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Not So Broken (Love Grows Series Book 1) by Renee Regent (57)

Chapter Twenty-Six


Friday morning, I sat in my truck in downtown Tilly, sipping coffee. I'd gone by the diner to tell Dahlia and the others about Marvil's passing, but they already knew. Word traveled fast in Tilly, especially when it was something big. To my surprise, everyone I spoke with said good things about Marvil, despite his reputation for being the town grouch. It seems he really wasn't fooling anyone with his abrasive personality. Almost everyone had a story of something Marvil did to make someone's life better-volunteering, donating, and contributing his money to the needy. He always asked for anonymity, but there was no point now to hide the fact Marvil Crouch had indeed been a man with a heart of gold.

No one knew the truth about Marvil Crouch better than I did, which was why I couldn't wait for Sacha to arrive. I had good news and was itching to share it with her. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, I checked my phone again. She was due to arrive in Tilly any moment.

After ten days of rest, Dr. Kapoor had pronounced Sacha fit to return to her normal duties, within reason. Since she had a few accounts to visit in Tilly as a follow-up, I asked her to meet me before she did anything else. I was looking forward to holding her in my arms as soon as possible, but my plans included much more than that. We had talked on the phone early this morning, and it was all I could do to keep from revealing my plans.

I had my parent's blessing, something I was still in shock over. This wasn't how I'd ever pictured my life turning out that day I rode into Tilly, but I was thrilled. Fate had handed me a second chance, and it was more than I'd ever hoped for.

When Sacha's car pulled up alongside the truck, I couldn't get out fast enough. Before she'd opened her door, I was there. I grabbed the door handle and she emerged, falling into my arms. I covered her lips with my own, tasting the sweetness I'd been craving for so long.

"Hello, sexy. I missed you."

She laughed, and looked down at her belly, straining against her coat. "I don't know about sexy, but yeah. I missed you, too."

"Come on."

I took her hand and led her to the truck. Helping her in, I let my hand brush her bottom. She turned and gave me a smile then smacked my hand playfully.

"So, what's your big secret? You sounded like a little kid on the phone. I could hear the giggle in your voice."

I gave her what I hoped was a stern look. "I don't 'giggle.' And you'll see."

We chatted as I drove, but I could tell she was curious. I hoped she was going to react the way I imagined. Sometimes she caught me off guard with her opinions, but I was learning to anticipate her reactions. Still, this was a biggie.

Only one way to find out.

When I turned onto the gravel road, she looked at me. "We're going fishing?"


She shrugged and held onto the armrest as we traversed the bumpy road. When we finally came to a stop, I put the truck in park. I sat for a moment, listening to the roar of the river as it tumbled over the rocks. "Let's take a short walk."

Fortunately, she was wearing sensible shoes. High heels were out for a few months, so she was able to walk through the grass and gravel, holding my hand. When we came to the edge of the river, I stopped.

"Sacha, I have what I think is great news, and a proposition for you."

Her brow arched. "Okay, spill it already. I can't take much more."

"Marvil Crouch never told me when he was alive, but he owned this property. Twenty-three acres of prime riverfront property. And he left it all to me, and the cabins too."

"The one you've been living in? And all this?"

She looked around, up at the hillside, the trees, the river. I nodded, still unable to believe it myself.

"Apparently, he had no other relatives, so he left it all to me. I'm humbled, and thrilled, because I think it will make a fantastic resort. We'll keep it rustic, like a lodge, and cut as few trees as possible. But it will be exclusive, luxurious, and a really great investment. Not to mention, a tribute to Marvil. He loved this place."

She turned in a circle, taking it all in as I described my vision once again, this time in more detail. "Yes, I can see that. It's a great idea."

"And I'll be in charge of the whole thing, from start to finish. I spoke with my father at length, and he agreed. And there's room to build a grand house too. Big enough for all of us to live in."

Now I had her attention. She cocked her head, her eyes going wide. "Us? To live here?"

"Yes. Tilly is a great place to raise a family. And with your experience, you could manage the restaurants. What do you think?"

I held my breath. She was looking stunned, but her eyes held interest. "I'm… That's a lot to think about."

"Maybe this will help."

I went down on one knee, pulling a small velvet box from my shirt pocket. I opened the box to reveal a delicate platinum ring, adorned with a huge sparkling diamond. I held it up to her, watching her hand fly to cover her mouth.

"What the…oh my."

"Sacha Rowan, will you marry me?" Torturous seconds dragged by as I watched her face. It had gone pale. Then her cheeks began to color. A slow smile graced her lips as she stuck out her left hand.

"Yes. Yes, of course. You're the father of my child, and I love you!"

I slipped it on her finger and gathered her into my arms. "I love you too. I promise to be everything you ever wanted in a husband and more."

Our first kiss as fiancées was sweet and gentle. She whispered her response against my lips. "You already are."