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The Greek Playboy's Girl (Falling For A Womaniser Book 2) by Cheryl F.M. (7)










Damien Doukas’s POV


Adrianna was not around, and I had decided to do some investigation about her so called “boyfriend.” And who better else to ask than her best friend, Olivia?

I grinned wickedly and entered the kitchen just in time to see Olivia and Trevor. Drake was out with Kaitlyn, my mom, and Adrianna. I know Adrianna was avoiding me again. But this time, it didn’t bother me as much. 

It was probably due to her admitting that I kissed better than her boyfriend. “Hey, Olivia, can I talk to you for a second?” 

Olivia grinned at me as she placed Trevor on the ground. “Sure. What’s up?” 

“Do you know who Adrianna’s boyfriend is?” 

Olivia glanced at me confused. “Adrianna does not have a boyfriend. Who told you she has one?” 

I blinked. “She told me that. His name is Jacob.” I watched Olivia’s face carefully. 

“Jacob? Adrianna says he’s her boyfriend?” Olivia asks confused and surprised. “No, Trevor, don’t eat that.” I looked down to see Trevor nibbling on flower petals and laughed. “Jacob can’t be her boyfriend, Damien. He’s been gone for six years, almost seven,” Olivia stated casually. 

So a Jake Henry is real. I frowned until what Olivia said kicked in. “Gone? What do you mean by gone?” 

“He’s dead, Damien. He died in a car accident seven years ago.” 

What? “What are you talking about?”

Olivia shot me a look that I couldn’t decipher. “He was Adrianna’s boyfriend at that time but… uh… uh… I don’t think I should be discussing this with you. You know what? Ask Adrianna yourself.” Olivia flushed as, apparently, she thought she had spilled too much information. She turned back to the oven, and Trevor started mumbling baby gibberish. 

I frowned. Olivia didn’t say much, but I could partially piece the information together. 

“Argh! Stupid thing!” Olivia cried out as she kicked the oven. I blinked before laughing. “Aren’t housewives supposed to be good at cooking?” 

This earned me an acidic glare from Olivia. “Shut up, Damien.” I held back a grin as she turned back to the oven muttering angrily. 

Sha ush!” I looked down to see Trevor trying to repeat “shut up.” He started giggling, fell on his back, and stuffed a fist into his mouth. 

I picked him up and swung him around. Olivia glanced at me and turned away from the oven. She scrutinized me for a while before a smile crossed her face. “You’re interested in her, aren’t you?” 

I looked up hastily. “No, I’m just curious.” Olivia rolled her eyes, and a smirk crossed her face. “If it helps, Adrianna does not have a boyfriend. She thinks that she can’t love another guy after Jacob. I personally think, with the right guy, she can move on.” 

I blinked, and Olivia glanced at me and shrugged. “And maybe the right guy will come soon. Because your mom, Laura, is inviting one of her friend’s sons to come try romance Adrianna. He’s coming tomorrow. And he’s the English actor Kayden Holt.” 

Olivia gushed with stars in her eyes.

“Kayden Holt?” I scowled, not liking the man when I hadn’t even met him. Sure, the fact that Olivia who was married and had a kid was gushing over the guy made me feel wary. Adrianna was single and gorgeous, and this Kayden Holt could indeed catch her attention. 

“Honey, are you cheating on me?” Drake drawled out as he entered the kitchen. Trevor clapped his hands eagerly when he caught sight of Drake.

Olivia grinned at him. “Not physically but mentally, yes. Kayden Holt is my dream husband.” Drake rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. “Oh, the horror that you have to put up with me.”

Olivia laughed and kissed him soundly on the mouth. “Yeah. But I love you, you awful man.” Trevor started mumbling baby gibberish and tugged on my hair. 

At this moment, Adrianna walked in, and her eyes flew towards mine. Her cheeks flushed, and she looked away from me, obviously remembering our make out session and her confession, and I gave her a smirk. 



Adrianna Valdez POV


I bit my lip at Damien’s smirk before glaring at him. I was angry with myself. Why the hell had I told him that he kissed better than Jake. Most importantly, why did I even kiss him back? Why could I not have stomped on his feet and slapped him after?

What had I been thinking?

“Hey, where are the gossipmongers?” Drake’s voice called out, and I shrugged.

“They went back to their hotel to arrange a room for the guy that is coming; whoever he is.” 

I noticed Damien relaxing slightly from his previously tense posture as Olivia spoke out, “Don’t you know who Kayden Holt is?” 

I blinked before shaking my head, and Drake rolled his eyes and snorted. “I don’t think Adrianna wants to know how muscular the guy is.” 

I glanced amusedly at Olivia. “You take note of that?” She laughed and grinned. “Yes, he is very muscular. And he has dimples like Drake!” 

At this Drake raised an eyebrow. “I see I have been replaced.” 

“Oh, get over yourself!” Olivia snorted but kissed Drake that led on to a full snogging session. 

I averted my gaze, and my eyes landed on Damien. He gave me a sexy smirk and cocked one of his eyebrows. I flushed and hurried out of the room. I didn’t want to be alone with Damien.

I gently cradled Trevor and sang softly to him before placing him in his crib. 

I was about to walk back to my room when a voice spoke up, “You lied. Why?” 

I pursed my lips. How had he found out? Olivia. I had not informed Olivia about my choice to lie to Damien that I had a boyfriend. And being the sneaky devil he was, Damien had probably figured out to ask Olivia anything.

“I do not have to explain myself to you, Damien.” 

He shrugged and cornered me against my bedroom door. “Do you know what I think?”

My heartbeat increased from the close proximity of him. His scent of sandalwood and coffee enclosed around me, and I held back a groan. 

“I think you are afraid of what I make you feel ever since he died. And you feel you can’t be with another man because you’ll be betraying him. But he will want you to be happy by moving on and starting your own family and—”

I glared at him, not wanting to show Damien him how much his words hit close to home. “You think wrong.” 

“Ah, how I love your temper. It’s quite refreshing.” The annoying yet sexy smirk was plastered on his face again.

I pursed my lips again and snapped. “Good night!” I reached for my door and slammed it in his face, enjoying the annoyance leaking out from his growl. 

I shook my head, desperate to get the conflicting thoughts out of my head; thoughts of what ifs and whatnots filled my head. What if Jake had really wanted me to move on? What if I did move on? Would I have a family by now? How many children? I always longed for a big family.

I sighed. These thoughts would not help to solve any problems now. I blindly shrugged on the sleepwear I took and shoved all thoughts of Jacob and Damien out of my head before my mind took off to oblivion.