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Bait by Pierce Smith (5)


It was a few weeks since Cody’s first meetings, and he was gravitating closer towards his professors. Slow but steady, he was settling into college and the new city. Both his top favorite professors, Drake and Max, were gorgeous as sin, and their smiles invoked all sorts of dirty notions. Though Cody took it as being only his imagination that was being reciprocated on their faces. He always understood what he thought was reflected in their gestures, and their normal passing smiles also had some meanings. It was his mind’s baloney! But it wasn’t always like that claptrap.

Max’s eyes were notorious, looking for every eye candy, but they stayed longer on Cody. And Cody in turn felt scorched. He felt his body start emitting embers, and unconditional hotness began oozing from his face. There was nothing he could stop. He tried to stay away from Max, but the enormously stretched out campus all of a sudden became too small. Whatever they tried, they definitely encountered each other every two or three hours. Most of the time, Cody remained in an awkward situation, either eating, laughing, pranking, joking or trying to get a book in the library, and finding Max around made him feel self-conscious. He would freeze up on himself. On finding Cody blushing, Max’s confidence was pumped up a thousand times more. Cody confirmed to himself that Max was stalking him on the campus, though Max thought Cody was doing the same to him.

Max continued teaching his subject with the same old style, by touching and holding hands in drawing unusual figures and symbols. But again, Cody wasn’t the only one he taught like this. There was a huge bunch of girls who also wanted to be taught this way. Knowingly they pranked and Max approached them to teach. Without asking, without any hesitation, he held their hands, peered down at their boobs, and drew some random symbols. Then they would giggle and sometimes laughed out loud too. They would try again and then finally, after some nonsense trials, they would get what they were trying to draw. Cody sulked at their attitude while Tina consoled him. Max was flirtatious with everyone, so no one was able to glue to him until he wanted them to, and only for those few moments. Still Cody was special for Max and somehow Max always showed it to Cody.

His friends Tina and Cole started teasing him about Max. Max knew all his friends and perhaps he liked it. Because, whenever he passed from nearby, either Tina or Cole shouted Cody’s name and in turn Max passed him a smile.

Drake was also around at this time, but he was more calm and composed, and passed a very wary glance at them. Though he smiled on seeing Cody, but that was more because Cody was a hardworking student. And secondly, Tina had a crush on Drake. It wasn’t Tina alone, but almost half of the college, including faculties and students, had crushes on him. So, Cody was never taunted about Drake. Tina never missed a chance to flirt with Drake, in class or around campus, and always looked for a chance to hover around him. She also never minded using Cody to approach Drake, as she knew Drake never denied Cody on giving extra lectures or private one-to-one lectures, and she would follow Cody there. On finding Drake alone, she would ask all sorts of nonsense questions until Drake asked her to leave. The politeness and soberness which Drake held in his words, were charismatic, and always attracting girls towards him.

Drake’s self-control and Max’s flirtatiousness played a tug of war in Cody’s heart. It always drifted between either side depending on his mood. He could never make a full and final selection between the two. Drake would be an ideal husband to live a life with, while Max could be an awesome, sexy boyfriend, with whom he could fulfill all his desires. ‘But, what was there in Drake which couldn’t fulfill his desires?’ Cody was never able to answer this question. Though, Drake was there, he never seemed as approachable as Max. Secondly, Drake’s signals were far from attracting a casual fling, which always gave off a very rigid and sober attraction.

Perhaps Cody’s teenage heart wanted to roar and have a fling-like relationship, though it would also have a commitment to it. Perhaps, Cody wasn’t sure what he needed or he was so overwhelmed at finding two ultra damn attractive men at his side. And, of course, both were interested in him. It had to be Cody’s decision as to who he wanted most. Max’s attitude constantly reminded Cody he was not going to wait for his decision, but Drake’s told Cody he needed to work harder to attract him. He blushed whenever Drake smiled, but Max’s grin was becoming commonplace. Still Max hovered and waited for him longer than anyone else.

Tina couldn’t believe Drake could ever be hooking up with Cody, though she didn’t mind if Cody hooked up with Max. First, Max taught Math, which she hated to study. Second, boys and girls equally surrounded Max. On the other hand, a lady always accompanied Drake, who always made him appear a model, upstanding figure. This being another point taken by Tina to be jealous of Drake. She was short and a little curvy. Cole liked her a lot but she was a die-hard fan of Drake. So Drake was never among the conversation between them. And, undoubtedly to Tina, Max was nothing compared to Drake. Drake looked like an alpha wolf roaming in a three-piece suit around the campus, and all the bitch-wolves drooled and howled on his name in the night.

On the other hand, Cody’s roomie Joseph was cool, though always busy himself until midnight every night, when he would return to his room, and even then, most of the time, he remained pretty boozed up, and almost always accompanied by girls. He saw new faces every time with Joseph, and he wondered how many ladies were yet left untouched in the city.

Cody smiled at Joe every night, and left the door wide open every evening for each new girlfriend to drop by and fall into his bed. A few nights there would be men too, some days more than one, and they were always much older than Joe. Cody was shocked to see Joe with them but they introduced themselves as his baseball colleagues. Cody relaxed with a hint of doubt in his heart, though he smiled at their roughened physiques and smiled internally, as if he was going to see some eye candies regularly drop by his room. Still Cody worried about Joseph; he might be caught in some kind of danger. A few times, he had found secret entry passes for hidden clubs, and one day he had found a secret sign of a private society. Cody had all the clues of what Joe was doing, but he never interfered in his private life and Joe never did to him in return.

Despite everything, the room partners rarely got time to spend together. Both had busy schedules, Cody had to attend classes and make sure he didn’t miss any of his Math or Cosmology lectures, while Joe remained busy in his own life too. Cody neither interfered in it, nor asked where Joe spent his days. On weekends, Cody visited the library to study, because Joe did not stay in their rooms, and sitting alone Cody could not do anything. He loved making doodles in his sketchbook to pass his solitude. Rarely, Tina visited with Cole, but most of the time he remained alone. And what could be the best pastime, except fantasizing and then drawing sexy sketches of himself with his professors?

Finally, after a month, or maybe sooner, Joseph and Cody spent a day in their room chatting on their experiences on the campus. Joe was more interested to know if Cody yet had the chance to get laid and be lucky.

“How is your experience at campus?” Cody finally asked what he wanted to know from Joe.

“Hmm… tough question…” Joseph shrugged and lay on the bed with his sneakers on. This was his way to show he was a reckless and macho kind of guy. But Cody always found it weird. ‘You don’t need to show what you are, it should be reflected from your personality.’ But Joe was just that kind. “… campus is quite a lush green…” and they giggled at his reply, “quite good eye candy and really approachable…” Joe added, “I have checked out a few girls for you too…”

“Umm thanks. Not seen any I fancy yet.” Cody wanted to take the heat from himself, and quickly changed the subject, “How's your team doing this season?” Cody knew as soon as he started on the statistics of the games Joe could go on and on.