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Scoring the Quarterback by SM Soto (10)











I mentally curse myself and Luke the next morning when my alarm goes off. I don’t have any classes today, but I do have to be at work, and since I only got a few hours of sleep last night, I’m not looking forward to faking smiles all day. I think I need coffee. A huge pot of coffee. Or crack.

Later at work during our break, Sam snarks at me, “Jesus, who the hell shit in your Cheerios this morning?” She nudges me in the arm from across the table. I shoot her a warning glare. I’ve been irritated all day. When I don’t get my usual eight of hours of sleep, I turn into a troll. I was so glad when lunch rolled around. I really needed a second to rest my feet, and possibly even rest my eyes.

“Oh, c’mon, Sam. Leave her alone, she looks tired,” Aliza says defensively in between bites of her lunch. Sam levels a glare at Aliza, then down at her sandwich, and then looks back up again. She points across the table at her.

“Ohio, I swear to God, this is the third time this week that you’ve tried to tell me off, and I don’t like it. I think your relationship with CJ has made you a little ballsy.”

Aliza actually laughs, reaches across the table, and lightly pinches Sam’s cheeks. “Oh, Sammy, don’t pretend you don’t love my sass,” she says with a smile and wink. I can’t help but laugh, because seriously, this girl has transformed during her short time here at the Bar and Grille.

“As an apology, you can have my sandwich because I know you’re about two seconds away from complaining about its size, and how it isn’t fair that I always get the bigger sandwiches, so here you go.” She slides her plate across the table to Sam with a sweet and knowing smile.

Sam purses her lips thoughtfully for a beat before shrugging. “Apology accepted.”

I cast a look at Aliza and she smiles in return. Typical Sam.

“So, are any of you assholes ever going to ask how things are going with my new guy? The lawyer,” Sam says with a devious smile and I groan. I’m just too tired to listen to this.

“I honestly don’t want to know, Sam. Plus, you already know how I feel about you dating around. You have a good man who loves you, why isn’t that enough?”

Sam rolls her eyes at me. “Alex isn’t relationship material, and he doesn’t love me. We’re too much alike. That’s why our sleeping arrangements never work out, because we drive each other fucking nuts.”

I shake my head. “No, you guys don’t work because you don’t know how to not be in control all the time. Alex takes away your control and makes you feel helpless. Don’t fight me on this, I know I’m right.”

“You know who else knows how to take control? James,” she says with a saccharin grin. “He loves to tie me up, and leave me powerless. Last night he—”

“Sam!” Aliza and I groan in unison.

“Please, I really don’t want to hear about what the lawyer did to you while you were tied up.”

“Me either,” Aliza chimes in with an uncomfortable look on her face.

“You guys fucking suck,” Sam says, sulking in her seat.

We finish off the rest of our lunch, thankfully without having to hear the sordid details of Samantha’s sex life. I’m seriously not a prude.  I’ve heard sordid details before, but this time I just can’t stand it. For some reason, James the lawyer, gets under my skin. I met him once and honestly, he didn’t leave the greatest impression. He treated Sam and me like we were children, which compared to him, I guess we kind of are. But it wasn’t only that, no—I don’t like the way he looked at Sam. He doesn’t stare at her like a man smitten. He looks at her like she’s nothing, just a way to pass the time. I know Sam isn’t interested in marriage and the happily ever after, but shouldn’t she at least want to be with someone who looks at her like she’s everything? I’ve tried telling her how I feel, but of course, Sam brushes my comments under the rug and ignores them completely. Whatever Sam wants to do, she will do. Repercussions be damned.




My phone vibrates in my pocket for the fifth time within the past hour. I curse under my breath. I set down a plated burger and fries for my customer with a smile on my face before heading to the kitchen to check my messages. I weave my way through my coworkers scrambling to get orders to the waiting tables. The Bar and Grille is always semi-packed, but today, it’s just crazy in here. The buzz of conversation, dishes clattering, orders being yelled out, patrons cheering for their team on the flat screen. The atmosphere is hectic today. With the back of my hand, I wipe off a thin sheen of sweat from my face, then read over the messages.


Luke Caldwell: Busy?

Luke Caldwell: What are you doing?

Luke Caldwell: Should I be freaked out that there’s a “Future Wives of Caldwell” fan club on campus?

Luke Caldwell: I’m a little spooked, I swear one of the girls had a shirt with my picture on it. It was fucking disturbing…but then again, I bet she’s a freak in bed. All the crazy ones are.


I roll my eyes at Luke’s messages, yet I struggle to fight the grin itching to spread across my face. Such an asshole. I know most people would say Luke’s humor is juvenile, or irritating, but truth be told—I actually like it. He’s not afraid to say whatever it is that’s on his mind, and he doesn’t care what other people think of him in the process. Sometimes, I think he jokes with me the way he does because he knows I secretly like it.

I quickly type out a reply knowing it won’t be long till my coworkers come looking for me.


Natalia: What do you want, Jockstrap?


I don’t have to wait for a reply, within seconds the little bubble of jumping dots pops up on the screen.


Luke Caldwell: Good, I finally got your attention. I have a window of free time to get together tomorrow. Practice from 6:30-9. I’ll be free from 10 to 3. I have weight room at 3:30.

Natalia: That’ll work. See you tomorrow, Jockstrap.


After sending off my response, I slip my phone into my pocket and head back to work with a contented smile on my face. I hate to admit it, again, but the thought of seeing Luke tomorrow makes me uncharacteristically happy.