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Not So Broken (Love Grows Series Book 1) by Renee Regent (47)

Chapter Twenty


Relief cascaded over me like a spring waterfall. I'd talked Bettina into holding off on her posts for a week. She demanded in return that I take her to dinner, and I'd agreed, but it would never be arranged. I hated lying, but it was the only tactic I could think of. Once I came clean to Sacha and my family, it didn't matter what she did.

I hadn't meant to go so far as kissing her, but she'd grabbed me and planted one on my lips before I knew what was happening. But now she was gone and I had dodged one hell of a bullet.

Well, maybe. I still had to talk to Sacha.

As I went to get another drink, I saw her disappear into the ladies' room. I used the time to mentally prepare my speech. She'd probably be upset that I'd been hiding things from her, so I had to say the right words to make her understand why.

Telling Sacha that I assumed at first that she might only want me for my money would sound horribly shallow, but for me it was a real concern. Bettina was a prime example of that, but I couldn't mention her.

"I'm ready to go now." Sacha had appeared at my elbow. Her face was blotchy, and her eyes were wet.

"Are you okay? You don't look well." Her response was a glare. Maybe the networking she said she was here to do hadn't gone so well. I knew better than to pry. "I'll get your coat."

As we walked to her car, the cool night air seemed to calm her. I saw her taking in deep breaths, and I began to worry about the baby. She still hadn't said a word, so as I helped her into the driver's seat, I asked again.

"Are you feeling ill, Sacha?"

"No. I'm fine."

She slammed the door and flipped on the engine. I walked to my side and climbed in.

Her focus was on the road. She barely looked in my direction. Something had clearly upset her, and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Thank God Bettina had another party to attend, or else I'd have been in a tough spot. But now I was more worried about Sacha than my own problems.

"Want to talk about it?"


She turned on the radio and cranked the volume. I got the hint-she wasn't going to tell me what the hell was wrong. At least not now.

My stomach rumbled. The bites of food at the gallery had been miniscule, not enough to even consider an appetizer. I needed food, especially if I was going to have a tough night ahead.

"You hungry?"


Sitting at a restaurant while she fumed sure wasn't appealing. Maybe there was something in her fridge I could nibble on. I'd rather be nibbling on her, too, but sex certainly didn't seem to be on the menu tonight.

It wasn't until we entered her apartment that she spoke. Throwing her coat and scarf on the back of the sofa, she whirled to face me.

"Who was she?"

I blinked, knowing I looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights but unable to stop it. "What are you talking about?"

Her finger came up to jab me in the chest. "I leave you alone for a few minutes and you're kissing someone. I mean, you couldn't stop yourself and at least pretend to be with me?"

"I was with you. I mean, I am."

I went to place my hands on her arms but she moved away.

"You certainly didn't act like it. We had an agreement that we wouldn't bring other people around in front of our child. But you couldn't even control yourself for just one evening, so how can I trust you?"

"It wasn't how it looked. She was...I knew her from a long time ago. And I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. Caught me by surprise, if you want the truth."

The skeptical look she gave me had a softer edge to it than the anger I'd seen a few moments earlier. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the back of the sofa.

"So, is she still interested in you? Were you making plans for a date?"

If I said no, it would be a lie. If I said yes, but I had no intention of seeing the woman, I'd look like a dick. This interrogation was not how I had hoped to spend the evening. "No. She wanted to, but I'm not interested in her. That's all there is to it."



She paused, thinking it over. "Why didn't you tell me, then?"

"Because you were acting like a she-bear and I was afraid."

Her angry face began to crumble, and she looked away. I reached out to touch her, and this time she let me. Then she began to laugh, falling into my arms.

One hurdle down. One to go.
