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The Draig's Woman by Lisa Dawn Wadler (33)

Chapter 33

“I have been looking for the two of you.” Aliana smiled as she found Claire and Cerwyn playing on the grounds behind the keep.

Scooping up Cerwyn, Claire said, “He woke up early from his nap.”

Seeing the tired look in Claire’s eyes, Aliana asked, “Did he prevent you from resting?”

“No, I didn’t feel like lying down.” The last thing she wanted to do was sleep and dream, too afraid her mind would incorporate the earlier confrontation in the study. “Besides, it’s a beautiful afternoon, and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it.” That was the truth; a final afternoon with the small child she loved was time to be cherished.

Aliana took Cerwyn into her arms. “You, my son, need to be cleaned up and dressed a wee bit finer for the evening meal.”

Claire didn’t miss that Aliana didn’t look her in the eye. “I can help you with that.” She hoped Aliana would take her up on the offer. The thought of being alone was too unpleasant, and busy was better. It kept her mind occupied.

The sound of women yelling disturbed their quiet moment, and the voices were easy to identify. Aliana commented, “It would seem there is trouble in the kitchens. There is much I need to do. Claire, would you mind seeing if you can calm them down? You and Finella have a fine way together. Mayhap you can straighten this out?”

“Of course. Go clean up the little man.”

Aliana offered a small smile. “My thanks, I will see you at the evening meal.”

There was no acknowledgment for the comment as she strode to the kitchens. Claire knew there was no way she would be in the hall tonight. Some things were just too painful to contemplate.

The vision of Dedre and Finella toe to toe in the kitchen was the sight that greeted her. “Is there a problem, Dedre?”

Hostility rolled off the young woman. “Aye, there is a problem. I ordered this one to slaughter a sheep for the evening meal. The laird has returned, and a feast is in order. I would have this night perfect in all ways.”

There was no missing the subtle implication, but Claire was aware of the obvious problems. “By the time you requested such a feast there was probably not enough time to see it done. The sheep are out grazing in the far pastures. For everything to be done, it would easily take a full day. I’m sure this could be arranged for tomorrow’s meal.” She hoped a little reason would end this nonsense. She failed to mention the sheep were off limits for eating, as the wool production was no longer her concern.

“I dinna care for your excuses any more than I care for hers!” Dedre turned back to Finella. “I have spoken with the laird about your lack of respect. You would do well to heed me or you will find yourself with no home!”

Finella’s laughter filled the kitchen, oblivious to the threat Dedre just made. Claire was relieved that Finella only walked away. The laughing certainly had not helped.

“From the smells in this kitchen, it is safe to assume a fine meal is in the works. I’m sure it will be acceptable to Ian. He’s not that fussy about his food.”

“And you would ken this, Claire?” Dedre’s anger was now fully centered on her. “It matters little to me what you believe Ian wants. These matters are nay your concern any longer.”

The anger was written all over Dedre’s features. Claire was hit by the knowledge that she knew. Dedre knew everything. “I was just trying to make your evening easier. The meal is almost done, and everything here is under control. There is no need to threaten Finella.” Peace was the goal along with a quick exit.

“Dinna speak to me of how my kitchens are run. Dinna speak to me of what Ian prefers. Your days have ended here. All this time you sat by my side and played the companion. Did you think I would nay find out? Could you believe I would tolerate such behavior?” Dedre ended the tirade with a parting shot. “I will nay be the wife to look the other way.”

“Dedre, none of this matters now. I’m leaving in the morning, and I won’t be coming back, so let’s just leave it at that.” Claire’s voice held weakness, with any conviction long gone.

“Aye, Claire. You will leave in the morning. Your welcome on these lands is gone. I will rule here, nay you,” Dedre answered with a snarl in her voice.

“Fine, rule away.” Claire caught sight of Finella out of the corner of her eye. “Just rule well. These women work hard and should be treated with respect.” Claire edited out the added thought that if you aren’t going to do any of the work you shouldn’t be so quick to criticize.

Dedre’s face reddened. “How dare you speak to me like this? I will not be told how to run my household by some whore!”

Claire didn’t miss the moment Dedre shifted her body and saw her right hand come up with the intent to slap. Without hesitation, Claire’s left hand shot up to block the intended smack and blocked it with more force than necessary. It caused Dedre to stumble backwards slightly. She grabbed Dedre’s wrist and shifted her thumb between the knuckles, which forced the Lady to bend to counter the discomfort she inflicted.

So many things could have happened at that point: with a twist of the wrist, Dedre could have been thrown to the floor; with a hard snap, the wrist could have been broken or simply held so the opponent was in place for the right hand to retaliate. Claire opted for none of the options as Dedre’s anger transformed to fear. She was surprised at the guilt, and she never wanted to be the type of person who instilled fear, but guilt wasn’t enough to make her let go. She was no one’s punching bag.

“The last person who hit me found his sword buried deep in his chest. Don’t do that again.” She slowly released Dedre’s offending hand. “That was my bad hand, but I guess it still works just fine.” She was somehow not surprised Dedre didn’t appreciate the humor of her statement.

“How dare you! Do you ken who I am?” Dedre shrieked as she stumbled back out of Claire’s reach.

Answering with a small laugh, she replied, “Of course I know who you are. I’ve known too many like you. You have been raised to be exactly who you are, a spoiled woman who wouldn’t know an honest day’s work. You expect everyone to do everything for you because you are presumably better than everyone else because you are pretty and your father has coin, so the rules don’t apply to you.”

The look of shock crossed Dedre’s face as she soaked in the meaning. Quickly regaining her composure, Dedre taunted, “You speak like a woman who has lost all, Claire. Your petty jealousy means nothing to me. Leave on the morrow. I care nay to where you journey as long as it is far away. Warm my father’s bed for all I care. But before you go, you will witness my triumph. This night I become Lady of the Draig clan. This fine keep falls to my care, the wealth here will be at my disposal, my children will be the heirs, and most importantly, Ian shall be mine. Go to your bed alone this night, for I shall nay.”

Now it was Claire’s turn to be shocked. Never would she have believed Dedre could have spoken to her like that. Dedre turned to leave and shouted for Neala to come tend her hair. She offered one final insult. “You will be in the hall this night.”

Claire didn’t bother to give voice to the “go to hell” reply swirling in her mind. There was no point. While she may have been correct in every word she said, it didn’t matter one bit. Dedre had won. Claire could pretend all she wanted; it didn’t change a thing. Dedre would have the only thing Claire ever wanted—Ian. The forbidden thoughts rose to the surface, and she acknowledged the unthinkable. She still loved him. Despite everything that had happened, all those feelings were still there. The scar on her hand had healed, but the pain of loving Ian was still there. That was the hurt that would never leave.

Startled by the gentle hand on her arm, she allowed Finella to guide to her to a stool and drank the offered cup of goat’s milk. Claire could not get enough of the stuff. She listened to the voice without focus on the words. Setting the cup down on the table, she said, “Finella, I’m going to miss you.”