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Two Bad Bosses: An MFM Menage Romance by Sierra Sparks, Sizzling Hot Reads (41)

Chapter Twenty-Three: Zara

Today is Sam’s Mom’s birthday. The cake we ended up making came out perfect. I didn’t tell Sam exactly how complicated this particular cake would be. I could tell he was a little overwhelmed by all the instructions I was listing, but once we got down to actually making the cake – he was like a pro. Honestly, it’s amazing how quickly Sam picked up on baking. He has a real knack for it.

We got to the venue early, so we can surprise everyone with the cake. I hide it somewhere and when I return to Sam, I see him with his sister. She’s alone and she looks like she’s had a tough time lately. I don’t want to impose on their family moment, but the two of them see me and don’t look away, so I walk over.

“Hi, Sarah.” She smiles at me, but I can tell she’s a little sad.

“Zara! Sam has been telling me so much about you. I’m so happy for you two. At least something nice came out of my wedding.” The tears she was holding back start to stream down her face. “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to hold it all back, but – ugh! I hate wasting so may tears on that asshole. Turns out he was in love with somebody else the entire time and, lucky for him, unlucky for me, she left whoever she was with and they could be together.” Sam brings her into a soft hug and she leans her forehead on his chest. He rubs her back, quietly saying,

“Everything is going to be okay. You were too good for him anyway. Who is Neil?” This gets a soft chuckle and Sarah brings her face back up, wiping away the tears.

“Uh, I told myself I wouldn’t cry today and I break my promise almost immediately. Don’t let me do it again.” She seems to be feeling better and then turns he attention to me, leaving Sam’s arms to come and gab. “Zara, you have to tell me how you got this beast of a man to settle down. And baking – oh my god! I never would have guessed.” She wraps an arm around my shoulder and starts to lead me in a different direction, deeper into the party. I turn back a look at Sam, but he shrugs, so it looks like I’m going to be bonding with Sarah.

“Yeah. He asked me to teach him some things.” We’re at the bar and Sarah orders us each a mimosa. I sip at it, not wanting to let the alcohol go to my head.

“He’s like a totally different person. I mean, he’s still the same Sam, but he’s like the best parts of himself now. He’s Sam 2.0.” I turn my eyes to the ground, a little embarrassed with all this talk about Sam. I’m not used to having people to talk to about things like this – at least people apart from my Mom. Nellie and Steph have been trying to get details out of me – and I’ve told them a few things – but I’m still a little shy.

“I think he’s great.” I feel my cheeks heating up and curse myself for being so easy to get off-kilter. Sarah sees this and nods.

“I see. You don’t want to tell the sister all the dirty details. We can still dish – just maybe keep the bedroom stuff for your other friends.” Sarah says this with a comforting hand on my shoulder and I’m able to shed some of my vague exterior. Maybe I can be friends with her. I had thought I would never make any friends – and then Nellie and Steph popped up in my life. Sarah would be a nice addition.

“I’ll do my best to keep the gross details to myself.” Sarah makes a face and then laughs.

“Ugh, I just imagined my brother being gross in bed,” she faux shivers. I start to get comfortable with her and the two of us laugh until Sam calls us over.

“Mama Wood is on her way. I need you to let everyone know, so we can prepare for her grand entrée.” Sarah and I go around telling the guests that Wynonna is on her way and when she enters, everyone has their eyes on her, witnessing her walk in. She really is gracefulness to a t. This is only the second time I’m meeting her and the impression she is leaving is pure elegance.

She hugs both of her children and thanks everyone for attending her birthday. Sam says he has a little surprise and he takes her over to the hidden cake. While Sam wheels it out, I watch as his Mom gets excited. He reveals our finished product and she claps with delight.

“Oh, Sam! I see you went for a theme. Italy, I’m guessing.” She goes to his side and he brings her into a side hug. I love watching how much this family loves one another. It reminds me of how close I was with my own mother.

Sam cuts his Mom the first slice and she takes a satisfied bite. Her face lights up and I know we got it just right. The two of them keep talking just with one another while Sarah and I cut each guest a piece of cake. Then, the two of us go to stand with the talkative two. They turn to us when we get to them.

“Sarah, darling, I was just asking your brother where he got this magnificent cake. Have you tried it? It’s amazing.” Sam’s gone a little quiet and I wonder why he hasn’t told his Mom that it’s his homemade gift to her yet. Before he or I can say anything, she asks me a question. “I remember you,” she says, point with her fork. “You were one of the bakers at the wedding. Did you make this?” I’m about to reveal all, but, thankfully, Sam beats me to it. It’s his moment.

“Mom. Um, I made it. I mean, Zara helped, immensely – which is why it’s a delicious as it is – but yeah. I’ve been taking lessons with her and we made it,” he admits it finally.

“Oh, Sam.” She throws her arms around him and mother and son share a heartfelt hug and moment for what feels like some time.