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Not So Broken (Love Grows Series Book 1) by Renee Regent (55)


Once Sacha was settled in her bed with a blanket and a cup of chamomile tea, I finally relaxed. I sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating taking a nap next to her. My body was weary, but my mind was still processing all that had happened. Sacha must have noticed my introspection and nudged me with her toe.

"Been a hell of a weekend, huh? I bet you're sorry you didn't go back to Tilly on Friday."

I took her foot from under the covers, placed it in my lap and began to knead. She sighed and moaned, the sound reminding me of my favorite part of the past crazy weekend. The part when she was naked and on top of me.

"Not one bit. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. And I have a private jet at my disposal."

"Yeah, about all that… I still can't picture you, jet-setting around the world while raking in billions of dollars."

I continued to massage her foot, enjoying her occasional "oohs" and "ahhs."

"That's true, but it's not quite as simple as people think. Our company has many investors, and much of our wealth is on paper, at least currently. It's not like we have it all to ourselves. But yes, my family lives quite comfortably, and someday I will inherit the mantle of CEO, unless I make other arrangements. That's why my dad has been so pissed about me being gone."

Her expression was thoughtful as she pondered my description. Most people had no idea how a large corporation really worked. They assumed the money flowed like a never-ending, magical stream.

"So, are you thinking of going back to work in Atlanta? I thought you liked it in Tilly."

"I do, I love it there. But I've already informed my dad that I'd be back to work in a few weeks. I told you, I plan to take care of you and… We still need a name for this kid, you know."

She pulled her foot away and sat up. "I'm not going to quit my job and become a kept woman, so get that thought out of your head right now."

This. This is why I love her. That, and the stern look she gave me when I chuckled at her.

"Sacha, I love your independence. If you want to work, please do. Even if it means moving to Alabama. I only want you to be happy. But it's time for me to come back to the 'real world,' as my father put it. Plus, I'll have to move out of my cabin anyway, since Marvil died. I don't know what's going to happen to his property."

Her face softened. She leaned back into the pillows and placed her other foot in my lap. When I began my ministrations again, she closed her eyes. When she opened them a few seconds later, her face had gone somber.

"Well, I appreciate that you understand how I feel. I want to do what's best for our little one. It's no longer about what we want, is it?"

"Not really. Things are going to work out. I promise."

Her smile, full of acceptance, melted my heart. Then a puzzled look crossed her face. "We do need to think of a name, don't we?"


Leaving Sacha the next morning was incredibly difficult. She'd snuggled all night in my arms, and I'd slept like the dead. I made her breakfast, and when she was comfortably situated once again, I gathered my things.

Leaning down for one long, last kiss, I let my hand wander to her breast. Her nipple was prominent through her thin cotton nightgown, and she made a small noise of delight. I reluctantly pulled away, clearing my throat. "I better go before I end up staying another night."

"Yes, that's a possibility if your hands keep wandering like that."

"Doctor's orders are rest only, so it's probably better I leave."

Melanie had promised to stay with Sacha, which eased my mind. I hated leaving her, and it wasn't only because of her physical condition.

I was going to miss her, every minute.

Placing a hand under her chin, I leaned my forehead to hers. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Our lips met, and this time the kiss was more emotion than passion. I pulled away, releasing her slowly.

"I'll call you when I get back to the cabin."

I did, but even her voice couldn't erase the sadness I felt knowing Marvil was gone. I kept expecting to see him on the porch of his cabin, every time I passed. My own cabin was too quiet, now that I was alone. I wandered around, making a mental note of what I wanted to take when I moved out. I had rented the cabin furnished but had found some décor items in town that I hated to leave or throw out. Perhaps I would invite Sacha to come up when she was feeling better to see if she wanted anything.

I made some phone calls and formulated a schedule to get my jobs done. I had only one in progress and two upcoming. I estimated finishing all three in the next few weeks, and then I'd be done. I hated to leave anyone hanging, and I was really going to miss working with my hands.

It was late afternoon when my cell phone rang. It was Marvil's attorney, so I took the call.


"Good afternoon, Mr. Colebank. This is Michael Stazky. I've gone through Mr. Crouch's estate documents, and I would like to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss it."

I had no idea why I would have anything to do with Marvil's estate, but now I was curious. "Sure, let me know when, and I'll be there."

The appointment was the next afternoon. It was in a nearby town, so I could get some work done in the morning and then grab lunch on the way. I had no clue as to why Marvil would involve me, unless it had to do with his belongings or how long I could stay in the cabin. Whatever it was, I'd do it to honor my friend's memory.

The word "bittersweet" came to mind as I settled in for the evening. Though I was sad to lose a friend, I had so much to be thankful for. I wondered what Marvil would have said about Sacha and the baby. Something told me my old friend would have grumbled something about noisy kids, and then smiled and congratulated us. He hadn't been fooling anyone.