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Crazy Good Love by MF Isaacs (3)




It was still early in the evening when my parents pulled away. I figured I would get all my stuff organized and my bed made. When I make my way back to my room, Sierra has already started to make my bed. Curtis is gathering all the garbage from opening my bedding. Steve is holding my hanging mirror in one hand and my favorite sunset picture from this summer’s family vacation in the other. Steve spots me first, “Oh good, you can tell me where you want me to hang these.” I just stared at the trio in awe. I have never had anyone other than my family offer to help me, let alone do it without asking me first.

“I am not picky, but I would like the mirror to go over there” I indicated the general area close to the window for best lighting. “I want to be able to see the picture from my bed, so probably right there” he already had it against the wall in the place I had planned. “A little lower. Perfect, right there.” He wasn’t looking at the picture of where he had it against the wall, his eyes were on me. The sunset picture was my reminder to be thankful at the end of each day for the opportunities and experiences. So I wanted that to hang where I could see it while lying in bed. I told my mom why I wanted to have the picture blown up and framed, she reminded me some days the sun will shine bright and other days you have to go look for it.

Now that my dad and brothers were gone, I wanted to unpack my clothes. I didn’t really want my bras and underwear in storage under my bed. I set all the totes on my bed to start transferring items to my closet and dresser. As I pulled the top off the first one, I heard what can only be described as a growl. It was then I realized that Steve was standing just at the end of my bed and could see exactly what was in the tote. I could feel the heat as it worked its way up my neck and into my face. I made brief eye contact with Steve before looking away. He took the cover of the tote and gave me a slight shake of his head as he replaces the lid. “I am going to assume that your dad and brothers are not aware of what they were carrying in for you? We can finish unpacking this tote when they aren’t here.” he said as he tilted his head towards his siblings. I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to answer his question or if I was even supposed to respond at all. He turned away in the next second giving me my answer.

After everything, except my bras, underwear, and silky pajamas were unpacked, Sierra asked if I wanted to go to the gym for a quick workout before they close. I politely declined and told her I was going to check in with my brothers so I would be fine while she was gone. Curtis said he wanted to get a short workout in so he would go with her. Steve didn’t want to go, so he said goodnight to Sierra and told Curtis he would see him back at their place. Steve hung back after Sierra and Curtis took off. I wasn’t sure what to make of it until he said, “I can help you with the last tote now.”

I am sure the heat returned to my neck and face as I struggled with getting anything to come out of my mouth. “You, you don’t have to. I um, I mean I, I can put the stuff away myself.”

He looked me in the eye and asked, “Why do you have all that?”

I didn’t know what to say, I dipped my face away while I tried to come up with an honest answer that didn’t give him the wrong impression. I am sure if I saw a girl with all those sexy pajamas, fancy bras, lacy panties and g-stings I would assume that she was sexually experienced and quite possibly a stripper. I was tempted to tell him my mom got them for me, which technically wouldn’t be a lie since she was the one who paid for them. Once again, I stumbled through answering him, “My mom, my mom took me shopping for new school clothes and, and the sales lady at Nordstrom told my mom that um, that Victoria Secret was having their semi-annual sale on bras and underwear. She, she convinced my mom that she had to take me there for um, for back to school bras and underwear. I had never been in Victoria Secret I, I wasn’t expecting to have the sales lady put every type of panty in my basket. And when my mom wasn’t looking, she um she just kept adding more. Some of this stuff I haven’t even tried on. And, and you are right, my dad, my dad and brothers have no idea what was in there. Here is the real kicker, as twisted as it is my dad has always purchased my um, my underwear. I have no idea where he finds it; I mean I can only guess he shops in the old lady section. Thankfully he doesn’t shop by himself for my bras but, but he does come along with my mom and me. He picks them out for me to try on. Needless to say all of my bras have been the most functional plain white bras you can imagine.” I hear that growling sound again as I finish telling him about my boring bras. The noise makes me look up and I realize I was rambling on and on about my old lady bras and underwear. But in exchange for being totally embarrassed by my confession he just smiled. I didn’t know a smile could cause someone to lose track of what was being said. I don’t think I blinked, I think I just stood there and stared at him. It wasn’t until I saw he had the tote open that I was able to shake myself out of the lala land I’d been in. By the time I reached into the tote he already had a beautiful baby blue bra in one hand and the two different pair of panties that match in his other hand. He quietly asked if I wanted them all in one drawer, I bit my bottom lip in embarrassment and nodded. Set by set he moved everything to the drawer. He organized by sets, not just bras on one side and panties on the other. Something was happening to me, it was like an out of body experience it was more than electricity coursing through my body, it was like what I had always imagine being on drugs felt like. I had never in my life felt this buzz that was taking place; I wrapped my arm around myself because I felt so exposed. When he was done, he leaned so close I could feel his breath as he whispered, “Good night Hannah. I will see you in the morning.” before walking out of my room.

I am not sure how long I stood there in confusion; it very well could have been 5 minutes or an hour. The only thing that broke me out of it was my phone ringing with the distinct ring tone assigned to Calvin. I spent the rest of the night talking to him, then checking in with Kyler and finally texting good night to my mom and dad.

After Sierra returned from the gym we showered and got ready for bed. Lying in bed that night I tried to make sense of the day. By the time the day was over, I had the blessing of both my mom and dad to enjoy this time. I couldn’t help but remember the buzzing feeling being near Steve caused, it was more than enjoyable. But somehow, I don’t think that is what my parents were referring to when they said enjoy. Eventually I exhausted myself replaying the events of the day over and over in my head; it was about 1:45 am the last time I looked at the clock.




My first thought as I walked away from Hannah and her sexy fucking underwear is, it hurts to walk around with a stiffy. I couldn’t help conjuring up a visual of her wearing that baby blue bra and the skimpy ass showing g-string. I believed her when she said she hadn’t even tried on half the stuff, since the tags were still attached. I couldn’t get the thought of her trying everything on out of my mind, I would give anything to watch her.

My thoughts of seeing her in a fashion show of lingerie did nothing to ease the pain my tight jeans caused. She’d been wearing a pair of regular jeans and an oversized sweatshirt that kept her figure hidden. As soon as I saw the silk and lacy I knew her hidden figure was going to knock me down. My resolve to finish school and not worry about anyone other than Sierra is going to crumble. In the meantime, if I am going to walk around with a fucking boner like a twelve-year-old, I should probably invest in higher quality boxers, maybe silk will help.