because of that look that I’m the first to look away.

“I’m glad you’re all back safely,” I murmur, but like my traitorous heart, my eyes find their way back to Liam’s.

He’s still staring at me with the same mean look in his dark chocolate eyes. The warm intensity he used to have for me is gone. My Liam is gone.

“Let’s order in, then,” Hailey breaks the uncomfortable silence that’s starting to hang heavy in the small space. “Help me get the beer, bitch?”

“Yeah,” I whisper and follow her into the tiny space of our kitchen.

Once we’re hidden behind the fridge, she hisses, “Get it together. I know it’s hard, but don’t show it. You’re stronger than this. Later, we’ll drown your sorrows in ice cream, but right now you’ve got to switch over into my uber-bitch mode.”

She grabs hold of my shoulders and pushes them back, thrusting my boobs out.

“You’re right.” I suck in a deep breath of air and lift my chin. “Uber-bitch mode. I can do this.”

It’s just one night. I can pretend that I’m over him. I can pretend that I’m happy. I have to.

I help Hailey open the beers and almost drop one as we walk back into the living room. Harper is on her knees in front of Hunter. He’s stripped out of his jeans and is sitting in front of her in his boxers.

I realize that she’s looking at his leg and hope he didn’t hurt it too badly.

“Mila,” Liam’s voice snaps me out of my daze. My eyes dart to him and I can’t help letting them do a lazy sweep over his body. No one has ever looked that good in a pair of jeans and a gun-metal gray shirt. Still sexy as sin.

He starts in my direction and with the first huge step he takes, my lungs go into shut-down mode.

“Not little Mila anymore,” he says when he stops in front of me. For a moment I’m confused. I frown and look down at myself, looking for signs of rolls of fat.

Damn, I didn’t pick up that much weight, did I?

“When did you have the growing spurt?” he asks.

Oh, that!

“Ah, just after you left. I guess my legs decided to reach for the stars.” Yeah, I finally caught up with everyone. I’m no longer a short shit.

My ability to breathe normal goes out the window when Liam takes another step closer to me. I hardly reach his shoulder, -so much for standing tall when you’re facing Goliath.

“I see you did some hulking as well,” I try to sound casual.

Liam tilts his head. “Hulking?”

“You … uhm, you went all … man?” Really, that’s all I can say? Man? Oh, c’mon! For fuck’s sakes.

He chuckles, a deep throaty sound that streaks straight to my g-spot.

“Let me take those.” When he takes two of the beers from me, our fingers brush. The same electric vibe that’s always been there between us messes with every nerve in my body.

I won’t be able to function now, even if my very life depends on it.

Our apartment door swings open and Mickey comes bursting in. My whole body relaxes at the sight of him. Mickey will know what to do, he always does.

After the guys left, Mickey took it upon himself to start checking in on us. It became a weekend thing. We never stopped him. Having his fun ass around was well … fun. I see how he hovers around Harper, but she’s still playing hard to get. 

I told him to be patient. Good things come to those who wait, that kind of shit.

“How are my girls?” Mickey heads straight for Harper, plants a lingering kiss on her forehead and then moves on to Hailey. He dips her, pretending to smooch the crap out her. Giggles erupt between the two of them and I don’t miss the dark glare Harper shoots their way.

I’m smiling like a dork when he lets her go, turning to me. He always makes me smile.

“Hey sexy,” I say in my best husky voice. It’s routine already. We act this out every Saturday in the hopes of getting Harper to see Mickey differently. It’s also the closest I get to any kind of action. Not that there will ever be something between Mickey and me. Oh hell no. We’re just very good friends. Like Hailey says, he’s our brother from another mother.

We know Harper likes Mickey, but she keeps going on about Hunter. Hunter this, Hunter that. But if Mickey takes a girl home, she’s jealous as shit. It’s only a matter of time before she’ll give up on the act that she’s got the hots for Hunter and grab Mickey instead. Jealousy is a bitch that works in her own way.

“Baby, get your sexy ass in my arms,” Mickey says.

I don’t hesitate. I run and jump a few feet before I reach him. Just like all the times before, he catches me. With his hands on my hips, he hugs me tightly.

“Fuck, I missed you girls this week. Fending off all those hot bodies is tiring as hell.”

“Yeah, yeah, in your wildest dreams,” I hush him. “You want some coffee or a beer?”

He cups both my cheeks and then squeezes them together until my lips are pouting.

“You’re addicted to that shit,” he laughs. He gives me another quick hug. “I’ll have a beer, thanks.”

Mickey’s the only guy I feel comfortable with. He’s been a steady rock the past three years.

“Did we miss something?” Blake interrupts. “Since when are you two together?”

I shove the beer into Mickey’s hand and give him a pleading look I hope he’ll take for, ‘your best friend is back and he’s ripping my heart to shreds with his hotness alone. Please save me.

Mickey shakes his head. No go. He’s not going to lie to Liam. Damn. It was worth a try.

“We’re not,” Mickey’s eyes hold mine, signaling how sorry he is for not going along with what I’m asking, “but she’s my baby girl and she’s off limits to you dickheads.” He gives me a loving smile, sliding his hand into my hair before he pulls me back into his comforting chest. “So no dicking around with any of my girls.”

Hailey comes to worm her way into our hug. “I need some loving too,” she mumbles.

Mickey chuckles and wraps his other arm around her. “Anytime, babe. You know I love threesomes.”

“Such a turn-on,” she coos in a throaty voice.

Liam clears his throat from across the room. “Love to stay and catch up but I’ve got things to do. You almost done there, Hunter?” He sounds pissed with a capital P.

“The session takes an hour. You’re welcome to leave. I’ll drop Hunter off when we’re finished,” Harper answers for him.

Thankfully, Hailey’s phone starts blasting Katy Perry’s Roar . While she goes to my ‘room’ for some privacy, I walk over to our poor excuse for a sound system to select a CD.

Liam and Mickey take a seat on one of the couches. That must mean they’re staying. So much for having things to do.

I’ve just decided on a CD and am about to put it in when I hear Hailey literally squeak, “Mila.”

Two things are wrong with this picture.

Hailey always calls me bitch, it’s our thing.

Hailey never sounds like she swallowed a bug.

I spin around and all she has to say to have me drop the CD is, “Scum Two.” My body goes cold knowing it’s her dad that just phoned her.

She labeled the men in her life. Her uncle is Scum One, and her dad is Scum Two. She’s never told me their names. I think it’s because she wants to keep me safe.

I run to her, not thinking what it must look like to the others. The only thought in my mind is that Hailey needs me right now.

“What does he want? How did he get your number?” I told her no phones, but she wouldn’t listen. Shit!

“He has ways of getting what he wants,” her voice hitches, and I watch my strong friend try her best to keep it together. “It’s bad, Mila.”

“I know,” I shriek. I take a deep breath and then whisper, “We can’t let him get to you. Go pack. We’re moving. Road trip. Right now!”

Hailey shakes her head. Her bottom lip starts to tremble.

“We can’t.” She rushes forward and takes a strong hold of my hand, her tawny eyes swimming with unshed tears “There’s something I have to tell you, Mila. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Please remember that.”

“What do you mean?” I’m not following.

“I never told you about my dad and uncle so I could protect you. I tried so hard to do just that, but they were always one step behind me. I tried, Mila. I really tried. You have to believe me.”

“Hailey, you’re not making any sense.” Worry for her makes my stomach pull into a hard knot. I haven’t had a panic attack in such a long time. I’ve been doing so good. Since that day I spent with Liam, things have gotten easier for me. Whenever shit happens, I picture Liam, or I used to. It’s hard to picture him now, since my Liam doesn’t exist anymore.

All I see now is that mean look in his eyes.

For the first time in three years, I can’t call up those warm eyes, and instead panic swirls in my chest.

“What’s going on?” I squeeze the words out. I have to fight the panic for Hailey. I have to be strong for her.

“I’m so sorry,” Hailey starts to cry.

I give her shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “Hailey, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not! My uncle is Prophet David. My dad is his brother. We’re cousins, Mila. I was sent to keep an eye on you, to make sure you don’t talk until they decided what to do with you.”

Shock numbs all of me. I take a step away from her as the numbness continues to spread throughout my entire body.

I open my mouth, but no words come out. Betrayal and disappointment carves a gaping crack right through my heart.

I trusted Hailey. I actually trusted her. She was more than just a best friend – she was like a sister to me.

Anguish makes my chest ache. I can’t believe she betrayed me.

“You’re with the order?” I don’t know where the strength comes from to ask any questions.

Quickly, Hailey shakes her head. “No, no I’m not! My dad works on the outside for the order. He … he takes girls off the streets and promises them a place to stay. That’s how new girls come to the order. There’s so much about the order that you don’t know about. I wanted to save you the heartache. I promise you, Mila, I never listened to them. Once I got to know you, I wanted to be your friend. I wanted us to just be cousins. But … they just won’t let us be! I’ve tried so hard to fight this on my own, but I can’t do it alone anymore … not after the threat.”

I’m so angry at Hailey but I have to stay calm so I can think my way out of this.

Just the thought that the cult has been watching my every step is enough to make me go insane from the fear alone – but I can’t let that happen.

I have to be stronger than ever. Right now I have to be brave.

“What threat?” I grind out the words.

“They are threatening to punish Claire for your sins. You have to go back or they will hurt her.”

“I have to go back?” I whisper, horrified. It was always the plan to go back … but I would sneak in and out. It would be on my term – not theirs.

Hailey starts to shake her head and I have to hand it to her - she looks devastated. I trusted her and she’s been one of them all along. She actually looks sorry. What a fucking fool I’ve been all this time.

I almost gave up my friendship with Harper for Hailey. Shit, she dug herself so deep into my life that it’s going to leave gaping holes when I yank her out.

I can’t even deal with the pain of her betrayal right now. Everything is happening all at once. It’s too much. It feels like I’m being beaten down and I don’t know if I have the strength to get back up.

I’ve told her about my past, about how the so called brothers would beat us, how they would lock us away when we had our periods because it was sinful. I told her how we got reminded daily that we were no good, that we were weak. She knows all about it. She knows and, still, she led them right to me.

I grab hold of her shoulders and start to shake her hard.

“How could you do this to me? I trusted you! I fucking trusted you and you’re throwing me to the wolves?”

“What the fuck, Mila?” Liam says behind me.

I don’t know how much he heard. My knees weaken so much I use Hailey to steady myself.

“Liam,” his name is a hoarse whisper. I see confirmation in Hailey’s eyes.

Dammit! He heard it all? Fuck, please no.

“What’s going on?” His voice sends icy shivers racing down my spine.

Hailey closes her eyes as if she can’t face the damage she’s done. I’ll deal with Liam later. Right now, I have to deal with Hailey.

“You say you’re my family,” I whisper heartbrokenly. “Bitches stick together. I thought you meant it. I always thought love brought people together, but that’s not true. Love is never strong enough. It fades and then people are left with nothing, like Liam and me, like you and me.”

I’m well aware of the fact that he’s listening to every word, but I’m beyond the point of caring.

“But pain – fuck, pain can make you unbreakable. Pain is stronger than love because it runs so much deeper. It bleeds into your soul until there’s nothing left to fear.” I take a step forward and look her right in the eye. “I don’t fear you, Hailey. I don’t fear your cult. You tell them that. You tell them that I’m coming for my sister. I’m done hiding.”

She crumbles to the floor as sobs make her body shudder. I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for her.

She should’ve trusted me enough to come clean to me right in the beginning, but instead she chose to lie to me. Even if what she says is true, that she never meant to harm me, I’ll never be able to trust her again.

I turn away from her and find Liam watching me with a what the fuck look on his face.

“What are you still doing here?” I want to scream the words at him but all I manage is a broken whisper. “It’s not like you actually care. Go home, Liam. Right now, my shit bucket is overflowing. I’ll give you a call when you can come and add your share to it.”

Hailey’s phone starts to echo Roar through the small space again. I hear her fumble for it behind me.

“Hello,” she croaks.

She struggles back to her feet and goes to lean against the wall. She looks beaten down, just like that night when she found me next to the road.

“She says no,” she whispers. She must be referring to me, not wanting to go along with their shit.

I glance at Liam, not sure why he’s even still standing here.

“He wants to talk to you,” Hailey whispers behind me.

I hold my hand out for her phone. I faced them once I can do it again.

I look down at the floor so I don’t have to make eye contact with any of the people standing around me. I swallow hard on the familiar twinge of panic. I can’t let them get to me. I’ve fought so hard to become this person I am today. I can’t let them win.

I take the phone from Hailey and with a trembling hand I press it to my ear.

I can only let out a breath. There are no words to make the horror of this moment any less.

Loud laughter sounds over the phone, grating its way down my spine.

“Mila … Mila … Mila. What are the chances of us meeting again? You think because you ran away, that we wouldn’t keep track of you? You think you’re safe? You’re only living that pathetic life because we’re allowing you to. You think Hailey’s your friend? Wrong again. She’s just there to keep an eye on you, to make sure you don’t talk. You thought you could run? The ends of the earth won’t be far enough for you, Daughter.”

Prophet David. I never thought I’d hear his voice again. It’s not the same, but in a way it is. It still sounds manic but there’s a new level of darkness to it.

This time, nothing keeps my legs from folding under me and I go down like a house of cards.

“Mila!” Hailey grabs me, her arms folding around my chest in an attempt to comfort me, but I yank my body away from her. I don’t want her to touch me. I wish I could cry as her sobs fill the small space.

“I’m so sorry,” Hailey whispers mournfully from behind me.

A pair of legs comes into my line of sight and then he crouches down before me. Liam tilts his head slightly, and I see the questions and worry on his face. There’s no sign of the mean look he had earlier.

Right now, I’m looking into the eyes I love and it gives me strength to just breathe.

I can’t cry, not for the monster on the other side of the phone. The only thing he stirs inside of me is the kind of fear where you piss your pants, the kind where you can’t say a word – you can only whimper like a beaten down animal. I lied when I told Hailey I don’t fear the cult. I do – so fucking much.

Prophet David’s laughter turns creepy. “I think it’s time you come home.” He takes a rasping breath, as if it will be his last any second. God, I hope so. “You were a settlement of debt, and it’s time Brother William gets his payment. The man isn’t getting any younger.”

I can’t get anything out but a whimpering sound.

None of this makes sense. Prophet David runs the cult. It sounds like he gives the women as payment for his debt? I can’t wrap my mind around any of it.

He sells us as brides to these old men?

Then the light goes on. The cult is nothing more than a form of sex slavery and a cover for it. That’s where the money comes from. Fuck, that’s it! They covered it all so well.

“Oh, I sure missed the sound of you whimpering. It’s music to my ears.” He chuckles and then says, “Nothing like a good beating to get you under control again. Brother William is going to get his payment in full.”

“Fuck you!” I scream. I hold the phone in front of my mouth and scream hysterically. “I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking kill you before I let that sick man touch me!”

The phone gets pried from my fingers before I can tell him how I’m going to peel his flesh from his bones.

“Who are you talking to?” Liam asks. In a hate-filled daze I watch him press the phone to his ear.

“No! No. No. No,” I start to chant, trying to wrench it back from him, but I’m too late.

“What’s going on?” Blake asks, followed by Mickey and a limping Hunter. Harper follows behind the guys. Just great. Everyone is here to watch the shit hit the fan.

My eyes jump back to Liam’s face when I hear him grind his teeth. He looks like a killing machine where he’s crouching in front of me.

I watch the blood drain from his face, then he hisses, “We’re coming for you. You better sleep with one eye open, fucker.”

With the simple warning he cuts the call to Prophet David. I start to shake my head as he drops the phone to the floor. My eyes follow his movements as he reaches for me.

“Tell me everything,” he says in a low, aggressive tone. He takes hold of my shoulders and pulls me up until I’m standing on shaky legs.

“No,” I whisper. I can’t have him looking at me any worse than he already does. I’ll deal with it on my own.

“Mila, so help me God. You have someone say fucked up shit over the phone, and you’re still not going to tell me what’s really going on? It’s been three fucking years! Just tell me already.”

“You don’t get to come back and demand shit, Liam.”

I turn to Hailey and I have to use all my strength to not take a swing at her. “Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again.”

I crouch down and yank my bag from under my bed. I have to get out of here. I can’t breathe with all these people standing around me.

I yank open the dresser and start to shove clothes into the bag.

“Mila!” Liam snaps. “Let us help you. You can’t just leave.”

“What do you mean, she’s leaving?” Harper shrieks. “Mila! Calm down, let’s talk about this.” And then I hear Harper hiss, “You have five minutes to get your shit and to get out. I’ve let you fuck with my friend for way too long. Get the fuck out of our home.”

It hurts to hear her talk that way to Hailey. There’s still a part of me that loves Hailey, even after she stabbed me in the back. Love doesn’t just up and vanish when someone betrays you. That’s what makes betrayal such a destructive emotion. It destroys the love you feel for that person – it taints every good memory you made together.

“Baby girl,” Mickey comes to stand next to me. “Hey now, talk to us.” He tries to block my way but I just dart around him.

“Nothing to say,” I hiss as I continue to shove as much clothes as I can into the small bag.

Hailey still hasn’t moved from where she’s standing to the side, crying over the mess she’s created.

“Hailey, get out of my fucking sight!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

My breaths are coming way too fast. My heart is pounding painfully in my chest. My mind is a mess. It feels like I’m caught in a storm and it’s tearing me to shreds.

I drop some of the clothes and when I kneel down to gather them, a pair of hands grab hold of my waist. I’m yanked into the air, then tossed onto the bed. Within another second I’m pinned down.

My chest is heaving something fierce. Panic has long been replaced with cold terror, but all I can think about right this second is Liam’s face mere inches from mine, and it looks like he’s about to kill someone.




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