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SEAL's Secret Baby (A Navy SEAL Romance) by Ivy Jordan (35)

Chapter Thirty-Five



I prepared a chef’s salad for Alyssa, ready to spend some alone time with her on her half-day. Since her surgery, and then both of us going back to work, time together had been scarce.

My phone rang, vibrating across the table as I finished the salad. I picked it up, seeing Xander’s name across my screen.

My heart sank, fearful he was in another jam. I couldn’t leave now, not with my plans to ask Alyssa to marry me less than a week away.

I slid my thumb across the screen and answered.

“Hey, wild man,” I greeted my old friend.

“Hey, man. I just wanted to say thanks again for everything,” Xander sounded humbled.

“No problem. That’s what we do,” I chuckled, not used to his overly sentimental demeanor.

I put him on speaker so I could set the table.

“You sound good,” I noted.

“I am. I’m great,” he boasted.

I was more than glad to hear that.

“I just can’t thank you enough. You saved my life,” he exaggerated.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I laughed.

“No, I’m serious. I know how important your daughter and Alyssa are to you. It means the world to me that you came to my side when you were just getting things together there,” he gushed.

“You’re family, brother,” I smiled.

“How are things going with the ladies in your life?” he asked.

“They are amazing. Holly is just incredible, and Alyssa, man, I feel like I’m nineteen again,” I boasted.

“That’s good. Sounds like you might need to settle down there, let them make an honest man outta’ ya,” he roared.

I was about to tell him the good news when I looked up. Alyssa was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, still wearing her scrubs and a smile smeared widely across her face.

“Hey, man, Alyssa just walked in. Can I call ya back?” I asked.

“Of course; tell her I said hello. I can’t wait to meet her, maybe at your wedding,” he chuckled.

“Maybe,” I laughed, realizing that may be truer than he realized.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized for being on the phone when Alyssa arrived.

She shook her head.

“No. I’m sorry that I freaked out so badly when you left,” she sighed, taking a seat at the table.

“I understand,” I smiled, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

“I didn’t realize how close you guys were, that you considered one another family,” she confessed.

“Some of us, that’s all the family we have. They tell you when you leave, cut ties, so your head is in the game and keeps you and your brothers safe,” I explained.

“Is that what you did?” she asked.

It was the first time we’d spoken about me leaving without any bitterness between us.

“No, I mean, not really. I didn’t plan to anyway, but then your brother died, and I saw how it affected you. I knew you wouldn’t be able to handle four years worrying about me, not with that on your heart,” I admitted.

Alyssa sighed, her thoughts drifted, and to me, it was obvious they had wandered to that day when she found out about her brother.

“He wasn’t in long enough to create those bonds, the ones like you and Aiden have, and Xander,” she lamented.

“I’m sure he did. It doesn’t take long. Hell, most of us had bonded before we were out of boot camp,” I smiled, offering her some peace and comfort.

“I would really like to meet Xander one day,” she stated.

“That would be great,” I agreed.

“Maybe on our wedding day,” she chuckled.

My cheeks burnt red, and I was afraid my intentions were splattered all over my face.

“You hungry?” I asked quickly, placing the salad on the table.

“I’m starved. This looks great,” Alyssa beamed, reaching for the salad forks and scooping a large helping onto her plate.

I sat down beside her, made my plate, and stared into her eyes. She was absolutely beautiful. Even though everyone said Holly looked just like me, I could see her in her mother.

We talked about work, mainly mine since I’d just started. I felt like I was domineering the conversation, so I steered it back to Alyssa.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Great,” she said calmly.

“So, going back to work hasn’t been a problem?” I questioned.

She shook her head.

“In fact, I’m completely healed,” she coughed.

“Really?” My interest was quickly piqued.

“Yup. I could exercise if I wanted, take a bubble bath, even have sex,” she flirted.

My cock twitched against my jeans. Oh God.

It felt like it had been so long. I suddenly wasn’t hungry for a salad anymore.

“So, if we wanted to, say, try it out in the bedroom for once, that would be approved?” I queried.

Her smile widened, and her cheeks burnt pink.

“Yup,” she beamed.

I quickly pushed the chair back, standing at the table. I moved towards her, my hand extended.

“Would you like to go to the bedroom and find out if we are as good in a bed as we are everywhere else?” I smirked.

“I would,” she agreed, taking my hand.